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红豆草组织培养中不同培养物同工酶谱差异的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对红豆草组织和原生质体培养中的不同培养物进行了过氧化物酶、细胞色氧化酶和酯同工酶的研究。结果表明,在胚性与非胚性愈伤组织、再生的正常苗与玻璃苗、再生苗与种子苗之间均存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

旱芹(Apiumgraveolens)无菌苗子叶为外植体,在MS+1.0mg/L2.4-D+0.5mg/LKT上诱导产生愈伤组织,然后转入MS+1.0mg/LABA诱导产生胚状体后用于人工种子包埋,在有菌土壤中获得7%左右的转株$.当人工种子外面包裹一层酯类共聚物作外膜,并在人工胚乳中加入6%的麦芽糖和1%的活性炭后,使人工种子在有菌蛭石土中的转株率提高到51%.还测定了芹菜胚状体分化过程中的苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、以及木质素和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化.POD及PAL的第二个活性峰在第八天前后出现,似可作为组织启动分化的标志酶.结果表明:PAL、POD活性,木质素合成和管状分子之间有紧密的相关性.  相似文献   

旱芹无菌苗子叶为外植体,在MS+1.0mg/L2.4-D+0.5mg/LKT上诱导产生愈伤组织,然后转入MS+1.0mg/LABA诱导产生胚状体后用于人工种子包埋,在有菌土壤1中获得了7%左右的转株率,当人工种子外面包裹一层酯类共聚物作外膜,并在人工胚乳中加入6%的麦芽糖和1%的活性炭后,使人工种子在有菌蛭石土中的转株率提高到51%,还测定了芹菜胚状体分化过程中的苯丙氨酸解氨酸氨酶(PAL)活性,  相似文献   

本文报道从虎耳草幼花轴培养中诱导出胚状体并再生为完整植株所需的条件。对影响胚性愈伤组织生长和胚状体形成的几种因素作了初步探讨。并描述了胚状体发生过程中的细胞组织学观察结果,发现了一些与合子胚发育类似或不同之处.  相似文献   

人类生活离不开种子,种子养活了全人类。随着生物技术的发展,科学家们已研制成功各种人工种子;人工种子的诞生,又向人类展示了十分诱人的前景。 人工种子是模仿天然种子的结构研制而成的。它由人工种皮、人工胚乳和培养物(胚状体、不定芽、毛状根、腋芽、小鳞茎等)三部分组成。人工种皮也像天然种子一样由内、外两层构成,是由能与植物组织密切溶合的高分子化合物(如海藻酸钠、明胶等)  相似文献   

山东 《今日科技》1989,(5):30-31
人工种子,又称人造种子或合成种子。它是利用组织培养方法,从植物体细胞获得大量胚状体或具有产生完整植株潜力的分生组织后,再按一定大小密封于含有对组织有益的辅助剂的胶囊中,而人工合成的种子。人工种子是体细胞无性繁殖的产物,有其独特的优点。第一,加快育种速度。人工种子不存在后代分离、遗传性不稳定和低育性等问题。应用组织培养繁殖分生组织,所  相似文献   

以葡萄(VitisviniferaL.)的花药和花丝为实验材料,观察了葡萄离体培养中胚状体的发生发育过程.结果表明:(1)葡萄的花药和花丝经诱导都可形成胚性和非胚性两类不同的愈伤组织,与外植体来源无关,胚状体经胚性愈伤组织产生.(2)胚状体多起源于胚性愈伤组织表层或表层以下的单个细胞,这些细胞核大,细胞质浓,染色深,在表层者易于脱落而处于单个离散状态,它们的第一次分裂有均等分裂,也有不等分裂,经2细胞、3细胞、多细胞原胚等阶段发育为成熟的胚状体.(3)葡萄胚状体具有与双子叶植物合子胚相似的发育过程  相似文献   

胚性细胞在胚性细胞团、胚状体和再生植株的根部均可以发生。在胚性细胞团表面产生的胚性细胞发育成新的胚性细胞团,在胚性细胞团内部产生的胚性细胞形成许多细胞分裂中心,由这些分裂中心进一步发育成新的胚性细胞团。新的胚性细胞团即可以保持分化能力,也可能丧失分化能力。胚性细胞发育成胚状体的过程与玉米合子胚的形成基本相似。成熟胚状体具有胚芽、胚根、盾片等结构。无性系胚性细胞团具有染色体数目不同的细胞壤嵌存在的特性。由胚性细胞团中的胚性细胞发育成的胚状体,其整倍体细胞占优势,而在丧失正常分化能力的细胞团中,非整倍体细胞占优势。  相似文献   

