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The tropical marine spongeDysidea herbacea contains large numbers of a symbiotic filamentous cyanobacterium identified on the basis of a detailed ultrastructural study asOscillatoria spongeliae. We report the flow-cytometric separation of the symbiont from the sponge cells, and demonstrate by chemical analyses that a unique group of polychlorinated compounds isolated from the whole sponge tissue is limited to the cyanobacterial filaments, whereas the accompanying sesquiterpenoids are found only in the sponge cells. This is the first demonstration that secondary metabolites ascribed to a sponge are localized in prokaryotic symbiont cells.  相似文献   

The opisthobranch molluscHypselodoris webbi is able to select, among its potential preys, sponges chemically rich in furanosesquiterpenoids. The sequestered secondary metabolites act as defensive allomones against predators and are accumulated in some dorsal glands (MDFs). This transfer from sponges to MDFs has been proven by maintainingH. webbi together with some selected sponges in an aquarium for a prolonged period.  相似文献   

Summary Prodigiosin condensing enzyme (PCE) activities were present inSerratia marcescens wild type 08, mutants OF, WF and 9-3-3. Their specific activities exhibited different maxima and at different times during the late log phase or the early stationary phase of cell growth. The levels of prodigiosin and its precursors also showed a significant increase at this period. The results support that prodigiosin and/or its precursors are secondary metabolites. The ubiquity of the PCE activity in mutants deficient in prodigiosin biosynthesis suggest that this particular enzyme may also be present in non-pigmented clinical isolates.  相似文献   

Summary The morphotype, chromosome number and Feulgen-DNA content of bisexual and unisexual populations ofMacrobiotus pseudohufelandi were examined. Individuals of unisexual populations were triploid with ameiotic parthenogenesis. Their lowest Feulgen-DNA content is about three-fold that of sperm from a bisexual population. Egg shell shape also differs in the two types of population. However, the highest Feulgen-DNA content was the same (24 A.U.) in both diploid and triploid animals.Study funded by MPI grant.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clines of malate dehydrogenase-1 (MDH-1) allozymes occur within honey bee populations on three continents: Europe, North America and South America. The North and South American populations are introduced and demonstrate that Mdh allelic clines were established within the last 150 years. The frequency of the medium electrophoretic allele increases in frequency with increasing latitude while the fast allele decreases with latitude on all the three continents. The clines are best explained by the average daily high temperature for July on all continents. These parallel clines provide evidence for selection on Mdh alleles in honey bees.  相似文献   

As part of a study to clarify the origins of biologically active substances in marine sponges, the carotenoids produced by two species of marine bacteria,Flexibacter sp. strain number DK30213 and DK30223, associated with the marine sponge,Reniera japonica, were investigated. Both bacteria were found to produce zeaxanthin [(3R, 3R)-dihydroxy-,-carotene] which is widely distributed in marine organisms. This carotenoid was also detected in the host sponge, suggesting the transport of zeaxanthin from the microorganisms to the host. As zeaxanthin plays the role of a quencher and scavenger for active species of oxygen, it is presumed that the sponge accumulates the bacterial product as a defense substance against the active oxygen species produced under irradiation by strong sunlight. It is thought that the bacteria are symbionts of the host sponge and act by obtaining the solid substrate and medium needed for settlement and growth from the host, and by producing and transmitting the biologically active substance to the host. Zeaxanthin-producing bacteria are also considered to have potential for practical uses by the aquacultural, pharmaceutical and food industries.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequencies of 15 enzyme loci, 14 of which were polymorphic, were used to characterize sevenTerellia virens populations originating from three allopatrically distributedCentaurea species. The two populations whose origins were geographically furthest apart, from Israel (onC. iberica) and from Switzerland (onC. vallesiaca), showed relatively high values of genetic distance from the 5 populations sampled in Austria and Hungary (onC. maculosa) (Nei's D>0.07). The latter five displayed a high degree of genetic similarity. No diagnostic (fixed) allelic differences were observed between these three groups ofT. virens populations, but they could be well characterized by significant differences in allelic frequencies at 9 enzyme loci. Independently of this study, the populations from Switzerland (C. vallesiaca) and eastern Austria (C. maculosa) were selected as potential source populations for future introductions into North America for the biological control of introducedC. maculosa andC. diffusa. Based on the observed genetic differences and results from field experiments on the host specificity of these two potential source populations, it is argued that host specificity screening tests should be conducted separately for local (host plant) populations, as such populations might accept a different set of hosts. Biotype mismatch and the risk of spill-overs to native species could thus possibly be reduced.  相似文献   

Two new phenotypes ofAspergillus flavus which exhibit novel patterns of aflatoxin production have been identified and characterized. In one of the new variants ofA. flavus, aflatoxin is made in the absence of carbohydrate and concomitantly with growth, without a lag period. A second variant did not produce aflatoxin in the presence or absence of carbohydrate. Chemical mutagenesis of this nonaflatoxigenic strain resulted in mutant strains which produced aflatoxin on carbohydrate-containing media. The aflatoxin production pattern observed in these mutants resembled the typical production scheme, with a lag period through log phase growth.  相似文献   

