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为了充分利用服务端存储模式计算机的非本地存储特性,该文提出了一种适用于服务端存储的可信计算模型。该模型通过把原有的可信平台模块硬件逻辑化为服务端软件模块,不仅降低了可信计算模型实施的难度,而且提高了其灵活性和扩展性。同时该模型从客户端系统的引导阶段出发构建完整的可信链,保证了可信计算平台的安全性。原型系统实现的结果表明:由于系统中所有客户端的信任度量均在服务端完成,使服务端能制定针对局域网全网的安全策略,进而实现真正的局域网网络可信。  相似文献   

针对现有的CSCW系统不能有效地保障终端平台的可信性以及安全策略和上层应用实施的完整性等问题,提出了基于可信计算技术的CSCW访问控制架构和协作站点间的基于角色的委托授权策略,分别描述了安全策略与共享对象密钥的分发协议、角色委托协议及策略完整性实施协议等.应用实例表明:该框架基于完整的协作实体-平台-应用信任链的构建,提供了可信的协作实体身份与访问控制平台,依赖平台远程证明和策略分发实现了在本地站点上的完整性实施;同时角色委托提高了协同工作能力,也减轻了服务器端集中式策略执行的负担.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于网格环境的可信计算平台共享模型以提高可信与非可信节点混合环境下的整体安全性.模型允许非可信网格节点借用可信节点的可信平台模块及其核心服务以提高自身参与网络协同的可信程度,有助于提高当前网格环境中可信应用的范围.在模型中同时设计了远程协商协议、密钥迁移协议、验证和证明协议来解决共享过程中的交互问题.分析表明使用本模型可以平衡网格的安全性与代价,降低可信计算应用的门槛.  相似文献   

为了防止恶意用户对车联网云平台进行欺骗,提出通过远程证明对用户属性和可信平台状态进行验证的方案.一方面,采用模糊属性签名方案可以确保终端的匿名性,避免用户身份及隐私信息泄露;另一方面,采用本方案可利用终端的可信模块及可信链传递机制,从而确保硬件、固件及软件的可信性和时效性.此外,在远程证明方案中,向车联网云平台的管理模块申请前用户先提供其行为预测方程,并且云管理模块将一段时间后的行为特征值组与预测方程进行比对,由此确定用户运行程序的动态可信性.采用该方案可有效实现对车联网云用户的远程证明.  相似文献   

在分析了虚拟企业访问控制需求的基础上,扩展传统的基于角色的访问控制模型(RBAC),定义了一种跨企业RBAC(CE—RBAC)模型,该模型能在虚拟企业环境中方便地实现跨企业的安全访问控制。  相似文献   

针对云计算的特点和安全需求对比分析当前流行的访问控制技术,以基于行为的访问控制和基于任务的访问控制模型的为参考,提出了一种基于任务行为的访问控制模型TABAC(Task-Action-Based Access Control Model),实现基于行为的访问控制模型和工作流的有机结合。经过安全分析,该模型不仅能实现安全的访问控制,而且适应云计算环境动态性、异构性的特点。通过特征比较,表明该模型具有较好地实用性,较好地实现了当前云环境的安全需求。  相似文献   

基于可信计算的移动平台设计方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在深入研究现有可信移动平台设计方案和TCG移动可信模块相关技术的基础上,提出了带有移动可信模块的可信移动平台设计方案.平台采用基带处理器和应用处理器分离的结构,利用移动可信模块构建了以应用处理器为中心的可信区域,为移动平台提供受保护的计算和存储空间,提高了移动平台的安全性、灵活性和可靠性.分析了现有可信移动平台安全引导过程安全漏洞,提出了改进的安全引导过程,并通过谓词逻辑对改进的引导过程进行了正确性验证.  相似文献   

可信计算平台是信息安全技术研究的一个热点.本文详细介绍了可信计算平台的组成及其体系结构,描述了可信计算平台的特点和原理机制,并对目前可信计算平台的研究现状和存在的问题进行了总结.  相似文献   

可信计算平台是信息安全技术研究的一个热点。本文详细介绍了可信计算平台的组成及其体系结构,描述了可信计算平台的特点和原理机制,并对目前可信计算平台的研究现状和存在的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

