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A calculus for services innovation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Innovation in the services area - especially in the electronic services (e-services) domain - can be systematically developed by first considering the strategic drivers and foci, then the tactical principles and enablers, and finally the operational decision attributes, all of which constitute a process or calculus of services innovation. More specifically, there are four customer drivers (i.e., collaboration, customization, integration and adaptation), three business foci (i.e., creation-focused, solution-focused and competition-focused), six business principles (i.e., reconstruct market boundaries, focus on the big picture not numbers, reach beyond existing demand, get strategic sequence right, overcome organizational hurdles and build execution into strategy), eight technical enablers (i.e., software algorithms, automation, telecommunication, collaboration, standardization, customization, organization, and globalization), and six attributes of decision informatics (i.e., decision-driven, information-based, real-time, continuously-adaptive, customer-centric and computationally-intensive). It should be noted that the four customer drivers are all directed at empowering the individual - that is, at recognizing that the individual can, respectively, contribute in a collaborative situation, receive customized or personalized attention, access an integrated system or process, and obtain adaptive real-time or just-in-time input. The developed process or calculus serves to identify the potential white spaces or blue oceans for innovation. In addition to expanding on current innovations in services and related experiences, white spaces are identified for possible future innovations; they include those that can mitigate the unforeseen consequences or abuses of earlier innovations, safeguard our rights to privacy, protect us from the always-on, interconnected world, provide us with an authoritative search engine, and generate a GDP metric that can adequately measure the growing knowledge economy,  相似文献   

针对低轨星座协同探测弹道目标过程中存在系统误差的问题,提出多星载光学传感器系统误差极大似然配准(maximum likehood registration,MLR)算法。通过一阶Taylor近似对非线性量测转换线性化,推导出目标状态的误差协方差与卫星轨道定向、姿态角测量和传感器测量等随机误差的关系,并基于视线交叉获得观测在状态空间中的近似投影,从而将MLR算法扩展到低轨星座多光学传感器的误差配准。通过引入各类测量误差的先验信息对目标状态的误差协方差进行修正,利用期望极大化迭代,实现了对系统误差的无偏有效估计及目标轨迹的融合估计。仿真验证了所提算法的有效性,且配准性能优越。  相似文献   

In order to obtain an expected numerical solution,a fully discrete discontinuous Galerkin method is applied to a kind of reactive transport problems in two dimension.That is to say,the space variable is discretized with the symmetric interior penalty Galerkin method(SIPG),and the time variable is done with the backward Euler method.Making use of the duality technique,hp approximation properties and the interpolation theory,a residual-type a posteriori error estimation is achieved,which can be used for adaptivity.Compared with the analyses of semi-discretization,the current presentation is more challenging and more significant.  相似文献   

This paper extends the unifying theory for a posteriori error analysis of the nonconforming finite element methods to the second order elliptic eigenvalue problem. In particular, the author proposes the a posteriori error estimator for nonconforming methods of the eigenvalue problems and prove its reliability and efficiency based on two assumptions concerning both the weak continuity and the weak orthogonality of the nonconforming finite element spaces, respectively. In addition, the author examines these two assumptions for those nonconforming methods checked in literature for the Laplace, Stokes, and the linear elasticity problems.  相似文献   

As an alternative to absolute error methods, such as the least square and least absolute deviation estimations, a product relative error estimation is proposed for a multiplicative single index regression model. Regression coefficients in the model are estimated via a two-stage procedure and their statistical properties such as consistency and normality are studied. Numerical studies including simulation and a body fat example show that the proposed method performs well.  相似文献   

In the era of e-businesses, the traditional business services are greatly challenged by the ever-increasing demands from customers with various backgrounds and personalities. Large numbers of new e-businesses are driven by the needs of customers. The existing dynamics inherent in the customer needs require the corresponding dynamic management of services. Attempting to respond to customers in a rapid and intelligent way, this paper proposes a situation calculus based approach for dynamically managing e-Business services in the ubiquitous environment. By employing the formalism of the situation calculus to enable intelligence and automation, the approach can implement. the functions of service automatic composition and model verification. These functions will improve the degree of customer-orientation and enable fast responsiveness in the emerging e-service systems.  相似文献   

