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The effect of alumina nanoparticle addition on the microstructure and tribological properties of a CuCrW alloy was investigated in this work.Mechanical alloying was carried out in a satellite ball mill.The tribological properties of the samples were evaluated using pin-on-disk wear tests with different pins (alumina,tungsten carbide,and steel pins).The results indicated that the tungsten carbide pin had a lower coefficient of friction than the alumina and steel pins because of its high hardness and low surface roughness.In addition,when the sliding rate was decreased,the weight-loss rate increased.The existence of alumina nanoparticles in the nanocomposite led to a lower weight-loss rate and to a change in the wear mechanism from adhesive to abrasive.  相似文献   

针对钨合金作为预制破片战斗部穿甲后的易碎性,研究了添加不同粒径Al2O3对95W合金微观组织与性能的影响.结果表明,随着添加的Al2O3粒径的减小,钨合金中钨颗粒的平均直径尺寸减小 获得的新型95W合金的静态抗拉强度和延伸率均低于传统95W合金,并且新型95W合金的强度和延伸率随着添加Al2O3初始粉末粒径的降低而增加 添加Al2O3初始粉末粒径的减小增大了新型95W合金的抗压强度 新型钨合金由于Al2O3的存在引发了大量初始裂纹并在承受冲击载荷时导致应力集中,微裂纹迅速连结并扩展后形成裂纹.  相似文献   

The Al_2O_3-(W,Ti)C composites with Ni and Mo additions varying from 0vol% to 12vol% were prepared via hot pressing sintering under 30 MPa. The microstructure was investigated via X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS). Mechanical properties such as flexural strength, fracture toughness, and Vickers hardness were also measured. Results show that the main phases A12O3 and(W,Ti)C were detected by XRD. Compound Mo Ni also existed in sintered nanocomposites. The fracture modes of the nanocomposites were both intergranular and transgranular fractures. The plastic deformation of metal particles and crack bridging were the main toughening mechanisms. The maximum flexural strength and fracture toughness were obtained for 9vol% and 12vol% additions of Ni and Mo, respectively. The hardness of the composites reduced gradually with increasing content of metals Ni and Mo.  相似文献   

研究了热压烧结Al2O3/nano-SiC复相陶瓷的力学性能及显微结构。研究表明,纳米SiC的引入显著地改善了材料的力学性能,在SiC添加体积分数为10%时,Al2O3/nano-SiC复相陶瓷抗弯强度σf达峰值为869MPa,断裂韧性KIc也达峰值为6.7MPa·m0.5,比纯Al2O3基体材料分别提高138%和81%。TEM观察表明:纳米SiC晶粒主要存在于Al2O3基体晶粒内部,形成独特的“晶内型”结构。当受外力作用时,既能因弥散的纳米颗粒诱发穿晶断裂,且穿晶断裂时,还能因晶内存在第二相颗粒而引起裂纹偏转,起到增强增韧作用。  相似文献   

利用反应磁控溅射方法在(100)单晶硅和高速钢(W18Cr4V)基片上制备出不同B含量的Ti--B--N纳米复合薄膜.使用X射线衍射(XRD)和高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)研究了Ti--B--N纳米复合薄膜的组织结构,并用纳米压痕仪测试了它们的纳米硬度和弹性模量.结果表明:通过改变TiB2靶功率和Ti靶功率的方法可制备出非晶--纳米晶复合结构的Ti--B--N薄膜;Ti--B--N薄膜中主要含有TiN纳米晶,随着B含量的增加,形成的TiN纳米晶尺寸变小,非晶成分增加;当B含量很高时会出现很小的TiB2纳米晶,此时薄膜性能不好;当TiN晶粒尺寸为5 nm左右时,Ti--B--N薄膜力学性能最优,纳米硬度和弹性模量分别达到32.7 GPa和350.3 GPa.  相似文献   

通过铝热反应制备ZrO2/Al2O3复相陶瓷材料,研究ZrO2含量对复相陶瓷显微组织与力学性能的影响.结果表明:复相陶瓷的相组成为ZrO2和Al2O3.随着ZrO2含量增加,ZrO2在基体中的分布越均匀,维氏硬度为8~15GPa,在ZrO2质量分数为41.5%时呈现最大值为14.85GPa;断裂韧性先增加后降低,在ZrO2质量分数为30%时呈现最大值8.01MPa.m1/2.  相似文献   

研究了热压烧结条件下Nb元素对Ti/ [φ(Al2 O3 ) =80 % ]复合材料相对密度、抗弯强度、断裂韧性及维氏硬度等力学性能的影响 ,分析了其影响机理。结果表明 ,在Ti/ [φ(Al2 O3 ) =80 % ]的Al2 O3 复合材料中掺入Nb元素 ,材料的微观组织形貌得以细化 ,性能有了较大提高。随Nb掺量的增加 ,材料的相对密度、维氏硬度与抗弯强度先增大后减小 ,当掺量为 φ =1.5 %时 ,其相对密度、抗弯强度、维氏硬度达到最高 ,分别为 98.13%、5 0 1.0 6MPa和 2 0 .31GPa ,断裂韧性随Nb掺量的增加而增大 ,当掺量为 φ =2 %时 ,其断裂韧性为5 .2 4MPa·m1/ 2 。  相似文献   

