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Computational approaches for detecting co-evolution in proteins allow for the identification of protein–protein interaction networks in different organisms and the assignment of function to under-explored proteins. The detection of co-variation of amino acids within or between proteins, moreover, allows for the discovery of residue–residue contacts and highlights functional residues that can affect the binding affinity, catalytic activity, or substrate specificity of a protein. To explore the functional impact of co-evolutionary changes in proteins, a combined experimental and computational approach must be recruited. Here, we review recent studies that apply computational and experimental tools to obtain novel insight into the structure, function, and evolution of proteins. Specifically, we describe the application of co-evolutionary analysis for predicting high-resolution three-dimensional structures of proteins. In addition, we describe computational approaches followed by experimental analysis for identifying specificity-determining residues in proteins. Finally, we discuss studies addressing the importance of such residues in terms of the functional divergence of proteins, allowing proteins to evolve new functions while avoiding crosstalk with existing cellular pathways or forming reproductive barriers and hence promoting speciation.  相似文献   

Resumen En las especies estudiadas el hipotálamo es la región mas rica en histamina (HT). En la rata, la mayor proporción de HT se localiza en el sedimento de los homogenizados en medio isotónico centrifugados a 105×g; la proporción de HT en el sedimento varia ampliamente de una región a otra.  相似文献   

Pattern recognition receptors are somatically encoded and participate in the innate immune responses of a host to microbes. It is increasingly acknowledged that these receptors play a central role both in beneficial and pathogenic interactions with microbes. In particular, these receptors participate actively in shaping the gut environment to establish a fruitful life-long relationship between a host and its microbiota. Commensal bacteria engage Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) to induce specific responses by intestinal epithelial cells such as production of antimicrobial products or of a functional mucus layer. Furthermore, a complex crosstalk between intestinal epithelial cells and the immune system is initiated leading to a mature gut-associated lymphoid tissue to secrete IgA. Impairment in NLR and TLR functionality in epithelial cells is strongly associated with chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, cancer, and with control of the commensal microbiota creating a more favorable environment for the emergence of new infections.  相似文献   

The mammalian olfactory system has the unique property in the permanent turnover of the olfactory sensory neurons under normal conditions and following injury. This implies that the topographical map of the epithelium-to-bulb connections generated during ontogenesis has to be maintained despite neuron renewal in order to insure olfactory information processing. One way to investigate this issue has been to disrupt the peripheral connections and analyze how neural connections may be reestablished as well as how animals may perform in olfactory-mediated tasks. This review surveys the main data pertaining to both morphological and functional recoveries taking place in the peripheral olfactory system following olfactory bulb deafferentation. Conclusions from these studies are enlightened by recent data from molecular biology.  相似文献   

Skeletal myogenesis has been and is currently under extensive study in both mammals and teleosts, with the latter providing a good model for skeletal myogenesis because of their flexible and conserved genome. Parallel investigations of muscle studies using both these models have strongly accelerated the advances in the field. However, when transferring the knowledge from one model to the other, it is important to take into account both their similarities and differences. The main difficulties in comparing mammals and teleosts arise from their different temporal development. Conserved aspects can be seen for muscle developmental origin and segmentation, and for the presence of multiple myogenic waves. Among the divergences, many fish have an indeterminate growth capacity throughout their entire life span, which is absent in mammals, thus implying different post-natal growth mechanisms. This review covers the current state of the art on myogenesis, with a focus on the most conserved and divergent aspects between mammals and teleosts.  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy has little influence on the circadian locomotor rhythms of laboratory rats, administration of the pineal hormone melatonin has profound effects. Evidence for this comes from studies in which pharmacological doses of melatonin are administered under conditions of external desynchronization, internal desynchronization, steady state light-dark conditions, and phase shifts of the zeitgeber. Taken together with recent findings on melatonin receptor concentration in the rat hypothalamus, particularly at the level of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, these results suggest that melatonin is a potent synchronizer of rat circadian rhythms and has a direct action on the circadian pacemaker. It is possible, therefore, that the natural role of endogenous melatonin is to act as an internal zeitgeber for the total circadian structure of mammals at the level of cell, tissue, organ, whole organism and interaction of that organism with environmental photoperiod changes.  相似文献   

Melatonin and circadian control in mammals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
S M Armstrong 《Experientia》1989,45(10):932-938
Although pinealectomy has little influence on the circadian locomotor rhythms of laboratory rats, administration of the pineal hormone melatonin has profound effects. Evidence for this comes from studies in which pharmacological doses of melatonin are administered under conditions of external desynchronization, internal desynchronization, steady state light-dark conditions, and phase shifts of the zeitgeber. Taken together with recent findings on melatonin receptor concentration in the rat hypothalamus, particularly at the level of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, these results suggest that melatonin is a potent synchronizer of rat circadian rhythms and has a direct action on the circadian pacemaker. It is possible, therefore, that the natural role of endogenous melatonin is to act as an internal zeitgeber for the total circadian structure of mammals at the level of cell, tissue, organ, whole organism and interaction of that organism with environmental photoperiod changes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial carriers are membrane-embedded proteins consisting of a tripartite structure, a three-fold pseudo-symmetry, related sequences, and similar folding whose main function is to catalyze the transport of various metabolites, nucleotides, and coenzymes across the inner mitochondrial membrane. In this study, the evolutionary rate in vertebrates was screened at each of the approximately 50,000 nucleotides corresponding to the amino acids of the 53 human mitochondrial carriers. Using this information as a starting point, a scoring system was developed to quantify the evolutionary pressure acting on each site of the common mitochondrial carrier structure and estimate its functional or structural relevance. The degree of evolutionary selection varied greatly among all sites, but it was highly similar among the three symmetric positions in the tripartite structure, known as symmetry-related sites or triplets, suggesting that each triplet constitutes an evolutionary unit. Based on evolutionary selection, 111 structural sites (37 triplets) were found to be important. These sites play a key role in structure/function of mitochondrial carriers and are involved in either conformational changes (sites of the gates, proline–glycine levels, and aromatic belts) or in binding and specificity of the transported substrates (sites of the substrate-binding area in between the two gates). Furthermore, the evolutionary pressure analysis revealed that the matrix short helix sites underwent different degrees of selection with high inter-paralog variability. Evidence is presented that these sites form a new sequence motif in a subset of mitochondrial carriers, including the ADP/ATP translocator, and play a regulatory function by interacting with ligands and/or proteins of the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

