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Pharmacological, laser scanning confocal microscopic (LSCM), real-time PCR and spectrophotographic approaches are used to study the roles of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitric oxide (NO) in signaling transduction of stomatal movement response to ethylene in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present study, inhibitors of H2S synthesis were found to block ethylene-induced stomatal closure of Arabidopsis. Treatment with ethylene induced H2S generation and increased L-/D-cysteine desulfhydrase (pyridoxal-phosphate-dep...  相似文献   

Some filamentous cyanobacteria form heterocysts under conditions lacking combined nitrogen for nitrogen fixation.Photosystem II is removed from heterocyst during the process of cell differentiation.Here,we demonstrate that Alr3815 is a protease that is capable of degrading D1 protein of photosystem II.Strain-322,which lacks alr3815,is impaired in nitrogen fixation in air because some oxygen evolving activity is retained in its heterocysts.Our results also suggest that calcium may play a regulatory role in D1 degradation during heterocyst differentiation.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, male fertility depends on the formation and development of normal male gametophytes or pollen grains. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate the processes. Here, we report the identification of four novel independent Arabidopsis gametophytic male sterile mutants, apam1, apam2, apam3 and apam4 (Arabidopsis pollen abortion mutant). The four mutants that were generated by the insertions of geneand enhancer-trap Ds transposon elements were defective in pollen development. Genetic analysis results showed that all four mutations resulted in the loss of male gametophytic function, but did not affect female gametophytic function, and the Ds elements were linked to the mutations tightly in all four mutants. Localization of the Ds insertion sites by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) showed that the Ds elements were inserted in four different loci distributed on three chromosomes, chromosomes II, III and V. In summary, the apam4 is allelic to AHA3, while the other three were located in places where there are no genes that have been known to be involved in pollen development, suggesting that they are novel mutations involved in pollen development.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone corresponding to a putative phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C(PIPLC) was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening a cDNA library and using RT-PCR strategy.The cDNA,designated AtPLC6,encodes a putative polypeptide of 578 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 66251.84 D and a pI of 7.24. The sequence analysis indicates that the polypeptide contains X, Y, EF-hand and C2 domains.The overall structure of putative AtPLC6 protein, like other plant PI-PLCs,is most similar to that of mammalian PLCδ The recombinant AtPLC6 protein expressed in E. coil was able to hydrolyze phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biophosphate (PIP2) to generate inositol 1,4,5-trisphate (IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG).The protein hydrolyzes PIP2 in a Ca^2 -dependent manner and the optimum concentration of Ca^2 is 10μmol/L.These results suggested that AtPLC6 gene encodes a genuine PIPLC.Northern blot analysis showed that the AtPLC6 gene is expressed at low level in all examined tissues, such as roots,stems,leaves,flowers,siliques and seedlings under normal growth conditions.The gene is strongly induced under low temperature and weakly induced under various stresses,such as ABA, high-salt stress and heat. These results suggested that AtPLC6 might be involved in the signal-transduction pathways of cold responses of the plants.  相似文献   

Phosphorous is one of the essential mineral elements for plant growth and development.Typically, the shoots of plant seedlings usually turn a dark-brown or purple colour under low-Pi stress. Using protein 2-D gel and peptide mass fingerprinting mapping (PMF) methods, a cytoplasmic glyceralde-hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase GapC-2 was identified as a low-Pi responsive protein in Arabidopsisplants. Expression of AtGapC-2 protein was significantly decreased after 4 d of low-Pi stress. Two in-dependent T-DNA insertion lines of GapC-2 gene (At1g13440) showed a hypersensitive phenotype inresponse to low-Pi stress compared with wild type plants, while the transgenic complementation linesof the mutants showed a similar phenotype to the wild type. These results indicate that AtGapC-2 mayplay an important role in Arabidopsis responses to low-Pi stress, possibly by regulation of glycoly-sis-associated "Pi-pool" and accumulation of anthocyanin pigments in plants.  相似文献   

