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Two new phenotypes ofAspergillus flavus which exhibit novel patterns of aflatoxin production have been identified and characterized. In one of the new variants ofA. flavus, aflatoxin is made in the absence of carbohydrate and concomitantly with growth, without a lag period. A second variant did not produce aflatoxin in the presence or absence of carbohydrate. Chemical mutagenesis of this nonaflatoxigenic strain resulted in mutant strains which produced aflatoxin on carbohydrate-containing media. The aflatoxin production pattern observed in these mutants resembled the typical production scheme, with a lag period through log phase growth.  相似文献   

Three populations ofM. galloprovincialis from northern Greece were investigated using isozyme analysis, discriminant analysis of morphological characteristics and analysis of restriction fragments of mtDNA. For all three types of analysis significant intra- and interpopulation differentiation was found. This differentiation is very noticeable at the mtDNA genotype frequencies. Furthermore, the restriction patterns of mtDNA were different from those reported for Atlantic populations of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Aflatoxin and secalonic acid D production in corn in laboratory and field by mixed cultures ofPencillium oxalicum andAspergillus flavus orA. parasiticus was lower than production by the pure cultures. However, mixed culture of these molds withFusarium spp. did not affect mycotoxin production.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of three morphological traits (ovariole number, sternopleural bristle number and wing length) ofDrosophila melanogaster has been investigated in natural populations that show great differences in these traits, i. e. Bordeaux (France) and Loua (Congo). F1 and F2 crosses, and chromosome substitutions between these two populations, were analysed. Maternal and/or X chromosome effects were found for sternopleural bristle number and wing length. For all traits, significant effects from each of the three chromosomes were found, but in general only one or two chromosomes had a major effect. Moreover, in all cases significant interactions between chromosomes were observed, suggesting the existence of epistatic effects. Our results are discussed and compared to those obtained from the analysis of selected laboratory strains.  相似文献   

A part of the gene coding for a halophilic serine protease from a halophilic archaeumHaloferax mediterranei R4 was amplified by PCR and its 672 nucleotide sequence was determined. Tentative translation to the amino acid sequence suggested that the enzyme was quite similar to halolysin produced by another halophilic archaeum strain 172P1. Nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA encoding genes from 9 halophilic archaea were determined. Alignment of 19 sequences known so far showed that there are more than 20 positions carrying bases or deletions specific for each halobacterial genus:Halobacterium, Haloarcula, Haloferax, andHalococcus.  相似文献   

Summary The spongeDysidea herbacea (Keller) was found to possess hemagglutinins. The major component, DHA-I, is a protein with a mol.wt of 26,000, which dissociates into subunits of equal size (14,000). It contains large amounts of glutamic acid and aspartic acid residues, but no half-cystine, methionine or histidine residues. DHA-I reacted with rabbit and human AB0 erythrocytes. D-galactose and lactose were effective inhibitors of DHA-I. The sponge also contained a minor component(s) which reacted preferentially with rabbit erythrocytes but not with human AB0 erythrocytes.Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. M. Yamazaki, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, for testing mitogenic activity ofDysidea agglutinins. This study was partly supported by a grant-in-aid for Overseas Scientific Survey from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in liver acid hydrolase activities during the infection of albino rats,Mastomys or mice withPlasmodium berghei are described. B-Glucosidase, B-galactosidase and N-acetyl-B-D-glucosaminidase exhibited widely different responses with acid phosphatase and cathepsin-B the least responsive and are likely to be causally related to immunity of animals.  相似文献   

