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Origin of summer monsoon rainfall identified by δ18O in precipitation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A negative correlation between δ^18O in monsoon precipitation and f, the ratio of precipitable water in monsoon region to that in water source area, is hypothesized. Using the Rayleigh model, a new method for identifying origin of summer monsoon rainfall is developed based on the hypothesis. In order to validate the method, the isotopic data at New Delhi, a typical station in the southwest monsoon region, and Hong Kong, a typical station in the southeast monsoon region, were collected and analyzed for case studies. The case studies indicate that the water source areas of the monsoon rairdall at the two stations identified by the method are accordant with the general atmosphere circulation patterns. The method developed in this paper is significantly important for tracing the origin of summer monsoon precipitation.  相似文献   

近半个世纪以来中国季风区气温与降水变化及其时空差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国东部季风区20个测站1960-2012年气温和降水量的月值数据,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall突变检验、Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了季风区各区域年平均气温和年降水量的变化趋势、突变现象和周期特征.结果表明1960-2012年季风区各区域均有增温趋势,在20世纪90年代发生突变,东北地区发生突变要早于其他地区,北方地区的增温幅度大于南方,存在4年左右周期,8~16年的准周期,气温的高频变化周期在内陆地区表现更为明显;年降水量在53年里处于波动状态,四川盆地、华北地区和季风区西北部地区降水有减少趋势,长江流域下游降水有增加趋势,其他地区没有明显变化趋势,存在2~4年周期、8~16年左右准周期,降水的低频变化周期在近海地区表现更为明显.  相似文献   

The modern atmospheric observation and literatural historical drought-flood records were used to extract the inter-decadal signals of dry-wet modes in eastern China and reveal the possible relationship of global and China temperature changes associated with the East Asian summer monsoon advances.A climate pattern of "wet-north and dry-south" in eastern China and cool period in China and globe are associated with the strong summer monsoon that can advance further to the northernmost part in the East Asian monsoon region.On the contrary,a climate pattern of "dry-north and wet-south" in eastern China and a warm period in China and globe are associated with the weaker summer monsoon that only reaches the southern part in the region.An interdecadal oscillation with the timescale about 60 years was found dominating in both the dry-wet mode index series of the East Asian summer monsoon and the global temperature series after the secular climate states and long-term trend over inter-centennial timescales have been removed.  相似文献   

云南5月强降水天气与亚洲季风变化的关系   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
 利用相关分析和EOF方法,研究了云南5月大雨、暴雨日数与亚洲季风这一大尺度气候环流背景变化的关系.研究结果表明,云南5月强降水天气与南亚季风强度指数相关较好,其中同期5月,相关系数为0.493,前期4月,相关系数为0.447,均超过了99%的显著性水平;其次是前期1月,相关系数为0.312,通过了95%的显著性检验.而云南5月强降水天气仅与前期4月南海季风强度指数相关较好,相关系数为0.415,通过了98%的显著性检验,与其他月份相关不显著.同时11a滑动相关系数也清楚地反映了南亚季风对云南5月强降水天气的影响大于南海季风.另外,利用EOF方法,获得了云南5月大雨、暴雨日数3种主要的空间分布型:全省一致型(除昭通市)、西部和东部、南部相反型以及东部和西部、南部相反型.第1类型与亚洲季风强度指数关系较为密切,特别是与南亚季风;第2类型主要与南海季风相关较好,第3类型受亚洲季风强度的影响不大.  相似文献   

