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火成岩储层研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
从商 741地区测井资料及试油试采资料入手 ,结合钻井取心、测井资料及地震资料等相关资料 ,根据有关公式计算出了裂缝的产状和张开度及储层特征 ,对储层裂缝系统中裂缝的产状、张开度和储层的孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度进行了室内研究 ,并对火成岩成因油藏进行了分析 ,找出了一种适合该区火成岩储层的评价方法 .通过储层评价 ,确定了 4类储集层并划分出了储层的有效裂缝带 ,从而确定了该区原油分布的主要规律 ,以期指导该区的开发方案设计 .  相似文献   

塔里木盆地火成岩对碳酸盐岩储层的改造作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
塔里木盆地形成与演化过程中出现过多期的岩浆侵入与喷发活动,形成了多种类型的火成岩体.岩浆活动形成的火成岩带来了地壳深部的热液流体,其中富含二氧化碳、硫化氢、硫、及少量一氧化碳、氢、HCl、NH3、NH4Cl、HF等的酸性流体对上部碳酸盐岩储层产生了多种多样的改造作用,包括大理岩化作用、萤石化作用、热液白云岩化作用、热液溶蚀作用等.多种改造作用的结果,使得原本致密的碳酸盐岩储层,形成了大量各种类型的孔洞,孔隙度大大增加,储集性能得到改善.勘探过程中,火成岩的出现可以预示附近地区良好储层的发育,为勘探油气起到了示踪作用.  相似文献   

月球Aristarchus地区的物质成分与岩石类型分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
月球Aristarchus地区是月球正面反照率最高的地区.它具有丰富的物质类型分布,包括月球最大规模的火成碎屑沉积物,非常年轻的Aristarchus撞击坑溅射物以及环绕Aristarchus高原的月海玄武岩分布,存在火山、撞击构造等地质作用,具有重要研究价值.本文利用来自嫦娥一号干涉成像光谱仪、ClementineUVVIS相机、LunarProspector伽马谱仪等月球探测数据,综合分析Aristarchus地区的元素分布状况、矿物与岩石光谱特征、岩石类型分布特征.研究表明,Aristarchus地区的光谱特征和物质类型极为丰富,包括火成碎屑沉积物、月海玄武岩、高地斜长岩、KREEP岩以及演化程度较高的碱性斜长岩等特殊岩石类型,为月球地质学研究中不可多得的案例区域,因而可作为我国探月工程三期(嫦娥五号或六号)月球取样返回候选地区之一.  相似文献   

王武  梁东民 《科技信息》2007,(6):208-208
本文通过对孟庄矿3920工作面掘进施工遇火成岩侵蚀实际情况的分析,提出了掘进工作面过火成岩侵蚀区一些有针对性的措施,为类似条件的巷道施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Touboul M  Kleine T  Bourdon B  Palme H  Wieler R 《Nature》2007,450(7173):1206-1209
The Moon is thought to have formed from debris ejected by a giant impact with the early 'proto'-Earth and, as a result of the high energies involved, the Moon would have melted to form a magma ocean. The timescales for formation and solidification of the Moon can be quantified by using 182Hf-182W and 146Sm-142Nd chronometry, but these methods have yielded contradicting results. In earlier studies, 182W anomalies in lunar rocks were attributed to decay of 182Hf within the lunar mantle and were used to infer that the Moon solidified within the first approximately 60 million years of the Solar System. However, the dominant 182W component in most lunar rocks reflects cosmogenic production mainly by neutron capture of 181Ta during cosmic-ray exposure of the lunar surface, compromising a reliable interpretation in terms of 182Hf-182W chronometry. Here we present tungsten isotope data for lunar metals that do not contain any measurable Ta-derived 182W. All metals have identical 182W/184W ratios, indicating that the lunar magma ocean did not crystallize within the first approximately 60 Myr of the Solar System, which is no longer inconsistent with Sm-Nd chronometry. Our new data reveal that the lunar and terrestrial mantles have identical 182W/184W. This, in conjunction with 147Sm-143Nd ages for the oldest lunar rocks, constrains the age of the Moon and Earth to Myr after formation of the Solar System. The identical 182W/184W ratios of the lunar and terrestrial mantles require either that the Moon is derived mainly from terrestrial material or that tungsten isotopes in the Moon and Earth's mantle equilibrated in the aftermath of the giant impact, as has been proposed to account for identical oxygen isotope compositions of the Earth and Moon.  相似文献   

