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"咽音"是一种特殊质色的声音,咽音的物质基础是声音在频率2800~3100之间有一个高峰所产生的高泛音。咽音训练具有增强咽壁脱肉的能力,是喉咙稳定、打开喉咙。会厌与喉口咽壁形成"基音共鸣腔管",对提高发音能力、预防嗓音疾病、扩展音域有独特的功效。歌唱中含有适当的咽音成分有利于发出铿锵有力的高、低声音,从而形成歌唱中产生"心"(音柱)的美妙声音效果。  相似文献   

本文通过对声音产生的物理原理,对比分析歌唱发声的原理,提出问题--咽腔在歌唱中起着“通道“的作用,而会厌是挡在咽腔里的“拦路虎“,怎样解决?笔者通过论述介绍一种方法--张口,拉舌头的练习,以及练习的具体方法.  相似文献   

歌唱时,要获得圆润、优美的声音。就必须运用正确的、科学的歌唱方法——打开喉咙。打开喉咙对歌唱的重要性如同进屋要先开门一样。只有喉咙打开,气息才能垂直、顺畅的流动,再加上共鸣腔体的合理运用,才能出现理想的音色。  相似文献   

在声乐演唱中,共鸣在很大程度上决定声音的最终特点,从产生共鸣的各器官及各部位的共鸣来看,自然发声所获得的自然共鸣微乎其微,达不到我们演唱中良好的整体共鸣效果.整体共鸣包括了"咽腔、口咽腔、鼻腔、头腔及胸腔共鸣"等.在声乐演唱中的共鸣产生,是通过主观创造的最佳共鸣条件来直接控制共鸣而实现的,这样产生的整体共鸣则比自然共鸣更加坚实明亮,有弹性.  相似文献   

歌唱时,要获得圆润、优美的声音。就必须运用正确的、科学的歌唱方法——打开喉咙。打开喉咙对歌唱者的重要性如同进屋要先开门一样。只有喉咙打开,气息才能垂直、顺畅的流动,再加上共鸣腔体的合理运用,才能出现理想的音色。  相似文献   

会认主人的枪 美国有一家著名的武器公司用了3年的时间,耗费50万美元研制成功了3种会认主人的枪。 一种是只有拿在主人手里才能射击;一种是识别出主人的声音才能射击;一种是通过特定电子(或磁)装置来打开自身携带的闭锁装置,没有主人特有的“钥匙”就无法射击。  相似文献   

歌唱的呼吸是决定歌唱技术水平高低的关键。歌唱的发声是气流振动声带而发音,这时声音很微弱,还需通过气流将声波传送到各共鸣腔,才能获得流畅、响亮、优美、园润而绚丽多彩的声音。  相似文献   

正常人咽腔气体流场数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究人体咽腔内的气体流动状况,基于10名志愿者的螺旋CT医学图像,应用表面重建的方法对人咽腔进行三维重建,并采用有限单元法和有限体积法两种数值方法对志愿者吸气过程中咽腔中的气流场进行了数值模拟及分析. 所建模型较真实地反映了咽腔实际解剖结构形态,有限单元法和有限体积法两种数值模拟方法计算结果相近,从数值模拟结果可以得到人体呼吸过程中气体流场在咽腔内压力与速度的分布规律. 本研究对吸气时人咽腔中气体流动特性、临床上咽腔解剖结构相关疾病的诊断及发病机理等问题深入探讨具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Q & A     
Q:为什么打哈欠时听到别人说话声音好像小了?A:在我们的咽喉部有一条叫做咽鼓管的小管。咽鼓管将中耳和咽腔连接,它的作用就是保持中耳的空气压力与外界空气压力平衡。平常,咽鼓管处于关闭状态,鼓膜内外两侧空气维持着比较稳定的状态,使得鼓膜可以捕捉外界的声音信号。当人打哈欠或者做吞咽动作时,咽鼓管才开放。这  相似文献   

气息:气息“支点”即声乐气息的保持中心的高低变化是由气息对息对声乐作用力的大小直接决定的;“打开喉咙”与“喉结稳定”实质上是喉头和气息相对运动平衡的规律性变化,歌唱共鸣腔的高低变化是由人声共鸣体头腔,胸腔具有大小之别和声带具有渐变特性所决定的;声音的“靠前与靠后”是歌唱母语着力点的前后变化。  相似文献   

针对声乐教学中过于注重演唱意大利语歌曲及在教学初期运用中国歌曲进行教学的现象,通过介绍和分析美声唱法上意大利语音的美声演唱优势与汉语语音的美声演唱难点,对美声唱法教学中意大利语音的合理运用提出一些自己的见解,并结合汉语语音特点给出训练方法。  相似文献   

Voice-selective areas in human auditory cortex   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Belin P  Zatorre RJ  Lafaille P  Ahad P  Pike B 《Nature》2000,403(6767):309-312
The human voice contains in its acoustic structure a wealth of information on the speaker's identity and emotional state which we perceive with remarkable ease and accuracy. Although the perception of speaker-related features of voice plays a major role in human communication, little is known about its neural basis. Here we show, using functional magnetic resonance imaging in human volunteers, that voice-selective regions can be found bilaterally along the upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus (STS). These regions showed greater neuronal activity when subjects listened passively to vocal sounds, whether speech or non-speech, than to non-vocal environmental sounds. Central STS regions also displayed a high degree of selectivity by responding significantly more to vocal sounds than to matched control stimuli, including scrambled voices and amplitude-modulated noise. Moreover, their response to stimuli degraded by frequency filtering paralleled the subjects' behavioural performance in voice-perception tasks that used these stimuli. The voice-selective areas in the STS may represent the counterpart of the face-selective areas in human visual cortex; their existence sheds new light on the functional architecture of the human auditory cortex.  相似文献   