为探讨岩石风化碳汇在环境变化过程中的作用,阐明硅酸盐岩风化作为地质时间尺度净碳汇在全球碳循环过程中的重要意义。综述了岩石化学风化与环境变化之间的关系,总结了岩石风化领域的研究进展,重点论述了有关玄武岩和花岗岩地区碳汇速率的研究成果。结果表明,学者对玄武岩流域的研究开展较早,涉及玄武岩台地、火山岛屿及大陆边缘火山带等代表区域,但由于其在陆壳硅酸盐岩面积比例较低,当综合评价全球硅酸盐岩的碳汇能力时,花岗岩地区更具代表性。有关花岗岩地区的研究集中在北美洲和欧洲地区,学者对亚洲季风区,尤其是热带季风地区关注较少。事实上,热带地区花岗岩风化速率为10.05~44.3 t·km~(-2)·y~(-1),平均碳汇能力达5.25×10~5mol·km~(-2)·y~(-1),与国内外已有成果相比,中国热带季风区花岗岩正经历快速风化和较高的CO_2吸收通量,加上区域内特殊的河流碳输送规律,该区域在全球碳循环研究中意义重大。然而,目前中国花岗岩流域碳循环研究主要在温带及亚热带地区展开,无疑,对于中国热带季风区花岗岩流域碳循环的研究应是学者未来关注的重点。  相似文献   

Based on the observational data analyses and numerical simulations with the air-sea coupled model (CGCM), a new perspective on the occurrence mechanism of ENSO is advanced in this paper. The continuous strong (weak) East Asian winter monsoon will lead to continuous westerly (easterly) wind anomalies over the equatorial western Pacific region. The anomalous equatorial westerly (easterly) winds can cause eastward propagation of the subsurface ocean temperature anomalies (SOTA) in the warm pool region, the positive (negative) SOTA have been in the warm pool region for quite a long time. The eastward propagating of positive (negative) SOTA along the thermocline will lead to positive (negative) SSTA in the equatorial eastern Pacific and the occurrence of El Niño (La Niña) event. After the occurrence of ENSO, the winter monsoon in East Asia will be weak (strong) due to the influence of El Niño (La Niña).  相似文献   

Identifying the northernmost summer monsoon location in East Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An integrated index which can be used to indicate the advance of subtropical summer monsoon in East Asia has been proposed in this paper.The index was comhined by three variables including precipitation,wind and pseudo-equivalent potential tempera- ture.The northernmost summer monsoon location(NSML)was identified by using this index annually.It was found that the NSML ex- perienced an interdecadal shift in the period 1977—1979 based on the annual index analysis from 1961 to 2001.A comparison of the NSML with other four summer monsoon indices has also been made.The result showed that the NSML could well represent the interan- nual and interdecadal variability of summer monsoon precipitation in North China(beyond 35°N),while other four indices could well indi- cate the precipitation anomalies of East Asian summer monsoon along the Yangtze River valley(around 30°N).  相似文献   

Based on the leaf area index (LAI) data derived from remote sensing information and eco-climate data, the responses of regional ecosystem variations in seasonal and interannual scales to the East Asian monsoon are studied. It is found that the vegetation ecosystems of eastern China are remarkably correlated with the East Asian monsoon in seasonal and interannual scales. In the seasonal timescale, the obvious variations of the vegetation ecosystems occur with the development of the East Asian monsoon from the south in the spring to the north in the autumn. In the interannual scale, high LAI appears in the strong East Asian monsoon year, whereas low LAI is related to the weak East Asian monsoon year. These further lead to the characteristic of "monsoon-driven ecosystem" in the eastern China monsoon region, which can be revealed by LAI.  相似文献   

Persistent anomalous flows over the subtropical western Pacific in summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of global persistent anomaliesshows that the subtropical western Pacific is a key region with high-frequency occurrence of persistent anornalics. Analyscs of streamfunction anomalies, 013 anomalies etc. suggest that the convective heating related to Indian nlon.uwn might he responsible for the development of WPA. The results of numerical experiment by two linear bamtmpic rnodcls support the observation.  相似文献   

An integrated index which can be used to indicate the advance of subtropical summer monsoon in East Asia has been proposed in this paper. The index was combined by three variables including precipitation, wind and pseudo-equivalent potential temperature. The northernmost summer monsoon location (NSML) was identified by using this index annually. It was found that the NSML experienced an interdecadal shift in the period 1977—1979 based on the annual index analysis from 1961 to 2001. A comparison of the NSML with other four summer monsoon indices has also been made. The result showed that the NSML could well represent the interannual and interdecadal variability of summer monsoon precipitation in North China (beyond 35°N), while other four indices could well indicate the precipitation anomalies of East Asian summer monsoon along the Yangtze River valley (around 30°N).  相似文献   

