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A fair off-line electronic cash scheme was presented based on a provable secure restrictive partially blind signature. The scheme is more efficient than those of previous works as the expiry date and denomination information are embedded in the electronic cash, which alleviates the storage pressure for the bank to check double spending, and the bank need not use different public keys for different coin values, shops and users need not carry a list of bank‘s public keys to verify in their electronic wallet. The modular exponentiations are reduced for both the user and the bank by letting the trustee publish the public values with different structure as those of previous electronic cash schemes. The scheme security is based on the random oracle model and the decision Diffie-Hellman assumption. The scheme can be easily extended to multi-trustees and multi-banks using threshold cryptography.  相似文献   

针对现有群签名的匿名范围不可变且应用上有一定局限性的问题,提出一种层次匿名群签名的概念.将成员所在的单位组织成层次架构,在生成群签名时根据具体的应用自主选择匿名层次,从而灵活适应不同匿名级别的需求.基于多变量多项式、RSA假设和知识签名等方法,构建一个高效的层次匿名群签名方案,将层次组织架构与作为密匙的多项式的解空间对应起来.  相似文献   

利用椭圆曲线上盲签名方法,引入认证中心(CA)作为可信的第三方,构建了一个高效的公平电子现金支付方案.该方案具有现金的匿名特性,必要时可由CA和发行银行对问题现金进行追踪.同时分析了它的安全性和效率.  相似文献   

可撤销匿名性的环签名方案是一种允许多用户完全匿名签名的方案,并可追踪签名者的真实身份,迄今为止所有可撤销匿名性的环签名方案都基于传统密码体制.然而随着量子计算机的出现,传统密码体制的安全性受到威胁.多变量公钥密码体制(MPKCs)是一种高效的密码体制,并且有可能成为后量子时代安全的密码体制.提出了一个基于MPKCs可撤销匿名性的环签名方案,该方案满足无条件匿名性,在非适应性选择消息下满足不可伪造性,可撤销匿名性,且运算效率高.  相似文献   

利用PKI基础设施,并采用部分盲签名技术对先前提出的网上合同签署方案进行改进,大大简化了方案的实施步骤,有效地提高了方案的实施效率。为当前“电子签名法”颁布和国家级认证中心建立条件下的信息安全产品开发提供了一个可供借鉴的方案。  相似文献   

对张建中等提出的基于双线性对的随机化部分盲签名方案进行了安全性分析,发现方案不能抵抗篡改公共信息攻击.为此,提出了一个改进方案.分析结果表明,改进方案在满足不可伪造性、不可追踪性的同时,能够有效防止恶意的签名请求者非法修改事先协商的公共信息,保护签名者的合法权益.  相似文献   

To support withdrawing and storing money from all levels of the bank for the customers in the real world, in this paper, we propose a proxy blind signature scheme and an off-line e-cash scheme based on the new proxy blind signature scheme. The proposed proxy blind signature is proven secure in the random oracle model under chosen-target computational Diffie-Hellman assumptions, and the e-cash scheme can satisfy the security requirements of unforgeability, anonymity, and traceability.  相似文献   

With analyzing the existing on-line electronic payment protocols, this paper presents a new on line electronic payment protocol named ACSEPP: Anonymous. Convenient and Secure Electronic Payment Protocol. Its aim is to design a practical electronic payment protocol which is both secure and convenient. Without using PKLCA frame, it realized the anonymity of consumer and merchant, the convenient of handling, the low cost of maintenance and the securily.  相似文献   

数字签名是安全领域中的一项重要技术.盲签名有着与传统签名不同的特性,这使得电子选举的应用成为可能.文章主要针对基于FOO的Sensus电子选举系统进行讨论,从而提出一种新型的电子选举协议.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new cash scheme is proposed for electronic payment system, in which the cash can be transferred several times. When this kind of cash is used, the fraud such as double spending can be found out but the bank and the trusted party needs not be involved online in each transaction. This cash system is anonymous in normal transactions. But if a fraud happens, the trusted party can withdraw the anonymity to find out the cheater. The new cash scheme is transferable, anonymous, off-line and efficient.  相似文献   