提出了基于单相关系数搜索的变形的n维黄金分割算法的重磁成像方法,并利用该方法反演了济阳坳陷花沟地区的视密度与视磁化强度的三维空间分布,据此结合钻井、磁力和重力异常图对该地区火成岩的三维空间分布进行了推断.花沟地区共推断出42个酸性火成岩和33个基性火成岩,并按200 m的深度间隔分11层编制了深度为900~2900 m内各层上的火成岩深度切片图,其结果较好地展示了该区火成岩的空间分布.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷花沟地区火成岩重磁成像解释方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了基于单相关系数搜索的变形的n维黄金分割算法的重磁成像方法,并利用该方法反演了济阳坳陷花沟地区的视密度与视磁化强度的三维空间分布,据此结合钻井、磁力和重力异常图对该地区火成岩的三维空间分布进行了推断。花沟地区共推断出42个酸性火成岩和33个基性火成岩,并按200m的深度间隔分11层编制了深度为900~2900m内各层上的火成岩深度切片图,其结果较好地展示了该区火成岩的空间分布。  相似文献   

月球之上的希望"绿洲"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在人类向茫茫宇宙进发的羁旅中,第一块“绿洲”的出现,因发现月球上水的存在而燃起了希望。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩油气藏成藏条件探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩(侵入岩,喷出岩和火山碎屑岩)的分布及其油气成藏规律进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)近油源,富油源是火成岩成藏的基本条件;(2)火成岩储层以构造裂缝为主,其形成与盆地内区域性的构造断裂,构造运动和火成岩的多旋回性活动有关,浅埋藏,成岩作用弱是火成岩中原生孔隙得以良好保存的重要条件。(3)火成岩成藏过程中的油气运移,聚集模式可分为同层运聚型,上层运聚型和下层运聚型3种类型,其中同层运聚型具有良好的成藏条件,是渤海湾盆地中最常见的成藏模式,分布在近油源,近断裂带的火成岩具有有利的成藏条件,是火成岩油气藏有利的勘探区带。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩油气藏成藏条件探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩 (侵入岩、喷出岩和火山碎屑岩 )的分布及其油气成藏规律进行了分析。研究结果表明 :①近油源、富油源是火成岩成藏的基本条件。②火成岩储层以构造裂缝为主 ,其形成与盆地内区域性的构造断裂、构造运动和火成岩的多旋回性活动有关 ,浅埋藏、成岩作用弱是火成岩中原生孔隙得以良好保存的重要条件。③火成岩成藏过程中的油气运移、聚集模式可分为同层运聚型、上层运聚型和下层运聚型 3种类型。其中同层运聚型具有良好的成藏条件 ,是渤海湾盆地中最常见的成藏模式。分布在近油源、近断裂带的火成岩具有有利的成藏条件 ,是火成岩油气藏有利的勘探区带  相似文献   

Glass is ubiquitous in lunar regolith,and volcanism and hyper-velocity impacts are the major mechanisms of forming lunar glasses.Volcanic glasses on the Moon oc...  相似文献   

Helium-3 (3He) implanted by solar wind in the lunar regolith is a valuable resource because of its potential as a fusion fuel. On the basis of the Apollo regolith samples, a linear relationship between 3He abundance and solar wind flux, optical maturity and TiO2 content has been presented. China successfully launched its first lunar exploration satellite Chang-E 1 (CE-1) on October 24, 2007. A multi-channeled microwave radiometer was aboard the satellite with the purpose of measuring microwave thermal emission from the lunar surface layer. From the multi-channel brightness temperature (Tb) observed by CE-1, the global distribution of the regolith thickness was inverted from the multi-channel Tb, and was used to evaluate the total amount of 3He per unit area in the lunar regolith. The global inventory of 3He was estimated as being 6.6×108 kg; 3.7×108 kg for the lunar nearside and 2.9×108 kg for the lunar farside.  相似文献   