在一些声乐初学者中,常由于不科学的技术训练、不良的听觉习惯和错误的审美观,导致出现一些发声毛病,特别是像喉音、鼻音、白声等最为常见,本文通过对形成错误发声原因的分析,提出解决方法,以便歌者能更好的学习歌唱。  相似文献   

S Nowicki 《Nature》1987,325(6099):53-55
The complexity and dependence on learning of many bird sounds have suggested parallels between birdsong and human speech, but the mechanisms by which each is produced have been supposed to differ markedly. In human speech, resonances of the vocal tract are thought to modulate in complex ways the sound produced by vibration of the vocal folds. The current theory of birdsong production holds that all variation in sound quality arises from the primary sound-producing organ, the syrinx, and that resonances of the vocal tract play no part. Here I present evidence, obtained from acoustic analyses of birdsongs recorded in a helium atmosphere, which contradicts this hypothesis. Not only does the songbird's vocal tract act as an acoustic filter, but its filter characteristics are actively coordinated with the output of the syrinx. Songbird and human phonation are thus more analogous than previously thought, in that both require coordination of an array of diverse motor systems.  相似文献   

Eliades SJ  Wang X 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1102-1106
Vocal communication involves both speaking and hearing, often taking place concurrently. Vocal production, including human speech and animal vocalization, poses a number of unique challenges for the auditory system. It is important for the auditory system to monitor external sounds continuously from the acoustic environment during speaking despite the potential for sensory masking by self-generated sounds. It is also essential for the auditory system to monitor feedback of one's own voice. This self-monitoring may play a part in distinguishing between self-generated or externally generatedauditory inputs and in detecting errors in our vocal production. Previous work in humans and other animals has demonstrated that the auditory cortex is largely suppressed during speaking or vocalizing. Despite the importance of self-monitoring, the underlying neural mechanisms in the mammalian brain, in particular the role of vocalization-induced suppression, remain virtually unknown. Here we show that neurons in the auditory cortex of marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) are sensitive to auditory feedback during vocal production, and that changes in the feedback alter the coding properties of these neurons. Furthermore, we found that the previously described cortical suppression during vocalization actually increased the sensitivity of these neurons to vocal feedback. This heightened sensitivity to vocal feedback suggests that these neurons may have an important role in auditory self-monitoring.  相似文献   

语言是一种以语音为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律而构成的体系。词汇是语言的最小单位,由语音、形态、语义三大要素构成。语言是人的思维的产物,人类的逻辑思维内嵌于词汇各要素信息内部。把握词汇内部的逻辑性规律,对借助词汇的逻辑知识来演绎新的词汇和语义,推动二语习得有借鉴。  相似文献   

应用大体解剖和组织学方法对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)和花背蟾蜍(Buforaddei)的发声器官进行了初步观察和比较。结果表明:中国林蛙有独立的前杓状软骨和枕声带,而花背蟾蜍则没有上述结构。花背蟾蜍的声带侧部为规则致密结缔组织构成的膜状结构,并且前端有一对肉质化的纤维小球,喉室末端有一对后膜,而中国林蛙的声带侧部由无规则致密结缔组织构成的肉质化纤维柱状结构,喉室的末端无后膜结构。前者的声带中部为一对厚度均匀的膜系结构。而后者声带中部在不同区域也存在明显的差异,中国林蛙的声囊类型为咽侧内声囊,花背蟾蜍的声囊类型为咽下内声囊。统计分析表明二者声带中部的相对长度和宽度分别存在显著性和极显著性的差异。最后,初步分析了喉部结构差异对声音产生的影响,为揭示蛙科与蟾蜍科叫声特异性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

民族声乐教学体系中有严重的"西化倾向"现象。故提出在重视吸纳传统声乐技艺的同时,发掘本土资源并将其转化纳入民族声乐教学实践,通过借鉴京剧艺术发声中"脑后音","带控制的鼻音"共鸣,呼吸上的偷气、换气、存气、歇气,吐字咬字的"叼字"、"喷口"等声腔技巧,使其能在音乐创新教育领域中得到充分运用与传承,使民族声乐教学更具民族性与独特性,彰显地方本土特点,并且在全球一体化的发展动态中,始终保持本民族的音乐文化特色。  相似文献   

由瑞典皇家技术学会(KTH)于2000年开发的Wavesurfer声谱分析软件能对声音数据进行观察、编辑、分类等多种分析.将其运用到鸟类鸣声分析中,更简单直观的获得鸟类鸣声的声学特性,为深入研究鸟类发声机理和发声行为提供技术支持.  相似文献   

Bird songs frequently contain trilling sounds that demand extremely fast vocalization control. Here we show that doves control their syrinx, a vocal organ that is unique to birds, by using superfast muscles. These muscles, which are similar to those that operate highly specialist acoustic organs such as the rattle of the rattlesnake, are among the fastest vertebrate muscles known and could be much more widespread than previously thought if they are the principal muscle type used to control bird songs.  相似文献   

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