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An Effective Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Binary Text Image   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aiming at the binary text image's characteristics of simple pixel, complex texture and bad immunity of information concealment, a digital watermarking embedment location choosing method has been put forward based upon compatible roughness set. The method divides binary text image into different equivalent classes. Equivalent classes are further divided into different subclasses according to each pixel's degree and texture changes between blocks. Through properties' combination, the embedment block and location which are fit for watermarking are found out. At last, different binary text images are chosen for emulation experiment. After being embedded, the image is compressed in JPIG-2. Gaussian noise, salt & pepper noise are added and cutting is employed to imitate the actual environment in which images may suffer from various attacks and interferences. The result shows that the detector has a sound testing effect under various conditions.  相似文献   

A neurocomputing model for Genetic Algorithm (GA) to break the speed bottleneck of GA was proposed. With all genetic operations parallel implemented by NN-based sub-modules, the model integrates both the strongpoint of parallel GA (PGA) and those of hardware GA (HGA). Moreover a new crossover operator named universe crossover was also proposed to suit the NN-based realization.This model was tested with a benchmark function set, and the experimental results validated the potential of the neurocomputing model.The significance of this model means that HGA and PGA can be integrated and the inherent parallelism of GA can be explicitly and farthest realized, as a result, the optimization speed of GA will be accelerated by one or two magnitudes compered to the serial implementation with same speed hardware, and GA will be turned from an algorithm into a machine.  相似文献   

Mining association rules from large database is very costly.We develop a parallel algorithm for this task on sharedmemory multiprocessor (SMP). Most proposed parallel algorithms for association rules mining have to scan the database at least two times. In this article, a parallel algorithm Scan Once (SO) has been proposed for SMP,which only scans the database once. And this algorithm is fundamentally different from the known parallel algorithm Count Distribution (CD). It adopts bit matrix to store the database information and gets the support of the frequent itemsets by adopting Vector-And-Operation, which greatly improve the efficiency of generating all frequent itemsets.Empirical evaluation shows that the algorithm outperforms the known one CD algorithm.  相似文献   

Image Mosaicing Algorithm for Rolled Fingerprint Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionFingerprint identification is the most importantbiometric technique for automated personalauthentication[1,2 ] .In the past,fingerprints used inidentification systems were acquired by applyingink to the fingers and rolling each finger from nai…  相似文献   

The sign algorithm has been extensively investigated for digital echo cancellation appfication and other adaptive filtering appfications. In this paper, we use the blind averaging Signregressor (SR) algorithm for adaptive multiuser detection. It is another least mean square (LMS) algorithm and eliminates the need for multiplication in the adaptive algorithm. The new algorithm not only reduces the calculation complexity but also has good convergence character. Simulations indicate that this algorithm can adapt to the changes of the environment quickly and improve the stability of the SIR.  相似文献   

With the complexity of integrated circuits is continually increasing, a local defect in circuits may cause multiple faults. The behavior of a digital circuit with a multiple fault may significantly differ from that of a single fault. A new method for the detection of multiple faults in digital circuits is presented in this paper, the method is based on binary decision diagram (BDD). First of all, the BDDs for the normal circuit and faulty circuit are built respectively. Secondly, a test BDD is obtained by the XOR operation of the BDDs corresponds to normal circuit and faulty circuit. In the test BDD, each input assignment that leads to the leaf node labeled 1 is a test vector of multiple faults. Therefore, the test set of multiple faults is generated by searching for the type of input assignments in the test BDD. Experimental results on some digital circuits show the feasibility of the approach presented in this paper.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionThejobshopschedulingproblemwithwhichwearecon cernedconsistsinschedulingasetofjobsonasetofma chinesfortheobjectiveofminimizingthemake span ,i.e .themaximumoftimeneededforfinishingalljobs,whichissubjecttotheconstrainsthateachjobhasafixedprocessingorderthroughthemachinesandeachmachinecanprocessatmostonejobatatime .ThisproblemisNP hardandevenisoneofthehardestcom binationaloptimizationproblems.Itiswellknownthatonlysmallsizeprobleminstancescanbesolvedwithinareasonablecomputa tionalti…  相似文献   

Association rule mining is an important issue in data mining. The paper proposed an binary system based method to generate candidate frequent itemsets and corresponding supporting counts efficiently, which needs only some operations such as "and", "or" and "xor". Applying this idea in the existed distributed association rule mining al gorithm FDM, the improved algorithm BFDM is proposed. The theoretical analysis and experiment testify that BFDM is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

The procedure of hypertext induced topic search based on a semantic relation model is analyzed, and the reason for the topic drift of HITS algorithm was found to prove that Web pages are projected to a wrong latent semantic basis. A new concept-generalized similarity is introduced and, based on this, a new topic distillation algorithm GSTDA(generalized similarity based topic distillation algorithm) was presented to improve the quality of topic distillation. GSTDA was applied not only to avoid the topic drift, but also to explore relative topics to user query. The experimental results on 10 queries show that GSTDA reduces topic drift rate by 10% to 58% compared to that of HITS(hypertext induced topic search) algorithm, and discovers several relative topics to queries that have multiple meanings.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an on-line signature verification algorithm, through which test sample and template signatures can be optimizedly matched, based on evolutionary computation (EC). Firstly, the similarity of signature curve segment is defined, and shift and scale transforms are also introduced due to the randoness of on-line signature. Secondly, this paper puts forward signature verification matching algorithm after establishment of the mathematical model. Thirdly, the concrete realization of the algorithm based on EC is discussed as well. In addition, the influence of shift and scale on the matching result is fully considered in the algorithm. Finally, a computation example is given, and the matching results between the test sample curve and the template signature curve are analyzed in detail, The preliminary experiments reveal that the type of signature verification problem can be solved by EC.  相似文献   