TPM的工作模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对现有计算机系统的安全问题.可信计算平台被认为是比较有前景的发展方向.在可信计算平台中.其核心技术主要浓缩在TPM之中。本文系统地描述了TPM的体系结构.从理论上介绍了TPM的组成部件和工作流程.并简要分析了我国在这方面的研究策略。  相似文献   

基于可信计算思想提出了一个车联网云平台用户间的安全通信模型.该模型借助可信第三方,在申请通信服务过程中为车联网云用户生成临时身份,即对车联网云用户身份进行匿名化处理,以实现对用户身份隐私的保护.在通信过程中,该模型采用双线性对签名的算法分别对用户的身份合法性和平台可信性进行认证,并有效地使用了随机数、密钥和时间戳,以密钥和散列函数确保了签名的不可伪造性,以时间戳确保了密钥的时效性,以随机数机制防止了重放攻击.分析结果表明:在车联网云平台中采用该通信模型可以使通信过程具备可信性、安全性和匿名性.  相似文献   

针对云计算中用户访问的安全性问题,提出一个基于双重身份认证的安全策略模型.基于单向散列函数的特性,利用主机MAC地址和用户指纹的唯一性,建立按用户类型进行身份认证的访问控制策略,并在用户和云服务器之间建立一种相互认证关系,确保通信双方的合法身份,保护了用户安全性和云服务器数据的保密性.  相似文献   

Existing remote attestation schemes based on trusted computing have some merits on enhancing security assurance level, but they usually do not integrate tightly with the classical system security mechanism. In this paper, we present a component named remote attestation-based access controller (RABAC), which is based on a combination of techniques, such as random number, Bell-La Padula (BLP) model, user identity combined with his security properties and so on. The component can validate the current hardware and software integrity of the remote platform, and implement access control with different security policy. We prove that the RABAC can not only improve the security of transferred information in remote attestation process but also integrate remote attestation and classical system security mechanism effectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a trusted mobile payment environment (TMPE) based on trusted computing and virtualization technology. There are a normal operating system (OS) and a trusted OS (TOS) in TMPE. We store the image of TOS in a memory card to hinder tampering. The integrity of TOS is protected by means of a trusted platform module (TPM). TOS can only be updated through a trusted third party. In addition, virtualization technology is applied to isolate TOS from normal OS. Users complete ordinary affairs in normal OS and security-sensitive affairs in TOS. TMPE can offer users a highly protected environment for mobile payment. Moreover, TMPE has good compatibility in different hardware architectures of mobile platforms. As the evaluation shows, TMPE satisfies the requirement of mobile payment well.  相似文献   

The Chinese specification for trusted computing, which has similar functions with those defined by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), has adopted a different cryptography scheme. Applications designed for the TCG specifications cannot directly function on platforms complying with Chinese specifications because the two cryptography schemes are not compatible with each other. In order to transplant those applications with little to no modification, the paper presents a formal compatibility model based on Zaremski and Wing’s type system. Our model is concerned not only on the syntactic compatibility for data type, but also on the semantic compatibility for cryptographic attributes according to the feature of trusted computing. A compatibility algorithm is proposed based on the model to generate adapters for trusted computing applications.  相似文献   

A new multi-signature scheme was proposed with the extension of the direct anonymous attestation (DAA) protocol supported by trusted computing (TC) technology. Analysis and simulation results show that the signer’s privacy is well protected with dynamic anonymity, the public key and signatures have length independent of the number of signature members, new signers are allowed to join the signature without modifying the public key, and attacks caused by secret key dumping or leaking can be avoided. Biography: HAO Liming (1982–), male, Ph.D. candidate, research direction: trusted computing and trust management in P2P system.  相似文献   

This paper fist gives an investigation on trusted computing on mainstream operation system (OS). Based on the observations, it is pointed out that Trusted Computing cannot be achieved due to the lack of separation mechanism of the components in mainstream OS. In order to provide a kind of separation mechanism, this paper proposes a separated domain-based kernel model (SDBKM), and this model is verified by non-interference theory. By monitoring and simplifying the trust dependence between domains, this model can solve problems in trust measurement such as deny of service (DoS) attack, Host security, and reduce the overhead of measurement.  相似文献   

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