以小麦(Triticumaestivum)幼胚愈伤组织为材料,研究了小麦的体细胞胚胎发生过程.切片观察表明:小麦的胚状体发生有两种方式,表面发生和内部发生.胚状体来源于愈伤组织中的单个原始胚性细胞.胚状体的发育经历了单个胚性细胞、胚性细胞团、球形胚、心形胚、成熟胚阶段.木实验支持胚状体单细胞起源的学说.  相似文献   

所谓植物人工种子是利用细胞杂交、基因工程和组织培养等现代生物技术,人工把组织培养中产生的胚状体(体细胞胚Somatic embryo)包埋在含有营养物质和具有保护胚状体功能的物质中,并能发芽出苗,长成植株的植物种子。目前,美国、法国、日本、  相似文献   

Geijsen N  Horoschak M  Kim K  Gribnau J  Eggan K  Daley GQ 《Nature》2004,427(6970):148-154
Egg and sperm cells (gametes) of the mouse are derived from a founder population of primordial germ cells that are set aside early in embryogenesis. Primordial germ cells arise from the proximal epiblast, a region of the early mouse embryo that also contributes to the first blood lineages of the embryonic yolk sac. Embryonic stem cells differentiate in vitro into cystic structures called embryoid bodies consisting of tissue lineages typical of the early mouse embryo. Because embryoid bodies sustain blood development, we reasoned that they might also support primordial germ cell formation. Here we isolate primordial germ cells from embryoid bodies, and derive continuously growing lines of embryonic germ cells. Embryonic germ cells show erasure of the methylation markers (imprints) of the Igf2r and H19 genes, a property characteristic of the germ lineage. We show that embryoid bodies support maturation of the primordial germ cells into haploid male gametes, which when injected into oocytes restore the somatic diploid chromosome complement and develop into blastocysts. Our ability to derive germ cells from embryonic stem cells provides an accessible in vitro model system for studies of germline epigenetic modification and mammalian gametogenesis.  相似文献   

本文应用经典制片法和离体培养法。对沙枣体内、外胚胎发育的各阶段做比较研究。主要区别于原胚期:1)、形态发生:体内只有一种方式,即两极分化方式。而离体的有二种方式,即器官发生和胚状体发生途径。2)、胚性细胞起源:体内只一种起源(即起源于受精卵),离体的胚性细胞的起源有三种方式:a由紧邻表皮细胞的单个薄壁细胞产生;b由表皮细胞横分裂产生和c由表皮及其下的薄璧细胞共同参与产生。3)胚性细胞的细胞学特征:体内发生的合子具明显的极性分化,细胞质、淀粉粒和细胞核集中在合点端。它第一次分裂后,顶、基细胞在细胞学特征上具明显区别。而离体条件下的胚性细胞第一次分裂后无典型的顶、基细胞之分。故也缺乏典型的胚柄细胞。胚分化和成熟期、二者在形态学特征上基本相同  相似文献   

黄皮种子脱水敏感性与其水份状况的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同发育时期黄皮种子胚轴中水份状况有差异,其中生理成熟期胚轴中不可冻结水的比例最低,可冻结水的熔解热焓则较高.成熟黄皮种子脱水程度越大,胚轴中水份状态转换的起始温度和能量越低,且脱水至较低含水量时不形成玻璃化状态,这完全不同于正常性种子  相似文献   

本文通过组织培养方法,探讨生长素和细胞分裂素在紫叶酢浆草体细胞胚诱导和发育过程中的作用。结果表明0.5mg/LNAA是诱导胚性愈伤组织最适宜的生长素浓度,添加一定比例的6-BA可有效促进体细胞胚的发生;在附加激素浓度分别低于0.1mg/LNAA和0.5mg/L6-BA的MS培养基上,体细胞胚能发育成完整的植株。因此,一定浓度的生长素是诱导紫叶酢浆草胚性愈伤组织的关键因素,细胞分裂素在体细胞胚的发生和发育过程中起增效作用。  相似文献   