Asymmetric epoxidation of α,β-unsaturated ketones has been extensively studied and several important procedures have been developed in the last decade. This review addresses the most significant advances in asymmetric epoxidation of α,β-unsaturated ketones using proline-derived α,α-diarylprolinols as catalysts. Special attention has been paid to the enantioselective epoxidation of chalcones, α,β-unsaturated trifluoromethyl, trichloromethyl ketones and β,γ-unsaturated α-keto esters based on the reseach of our group.  相似文献   

A full-length calmodulin binding protein kinase cDNA ,AtCBK1 ,from Arabidopsis has been isolated by screening of an Arabidopsis cDNA library and by 5′-RACE-Northern blot and in situ hybridization indicated that the expression of AtCBK1 was more abundant in the vascular bundles and the meristems than in other tissues,The phylogenetic analyses revenl that AtCBK1 is different from animal CaMKs and it falls into CRK subgroup,indicating that they may come from different ancestors,The result suggests that AtCBK1 encoldes a CaM-binding serine/threonine protein kinase.  相似文献   

Kinesins are common in a variety of eukaryotic cells with diverse functions. A cDNA encoding a member of the Kinesin-14B subfamily is obtained using 3'-RACE technology and named AtKP1 (for Arabidopsis kinesin protein 1). This cDNA has a maximum open reading frame of 3.3 kb encoding a polypeptide of 1087 aa. Protein domain analysis shows that AtKP1 contains the motor domain and the calponin homology domain in the central and amino-terminal regions, respectively. The carboxyl-terminal region with 202 aa residues is diverse from other known kinesins. Northern blot analysis shows that AtKP1 is widely expressed at a higher level in seedlings than in mature plants. 2808 bp of the AtKP1 promoter region is cloned and fused to GUS. GUS expression driven by the AtKP1 promoter region shows that AtKP1 is mainly expressed in vasculature of young organs and young leaf trichomes, indicating that AtKP1 may participate in the differentiation or development of Arabidopsis thaliana vascular bundles and trichomes. A truncated AtKP1 protein containing the putative motor domain is expressed in E. coil and affinity-purified. In vitro characterizations indicate that the polypeptide has nucleotide-dependent microtubule-binding ability and microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent serine protease Lon belongs to the AAA+ superfamily, which is widely distributed in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotic cells. Lon participates in the regulation of numerous physiological processes and gene expression via degrading various unstable and non-native regulators. In this study, we showed that the Arabidopsis atlon4 mutant is more sensitive to drought stress than wild-type plants. Compared with wild-type plants, atlon4 mutant plants showed increased water loss, decreased water use efficiency, and impaired stomatal closure in drought stress conditions.  相似文献   

The R- and AR-indices: Complementing the h-index   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Based on the foundation laid by the h-index we introduce and study the R- and AR-indices. These new indices eliminate some of the disadvantages of the h-index, especially when they are used in combina-tion with the h-index. The R-index measures the h-core’s citation intensity, while AR goes one step further and takes the age of publications into account. This allows for an index that can actually in-crease and decrease over time. We propose the pair (h, AR) as a meaningful indicator for research evaluation. We further prove a relation characterizing the h-index in the power law model.  相似文献   

