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臧树良教授 1951年8月出生于沈阳市。1975年毕业于辽宁大学化学系后留校任教。1980~1982年于厦门大学化学系研修分析化学专业,师从国内著名电分析化学家杨孙楷教授。1988年4月通过国家出国留学考试,获中国政府奖学金被公派到联邦德国留学,1996年获自然科学博士学位。1997年3月出任辽宁大学副校长。2001年被华东师范大学分析化学专业聘为博士生导师。担任辽宁省稀散元素重点实验室主任、中国稀散金属学术委员会副主任、辽宁省留学归国博士联合会副理事长、辽宁省科协副主席。国家和辽宁省的二级百千万人才工程百人层次人选者。荣获国家、辽宁省和沈阳市三级优秀专家及国务院特殊津贴,沈阳市劳动模范等。从事化学教学与科研工作30余年。主讲《分析化学》、《稀散元素化学》、《环境污染控制化学》等10余门专业基础课,曾获得辽宁大学大学生最喜爱的教师的称号。  相似文献   

Professor LIU YouCheng is a pioneer of free radical chemistry in China. Born in Shucheng, Anhui Province in 1920, he received his undergraduate education at the National Central University, China and studied as a graduate student on a scholarship from the British Council at the University of Leeds, England, where he received his PhD degree in organic chemistry in 1948 under the guidance of Professor F. Challenger. He then went to the United States and took the position of research associate with Professor B. Riegel in the chemistry department of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois until 1951. He then worked at the University of Chicago as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor M. S. Kharasch and thereby began his career in free radical chemistry research. Because of his strong desire to serve his mother country, Dr. Liu made strenuous efforts to return to China, finally suc- ceeding with the help of the Chinese Government in 1954. He accepted the offer from the Ministry of Education to become a chemistry professor at Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province in the northwest region of China in 1955. There, he started his professional career of teaching and research in organic chemistry. After only 2 years, he became the chairman of the chemistry department and remained at that post until 1983, a period of 26 years. During this period, Lanzhou University underwent strong development to become an important educational institution in China. Professor Liu resumed his research in free radical chemistry with only a small group of young col-leagues and graduate students and meager facilities in the middle fifties. Through stupendous effort and hard work, they had estab- lished an excellent center for free radical chemistry research by the early 1980s. 
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Dr Guo Yong-xin,male and Han nationality,was born in November 1963;professor of Liaoning University,part-time professor and doctoral tutor of Beijing Institute of Technology.He presently holds the position of vice-president of Liaoning Uni-versity.He is in charge of science research,building of newcourse,information supervision.He got the bachelor degree of phys-ics after he studied physics in the Physics Department in Liaoning Normal University from Sep.  相似文献   

1926年出生于浙江永嘉县城的谷超豪,少年时期背弃他出生的阶级参加中国共产党,在学习和工作中为革命尽心尽力。他具有极高的天分,对数学有着极大的兴趣,后放弃行政工作重返科研与教育岗位,长期担任复旦大学数学系教授,成为中国现代数学家第二代代表人物之一。他在微分几何、偏微分方程、数学物理等领域取得了重要的成就,1980年当选中科院学部委员,先后获得何梁何利终身成就奖、华罗庚数学家和国家最高科学技术奖等荣誉。作为著名的教育家,他培养一大批人才,建立了复旦大学偏微分方程学派,并先后担任复旦大学副校长、中国科技大学校长和温州大学校长等。本年表以大量的档案、著述、口述访谈等原始资料为基础,翔实地记述了谷超豪传奇而平凡的一生。  相似文献   