Both an ontoepistemology for reductionist modern science (counter-ontoepistemology) and an ontology for interpretive Systemology have been outlined in the two preceding papers in this special issue ofSystems Practice. In the present article, the notion of truth is interpreted in terms of both the ontoepistemology of reductionism and the ontology of interpretive systemology. Both interpretations are discussed. Such a discussion represents the objective of this paper, that is, to outline the epistemological face of the ontoepistemology of interpretive systemology. In order to design that epistemological face, the relation between ontology and epistemology must be clarified. Such a relation is seen from the standpoint already provided by the ontology. After the discussion on the notion of truth, the general shape of a systemic-interpretive inquiring process is outlined.  相似文献   

The boundary subsystem of a living system protects the components of the system from environmental stresses, filtering inputs and outputs of various sorts of matter, energy, and information. The boundary provides several layers of protection; the innermost layer is the subsystem of immunity reactions and error correction processes. This immunity subsubsystem (IS) is generated by the genetic template in cells, organs, and organisms but must be carefully designed for organizations, communities, and societies. This paper examines principles and pathologies of IS structure and process in organisms and explores their applicability to the design of the IS for organizations.  相似文献   

针对一类非线性系统提出了间接自适应模糊控制方法,该方法用模糊逻辑系统逼近未知函数,并设计误差补偿器来减少逼近误差对跟踪精度的影响。在设计等效控制时考虑其存在性,仿真证明该方法不但能使跟踪误差收敛到原点的小邻域内,而且通过适当调整设计参数,可使跟踪误差减小,收敛速度加快。仿真结果验证了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence applications development in law has historically focused on formal legal reasoning. Most of the systems are rule-based and none has yet become a fully functional prototype or commercially viable. The attempts to build large-scale systems without examining the intrinsic systemic nature of the legal process has resulted in limited operational success. The legal function, another area of legal activity, has emerged rapidly offering potential for artificial intelligence-based applications. This paper discusses the systemic differences between legal reasoning and legal function and suggests that different design methodologies be used in the two domains. Legal reasoning requires a holistic approach such as the blackboard model incorporating the properties of softness, openness, complexity, flexibility, and generality of legal systems, while traditional rule-based approaches are sufficient for legal function applications.  相似文献   

This paper argues that agent-based simulation can be used as a way for testing Kansei Engineering methods which deal with the human reaction from sensory to mental state, that is, sensitivity, sense, sensibility, feeling, esthetics, emotion affection and intuition. A new fuzzy linear quantification method is tested in an artificial world by agent-based modeling and simulations, and the performance of the fuzzy linear method is compared with that of a genetic algorithm. The simulations can expand people's imagination and enhance people's intuition that the new fuzzy linear quantification method is effective.  相似文献   

The International Systems Institute held its sixth annual conversation at Asilomar on November 14–19, 1993. At that meeting, seven participants self-selected themselves into a conversation group that met intensively over 4 days to develop some guidelines or principles for the process of facilitating systemic change in education. This is a report on how that group functioned and what it produced. The trigger questions addressed included: What are the major stages in the systemic change process? Can you do systems design with only a part of the “system”? How important isscale (e.g., number of people, schools)? What is an educational system? Can you use the same design process in any culture? How can one best create the idealized design? What are the major goals, obstacles, guidelines? Can we design the process without knowing the product? and Are there big differences between working within the system and outside the system? A large portion of the effort focused on guidelines for facilitating the first two phases of the systemic change process: preparing for design and designing the new system.  相似文献   

关于减小天线罩瞄准误差的补偿方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天线罩是保护天线在恶劣环境下能够正常工作的一种装置,由于制造工艺、材料等因素的影响,其电性能指标往往难以满足设计要求,必须采取补偿措施。在分析了瞄准误差产生原因基础上,探讨了主要的补偿方法,并提出了减少瞄准误差的一种新方法—内廓面修磨法。  相似文献   

