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Summary A new chromatographic technique is described, which makes use of the affinity of anhydrides and imides of tetrahalogenophthalic acids towards aromatic and heterocyclic polycyclic compounds. This method has been successfully applied to the resolution of some problems of analytical organic chemistry.  相似文献   

Summary The present study deals with the dissociation of human dopamine hydroxylase (DBH) in subunits with a mol. wt of 79,500, and the preparation of specific antibodies in rabbits. No cross-reactivity was observed between human DBH and antibodies against human DBH subunits.

Nous remercions Madame M. Le Maout pour son excellente aide technique.

Ce travail a bénéficié de l'aide de l'INSERM (contrat no  相似文献   

Summary The qualitative and quantitative analysis of synthetic mixtures of non-isomeric and isomeric methylated glucoses, as present in the hydrolysate of methylated glucopolysaccharides, has been achieved by hydrogenation of the methylated sugars to the corresponding methylated hexitols, esterification withp-azobenzoylchlorid, and chromatographic analysis on activated alumina.  相似文献   

Summary The concept, that viscous metamorphosis of platelets and clot retraction is initiated by thrombin and a dialyzable factor was confirmed. Under certain circumstances glucose acts as dialyzable factor. Clot retraction seems to depend upon the catabolism of glucose.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed for dosage of serum procainesterase by differential spectrophotometry, based on the decrease of the optical density at 295 mµ in the course of the hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Summary A simple very sensitive and usefull method is described for the potentiometric micro-determination of the cholinesterase of blood serum, globules and tissues, using an ordinary potentiometer and an antimonium electrode. This method makes it possible to determine the cholinesterase in solutions of acetylcholine down to 3 mg %.  相似文献   

Summary The serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamin) which shows a slight influence upon the growth of plant tissues, acts upon water uptake by regulating cellular permeability (latter is activated in the case of K+).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 90 Tage nach einer in der Gegend der Pfortader erfolgten Autotransplantation der Schilddrüse bei weiblichen Albinoratten zeigt die histologische Untersuchung der Transplantate alle Zeichen einer gesteigerten Tätigkeit. Dem entgegengesetzt befinden sich Nebenniere, Leber und Hypophysis in dem als Folge der Schilddrüsenextirpation beschriebenen Zustand. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch stützt die Annahme einer Inaktivierung des Schilddrüsenhormons durch die Leber.  相似文献   

Summary Radioactive 2-bromo-3-hydroxy-1:4-naphtoquinone has been used for the exploration of the metabolism of substances which influence the course of blood-clotting. It has been found that this substance diffuses very rapidly into the blood, and that the liver is not characterized by any elective fixation-power.  相似文献   

Summary As Tyrothricin —Dubos's discovery of the antibiotic agent extracted from cultures ofB. brevis — does not give true aqueous solutions and retains, in the colloïdal state of the usually employed solutions, toxic properties for polymorphonuclear blood cells, we have attempted to effect the solubilization and detoxification of this compound. Treatment with formalin in given proportions results in making it water-soluble. The action of the formalin-treated compound on blood cells suspended in Ringer's solution seems to show a loss of toxicity. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections in mice do not give visible general toxic effects, and the experiments incite to further investigations in this direction.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Klebsiella pneumoniae Nr. 41 wird in einem leicht alkalischen, synthetischen Medium mit Zusatz von Saccharose und einem Indikator (z. B. Kresolrot) wachsen gelassen. Durch Spaltung des Zuckers wird die Reaktion nach der sauren Seite verschoben. Das bei einer bestimmten Streptomycin-Konzentration eben noch stattfindende Wachstum derKlebsiella kann nach etwa 2 Stunden am Umschlag des Indikators erkannt werden.  相似文献   

Summary The centrifugation of the Amphibia blastula or gastrula produces in the ectoblastic area the appearance of complexes of ecto- and mesoblastic organs. Experiments of explantations and cultivationin vitro and also of grafts on a normal embryo demonstrate that those very abnormal secundary embryos are formed without any intervention of the normal organizer. The ectoblastic cells that undergo this increase of morphogenetic potential are characterized by a great concentration of ribonucleic acid in their cytoplasm (this part of work in collaboration withJ. Brachet). Those secundary embryos vary greatly in their frequence, their nature, and their location, depending on the stage in which the centrifugation was done. It is supposed that the nature of the organs formed is dependent on the degree of potency attained by the ectoblast at the time when the reaction arises that is produced by the cellular trauma.  相似文献   

Summary -propiolactone-treated dorsal lips ofAmbystoma mexicanum are grafted in the blastocele of young gastrulas. The inducing ability of dorsal lips is not altered. These results are compared with the effects of formaldehyde which suppress the inducing ability. An interpretation of these facts is proposed. The cross-linking reactions which occur between formaldehyde and proteins may be important for the suppressing of the inductive ability by this agent.  相似文献   

Summary The author considers some physiological problems raised by particularities of the physiological cycle ofSalmo salar L. about which he and his fellow-workers have produced new data (especially those brought out by the physiological, normal fasting so particular to the adultS: The synchonic fasting of Mislin).He insists on the importance, for studies on the physiological mechanism of migrations and from the methodological point of view, of the following feature of the young Salmon in fresh water: a transformation which, in the population studied (S. s. of Adour waters), is so characteristic of and tightly bound to the preparation to catadromic migration that it marks the subjects ready for migration and makes it possible to particularise the new physiological conditions accompanying the phenomenon of migratory instinct (activation of thyroid and interrenal function, of some pituitary neurosecretions and secretions, metabolic changes ). By studying simultaneously: smoltified but not yet migrant fishes, smolts during migration, and a salmonid fish subjected to a current in conditions simulating those of migrating smolts, it is now possible to begin to distinguish the physiological features bound to the preparation for migration, from those resulting from migratory activity.  相似文献   

Summary In the present note, the author is reviewing recent researches dealing with the action carried by the group on the individual taken isolated. He distinguishes two kinds of effects: 1.Mass effect, owing above all to a modification of the medium by the population itself; 2.group effect, induced chiefly by sensorial stimuli which occurs without requiring the gathering of a large number of individuals.Some examples of group effects are given. Individuals living in society are physiologically different from isolated. Correlation, coordination and social facilitation are to be included among group effects. To-day, we are allowed to speak of social physiology.  相似文献   

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