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机织物及其纱线弯曲性能的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用织物及纱线弯曲刚度的理论研究成果,借助实验手段考察研究了织物及其中纱线的弯曲性能与纤维线密度,纱线结构及织物结构的关系。获得如下主要结论:纱线的弯曲刚度与纱线线密度的平方线性相关,二者的单相关系数在0.70以上;织物中纱线的弯曲刚度还与织物紧度、纱线捻系数,织造和染整加工中的张力等因素有关,织物的弯曲滞后量主要取决于织物的弯曲刚度。  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis on the two extreme cases of yarn bending rigidity as well as the relationship between them is proposed. The significant influence of fiber-to-fiber interaction on yarn bending rigidity is revealed. Experimental observation on the relationship between fabric/yarn bending property and fiber fineness, yam structure, fabric structure is given as well. Three problems are discussed and the following conclusion is thus obtained. There exists, similar to a rigid engineering rod, a linear relationship between yarn bending rigidity and the square of yarn fineness (expressed as yarn count in tex), but the increasing speed is much lower. Yarn bending rigidity in the fabric also to a great extent depends on the fabric density and yam twist factor, and so on. Fabric's bending hysteresis primarily depends on its bending rigidity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the bending hysteresis of twill woven fabrics in various directions. In this research, existing models for the prediction of bending rigidity of woven fabrics are applied to bending hysteresis. Wide range of cotton twill woven fabrics is examined by comparing the theoretical data and experimental results. The results of this paper indicated that Peirce's, Shinohara et al's and Cooper's models can be applied to the prediction of bending hysteresis of twill woven fabrics. Besides, the results also show that ratio V, introduced by Cooper, of a cotton twill fabric is found to have the range between 0.8 and 1.4. The general shape of the polar diagram of bending hysteresis along the weft direction is spreading outwards with the increase in ratio V from the range 0.8 to 1. However, the general shape of bending hysteresis will collapse around the weft direction when ratio V is increased from 1 and 1.4.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of semi - circular form for a fabric bend, creasing of fabric strips and compression of fabric loops are analyzed by neglecting the structural complexity of the fabric. The relationship between the creasing force and deformation are deduced using an energy method and solutions are given for a linearly elastic material with constant internal frictional constraint. The agreements between the theoretical predictions and experimental results are very satisfactory.  相似文献   

提出研究纱线和织物弯曲性能的方法,推导出了一些理论分析方法,并将其与实验观察结果进行比较.  相似文献   

梭织物剪切刚度与交织结构的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析剪切变形过程中纱线间的力学作用,研究织物结构与剪切刚度的关系。建立了织物剪切刚度与具体结构参数之间的理论方程。在58种精纺毛型织物试样的实验基础上,对已有的精纺毛型织物剪切刚度理论方程中经纬纱摩擦因数变化率与织物结构参数之间的关系进行研究,结合理论方程讨论了影响织物剪切刚度的因素。  相似文献   

以3/1右斜纹为表组织,3/1左斜纹为里组织,设计了一种"下接上"接结双层组织。在此基础上采用芳纶或芳纶混纺纱作为表经表纬,天然纤维纱线作为里经里纬,设计并织造了两种表层阻燃、里层舒适的阻燃双层机织物试样。通过对试样进行阻燃性能测试,结果表明,两种试样的阻燃性能均达到阻燃要求。通过对试样进行导水性、透湿性和透气性能测试,结果表明,试样二的阻燃性能尽管较试样一稍差,但完全符合服用面料阻燃标准要求,且试样二克重较小,舒适性能明显优于试样一.  相似文献   

基于自适应正交小波的机织物密度自动检测的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了将计算机视觉应用于织物经纬密自动检测,提出了建立机织物自适应小波分解滤波器并研究了织物密度自动检测的方法。应用织物自适应滤波器对织物灰度图像进行小波分解,就可使分解后的子图像能很好地分别包含织物的纬向和经向纹理信息,从而可将织物子图像二值化后,根据其黑白交替变化规律,计算出织物的经纬纱密度。实验结果证明自动检测和人工测量相比,误差在3%以内。  相似文献   

Introduction Manypeopleexperienceapricklesensationwhentheywearsomewoolgarments.Itwaspreviouslythoughtthatthi pricklesensationmayhavebeentheresultofanallergyto wool.However,thestudyofGarnsworthyetalshowedtha theprickleevokedbywoolfabricwasnotderivedfroman allergytowool.Ratherthecauseoffabric evokedpricklewa themechanicalexcitationofskin painreceptorsfromthe coarsefiberendsprotrudingfromthefabricsurface[1].Thei studyalsoshowedthatinsomefabrics,fibersprotrudingfrom thesurface,whichwereabletosu…  相似文献   