Data are clear: humankind is facing a global socio-economic crisis. Global bodies search for solution in ending the neoliberal monopolistic, rather than free market, economy, and in introduction of systemic behavior under the label of social responsibility. To support this effort, the research that is reported about in this contribution, suggests systemic perception of social responsibility to cause the end of abuse, strategy of promotion of social responsibility, and of suitable economic preconditions, supported by several lines of action, which everybody can trigger.  相似文献   

Company bankruptcies cost billions of dollars in losses to banks each year. Thus credit risk prediction is a critical part of a bank's loan approval decision process. Traditional financial models for credit risk prediction are no longer adequate for describing today's complex relationship between the financial health and potential bankruptcy of a company. In this work, a multiple classifier system (embedded in a multiple intelligent agent system) is proposed to predict the financial health of a company. In our model, each individual agent (classifier) makes a prediction on the likelihood of credit risk based on only partial information of the company. Each of the agents is an expert, but has limited knowledge (represented by features) about the company. The decisions of all agents are combined together to form a final credit risk prediction. Experiments show that our model out-performs other existing methods using the benchmarking Compustat American Corporations dataset.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the network of passes among the players of the Spanish team during the last FIFA World Cup 2010, where they emerged as the champion, with the objective of explaining the results obtained from the behavior at the complex network level. The team is considered a network with players as nodes and passes as (directed) edges. A temporal analysis of the resulting passes network is also done, looking at the number of passes, length of the chain of passes, and to network measures such as player centrality and clustering coefficient. Results of the last three matches (the decisive ones) indicate that the clustering coefficient of the pass network remains high, indicating the elaborate style of the Spanish team. The effectiveness of the opposing team in negating the Spanish game is reflected in the change of several network measures over time, most importantly in drops of the clustering coefficient and passing length/speed, as well as in their being able in removing the most talented players from the central positions of the network. Spain’s ability to restore their combinative game and move the focus of the game to offensive positions and talented players is shown to tilt the balance in favor of the Spanish team.  相似文献   

多点定位TOA精确估计及同步误差校正算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了S模式信号的数学模型,讨论了脉冲上升沿测量到达时间(time of arrival, TOA)的精度、统计方法估计TOA的最优值和最优估计的实现方法。然后,提出了一种先解码后测量TOA的改进方法,从脉冲积累的角度导出了改进方法的理论精度,与单脉冲测量的精度相比较有明显提高。针对硬件实现的问题,分析了采样对TOA测量的影响和解决方法。最后,讨论了多点定位的同步问题,将TOA的精确估计值应用于多点定位系统多部接收机之间的同步误差校正。  相似文献   

1. Introduction Since the purchasing function has become vital in determining the profitability and survival of business organizations, it has been receiving considerable attention. As Sarkis and Talluri (2002) indicated, buyer-supplier relationships based solely on price are no longer acceptable. The increasing importance of supplier selection decisions is forcing organizations to rethink their purchasing and evaluation strategies because a successful purchasing decision directly depends on …  相似文献   

为满足高精度导航及隐蔽性要求,基于方位旋转技术,给出了针对水下平台惯导系统惯性器件(inertial measurement unit, IMU)误差无阻尼估计算法。首先分析了状态转换对固定指北式平台惯导系统的影响;其次利用Laplace变换,求解了方位旋转式平台惯导系统误差;然后基于舒拉振荡和平台旋转周期,利用间断获得的外测信息建立系统短时速度、位置误差模型并作不确定度评估;最后采用Kalman滤波对惯性器件误差作了事后估计。仿真结果表明,建立的速度、位置误差模型可信度高,算法可准确估计出东、北向陀螺常值漂移以及加速度计零位偏置,有效抑制导航误差发散,提高导航精度。  相似文献   

海基导弹初始误差分离建模与参数估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响海基导弹落点偏差的因素主要是制导工具误差和初始参数误差。首先分析了海基导弹初始误差的来源,包括三项定位误差、三项定向误差以及三项艇速误差。然后详细推导了初始误差对弹道遥测、外差数据的影响,建立了海基导弹初始误差分离的线性模型,结果表明初始误差与工具误差可以实现线性分离。最后根据六自由度弹道仿真程序仿真的遥测数据和外测数据对模型进行了验证,计算结果证实了模型和算法的正确性与可行性。  相似文献   

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