Combining the concept of partially blind signature with the concept of directed signature, we introduce a new concept of convertible directed partially blind signature (CDPBS), in which only the signer and the user can verify, confirm and disavow the validity of given signatures and convert given signatures into universally verifiable ones, to meet the need of signing personally or commercially sensitive messages. We give a formal definition of CDPBS and propose a concrete provably secure CDPBS scheme. The proposed scheme is efficient and secure, in which its unforgeability is the same as that of the Schnorr's signature scheme and its untransferability relies on the hardness of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem. Furthermore, by letting the user's private key be a common constant, the proposed scheme can be used as a normal partially blind signature scheme.  相似文献   

匿名系统中统计分析攻击及防御策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了匿名系统中固定重路由路径发送策略和变化重路由路径发送策略的安全漏洞,提出了相应攻击模型及攻击算法;采用概率分析的方法分析了攻击模型的有效性.为了防御以上攻击,提出了动态固定重路由路径策略,分析结果表明,采用该策略发送信息的发送者可以获得较高的匿名度.  相似文献   

This paper describes the research results and development of fair off-line e~eash systems so far, and points out that in these systems, the bank can compute the doublespender‘s account secret key, thus the bank can impersonate the double-spender to withdraw from the double-spender‘s account. This article utilizes anonymity control and group signature to address this shortcoming.  相似文献   

传统的手工选举已越来越不适应社会快速发展的需要,而电子选举已逐步进入人们的视野中,如何创建一个具有安全而又合理的电子选举协议是人们目前所普遍关注的,本文主要针对基于FOO的Sensus电子选举系统进行讨论,从而提出一种新型的电子选举协议。  相似文献   

一种基于ElGamal体制的盲签名方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在ElGamal公钥体制上提出了一种盲签名方案,较之基于RSA算法的盲签名方案有其明显的优点。通过有向因子的引入,在真正意义上实现了电子交易中的匿名特性。通过对其安全性的分析,证明了该算法达到了安全性和可操作性的实际要求,必将有利于推动电子商务的发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the polynomial function and Chaum's RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) blind signature scheme to construct a secure anonymous internet electronic voting scheme. In our scheme, each vote does not need to be revealed in the tallying phase. The ballot number of each candidate gets is counted by computing the degrees of two polynomials' greatest common divisor. Our scheme does not require a special voting channel and communication can occur entirely over the current internet.  相似文献   

Fu-Kou-Xiao提出了一种匿名代理签名方案,其特点在于:用户的真实身份隐藏在原始签名人颁发的一个假名中;匿名性撤销时不需要可信第3方的参与.对该方案进行分析发现,原始签名人可以滥用代理授权,代理签名人也能够对自己所生成的有效代理签名进行事后否认,即不满足代理签名权力的不可滥用性和不可否认性.  相似文献   

本文给出了一个基于群签名的电子选举协议,它具有确认投票者的合法资格,确保投票的无记名性,确保计票的公正性等功能。协议对于系统中的非正当行为有较好的抵御能力。  相似文献   

目的 研究了几个无证书的部分盲签名方案,对其中的一个签名方案分析发现其存在严重的安全缺陷,并对出现伪造攻击的原因进行分析.方法 在签名阶段加入公共信息,并在签名时改变签名的形式.结果与结论 分析表明,改进方案不仅满足部分盲性,而且可以防止对公共信息的更改,并在随机预言模型下证明新方案是不可伪造的.  相似文献   

当前电子现金系统的运行效率一直是倍受关注的问题.提出了一种新的安全有效的电子现金模型,避开了用零知识证明来验证其匿名性,并分析了它的运行效率.结果表明,该方案满足理想电子现金模型的性质.  相似文献   

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