本文用新的观点探讨了梭织物双轴双向弯曲的试验方法及数学力学模型。通过大量试验证实了织物在广泛曲率范围内的抗弯刚度的非线性规律。通过非线性修正,得出了双向弯曲过程中压弯力P与变形程度D之间的预测关系式。  相似文献   

The woven fabric can be defined as orthogonal elastomer if the extension force that puts on the fabric is very small. Based on the precondition, the apparent elasticity constants of a woven fabric were analyzed theoretically in the paper. The bias angle (which is between weft yarns and extension direction) affects apparent elasticity modulus and elasticity coefficient of the fabric in the extension direction. And the experiment describes fluxes of elasticity constants going with the bias angle of the fabric.  相似文献   

通过前臂试验对26种轻薄型羊毛机织精纺面料和7种其他纤维的轻薄型机织面料的刺痒感进行了比较研究,并用显微镜对部分轻薄型羊毛机织面料的表面纤维分布进行了研究。结果表明多数毛织物在温度为(24±1)℃、相对湿度为(65±5)%的条件下存在刺痒感,并且毛织物的刺痒感与其表面纤维的平面直径及直径大于26μm的表面纤维根数密切相关。  相似文献   

分析了纱线与织物性能测量装置的弯曲行为,并依据试样弯曲变形形态和力值采用两种弯曲模型建模分别获得相应弯曲刚度的理论计算公式。通过比较弯曲变形阶段的弯曲力—位移特征曲线上各点确定特征曲线上求解弯曲刚度的最优曲率区间,同时通过两种弯曲模型的比较确定较优的弯曲理论模型,从而定量化表征试样的弯曲性能。  相似文献   

织物的膜理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对织物膜结构和服装进行虚拟模拟,例如膜结构的张紧和褶皱以及服装的悬垂和屈曲,建立了编织物的膜理论.编织物的细观编织结构被引入了膜理论,织物的经线和纬线被选为曲线坐标轴,未变形的纱线作为Lagrangian坐标轴,变了形的纱线作为Eulerian坐标轴.在变形中考虑经线和纱线之间夹角.该理论被用于织物膜的张紧分析.数值结果表明,当应变e12达0.06时,由于纱线夹角的改变导致的应力增加占总应力的25%左右.  相似文献   

变形构形下织物的细观线性本构方程   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了模拟织物在变形构形下纱线斜交的线性本构行为,给出了Euler描述下的织物斜交异性细观线性本构方程.相对于初始构形,在变形构形下的线性本构关系则变为非线性,并被称为本构转换非线性.在小变形下,给出的本构方程Lagrange形式将蜕化为已有织物在初始构形下的细观线性本构方程.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the comfort properties of eightkinds of woven fabric commonly used for children'ssummer wear in Hong Kong,China.Due to the expan-sion of children's wear market and the quality require-ment for parents,objective and subjective measurementsare the main methods used to evaluate the chosen fabricsfor garment deslgners and consumers as reference. Objective measurement was carried out through ex-periments by means of the Kawabata Evaluation Systemfor Fabrics(KES-F).Experimental tests on fabrics in-clude compression,surface,bending,air permeability,thermal and tensile.Subjective measurement was con-ducted by a market research on consumers' opinions onfabrics for children's summer wear in the form of ques-tionnaire survey.These two ways of measurement onfabrics were analyzed and compared. It was found that Fabric Sample 6 which is com-posed of polyester and cotton fibre has the best perfor-mance in terms of its comfort properties.Besides,Sam-ple 4 composes of rayon and cotton fibre also ha  相似文献   

介绍了医用可扩张管道的纤维材料选择与性能,管道的结构设计与编织工艺。还测试了该管道的扩张性能,并与理论分析进行了比较。  相似文献   

Research on Properties of Woven Fabrics Treated by High Pressure Water Jet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper introduces a new technique for the treatment of the woven fabrics. Sprayed by high pressure water jet, the appearance, handle and stiffness of the fabric are improved. Other properties of the high pressure water treated fabrics like drape coefficient, air permeability, tenacity are also presented.  相似文献   

机织物密度的计算机自动识别   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用傅里叶变换技术将织物在空间城内的图像转化到频率域进行研究,提出了一种利用功率谱峰值计算机织物密度的方法,并进行了与人工测试的相关分析,结果表明此方法对平纹、斜纹和缎纹织物均适用。  相似文献   

以实验的方法解释了织机在未采用张力补偿措施前提下,产生开关车织物横档疵点的原因。织机开关车时由于主轴转速、钢筘打纬速度达不到正常数值,使经纱张力及钢筘打纬力达不到一定的正常数值,以致打纬过程中经纬纱线相对滑移量比织机正常运转时的数值小、共同移动量比正常运转时的数值大,所形成的织物达不到正常的纬密,在织物上产生横档疵点。同时,也指出了长期以来对织物横档疵点成因一种肤浅的解释。  相似文献   

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