Multilayer graphene(MLG)-reinforced Al_2O_3/TiC ceramics were fabricated through hot pressing sintering, and the reinforcing effect of MLG on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites was investigated by experiment and simulation. The simulation of dynamic crack initiation and propagation was investigated based on the cohesive zone method. The results show that the composite added with 0.2 wt% MLG has excellent flexural strength and high fracture toughness. The major reinforcing mechanisms are the synergistic effect by strong and weak bonding interfaces, MLG pull-out, and grain refinement resulting from the addition of MLG. In addition, the aggravating of crack deflection, branching, blunting, and bridging have indispensable contribution to the improvement of the as-designed materials.  相似文献   

Al_2O_3/Ti O_2/Fe_2O_3/Yb_2O_3 composite powder was synthesized via the sol–gel method. The structure,morphology,and radar-absorption properties of the composite powder were characterized by transmission electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction analysis and RF impedance analysis. The results show that two types of particles exist in the composite powder. One is irregular flakes(100–200 nm) and the other is spherical Al_2O_3 particles(smaller than 80 nm). Electromagnetic wave attenuation is mostly achieved by dielectric loss. The maximum value of the dissipation factor reaches 0.76(at 15.68 GHz) in the frequency range of 2–18 GHz. The electromagnetic absorption of waves covers 2–18 GHz with the matching thicknesses of 1.5–4.5 mm. The absorption peak shifts to the lower-frequency area with increasing matching thickness. The effective absorption band covers the frequency range of 2.16–9.76 GHz,and the maximum absorption peak reaches-20.18 d B with a matching thickness of 3.5 mm at a frequency of 3.52 GHz.  相似文献   

Aluminum(Al) 2024 matrix composites reinforced with alumina short fibers(Al_2O_(3sf)) and silicon carbide particles(SiC_p) as wear-resistant materials were prepared by pressure infiltration in this study. Further, the effect of Al_2O_(3sf) on the friction and wear properties of the as-synthesized composites was systematically investigated, and the relationship between volume fraction and wear mechanism was discussed. The results showed that the addition of Al_2O_(3sf), characterized by the ratio of Al_2O_(3sf) to SiC_p, significantly affected the properties of the composites and resulted in changes in wear mechanisms. When the volume ratio of Al_2O_(3sf) to SiC_p was increased from 0 to 1, the rate of wear mass loss(K_m) and coefficients of friction(COFs) of the composites decreased, and the wear mechanisms were abrasive wear and furrow wear. When the volume ratio was increased from 1 to 3, the COF decreased continuously; however, the K_m increased rapidly and the wear mechanism became adhesive wear.  相似文献   

利用浸渍法制备Ni/Al2O3、Co/Al2O3、Ni-Co/Al2O3催化剂,考察催化剂对乙醇水蒸气重整反应的催化性能,对催化剂进行x射线衍射(XRD)表征.实验结果表明,Ni/Al2O3催化剂具有较好的低温活性,Co/Al2O3催化剂具有较高的氢气选择性和较低的甲烷选择性,而Ni-Co/Al2O3催化剂表现出良好的催化性能,有较高的低温活性,较高的氢气、二氧化碳选择性,较低的一氧化碳、甲烷选择性,450 ℃时乙醇转化率达到100%, 氢气选择性为79.8%,二氧化碳选择性为91.9%.  相似文献   

Alumina nanoparticles were added to a Cu-Zn alloy to investigate their effect on the microstructural,tribological,and corrosion properties of the prepared alloys. Alloying was performed using a mixture of copper and zinc powders with 0vol% and 5vol% of α-Al nanopowder in a satellite ball mill. The results showed that the Cu-Zn solid solution formed after 18 h of mechanical alloying. The mechanically alloyed powder was compacted followed by sintering of the obtained green compacts at 750°C for 30 min. Alumina nanoparticles were uniformly distributed in the matrix of the Cu-Zn alloy. The tribological properties were evaluated by pin-on-disk wear tests,which revealed that,upon the addition of alumina nanoparticles,the coefficient of friction and the wear rate were reduced to 20% and 40%,respectively. The corrosion properties of the samples exposed to a 3.5wt% Na Cl solution were studied using the immersion and potentiodynamic polarization methods,which revealed that the addition of alumina nanoparticles reduced the corrosion current of the nanocomposite by 90%.  相似文献   

