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The purpose of the paper is to elucidate the biological effect of benzene on the basis of benzene constitution, quantum chemistry and quantum biology. In addition, we also have examined the toxicological mechanism of benzene in view of action of benzene on energy.  相似文献   

MolecularBasisofTransferofInducedResistanceinPlants*XuWenlian(徐文联),DongHansong(董汉松)+,PanJun(潘军)+,JiangWuling(蒋五玲),LiuAixin(刘爱...  相似文献   

The occurrence of toxic water bloom of cyanobacte-ria algae, widely reported in eutrophic freshwater, hasbeen a serious pollution problem in recent years[1]. Mi-crocystins (MCs), the most common cyanobacteriatoxin with a cyclic heptapeptide structure (Fig…  相似文献   

UltrastructureofHepatopancreasCelsofMacrobrachiumnipponensisWangWeinaWangAnliWeiXuanhuiGuoMingshen(DepartmentofBiology,HebeiU...  相似文献   

The orientation between the backbone residues of proteins is defined based on the local configurations and the corresponding preferences are analyzed by statistics.It is found that all the residue pairs have some specific preferences of orientations.The statistical analysis is mainly concen-trated in the orientational distributions for two kinds of groupings of residues based on the hydrophobicity and secondary structural features.The statistics for such two types of groupings shows different orienta-tional preferences.It is found that for the former grouping the orientational preference is rather weak, while for the later a kind of strong orientational pref-erences.This suggests that the formation of local structures and of secondary structures are highly related to the orientational preferences.  相似文献   

completed.□ Lemma2 .2  Suppose H to be a Hilbert spacewith the inner product ( .,.) H and the relativenorm‖·‖H.If{xn}in H weakly converges tox,then there exists a subsequence {xni}satisfyingthatx - 1k ki=1xni H→ 0 ,  k→∞ . The proof can be found in Ref.[9].  Lemma 2 .3  Suppose W* to be a symmetricform on D[W],and W* [u]≤ W1[u]for all u∈D[W].If {un}∈D[W]in H converges W1- weak-ly to u,then it converges W* - weakly to u. The proof can be found in Ref.[8].  Lemma 2 .4…  相似文献   

Glaciers are extensively developed in the southwest of Tibet and the moraines are widely distributed with large depth. Large-scale debris flows are often reported which blocked rivers and formed dams. In this paper, seven large debris flows in four valleys are discussed, among which five dams developed. 13 sets of experiments have been conducted in laboratory to simulate the formation and failure of the dam. Finally, a model of dam failure is proposed and a formula is established to calculate the flood discharge: Q=kbnnk/TB^-/LG^0.1,where bk is the outlet width of the dam at the original water level, hk the erosive depth, T the time from overflow to final state of failure, the average width of lake; L the length of the lake, and G the total potential energy of the water in the lake.  相似文献   

The indirect release of chemical energy of fuel is investigated, and a new mechanism is proposed to identify the cascade utilization of chemical energy of fuel more clearly. Based on the concept of energy level, the internal phenomenon of the indirect chemical energy release is disclosed, and the equations of energy level describing the utilization of chemical energy and thermal energy during the indirect chemical energy release process are obtained. From theoretical analysis, we find that the superiority of the indirect chemical energy release of fuel comes from the cascade utilization of the fuel's chemical energy. Moreover, the cascade utilization of chemical energy is verified by the investigation of CRGT (chemically recuperated gas turbine). As a result, the thermal exergy obtained from the chemical energy release of fuel increases by 2%?3%. The results obtained here may help a deeper understanding of indirect chemical energy release of fuel and provide a theoretical basis for the synthesis of innovative energy systems.  相似文献   

张勇 《科技与经济》2010,23(5):40-43
知识产权是否得到有效的保护,不仅直接关系到企业自主创新成果的有效实现方式,同样也影响消费者消费的信心。企业创新成果是否得到保护、政府部门是否履行监督,其实质是一个博弈过程。政府应该营造良性的知识产权环境,避免由于信息不对称与监督不力等造成的侵权事件,有效地保护权利人的创新成果,促进企业自主创新有效、健康发展。  相似文献   

建设创新型国家是当前我国发展的一个重大战略,要建设创新型国家必须提升自主创新能力,提升自主创新能力必须要建立和完善知识产权综合服务体系,而建立知识产权综合服务体系的关键在于建立和完善知识产权中介服务体系。就知识产权中介服务体系在自主创新中的功能、作用机理及实现途径进行了一些分析。  相似文献   