Three populations ofM. galloprovincialis from northern Greece were investigated using isozyme analysis, discriminant analysis of morphological characteristics and analysis of restriction fragments of mtDNA. For all three types of analysis significant intra- and interpopulation differentiation was found. This differentiation is very noticeable at the mtDNA genotype frequencies. Furthermore, the restriction patterns of mtDNA were different from those reported for Atlantic populations of this species.  相似文献   

Summary A photoperiodic response was found to be absent in larvae of the parasitoid waspApanteles glomeratus when its host (caterpillars ofPieris brassicae) was reared on a low-carotenoid artificial diet. Addition of vitamin A to the host's diet restored the response to short-day photoperiods in the wasp larvae, thus showing that vitamin A is essential for photoperiodic induction of diapause. Possibly vitamin A or a derivative of vitamin A functions as the photoreceptor pigment for the photoperiodic reaction in this species of insect.  相似文献   

Endomannosidase is a Golgi-localized endoglycosidase, which provides an alternate glucosidase-independent pathway of glucose trimming. Using a protease protection assay we demonstrated that Golgi-endomannosidase is a type II membrane protein. The first 25 amino acids of this protein, containing the cytoplasmic tail and the transmembrane domain, were sufficient for Golgi retention of fused reporter proteins alpha1-antitrypsin or green fluorescent protein. However, shortening or deletion of the transmembrane domain prevented Golgi localization, while lengthening it partially reduced Golgi retention of the enzyme. Substitution of the highly conserved positively charged amino acids within the cytoplasmic tail had neither an effect on type II topology nor on the inherent Golgi localization of the enzyme. In contrast, cytoplasmic tail-deleted rat endomannosidase possessed an inverted topology resulting in endoplasmic reticulum mislocalization. Thus, proper topology rather than the presence of positively charged amino acids in the cytoplasmic tail is critical for Golgi localization of rat endomannosidase.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to study the genetic variability (proportion of polymorphic loci and heterozygosity) in insular populations (Corsica, Elba, Montecristo, Marettimo, Pantelleria) of the lacertid lizardPodarcis sicula. These populations were presumed to have originated from episodes of accidental anthropogenic introduction. In order to test the hypothesis of a man-aided colonization and to provide comparative data, heterozygosity and polymorphism were also estimated in autochthonous populations ofP. sicula from the Italian peninsula and Sicily. In each case, the presumed introduced population showed levels of genetic variability significantly lower than those detected in the autochthonous ones. Very little genetic differentiation was found among native and presumed colonist populations, Nei's standard genetic distances ranging from 0.001 to 0.009. These results strongly support the hypothesis thatP. sicula was only recently introduced to the studied islands, and provide additional evidence of reduced genetic variability due to founder effect in insular populations originating from episodes of human transportation.  相似文献   

Possible reasons for the rejection of some lines ofTriticum monococcum (Tm44 and Tm46) by the aphidSitobion avenae were explored. In allT. monococcum lines studied, whether unfavourable (non-host/resistant plant) or favourable (host/susceptible plant), the concentrations of hydroxamic acids, a family of aphid-resistance factors in cereals, were significantly lower than the levels in the favourable host-plantTriticum aestivum cv. Therefore, hydroxamic acids did not account for the host/non-host patterns observed. Phloem sap was collected by stylectomy from young seedlings of favourable and unfavourable plants. In non-aphid-resistant genotypes, the success in stylectomy, the proportion of amputated stylets resulting in long (>1 min) exudations, the average duration of exudation, and the final volume of sap exuded, were higher than in the aphid-resistant genotypes. It is concluded that aphid interference with the phloem sealing system of the plant is a likely mechanism of rejection ofT. monococcum lines Tm44 and Tm46 as hosts byS. avenae.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent dinoflagellateGonyaulax polyedra contains various indoleamines, in particular, melatonin and 5-methoxytryptamine, as well as enzymes of their biosynthetic pathway. Melatonin exhibits a high-amplitude circadian rhythm characterized by a dramatic increase shortly after the onset of darkness. The maximum of melatonin is followed by a peak of 5-methoxytryptamine. These 5-methoxylated indoleamines seem to be involved in the mediation of the information darkness.G. polyedra shows a short-day response, which consists in the formation of asexual cysts. Light break experiments demonstrate the photoperiodic nature of this reaction. Cells become sensitive to short days only upon exposure to a lowered temperature (<16°C). Melatonin mimics the short-day effect, but only at decreased temperature. 5-Methoxytryptamine is even a better inducer of cyst formation, acting also at 20°C and in any lighting schedule, including LL. Cyst induction is associated with stimulation of bioluminescence and cytoplasmic acidification. A model on the intracellular pathway of photoperiodic information transduction assumes increased deacetylation of melatonin under cyst-inducing conditions, binding of 5-methoxytryptamine to the membrane of an acidic vacuole, proton transfer to the cytoplasm, and decreased intracellular pH as the stimulus for encystment. Melatonin shows the property of a scavenger of superoxide anions. This reaction, which is efficiently catalyzed by hemin, leads to the formation of a substituted kynuramine (AFMK). Destruction of melatonin by light-induced superoxide anions in the presence of cellular hemin may represent a property which, during evolution, has made this molecule suitable as an indicator of darkness. On the other hand, AFMK, which is formed under illumination, might have become a mediator of the information light. Photoperiodism inGonyaulax shows surprising parallels to that in mammals, but allows the analysis of this phenomenon at an entirely cellular level.  相似文献   

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