Requests distribution is an key technology for Web cluster server. This paper presents a throughput-driven scheduling algorithm (TDSA). The algorithm adopts the throughput of cluster back-ends to evaluate their load and employs the neural network model to predict the future load so that the scheduling system features a self-learning capability and good adaptability to the change of load. Moreover, it separates static requests from dynamic requests to make full use of the CPU resources and takes the locality of requests into account to improve the cache hit ratio. Experimental re suits from the testing tool of WebBench^TM show better per formance for Web cluster server with TDSA than that with traditional scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new inductive learning algorithm, HGR (Version 2.0), based on the newly-developed extension matrix theory The basic idea is to partition the positive examples of a specific class in a given example set into consistent groups, and each group corresponds to a consistent rule which covers all the examples in this group and none of the negative examples. Then a performance comparison of the HGR algorithm with other inductive algorithms, such as C4.5,OC1, HCV and SVM, is given in the paper. The authors not only selected 15 databases from the famous UCI machine learning repository, but also considered a real world problem. Experimental results show that their method achieves higher accuracy and fewer rules as compared with other algorithms.  相似文献   

The paper presents a fast algorithm for image retrieval using multi-channel textural features in medical picture archiving and communication system (PACS). By choosing different linear or nonlinear operators in prediction and update lifting step, the linear or nonlinear M-band wavelet decomposition can be achieved in M-band lifting. It provides the advantages such as fast transform, in-place calculation and integer-integer transform. The set of wavelet moment forms multi-channel textural feature vector related to the texture distribution of each wavelet images. The experimental results of CT image database show that the retrieval approach of multi-channel textural features is effective for image indexing and has lower computational complexity and less memory. It is much easier to implement in hardware and suitable for the applications of real time medical processing system.  相似文献   

Feasible-interior-point algorithms start from a strictly feasible interior point,but infeassible-interior-point algorithms just need to start from an arbitrary positive point.we give a potential reduction algorithm from an infeasible-starting-point for a class of non-monotone linear complementarity problem.Its polynomial complexity is analyzed.After finite iterations the algorithm produces an approximate solution of the problem or shows that there is no feasible optimal solution in a large region.  相似文献   

In the course of high-level synthesis of integrate circuit, the hard-to-test structure caused by irrational schedule and allocation reduces the testability of circuit. In order to improve the circuit testability, this paper proposes a weighted compatibility graph (WCG), which provides a weighted formula of compatibility graph based on register allocation for testability and uses improved weighted compatibility clique partition algorithm to deal with this WCG. As a result, four rules for testability are considered simultaneously in the course of register allocation so that the objective of improving the design of testability is acquired. Tested by many experimental results of benchmarks and compared with many other models, the register allocation algorithm proposed in this paper has greatly improved the circuit testability with little overhead on the final circuit area.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionThmeo rsei m epxlteen gseivneeltiyc sailngcoeri itth mw(asSG pAro)p iosse adp pbliye dJ .mHor.eH aonl-dland[1]in 1970’s . SGAis an opti mization method based onpopulation by emulating the evolvement disciplinarian of thenature.It has showedthe great advantage of quick search foropti mal solutions while applied in the opti mization of single-modal functions . But as we know many problems in realitybelong to the opti mization of multi-modal function, and ifSGAis appliedto sol…  相似文献   

0 Introduction Watermarking relational database become a hotspot in recent years, it aims to protect copyrights by intro- ducing small errors into the original content without af- fecting the usability for intended purpose. Although some pioneer efforts h…  相似文献   

IntroductionArtificial neural networks are used extensively forprocess prediction,fault diagnosis,and dataclassification in chemical engineering[1] .Backpropagation neural networks ( BPNN) arefrequently adopted in these applications for theirpowerful mapping ability[2 ,3 ] .However,a numberof problems lie in modeling by BPNN,forinstance,the training process is easily converged atlocal minima.Much research has been focused onthe techniques to overcome local minima.Fukuoka,Matsuki,Minamitan…  相似文献   

Current spectral analysis for evaluating the rail ride quality effectively is based on the sampling data at a uniform time interval, but the train is of fluctuation velocity in motion,which results in a non-uniform interval between consecutive sampling data. Therefore the accuracy of routine spectral analysis is in doubt when applying it in evaluating the rail ride quality. This paper presents a new way, namely, resampling with variable frequency to eliminate the influence of the train's uneven velocity. Its feature is that there is no need for precision measurement of the train's moving speed.Experiment results from the test-bed of rolling stock vibration show that it is valid.  相似文献   

A New Approach of Feature Selection for Text Categorization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a new approach of feature selection based on the independent measure between features for text categorization. A fundamental hypothesis that occurrence of the terms in documents is independent of each other, widely used in the probabilistic models for text categorization (TC), is discussed. However, the basic hypothesis is incom plete for independence of feature set. From the view of feature selection, a new independent measure between features is designed, by which a feature selection algorithm is given to ob rain a feature subset. The selected subset is high in relevance with category and strong in independence between features, satisfies the basic hypothesis at maximum degree. Compared with other traditional feature selection method in TC (which is only taken into the relevance account), the performance of feature subset selected by our method is prior to others with experiments on the benchmark dataset of 20 Newsgroups.  相似文献   

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