Invaders, weeds and colonizers comprise different but overlapping sets of species. The probability of successful invasion is low. The 10:10 rule state that 10% of introduced speices (those with feral individuals) become established, 10% of established species (those with self-sustaining populations) become pests. The rule gives an adequate fit to British plant data. The rule predicts that invaders will be rarer than natives. This is shown for British Anatidae. There is a continuous spectrum of perceived weediness. Although this spectrum is significantly related to Baker characters, neither those characters or any others can usefully predict which species will be weeds over a wide range of species. Characters tuned to sets of closely related species shown more promise. A study of BritishImpatiens shows that the characters responsible for critical ecological behaviour are still obscure. Small genetic changes can cause large ecological changes. GMOs will have characters entirely new to that species' evolutionary history. While most will have little ecological effect, a few may be ecologically and economically damaging. A sensible programme of field trials and monitoring is justified to minimize the risk.  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase ofEimeria tenella oocysts (Peak II) was purified 77-fold with a recovery of 26% using protamine sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration. This enzyme occurs in multiple forms as indicated by two peaks which can be separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The partially purified enzyme has optimal activity at pH 4.5. With p-nitrophenyl phosphate the Km and Vmax values for (Peak II) were 25 mM and 1.57 mol/min/mg protein, respectively. The enzyme (Peak II) ist strongly inhibited by Hg++, Cu++, iodoacetamide, fluoride and molybdate. Tartrate and other divalent metal ions have no effect on enzyme activity. The partially purified Peak II phosphatase is not a glycoprotein as it is not absorbed on concanavalin-A Sepharose and its treatment with bacterial neuraminidase does not alter its elution profile through DEAE cellulose.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of conidia of wild typeNeurospora crassa at temperatures ranging from 25 to 46°C modulates their respiratory type. Between 37 and 41°C, the transient activity of the cyanide-insensitive respiratory pathway parallels, with a maximal extrusion of protons into the medium, the optimal rate of germ tube outgrowth.We are grateful to Mrs Arlette Cattaneo for her competent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Volatile fractions of the clover head,Hypera meles (Fab.), and alfalfa,Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), weevils contained three of four boll weevil,Anthonomus grandis (Boh.), pheromone components, (Z)-3,3-dimethylcyclohexane 1,-ethanol and (Z)- and (E)-3,3-dimethylcyclohexane-1,-acetaldehyde. Also found were eight oxygenated monoterpenes, previously identified as precursors and intermediates of the boll weevil pheromones.  相似文献   

Summary The insect anti-juvenile hormones precocene I and II (7-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran and 6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran) were identified in three of nineNama (Hydrophyllaceae) species. Precocene I occurred inN. lobbii while precocene II occurred inN. hispidum, N. lobbii andN. sandwicense. N. hispidum contained the highest concentration (ca 0.5% dry weight) of precocene II, which was found in the leaves, stems, seed capsules, corolla, glandular trichomes, and seeds. In addition to the anti-juvenile hormone, insect juvenile hormone activity was detected in the organosoluble extracts ofN. rothrockii andN. sandwicense. N. sandwicense is the first plant discovered to contain compounds with both anti- and juvenile hormone activity.  相似文献   

Five novel 1,2-sn-diacylglycerols with diterpenoid acyl moieties in thesn-1 position were isolated and characterized, together with the corresponding 1,3-sn-diacylglycerols, from three species of dorid nudibranchs molluscs. Their potent activity as morphogens in vivo in theHydra tentacle regeneration assay and their parallel activity as activators of rat brain protein kinase C (PKC) in vitro are reported here. Our findings promote the use of these compounds as useful molecular probes for both in vivo and in vitro studies on the participation of PKC in cell development.  相似文献   

Encystment, which at a temperature of 15°C is photoperiodically controlled inGonyaulax polyedra, can also be induced by a decrease of temperature, from 20 to 10 or 8°C in the absence of photoperiodic signals. The cyst-inducing capacity of the decrease in temperature depends on the circadian phase: in constant light, the maximum of sensitivity was found at the beginning of subjective night. In a light/dark cycle, however, cyst formation was reduced during dark phase, indicating that light is required for the process of encystment. A similar light dependence was seen in the effect of the physiologically occurring cyst inducer 5-methoxytryptamine, but not in the encystment response to the protonophores monensin and nigericin.  相似文献   

Two new cytotoxic antitumor diterpenoids of the cembrane class, named 14-deoxycrassin (3) and pseudoplexaurol (4), have been isolated from the Caribbean gorgonian octocoralPseudoplexaura porosa. The structure of lactone3, possessing the infrequently encountered -methylene--lactone ring, has been established from spectral and chemical data and that of alcohol4 has been established from spectral data.  相似文献   

Summary Brianolide (1), a new antiinflammatory diterpenoid of the briarein class, possessing a substituent at C-12 (R), has been isolated from the Okinawan gorgonianBriareum sp. Its structure has been established from spectral data in conjunction with a single crystal X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

Summary An amine oxidase was purified 447-fold from soybean seedlings and some of its properties were investigated. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 25,000. It was most active towards putrescine, followed by spermidine and spermine. Km-values for these substrates were relatively close. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by carbonyl reagents, such as semicarbazide and aminoguanidine.  相似文献   

The methanol extract of the Oriental medicinal plantVitis coignetiae (Vitaceae) showed hepatoprotective activity in the in vitro assay method using primary cultured rat hepatocytes. Activity-guided fractionation of the extract afforded -viniferin as an active principle. The protective effect of -viniferin against mice carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in mice was shown by serum enzyme assay as well as by pathological examination. In addition to -viniferin, plant oligostilbenes, ampelopsins A, C, F and the mixture of vitisin A andcis-vitisin A were also present in the extract. Among them, ampelopsin C and the mixture of vitisin A andcis-vitisin A were found to be powerful hepatotoxins.  相似文献   

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