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On November 6, 2008, the 6th Meeting of Heads of Research Councils in Asia was held in Jeju, Korea. NSFC President Prof. Chen Yiyu headed a 4-member delegation to attend the meeting. His counterparts, Mr. Hyung Chul Moon, Acting Chairman and CEO of Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) and Prof. Motoyuki Ono, President of Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) also headed their delegations at their presence. In the meeting, three organizations presented their own latest sci ence and technology policies and had an active discussion on topics of mutual interests.  相似文献   

On December 2 to 4, 2004, the Second Meeting of the Heads of Research Councils of Asian Countries (A-HORCs) was successfully held in Shanghai. Prof. Motoyuki Ono, President of Japan Society for the Promotionof Science (JSPS), Prof. Oh Kab Kwon, Chairman and CEO of Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF), and Prof. Shen Wenqing, Vice President of NSFC (on behalf of NSFC President Chen Yiyu) head-ed their respective delegations to attend the meeting. Prof. Chen Yi…  相似文献   

Prof. Shen Wenqing, Vice president of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the second meeting of ASIAGORCs in Japan which was held from Nov. 27 to 28, 2008 and delivered his speech entitled "Regional scientific collaboration in the era of globalization of science and research".  相似文献   

The 16th Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held in Dalian,Liaoning Provence, China on May 29th,2012,with 26 participants in total from both countries. The Korean delegation is composed of Prof. Gulwoo Lee,head of the delegation and Secretary General of NRF,Prof.Young In  相似文献   

The 15th Meeting of the China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfullyheld in Busan, Korea on June 16, 2011. 33 bilateral cooperativ...  相似文献   

The 17th' Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held inJeju, Korea on May 22, 2013. Through serious evaluation, the Joint Committee have selected 32 bilat eral cooperative projects to fund for FY 2013, including 22 joint research projects and 10 joint seminars. The committee members also made in-depth discussions on the issues such as how to strengthen future bilateral cooperation.  相似文献   

According to the cooperative agreement between NSFC and KOSEF, the 9th Meeting of China-Korea JointCommittee for Basic Scientific Research was successfully held in Pusan, Korea from May 16 to 19, 2005. A to-tal of 20 Joint Committee members and staffs from NSFC and KOSEF participated in this meeting. ProfessorZhu Zuoyan, Vice President of NSFC, and Prof. Oh-Kab Kwon, Chairman and CEO of KOSEF, led the dele-gations from each side, respectively. Through the review, the meeti…  相似文献   

夏训诚  王富葆  胡文康 《科学》2006,58(1):53-55
罗布泊位于我国新疆维吾尔自治区若羌县东北部,因地处塔里木盆地东部的古“丝绸之路”要冲而著称于世。2000多年来,不少中外探险家来罗布泊考察,写下了许多专著和名篇,发表了不少有关罗布泊的报道。但是,由于各种局限和偏见,也制造了许多讹误,为罗布泊罩上了神秘的色彩。  相似文献   

余文 《自然杂志》2007,29(3):174-178
初夏时节,暖意正浓,科学界也是一片欣欣向荣。如今,看病有了“纳米鼻子”,癌症治疗依靠“迷你细胞”,人类的医疗水平将迈上新的台阶。神经细胞迁移如何控制、光合作用靠“谁”引导,科学家们已初窥个中奥妙。然而环境问题却依然突出,地球上“珍稀生物生存环境”日益恶化,火星也面临“全球变暖”,希望可存储清洁能源的COF材料的诞生有助于缓解温室效应,这样人类才不用迁移至“第二地球”。首幅完整高分辨率基因控制通路结构图问世美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学的科学家于2007年3月29日在Nature杂志上发表了首幅完整高分辨率基因控制通路结构图。…  相似文献   

Oct. 10-18, 2004, NSFC delegation headed by Prof. Sun Jiaguang, Vice President of NSFC visited the United States of America. They attended the 11 th Sino-US Joint Commission Meeting on Scientific and Technological Coop-eration, and visited NSF, University of Washington, the Boeing Company and Microsoft. The participants of the meet-ing included high-ranking officials from the U.S. and Chinese overnments. Dr. John Marburger,  相似文献   

张剑 《科学》2005,57(3):45-49
在如何发展中国科学的方略上,有鉴于此前中国科学的发展进程,中国科学社充分意识到仅仅依靠技术引进与粗浅科技知识的普及和传播根本无济于事,只有全面整体地移植西方科学,才可能使近代科学在中国生根发芽并茁壮成长起来.在高举科学宣传旗帜的同时,中国科学社认识到仅仅停留于口头与纸面的宣传,无论多么动听,都是纸上谈兵,科学需要脚踏实地的研究工作.1918年从美国搬迁回国后,中国科学社不失时机地将社务重心由科学宣传向科学宣传与科学研究并重转变,在鼓吹宣扬科学研究的同时,建立起中国科学社生物研究所,具体实践科学研究,为中国科学的发展开辟新路,无论是在科研机构的体制化还是在促进中国科学研究氛围的形成与具体科研成就的取得等方面都功勋卓著.  相似文献   

档案管理工作是一项机密性、政策性、专业性比较强的工作.做好档案管理工作,推动档案管理事业向更新更高层次发展,充分发挥档案的重要作用,是我们当前工作的重点.  相似文献   

王青玉 《科学之友》2009,(2):115-117
文章详细分析了我国现行企事业单位科研体制存在的问题,并在认真分析和思考的基础上,提出了个人的建议与想法,以期对科研体制改革建言献策。  相似文献   

文章详细分析了我国现行企事业单位科研体制存在的问题,并在认真分析和思考的基础上,提出了个人的建议与想法,以期对科研体制改革建言献策.  相似文献   

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