Microcystins are a kind of cyclic hepatoxins produced by many species of cyanobacteria. Most previous work have been done on the toxic effects of microcystins on animals and plants. However, the reports about the effect of microcystins on microbial cells are very limited. In this work, the permeability of MC-RR on the cell outer membrane of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) was discussed. The permeability effect of MC-RR on the cell outer membrane of E. coli and B. subtilis under different concentrations was demonstrated by a rapid and sustained reduction in the A675 values of lysozyme-treated cells. The decrease of the absorbance values showed a time- and dose-effect. The extravasations of protein and carbonhydrate increased with the increment of the treated-concentration of MC-RR. The results showed that MC-RR could increase the permeability of cell outer membranes of E. coli and B. subtilis. The synergistic effects of MC-RR and lysozyme on bacteria indicated that MC-RR might play an ecological role in bacteria in combination with other substances in some aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis based on maize Activator/Dissociator (Ac/Ds) transposons is becoming a ma- jor approach used to produce a saturated mutant collection in rice. In this research, Ds-T-DNA trans- formed homozygotes were crossed with Ac-T-DNA transformed homozygotes in order to establish an Ac/Ds transposon system in rice. The successive investigation of Ds transposition from F1 to F5 gen- erations indicated that the frequencies of germinal transposition increased over successive genera- tions and reached 54.2% in F3 generation. The Ds transposition pattern revealed that a Ds transposition induced an approximately 170-bp deletion of T-DNA sequence and another Ds transposition carried a 272-bp T-DNA sequence. Using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR), some flanking se- quences of the Ds element were amplified. Analyses of 17 Ds-flanking sequences showed that five Ds were inserted into gene regions. The Ds could transpose not only to the linked sites but also to the unlinked sites. The frequency of inter-chromosomal transposition of Ds was 33.3%.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in cytosolic pH and nitric oxide (NO) during ethylene-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana using pharmacological, laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), and spectrophotography techniques. Treatment with ethephon (a direct source of ethylene when applied to plants) and 1-aminocycloaminopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC, an ethylene precursor) resulted in a rapid accumulation of NO and cytosolic alkalinization in guard cells. Acetic acid (a weak acid) and sodium orthovanadate (NaVO3; a plasmalemma H+-ATPase inhibitor) reduced stomatal closure induced by ethylene and blocked ethylene-induced activity of nitrate reductase. However, 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (cPTIO), a NO scavenger, had no effect. These results suggest that NO production is downstream of the rise in cytosolic pH in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of dr1127,a novel gene in Deinococcus radiodurans was performed in this pa-per. The dr1127 gene was found occasionally in our microarray and 2-DE gel experiments. Mutation of the dr1127 gene decreased the γ-radiation and H2O2 resistance of D. radiodurans,and weakened the scavenging abilities of cell extracts for free radicals (superoxide anion,hydrogen peroxide,and hy-droxyl radical). Further oxidative damage assays demonstrated that the purified DR1127 protein of D. radiodurans could bind to double stranded DNA in vitro and protect DNA from oxidative damage in this way. These results suggest that the dr1127 gene is an important gene that can maintain γ-radiation and oxidative resistance in D. radiodurans and may take part in the oxidative stress process.  相似文献   

Gene expression of glutathione peroxidase 3 (ATGPX3) in response to osmotic stress was analyzed in Arabidopsis using ATGPX3 promoter-glucuronidase (GUS) transgenic plants. High levels of GUS ex- pression were detected under osmotic stress in ATGPX3 promoter-GUS transgenic plants. Compared with the wild type, the growth and development of ATGPX3 mutants (atgpx3-1) were more sensitive to mannitol. In addition, the expression of RD29A, ABI1, ABI2 and RbohD in atgpx3-1 was induced by ABA stress. These results suggest that ATGPX3 might be involved in the signal transduction of osmotic stress.  相似文献   

ABA, acting as a stress signal, plays crucial roles in plant resistance to water stress. Because ABA signal production is based on ABA biosynthesis, the regulation of NCED, a key enzyme in the ABA biosynthesis pathway, is normally thought of as the sole factor controlling ABA signal production. Here we demonstrate that ABA catabolism in combination with a synergistic regulation of ABA biosynthesis plays a crucial role in governing ABA signal production. Water stress induced a significant accumulation of ABA, which exhibited different patterns in detached and attached leaves. ABA catabolism followed a temporal trend of exponential decay for both basic and stress ABA, and there was little difference in the catabolic half-lives of basic ABA and stress ABA. Thus, the absolute rate of ABA catabolism, i.e. the amount of ABA catabolized per unit time, increases with increased ABA accumulation. From the dynamic processes of ABA biosynthesis and catabolism, it can be inferred that stress ABA accumulation may be governed by a synergistic regulation of all the steps in the ABA biosynthesis pathway. Moreover, to maintain an elevated level of stress ABA sustained activation of NCED3 should be required. This inference was supported by further findings that the genes encoding major enzymes in the ABA biosynthesis pathway, e.g. NCED3, AAO3 and ABA3 were all activated by water stress, and with ABA accumulation progressing, the expressions of NCED3, AAO3 and ABA3 remained activated. Data on ABA catabolism and gene expression jointly indicate that ABA signal production is controlled by a sustained activation of NCED3 and the synergistic regulation of ABA biosynthesis and catabolism.  相似文献   

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