导出了用摄动力3个分量表示的相对论摄动运动方程,并讨论了人造地球卫星在空气阻力作用下的相对论运动方程.  相似文献   

本文以徐家围子地区深层火山岩气层为具体研究对象,通过地震、录井、测井资料与岩心分析资料的对比研究搞清火山岩的岩石类型、裂缝发育程度,对火山岩储层参数进行评价.通过对火山岩储层的系统研究,初步建立火山岩的评价方法,建立火山岩的测井、地震等解释模型.  相似文献   

T Gorr  T Kleinschmidt  H Fricke 《Nature》1991,351(6325):394-397
The origin of tetrapods has been debated for many years. In traditional systematics, the extinct lobe-finned bony fish (Rhipidistia) are regarded as the closest relatives of tetrapods. Among living fish, the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia), which is the only recent representative of the Crossopterygii (Actinistia and Rhipidistia), the lungfish (Dipnoi) and ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii), have each been considered as sister-groups of the tetrapods. We have now determined the sequence of the alpha- and beta-globin chains of coelacanth haemoglobin and compared them with all known haemoglobins of bony and cartilaginous fish as well as those of tadpoles and adult amphibians. Haemoglobins of bony fish match more closely those of larval than adult amphibians. The beta chains of Latimeria match those of tadpoles more closely (54%) than do those of any other fish, whereas the alpha chains of Latimeria (45.4%), and especially of teleosts (49.2%), are closer to those of larval amphibians than are those of lungfish (39.8%). If only synapomorphous sequence matches (those at derived positions shared by one bony fish and tadpoles but not by any other bony fish) are considered, both Latimeria globin chains have distinctly more identities with phase of tadpoles than do those of any bony fish. Thus the primary structure of Latimeria haemoglobin indicates that the coelacanth is the closest living relative of tetrapods.  相似文献   

关于中秋月饼产生的时间和原因,有多种说法。经过文献考证可知,中国饼食的制作有古远的历史,而月饼的前身是汉代以来的胡饼。关于中秋月饼产生于唐代和宋代的说法都是没有确凿依据的。有充分资料证明,作为中秋节节令食品的月饼正式出现于明代,开始它是拜月的供品,后来才演变为节令食品。  相似文献   

Impacts of meteoroids on the Moon should cause detectable optical flashes, but the population of objects that are big enough is very low, and hitherto no unambiguous impact flashes have been recorded. The flux of meteoroids associated with the Leonid meteor shower of 18 November 1999 was predicted to produce observable flashes on the night side of the Moon. Here we report the unambiguous detection of five such impact flashes, three of which were seen simultaneously by other observers. We also observed a possible impact flash on 16 July 1999. All of the flashes were of very brief duration (<0.02 s), as expected for high-speed impacts.  相似文献   

目前,月面太阳能依然是人类进行月面探测的最主要能量来源之一.因此,对月面光照情况的研究不仅为月球的形成演化研究提供重要科学信息,同时也对月球探测有着重要的工程和国防意义.本文利用LRO(Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)获得最新的高精度((1/1 024)°)的月面地形数据,创新性地提出了一个基于多线程编程技术的计算算法,实现了并行计算.分辨率和计算效率都较之前的结果有了很大提高,在较短的时间内生成了月球两极地区最低太阳高度角数据库,为今后的月球两极区域高精度和时间长跨度的光照条件分析提供了数据支持.  相似文献   

一、一种更安全、更高效率的聚变能源当前 ,世界范围内聚变研究主要集中在氘—氚反应 ,因为它比较容易点火 ,然而这种反应释放能量的80%是由中子携带 ,因而将导致反应堆的结构部件严重损伤 ,同时诱发结构材料产生大量放射性 ,给环境安全、维修、更换部件带来一定困难。于是 ,人们开始探索所谓先进燃料聚变 ,研究得比较多的是D 3He反应。它基本上不产生中子 ,仅仅由于D D副反应产生大约1%~5%(与燃料混合比有关)的中子功率 ,可以大大减轻材料的辐射损伤和降低感生放射性的水平 ,不会产生高放射性水平的核废料。由于中子壁负载降…  相似文献   

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