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Summary The behavioral effects of a plasma protein fraction used as a plasma expander were determined in rats at various blood replacement levels. Results of operant conditioning tests indicated that significant treatment effects occurred on the first 3 days following transfusion. Initial decrements in performance were directly related to the lowered hematocrit levels following transfusion.In conducting the research described in this report, the investigators adhered to the Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care as promulgated by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Science, National Research Council. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.  相似文献   

Summary A protein fraction has been identified in microsomes prepared from the rat hypothalamus whose rate of synthesis fluctuates diurnally in ovariectomized animals.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mikroableitungen während des postkalorischen Nystagmus von Neuronen der Area 17 des Affen ergaben Entladungsmuster der Neuronen synchron dem Nystagmusrhythmus, obwohl die Belichtung der Augen verhindert war.

Supported by the U.S. Public Health Service and a grant from the IBRO/UNESCO.  相似文献   

Riassunto Sono state frazionate le proteine solubili estratte dal rene di ratto, mediante cromatografia su colonna di DEAE-cellulosa. Quattro enzimi sono stati localizzati nelle varie frazioni. Sono stati paragonati i profili cromatografici del rene del maschio, della femmina e della femmina sottoposta a trattamento con androgeni.

Supported by NIH Grant and by the CNR.  相似文献   

In rabbit, the depression of the visual cortex by KCl showed an enhancement of the collicular evoked potentials. This enhancement revealed that the visual cortex had exerted a tonic type influence upon the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

J Artieda  J Ullán 《Experientia》1979,35(6):782-783
By means of the HRP method it was shown that the entire cerebral cortex, but in greater proportion the frontal and posterior temporo-parietal regions, receive fibres from the dorsal and medial raphe nuclei and from the locus coeruleus. In contrast, the pars compacta substantiae nigrae and the tegmental area send projections to the motor and cingular areas respectively.  相似文献   

Summary In rabbit, the depression of the visual cortex by KCl showed an enhancement of the collicular evoked potentials. This enhancement revealed that the visual cortex had exerted a tonic type influence upon the superior colliculus. M. Dubuc was supported by training grant No. 217-617-489 of the Ministère de l'Education du Québec.  相似文献   

J N Tone  D R Jensen 《Experientia》1976,32(3):369-371
Bound gossypol levels in the spleen and kidney of rats ingesting dietary gossypol (0.98%) varied directly with the feeding intervals of 6, 14, 28 and 35 days. Free gossypol level in the kidney, spleen and lungs increased for 14 days and then tended to decrease as the feeding period was extended.  相似文献   

Résumé A la stimulation périphérique on enregistre dans le colliculus supérieur du chat anesthésié au chloralose, trois types de réponses: réponse à la lumière, réponses somesthésiques et acoustiques de courte latence et réponses somesthésiques et acoustiques de longue latence. Les résponses somesthésiques et acoustiques de longue latence sont sous le contrôle du cortex visuel tandis que les réponses somesthésiques et acoustiques de courte latence ne dépendent pas de cette région corticale. La réponse à la lumière semble correspondre à une décharge complexe, comprenant l'activation de deux systèmes: un système direct rétino-colliculaire et un système indirect rétino-cortico-colliculaire.  相似文献   

Summary Senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) is a major problem in the human senescent population. As this pathology cannot be reproduced in animals, research into its development is greatly impeded. The technique of implantation of the nervous tissue has been utilized in order to establish an animal model and to test the possible existence of a transmissible agent. When human temporal cortex with Alzheimer's disease is implanted in the occipital cortex of 7-week-old rats, human cerebral tissue containing abundant tangles induces in the receiver cortex a reactive fibrous gliosis. In the processes of the astrocytes, twisted filaments are evident among bundles of normal filaments. These alterations could be induced by the metabolising of abnormal filament subunits or by some infectious agent introduced by the implant.This study is supported by grant No. 2.4517.82 of Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective of Belgium.  相似文献   

Senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) is a major problem in the human senescent population. As this pathology cannot be reproduced in animals, research into its development is greatly impeded. The technique of implantation of the nervous tissue has been utilized in order to establish an animal model and to test the possible existence of a transmissible agent. When human temporal cortex with Alzheimer's disease is implanted in the occipital cortex of 7-week-old rats, human cerebral tissue containing abundant tangles induces in the receiver cortex a reactive fibrous gliosis. In the processes of the astrocytes, twisted filaments are evident among bundles of normal filaments. These alterations could be induced by the metabolising of abnormal filament subunits or by some infectious agent introduced by the implant.  相似文献   

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