讨论了一类具有比率依赖接触率的病毒动力学模型.证明了该模型轨道渐近稳定周期解的存在性,给出了正平衡点全局渐近稳定性的充分条件.  相似文献   

The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and its related change of surface temperature in the past century were not clearly ad- dressed due to absence of atmospheric reanalysis data before 1948. On the benchmark of station-observed sea level pressure (SLP) in China, we utilized multiple SLP datasets and evaluated their qualities in measuring the SLP-based EASM index (EASMI). It is found that the EASMI based on the SLP of the Hadley center version 2 (HadSLP2) has shown the best performance on the inter- annual and decadal time scales. Instead of showing a linear weakening trend pointed out by the previous study, the EASMI has likely exhibited the decadal variability, characterized by weakened trends during 1880-1906, 1921-1936, and 1960-2004, and with enhanced trends during 1906-1921 and 1936-1960, respectively. Corresponding to the weakened and enhanced periods of EASMI since the 1920s, the surface air temperature (SAT) index (SATI) averaged in eastern China has likely shown a warming and a cooling trend, respectively. However, the decadal abrupt transitions between the two indices do not occur concurrently, which results in a weak correlation between two indices on the decadal time scale. Further analysis indicates that there are four key regions where the SAT is significantly correlated with the EASMI, suggesting the joint impact of surface temperature in Asia-Pacific on the EASM during 1880-2004. In which, the decadal change of SAT near the Lake Baikal plays an important role in the linear trends of the EASM before and after 1960.  相似文献   

Guliya ice core records, high lake-level records in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and at its north side as well as vegetation succession records indicated that during the period of 30-40 kaBP, namely the later age of the megainterstadial of last glacial period, or the marine oxygen isotope stage 3, the climate of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was exceptionally warm and humid, the temperature was 2-4℃ higher than today and the precipitation was 40% to over 100% higher than the current average, all these suggested the existence of an exceedingly strong summer monsoon event. It has been inferred that the occurrence of such an event was attributed, on the one hand, to the stronger summer low pressure over the Plateau, which strengthened the attraction to the summer monsoon; on the other hand, to the vigorous evaporation of the tropic ocean surface, which promoted the moisture-rich southwest monsoon to flow over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The background responsible for the formation of the very strong summer monsoon was that the period of 30-40 kaBP was just in the strong insolation stage of the 20ka precessional cycle, when the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau received extraordinary strong solar radiation and thus enlarged the thermodynamical contrast between the Plateau and the mid-south part of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Three ice cores distributed across Dasuopu glacier in Himalayas were recovered. A 400-year net annual accumulation record reconstructed from one of the cores reflects the major precipitation trend in the central Himalayas. This record is related closely to the Indian monsoon precipitation. Wavelet and moving T-test were applied to the 400-year-long Dasuopu accumulation record, and significant staggered variability and abrupt change of the record on interannual to centennial time scales are identified. Finally the possible reason for abrupt change of the accumulation record is discussed.  相似文献   

The East Asian winter monsoon: re-amplification in the mid-2000s   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on several reanalysis and observational datasets,this study demonstrates that the East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM)recovered from its weak epoch and reamplified in the mid-2000s.Accordingly,East Asia has experienced more cold winters and significant negative surface air temperature anomalies during the recent strong EAWM epoch spanning the period 2004–2012.The associated cooling was mainly located over inland northern East Asia with a west–east orientation.The cooling generally coincided with negative winter temperature trends in eastern Eurasia in the last two decades,possibly contributing to the observed regional cooling trend when the global mean temperature is still trending up.Enhanced wintertime blocking activity around the Ural mountain region and diminished Arctic sea ice concentration in the previous September are suggested to be the responsible internal atmospheric process and external driver for the recent re-amplification of the EAWM,respectively.  相似文献   