In order to get hematopoietic cells from embryonic stem (ES) cells and to study development mechanisms of hematopoietic cells, the method of inducing embryonic stem cells to hematopoietic cells was explored by differenciating mouse ES cells and human embryonic cells in three stages. The differentiated cells were identified by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and Wright's staining. The results showed that embryoid bodies (EBs) could form when ES cells were cultured in the medium with 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME). However, cytokines, such as stem cell factor (SCF), thrombopoietin (TPO), interleukin-3 (IL-3), interleukin-6 (IL-6), erythropoietin (EPO) and granular colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), were not helpful for forming EBs. SCF, TPO and embryonic cell conditional medium were useful for the differentiation of mouse EBs to hematopoietic progenitors. Eighty-six percent of these cells were CD34+ after 6-d culture. Hematopoietic progenitors differentiated to B lymphocytes when they were cocultured with primary bone marrow stroma cells in the DMEM medium with SCF and IL-6. 14 d later, most of the cells were CD34-CD38+. Wright's staining and immunohistochemistry showed that 80% of these cells were plasma-like morphologically and immunoglubolin positive. The study of hematopoietic cells from human embryonic cells showed that human embryonic cell differentiation was very similar to that of mouse ES cells. They could form EBs in the first stage and the CD34 positive cells account for about 48.5% in the second stage.  相似文献   

In order to get hematopoietic cells from embryonic stem (ES) cells and to study development mechanisms of hematopoietic cells, the method of inducing embryonic stem cells to hematopoietic cells was explored by differenciating mouse ES cells and human embryonic cells in three stages. The differentiated cells were identified by flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and Wright’s staining. The results showed that embryoid bodies (EBs) could form when ES cells were cultured in the medium with 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME). However, cytokines, such as stem cell factor (SCF), thrombopoietin (TPO), interleukin-3 (IL-3), interleukin-6 (IL-6), erythropoietin (EPO) and granular colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), were not helpful for forming EBs. SCF, TPO and embryonic cell conditional medium were useful for the differentiation of mouse EBs to hematopoietic progenitors. Eighty-six percent of these cells were CD34+ after 6-d culture. Hematopoietic progenitors differentiated to B lymphocytes when they were cocultured with primary bone marrow stroma cells in the DMEM medium with SCF and IL-6. 14 d later, most of the cells were CD34CD38+. Wright’s staining and immunohistochemistry showed that 80% of these cells were plasma-like morphologically and immunoglubolin positive. The study of hematopoietic cells from human embryonic cells showed that human embryonic cell differentiation was very similar to that of mouse ES cells. They could form EBs in the first stage and the CD34 positive cells account for about 48.5% in the second stage.  相似文献   

玉米叶片愈伤组织体细胞胚胎发生的细胞形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用MS+2.0mg.L^-1,2,4-D+0.5mg.L^-1BA作为培养基,附加500mg.L^-1水解酪蛋白和w=30%蔗糖、可以从玉米叶片愈 直接诱导出体细胞胚胎。观察表明,玉米胚性细胞同非胚性细胞差别显著。玉米幼叶体细胞胚胎可能起源于单细胞;发育早期的胚性细胞团与周围薄壁细胞存在着明显的界限,推测可能同体细胞胚胎发生初期的生理隔离有关,它随着胚胎发育而逐渐消失。  相似文献   

兔ES样细胞系的建立及其特性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道从237枚家兔胚胎中建成7个可连续传代的ES样细胞系。建系条件为,使用小鼠原始胚胎成纤维细胞(ME)作饲养层,以含10%胎年血清和10%兔血清的DMEM/F12为培养基,添加白血病抑制因子(LIF)或上皮生长因子(EGF),胚龄为90,96h。该细胞系的细胞。在许多方面类似于小鼠ES细胞,具干细胞的形态特征,呈集落型生长,可连续传代并保持其形态特征,具有一定的自发分化和诱导分化的能力,悬浮培养  相似文献   

研究了施用耐氨固氮型催娩克氏菌新型制剂对5种蔬菜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,用5%菌剂浸种可促进小白菜、菜心和生菜种子萌发、提高地上部、根系鲜干重;对芹菜根系、茼蒿地上部及冠根比也有影响。  相似文献   

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