创新是引领发展的第一动力。随着我国的经济进入新常态,创新驱动发展成为社会的主流,知识产权激励创新的保障作用逐渐凸显。科学合理、富有活力、更有效率的知识产权体制机制可以为创新提供良好氛围并能激发创新活力。近年来一系列中央文件提出深化知识产权领域改革。本文从解决目前我国知识产权体制机制制约创新活力的问题入手,以深化重点领域和关键环节的改革政策着力点为方向,研究了知识产权体制机制改革激发创新活力的政策。  相似文献   

试论知识产权与企业自主创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王冰清 《太原科技》2006,(3):2-4,11
没有自主创新,就谈不上自主知识产权。技术创新是企业获得专利的重要前提,技术创新过程本身也是一个获得专利等自主知识产权的过程;从专利制度赋予企业的专利保护和激励发明创造的功能,以及由此给企业创造的巨大利益。不难看出知识产权制度是企业自主创新的重要动力之一:知识产权制度的核心是保护知识产权不受侵犯.因而企业不会因为技术创新成果申请专利后,被他人擅自仿造,从而有利于营造企业公平竞争的环境;新技术的商品化和产业化,是技术创新的根本目的。专利制度把保护和鼓励技术发明的商品化作为根本出发点,调动了科技人员将其技术创新成果市场化的积极性:专利制度鼓励发明创造尽早公开。在公开的情况下对发明创造进行法律保护,企业完全可以在最大限度降低创新成本的前提下,充分利用和合理配置研究与开发的资金、人力和设备等创新资源。  相似文献   

为了系统分析创新行为的激励模式及其制度参数的影响,通过文献调查梳理了知识产权制度存在的问题现状和关键制度参数,从制度工程学视角分析以知识产权制度为例的创新行为治理制度和制度关键参数,建立模型和仿真分析。研究发现:创新行为激励模式是由多个制度部件和参数构建的相互关联的系统。需要统筹分析行为效用之间的关系,整体调节多个关键制度参数,包括创新成本、补偿参数、保护参数、惩罚力度等,达到激励积极创新行为、抑制知识产权侵权和消极创新、弥补过度保护和无效保护的副作用的目的,为创新行为激励制度提供工程化的政策参考。  相似文献   

何贯通 《创新科技》2015,(11):34-36
本文介绍了耐火材料企业知识产权创新成果的类型,论述了知识产权创新运营的理论、管理体系、管理制度,同时论述了创新运营的人才保障与创新运营的有效保护.  相似文献   

武伟 《科技促进发展》2016,12(3):302-305
知识产权保护是知识产权制度须解决的核心问题之一。建设知识产权强国,必须适应我国当前发展阶段,制定完善有利于促进创新的知识产权保护机制。本文从我国知识产权保护存在的问题出发,以问题为导向,研究实施严格知识产权保护的主要内容,以及与之相匹配的相关政策。  相似文献   

当前我国正处于知识产权事业发展的关键机遇期,严格执行知识产权保护是建设知识产权强国的必由之路,而建设知识产权保护中心将成为严格的知识产权保护的有力抓手。本文从知识产权保护中心建设的国际经验借鉴出发,分别从法律制度、创新创业、特色产业、新加坡模式等维度解析国际经验,并进行归纳总结,以期为我国知识产权保护中心的建设提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

以进化博弈的复制动态方法为工具,构建了进化博弈模型,从理论上分析了知识型企业自主创新与模仿行为过程中的企业策略选择问题。研究结果表明:企业的策略选择依赖于自身知识、技术和资本存量,当自主创新的成本过高而模仿的成本很低时,企业通过不断地模仿和学习,将会逐步调整自己的创新策略,并倾向于模仿策略。因此,政府应该鼓励自主创新,对于企业自主创新提供资金扶持,创造良好的政策环境和法律环境,完善知识产权保护,适当增加模仿成本。  相似文献   

叙述了知识产权的定义、范围及其分类,论述了知识经济、创新与知识产权之间的关系,提出面对知识经济的挑战,我们要加强知识产权意识,完善知识产权质制度。根据自己的特点和实际情况来制定和实施有针对性、有侧重点的知识产权战略。  相似文献   

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