采用机械合金化工艺和普通粉末冶金方法分别制备了Y2O3/Cr-Ni复合材料,研究了两种制备方法对Y2O3/Cr-Ni复合材料性能的影响.结果发现:机械合金化后,粉末的衍射峰宽化、衍射峰强度降低;经压坯烧结后制备的材料,其结构与普通粉末冶金制备的相比更均匀,致密化程度也更高,材料的室温硬度和抗拉强度都比传统粉末冶金法制备的材料要高.根据Larson-Miller参数方程对两种制备方法制备的氧化钇增强镍铬基复合材料的高温力学性能进行了模拟对比研究,高温模拟结果表明,试验材料的维氏硬度值和热处理参数P基本上是一种线性关系,说明Larson-Miller参数方程对镍基复合材料的寿命设计具有一定的适用性.高温热模拟后,机械合金化工艺制备的材料仍保持着良好的力学性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Ni-W-La2O3 composite coating was prepared by the electrodeposition method. Microhardness tester and environmental scanning electron microscope equipped energy dispersive spectroscopy were employed to investigate the microhardness and the surface morphology of the composite coatings respectively, and the high temperature friction behavior and corrosion resistance of the coatings against molten glass were investigated by using a high temperature tribometer. The results show that La2O3 can refine the microstructure effectively, and make the element distribution uniform, which leads to the increase of average microhardness. La2O3 particulates can reduce the friction coefficient between the composite coating and glass during the sliding process at about 973 K largely, and the corrosion resistance of the La2O3 added Ni-W coatings is effectively improved compared with that of the non-added one, furthermore the mechanism of friction-reducing and anti-corrosion is also discussed.  相似文献   

The system Al-2O-3-B-2O-3-Ce-2O-3, with Al/B ratio varying from 4.5 to 2 and Ce/(Al+B)=0.02, has been prepared at the temperature from 1 200 to 1 400℃. Relationship between luminescence and matrices in the system Al-2O-3-B-2O-3-Ce-2O-3 was investigated. It was found that some changes of the matrices occurred with Al/B ratio varying from 4.5 to 2. These results lead to a great change in luminescence properties, indicating variation of Ce-surroundings of crystal field. With the decrease of the ratio from 3 to 2, the excitation and emission peaks shift to shorter wavelengths. It was also found that a new type of rare earth luminescent materials was obtained with appropriate Al/B ratio.  相似文献   

本文报导了用相转化法(sol- gel) 制备的聚砜- Al2O3 复合膜. 该复合膜是将Al2O3 微粒填充到聚砜中制成的. 对该复合膜的机械性能、超滤性能、扫描电镜(SEM) 、亲水性和孔隙率进行了测试. 对分散剂和制膜工艺对复合膜性能的影响作了分析  相似文献   

采用溶胶- 凝胶法合成出了Al2O3-SiO2∶Ln3+ (Ln= Eu,Tb)发光陶瓷粉末.利用XRD、TG-DTA和IR等实验技术,研究了发光陶瓷的形成过程,并对其发光行为进行了研究.  相似文献   

研究了氧化铝、莫来石颗粒增强白水泥熟料基质复相陶瓷材料的常温力学性能。采用干混、冷等静压成型、常压烧结等方法,制备复相陶瓷。结果表明:这种材料具有良好的烧结性能,氧化铝、莫来石颗粒可以显著地提高材料的常压力学性能。  相似文献   

3 Y-TZP/3 wt% Al_2O_3 powder was coated with varying amounts of BN using the urea and borate reaction sintering method, and then multiphase ceramics were prepared by hot pressing sintering. The micro-topography and the compositional analysis of synthesized ceramics were conducted through scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. A mechanical tester was used to analyze the Vickers hardness, fracture toughness, and bending strength of the synthesized ceramics. The results showed that the ceramic with a BN content of 12 wt% showed the best processability, but had diminished mechanical properties(such as fracture toughness and bending strength). The ceramic with a BN content of 9 wt% showed better processability than those with 3 wt% and 6 wt% BN. However, the fracture toughness was affected by the addition of 9 wt% BN, making this ceramic only usable as a base material for a three-unit fixed bridge. In contrast, the ceramics with a BN content of 3 wt% or 6 wt% fulfilled the criteria for use in multi-unit restoration, but their low processability made them unsuitable for milling after sintering.  相似文献   

以MoO3、Si粉和Al粉为原料,采用机械化学还原法制备了Al2O3-Mo3Si/Mo5Si3纳米复合粉体.利用X射线衍射(XRD)、激光粒度分析仪(LPS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和差热-热重分析(DTA-TG)等对复合粉体和球磨过程中粉体的固态反应过程进行表征.结果显示,MoO3-Si-Al混合粉体球磨5h后转变为Al2O3-Mo3Si/Mo5Si3复合粉体,反应为机械诱导的自蔓延反应.球磨20h后,Mo3Si、Mo5Si3和Al2O3的晶粒尺寸分别为27.5、23.3和31.8nm,产物具有纳米晶结构,粉体平均粒度为3.988μm,颗粒呈球形,分布均匀.DTA分析表明,复合粉体在机械化学反应过程中首先发生MoO3和Al之间的铝热反应,之后将发生一系列Mo和Si之间的反应,生成Mo5Si3和Mo3Si.  相似文献   

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