Air-sea interaction is achieved by air-sea interface flux exchange. Therefore, general attention has been paid to connective researches of the air-sea interface flux exchange and the burst of the summer monsoon in the South China Sea. Some preliminary res…  相似文献   

Jiang  XiuYang  He  YaoQi  Shen  ChuanChou  Kong  XingGong  Li  ZhiZhong  Chang  YuWei 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(7):795-801
An absolute-dated, bi-decadal-resolution, stalagmite oxygen-isotopic time series from Shigao Cave reveals the evolution of summer monsoon precipitation over the past 9.9 ka BP in northern Guizhou Province, Southwest China. The  18O-inferred climate conditions are divisible into three distinct stages: (1) a maximum humid era from 9.9-6.6 ka BP; (2) a gradual declining precipitation interval between 6.6-1.6 ka BP; and (3) a relatively low precipitation time window after 1.6 ka BP. Consistency of contemporaneous stalagmite Holocene 18O records between Shigao and other caves in the Indian and East Asian monsoon realms support the effect of primary orbital solar forcings on monsoonal precipitation. However, statistical analysis shows a significant spatial asynchroneity of the Holocene Optimum termination in the Asian monsoon territory. The Holocene Optimum ended at 7.2-7.4 ka BP in Oman, located in the Indian monsoon region, and at 5.6-5.8 ka BP in Central China, in the East Asian monsoon zone. In Southwest China, the termination occurred between these periods, at 6.6-7.0 ka BP, and was influenced by both monsoon systems. We propose that this spatially asynchronous ending of Holocene Optimum in Asia may be attributed to sea surface temperature changes in the western tropical Pacific, which is a primary moisture source for the East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

High-resolution pollen records from 6 small lakes in the Tibetan Plateau provided the details of evolution of South Asian monsoon since the Last Glacial Maximum. Prior to 16 kaBP, the region was a desert-steppe characterized by cold and dry climates, the January temperature was 7 -10℃lower than that of present and the annual precipitation only accounted for 40% of the present. The temperature and precipitation increased gradually and trees began to live in the region after 12 kaBP, but during the interval from 9.2 to 6.3 kaBP, forest and forest-meadow appeared occasionally. From 8 to 5 kaBP, both January and July temperature was 2-3℃ higher and annual precipitation was also about 200 mm higher than that of the present. After 5 kaBP, temperature and precipitation decreased linearly and steppe vegetation began to degenerate.  相似文献   

Analyzed results of the atmospheric wind speedand stable isotopic data (δ^18O) in summer precipitation atBangkok, Bombay, New Delhi, Kunming and Lhasa, the IAEA/WMO stations, indicate that δ^18O in monsoon pre-cipitation correlate positively to wind speed and that thereexists a monsoonal vapor layer over these monsoon-controlled areas during monsoon seasons. The isotopic ex-change happens between monsoon vapors and failing rain-drops in the layer, resulting in this correlation between δ^18O and wind speed. This suggests that wind speed is probablyone of key factors affecting the δ^18O variation besides air temperature and rainfall in the southwest monsoon domain.  相似文献   

In September 1997, a 15-m firn core was recovered from an elevation of 7 000 m a. s.l. from the Dasuopu Glacier in the central Himalayas. The analysis of δ18O values and major ion (Ca2+ , Mg2+ , NH4+ , SO42- and NO3-) concentrations shows that average annual accumulation is 0.75 m (water equivalent) in the Dasuopu firn core. The seasonal variations of δ18O values and major ion concentrations in the core indicate that present summer monsoon and dust signals are recorded with high-resolution in the Dasuopu Glacier. δ18O in precipitation are controlled by amount effect in summer monsoon season, more negative δ18O is representative of summer monsoon signal in snow layers. Higher concentrations of Ca2+ , Mg2+ , SO42- and NO3-are dominated by spring dust storm imput derived from the arid and semi-arid desert regions in central Asia. Also EOF analysis verifies that high spring concentrations of major ions are consistent. Due to the possibly different sources, the secondary variations of NH4+ and NO3- are negatively relevant with that of Ca2+ and Mg2+ .  相似文献   

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