To identify neuronal substrates involved in NO/stress interactions we used Fos expression as a marker and examined the pattern of neuronal activation in response to swim stress in nNOS knock-out (nNOS–/–) and wild-type (WT) mice. Forced swimming enhanced Fos expression in WT and nNOS–/– mice in several brain regions, including cortical, limbic and hypothalamic regions. Differences in the Fos response between the two groups were observed in a limited set (6 out of 42) of these brain areas only: nNOS–/– mice displayed increased stressor-induced Fos expression in the medial amygdala, periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, CA1 field of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus and infralimbic cortex. No differences were observed in regions including the septum, central amygdala, periaqueductal grey and locus coeruleus. During forced swimming, nNOS–/– mice displayed reduced immobility duration, while no differences in general locomotor activity were observed between the groups in the home cage and during the open field test. The findings indicate that deletion of nNOS alters stress-coping ability during forced swimming and leads to an altered pattern of neuronal activation in response to this stressor in specific parts of the limbic system, hypothalamus and the medial prefrontal cortex.Received 29 March 2004; accepted 21 April 2004  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur présente une revue critique des bases expérimentales de l'hypothèse neuro-endocrine du comportement sexuel des mammifères.

Presented before the symposium on sexual behavior sponsored by the section of Animal Behavior and Sociobiology of the Ecological Society at the 1957 Meeting of the AAAS. Paper No. 2254 in the journal series of the Pennsylvania Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Pineal melatonin rhythms and the timing of puberty in mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F J Ebling  D L Foster 《Experientia》1989,45(10):946-954
The direction of change in daylength provides the seasonal time cue for the timing of puberty in many mammalian species. The pattern of melatonin secretion from the pineal gland transduces the environmental light-dark cycle into a signal influencing the neuroendocrine control of sexual maturation. The change in duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion is probably the key feature of the melatonin signal which conveys daylength information. This information may also be used by neuroendocrine axes controlling seasonal changes in pelage colour, growth and metabolism. The mechanism of action of melatonin on neuroendocrine pathways is unknown. Although the ability to synthesize and secrete melatonin in a pattern that reflects the duration of the night may not occur until the postnatal period, the rodent and ovine foetus has the ability to respond in utero to photoperiodic cues to which its mother is exposed in late gestation. Transplacental passage of maternal melatonin is likely to be the mechanism by which photoperiodic cues reach the foetus. Species which do not exhibit seasonal patterns of puberty, such as the human, also secrete melatonin in a pattern which reflects the environmental light-dark cycle, but they do not respond reproductively to the seasonal melatonin information.  相似文献   

Summary The direction of change in daylength provides the seasonal time cue for the timing of puberty in many mammalian species. The pattern of melatonin secretion from the pineal gland transduces the environmental light-dark cycle into a signal influencing the neuroendocrine control of sexual maturation. The change in duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion is probably the key feature of the melatonin signal which conveys daylength information. This information may also be used by neuroendocrine axes controlling seasonal changes in pelage colour, growth and metabolism. The mechanism of action of melatonin on neuroendocrine pathways is unknow. Although the ability to synthesize and secrete melatonin in a pattern that reflects the duration of the night may not occur until the postnatal period, the rodent and ovine foetus has the ability to respond in utero to photoperiodic cues to which its mother is exposed in late gestation. Transplacental passage of maternal melatonin is likely to be the mechanism by which photoperiodic cues reach the foetus. Species which do not exhibit seasonal patterns of puberty, such as the human, also secrete melatonin in a pattern which reflects the environmental light-dark cycle, but they do not respond reproductively to the seasonal melatonin information.  相似文献   

A growing number of publications show that apoptosis induction is often associated with increased autophagy indicating the existence of an interplay between these two important cellular events. The simultaneous activation of both phenomena has been detected not only in experimental settings but also in vivo under physiological and pathological conditions. Despite these studies, the reciprocal influence of the two pathways in vivo has still not been completely understood. It is clear that autophagy and apoptosis are strictly interconnected, as highlighted by the finding that the two pathways share key molecular regulators. Many novel aspects of the crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy have recently emerged showing how complex is this relationship and how critical is for the overall fate of the cell. In this mini-review we will focus on some key experiments trying to decipher as to whether autophagy contributes to apoptosis modulation in vivo.  相似文献   

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