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We compare univariate and multivariate forecasts based on ARMA models. In theory we cannot do worse by using a multivariate model instead of a univariate one, but we can risk getting no improvement. Conditions for no improvements are discussed as well as cases where large improvements occur. The effect of estimated parameters is examined and found to be small granted that a good method of estimation is used. However, multivariate models could be very sensitive to structural changes. This is illustrated via an example involving monetary data, where the multivariate forecasts perform considerably worse than the univariate ones. This seems to put a limitation on the use of multivariate ARMA forecasting models.  相似文献   

Category management—a relatively new function in marketing—involves large-scale, real-time forecasting of multiple data series in complex environments. In this paper, we illustrate how Bayesian Vector Auto regression (BVAR) fulfils the category manager's decision-support requirements by providing accurate forecasts of a category's state variables (prices, volumes and advertising levels), incorporating management interventions (merchandising events such as end-aisle displays), and revealing competitive dynamics through impulse response analyses. Using 124 weeks of point-of-sale scanner data comprising 31 variables for four brands, we compare the out-of-sample forecasts from BVAR to forecasts from exponential smoothing, univariate and multivariate Box-Jenkins transfer function analyses, and multivariate ARMA models. Theil U's indicate that BVAR forecasts are superior to those from alternate approaches. In large-scale forecasting applications, BVAR's ease of identification and parsimonious use of degrees of freedom are particularly valuable.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of space-time ARMA modelling to demand-related data from eight hotels from a single hotel chain in a large US city. Important spatial characteristics of the space-time process are incorporated into the model using a simple weighting matrix based on driving distances between the hotels. Using a hold-out sample, the forecasting performance of this space-time approach was found to be superior to eight separate univariate ARMA models.  相似文献   

The potential use of state-space modelling is evaluated through comparison with the existing multivariate ARMA models currently in use at Georgia Power Company for forecasting its residential sales, commercial sales and peak demand.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the out of sample forecasts from four alternative interest rate models based on expanding information sets. The random walk model is the most restrictive. The univariate time series model allows for a richer dynamic pattern and more conditioning information on own rates. The multivariate time series model permits a flexible dynamic pattern with own- and cross-series information. Finally, the forecasts from the MPS econometric model depend on the full model structure and information set. In theory, more information is preferred to less. In practice, complicated misspecified models can perform much worse than simple (also probably misspecified) models. For forecasts evaluated over the volatile 1970s the multivariate time series model forecasts are considerably better than those from simpler models which use less conditioning information, as well as forecasts from the MPS model which uses substantially more conditioning information but also imposes ‘structural’ economic restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of disaggregation on forecast accuracy for nonstationary time series using dynamic factor models. We compare the forecasts obtained directly from the aggregated series based on its univariate model with the aggregation of the forecasts obtained for each component of the aggregate. Within this framework (first obtain the forecasts for the component series and then aggregate the forecasts), we try two different approaches: (i) generate forecasts from the multivariate dynamic factor model and (ii) generate the forecasts from univariate models for each component of the aggregate. In this regard, we provide analytical conditions for the equality of forecasts. The results are applied to quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) data of several European countries of the euro area and to their aggregated GDP. This will be compared to the prediction obtained directly from modeling and forecasting the aggregate GDP of these European countries. In particular, we would like to check whether long‐run relationships between the levels of the components are useful for improving the forecasting accuracy of the aggregate growth rate. We will make forecasts at the country level and then pool them to obtain the forecast of the aggregate. The empirical analysis suggests that forecasts built by aggregating the country‐specific models are more accurate than forecasts constructed using the aggregated data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an extensive study of annual GNP data for five European countries. We look for intercountry dependence and analyse how the different economies interact, using several univariate ARIMA and unobserved components models and a multivariate model for the GNP incorporating all the common information among the variables. We use a dynamic factor model to take account of the common dynamic structure of the variables. This common dynamic structure can be non‐stationary (i.e. common trends) or stationary (i.e. common cycles). Comparisons of the models are made in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE) for one‐step‐ahead forecasts. For this particular group of European countries, the factor model outperforms the remaining ones. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to apply the Box–Jenkins methodology to ARIMA models and determine the reasons why in empirical tests it is found that the post-sample forecasting the accuracy of such models is generally worse than much simpler time series methods. The paper concludes that the major problem is the way of making the series stationary in its mean (i.e. the method of differencing) that has been proposed by Box and Jenkins. If alternative approaches are utilized to remove and extrapolate the trend in the data, ARMA models outperform the models selected through Box–Jenkins methodology. In addition, it is shown that using ARMA models to seasonally adjusted data slightly improves post-sample accuracies while simplifying the use of ARMA models. It is also confirmed that transformations slightly improve post-sample forecasting accuracy, particularly for long forecasting horizons. Finally, it is demonstrated that AR(1), AR(2) and ARMA(1,1) models can produce more accurate post-sample forecasts than those found through the application of Box–Jenkins methodology.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers some perspectives on forecasting research in accounting and finance. It is maintained that many common areas of forecasting research exist. Yet, most research has focused upon a particular (Box-Jenkins) technique and a particular (reported earnings) variable, virtually neglecting numerous other relevant forecasting research topics. This symposium issue includes papers which address several of these neglected research topics. The eight papers constituting the issue are classified into three categories: (1) univariate time-series modelling; (2) multivariate time-series modelling; and (3) comparison of experts' forecasts with those of statistical models. Following a summary of the papers, some suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the accuracy of forecasts derived from univariate and multivariate time-series models. An iterative method to adjust for impact assessment in univariate ARIMA models is discussed and illustrated for the German unemployment rate. Finally, we also examine the pros and cons of the impact assessment model in comparison with VAR models.  相似文献   

The linear multiregression dynamic model (LMDM) is a Bayesian dynamic model which preserves any conditional independence and causal structure across a multivariate time series. The conditional independence structure is used to model the multivariate series by separate (conditional) univariate dynamic linear models, where each series has contemporaneous variables as regressors in its model. Calculating the forecast covariance matrix (which is required for calculating forecast variances in the LMDM) is not always straightforward in its current formulation. In this paper we introduce a simple algebraic form for calculating LMDM forecast covariances. Calculation of the covariance between model regression components can also be useful and we shall present a simple algebraic method for calculating these component covariances. In the LMDM formulation, certain pairs of series are constrained to have zero forecast covariance. We shall also introduce a possible method to relax this restriction. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers univariate and multivariate models to forecast monthly conflict events in the Sudan over the out‐of‐sample period 2009–2012. The models used to generate these forecasts were based on a specification from a machine learning algorithm fit to 2000–2008 monthly data. The model that includes previous month's wheat price performs better than a similar model which does not include past wheat prices (the univariate model). Both models did not perform well in forecasting conflict in a neighborhood of the 2012 ‘Heglig crisis’. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article develops and extends previous investigations on the temporal aggregation of ARMA predications. Given a basic ARMA model for disaggregated data, two sets of predictors may be constructed for future temporal aggregates: predictions based on models utilizing aggregated data or on models constructed from disaggregated data for which forecasts are updated as soon as the new information becomes available. We show that considerable gains in efficiency based on mean‐square‐error‐type criteria can be obtained for short‐term predications when using models based on updated disaggregated data. However, as the prediction horizon increases, the gain in using updated disaggregated data diminishes substantially. In addition to theoretical results associated with forecast efficiency of ARMA models, we also illustrate our findings with two well‐known time series. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variance of a portfolio can be forecast using a single index model or the covariance matrix of the portfolio. Using univariate and multivariate conditional volatility models, this paper evaluates the performance of the single index and portfolio models in forecasting value‐at‐risk (VaR) thresholds of a portfolio. Likelihood ratio tests of unconditional coverage, independence and conditional coverage of the VaR forecasts suggest that the single‐index model leads to excessive and often serially dependent violations, while the portfolio model leads to too few violations. The single‐index model also leads to lower daily Basel Accord capital charges. The univariate models which display correct conditional coverage lead to higher capital charges than models which lead to too many violations. Overall, the Basel Accord penalties appear to be too lenient and favour models which have too many violations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that restrictions on low‐frequency dynamics among cointegrated variables should provide more accurate short‐ to medium‐term forecasts than univariate techniques that contain no such information; even though, on standard accuracy measures, the information may not improve long‐term forecasting. But inconclusive empirical evidence is complicated by confusion about an appropriate accuracy criterion and the role of integration and cointegration in forecasting accuracy. We evaluate the short‐ and medium‐term forecasting accuracy of univariate Box–Jenkins type ARIMA techniques that imply only integration against multivariate cointegration models that contain both integration and cointegration for a system of five cointegrated Asian exchange rate time series. We use a rolling‐window technique to make multiple out of sample forecasts from one to forty steps ahead. Relative forecasting accuracy for individual exchange rates appears to be sensitive to the behaviour of the exchange rate series and the forecast horizon length. Over short horizons, ARIMA model forecasts are more accurate for series with moving‐average terms of order >1. ECMs perform better over medium‐term time horizons for series with no moving average terms. The results suggest a need to distinguish between ‘sequential’ and ‘synchronous’ forecasting ability in such comparisons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses multivariate time series models to specify the maritime steel traffic flow in the port of Antwerp. The time series considered are the total outgoing and total incoming maritime steel traffic and the total steel production in the EEC. The obtained time series models provide useful insight into the general behaviour of the maritime steel traffic flow during the period 1971–82. In particular, they provide a quantitative interpretation of important changes which took place in the European steel industry during that period. The multivariate time series models produce forecasts which are a substantial improvement over those obtained by univariate time series models. This is especially the case for the series of total incoming maritime steel traffic in the port of Antwerp, when differencing and transformation of the original data are applied.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating unknown observational variances in multivariate dynamic linear models is considered. Conjugate procedures are possible for univariate models and also for special very restrictive common components models but they are not generally applicable. However, for clarity of operation and in order to avoid numerical integration, it is desirable to have conjugacy or approximate conjugacy. Such an approximate procedure is proposed based upon a simple analytic approximation. It is exact for the sub-class of conjugate models and improves on a previous procedure based upon the Robust filter.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and implements a new methodology for forecasting time series, based on bicorrelations and cross‐bicorrelations. It is shown that the forecasting technique arises as a natural extension of, and as a complement to, existing univariate and multivariate non‐linearity tests. The formulations are essentially modified autoregressive or vector autoregressive models respectively, which can be estimated using ordinary least squares. The techniques are applied to a set of high‐frequency exchange rate returns, and their out‐of‐sample forecasting performance is compared to that of other time series models. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The best prediction of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models with α‐stable innovations, α‐stable power‐GARCH models and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models with GARCH in mean effects (ARMA‐GARCH‐M) are proposed. We present a sufficient condition for stationarity of α‐stable GARCH models. The prediction methods are easy to implement in practice. The proposed prediction methods are applied for predicting future values of the daily SP500 stock market and wind speed data.  相似文献   

Long‐range persistence in volatility is widely modelled and forecast in terms of the so‐called fractional integrated models. These models are mostly applied in the univariate framework, since the extension to the multivariate context of assets portfolios, while relevant, is not straightforward. We discuss and apply a procedure which is able to forecast the multivariate volatility of a portfolio including assets with long memory. The main advantage of this model is that it is feasible enough to be applied on large‐scale portfolios, solving the problem of dealing with extremely complex likelihood functions which typically arises in this context. An application of this procedure to a portfolio of five daily exchange rate series shows that the out‐of‐sample forecasts for the multivariate volatility are improved under several loss functions when the long‐range dependence property of the portfolio assets is explicitly accounted for. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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