Professor Chen Ci-chang, male, was born in Sep. 1948,in Leshan Sichuang Province. He was graduated from Xihua University with a degree in water-professional major in 1977,graduated from Jiangsu University with a degree in master, and graduated from Kyushu University in Japan with a degree in doctor. He has been the deputy director in drainage and irrigation machinery Institute in Jiangsu University, the associate professor and visiting professor in Kyushu University in Japan,the deputy director, director, doctoral tutor in Jiangsu University Power Train Institute,deputy president in Xihua University. He got the allowance from the State Council Government in 1992, member of the 8th People's Congress, the jury committee member of Award for Science and Technology Advancement in Ministry of Machine Building, vice-chairman of agricultural machinery association in Jiangsu Province. He is now Vice-president,professor, doctoral tutor in South West Petroleum University, the scholarship leaders, Vice-president of CPPCC in Sichuan Province.Thus far he has guided twenty doctoral students and forty postgraduate students. He has done a lot of work in the aspect of numerical simulation of fluid machinery fluiding, improvement performance and modern test technology;the design theory and method of pump; the multiphase flowing internal fluid machinery; optimum design of low noise and cross flow fan; products development of fluid machinery intelligent system;storage and transportation engineering of petroleum ,natural gas and so on. He has completed nearly 30 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology 973 Project,which are state provincial and ministerial level research projects. He has won paper award of turbine machinery society in japan in 1999,and has received a number of provincial and ministerial level awards such as Sichuan Province, ministry of machine building,ministry of education, Science and Technology Progress Award of Jiangsu Province and so on.CHEN Ci-chan has published five books, one translated book and one collaborated collected paper;has published about 130 papers in the journals at home and abroad; obtained one national patent, one utility model patent.He has been to Dozens of countries, such as the United States ,Canada and so on giving lectures and exchanging communication. He has taken the chair many times as the executive chairman of the International Conference.He is currently the fluid machinery professional committee member of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics; Pump and Pumping Station Professional committee member of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower; committee member of institute of physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences; committee member of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of water power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of hydro-electric power project; vice-chairman of Sichuan Institute of Agricultural Machinery; vice-chairman of Chengdu Institute of Mechanical Engineering; member of Japan Society of Mechanical.  相似文献   

洲塔先生现为兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心教授,博士生导师.多年来,洲塔教授致力于藏族社会历史、藏语言文学、佛教哲学、古藏文文献等研究,几乎走遍了藏区的每一个角落,研究成果丰硕.其中,《甘肃藏族部落的社会与历史研究》和《甘肃宕昌藏族家藏古藏文苯教文献》是具有代表性的两项研究成果.文章主要对洲塔教授的学术生涯、学术思想、研究成果及研究方法等方面进行了采访.  相似文献   

略述中国第一位物理学博士李复几   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李复几,原名李福基,字泽民,1881年12月9日生于上海。1901年7月毕业于南洋公学中院,为首届毕业生。随即受学校派遣留学欧洲。先在伦敦国王学院学习语言,此后先后进入芬斯伯里学院和伦敦大学学习机械工程,在伦敦机械工程师研究所和德国汉尼尔理机器厂实习。1906年进入波恩皇家大学师从凯瑟尔从事光谱学研究,1907年获得物理学博士学位,是中国第一位物理学博士。李复几回国后未继续从事物理学研究,而是在汉冶萍公司、汉口工巡处、四川盐务管理局等部门任工程师,从事技术工作。1933年居苏州。1947年9月病逝于四川自贡。  相似文献   

竺可桢教授是中国近代科学地理学的先驱与奠基人。他早年留学美国伊利诺斯大学农学院,毕业后又转入美国哈佛大学地学系学习气象学,获博士学位后回国。他认为中国以农立国,万事以农为本。农业与气象关系极为密切。主张地理学应主要为农业服务。创办东南大学地学系。建立中央研究院气象研究所。出任浙江大学校长。任中国科学院副院长。其代表性著作有《中国近代五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》等三百篇。为发展我国地理学、气象学作出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

李宪之教授之气象灾害研究成果及影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李宪之是我国著名气象学家,北京大学教授。他年轻时(1927—1930年)参加了中国西北科学考查团,在青海亲历了一次强大寒潮的侵袭,对其一生有重要的影响。1930—1936年赴德国柏林大学学习和工作。1934年获博士学位,1936年回国。历任清华大学、西南联大及北京大学教授。李宪之先生一生从事气象高等教育及科学研究,有许多开创性的工作。1934—1936年先后发表了《东亚寒潮侵袭的研究》和《台风的研究》,发现东亚寒潮可以穿越赤道,到达南半球并在那里引发降温与降水,同时提出了南半球澳洲大陆寒潮的爆发可以越过赤道在西北太平洋引发台风的生成。晚年又提出了“宏观系统”的概念,指出中国大陆特大暴雨的发生主要与来自南半球的天气系统有着重要的联系,从而提出了对中国特大暴雨及洪涝灾害可以进行监测与预测的理论。本文综合介绍了他在气象灾害研究方面的主要观点、成果以及对气象科学研究的影响与贡献。  相似文献   

厦门城市大学中文系教授陈仲义的新著《中国前沿诗歌聚焦》在中国新诗研究上打开了一个新的研究局面。他以个人的眼光,前沿的视域,严谨的问题意识,野性的思维在近20年的诗歌场域里的前沿地带探索出一种优质的诗学资源,注入鲜活的诗学理论,拟定出一套全新的诗学话语建构体系。  相似文献   

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