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Oryza rufipogon exhibits abundant genetic diversity and contains many elite genes. In this work, a total of 441 accessions of O. rufipogon were genetically examined using the functional marker S5n, revealing that 18 accessions carried the S5n allele with a heterozygous genotype (S5nS5i/j). Of these accessions, 14 were from Guangdong Province, 2 from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 1 from Hainan Province and 1 from Jiangxi Province. Further sequence analysis spanning both sides of the deletion in S5n allel...  相似文献   

The photoluminescence quenching behaviors of ^5D3-^7Fj and ^5D4-^7Fj (J = 0—6) transitions of Tb^3+ in YBO3:Tb under 130—290 nm excitation were systematically investigated. The results revealed that the quenching concentrations of both ^5D3-^7Fj and ^5D4-^7Fj transitions of Tb^3+ in YBO3:Tb were mainly dependent on excitation wavelength. Particularly, the quenching concentrations of ^5D4-^7Fj transitions of Tb^3+ under 130—290 nm excitation were correlated with excitation bands of YBO3:Tb. The quenching concentrations of ^5D3-^7Fj transitions remained at low concentration (2%) under 186—290 nm excitation and then increased gradually with energy of incoming excitation photon when excited at 130—186 nm. This dependence should be involved in their excitation mechanisms and quenching pathway in particular excitation region.[第一段]  相似文献   

以"浦软粳S"为转育亲本,利用分子标记辅助常规育种技术成功培育出含有Pi9,Pita,Pib和Pigm稻瘟病抗性基因及软米基因(Wx~(mq)),同时表现柱头外露率高的两系不育系水稻新品系"2179S"."2179S"不育系茎秆粗壮,矮杆大穗,株高为63.8 cm,柱头外露率平均为60%.研究结果为今后培育具有稻瘟病抗性的优质两系杂交水稻新组合提供不育系亲本.  相似文献   

An F2 population developed from theXa-4 near isogenic lines, IR24 and IRBB4, was used for fine mapping of the rice bacterial blight resistance gene,Xa-4. Some restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers on the high-density map constructed by Harushima et al. and the amplified DNA fragments homologous to the conserved domains of plant disease resistance (R) genes were used to construct the genetic linkage map around the geneXa-4 by scoring susceptible individuals in the population.Xa-4 was mapped between the RFLP marker G181 and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) marker M55. The R gene homologous fragment marker RS13 was found co-segregating withXa-4 by analyzing all the plants in the population. This result opened an approach to map-based cloning of this gene, and marker RS13 can be applied to molecular marker-assisted selection ofXa-4 in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

以13X分子筛和天然黏土矿物凹凸棒土为原料,制备了13X分子筛/凹凸棒土颗粒型复合材料,并借助扫描电镜、透射电镜、X射线衍射等对复合材料结构与形貌进行表征,考察了不同煅烧温度及不同Zn~(2+)浓度条件下13X分子筛/凹凸棒土颗粒型复合材料对水中Zn~(2+)的吸附行为。结果表明,煅烧温度为550℃时,所制复合材料孔隙结构发达且抗压强度高、吸附性能好;吸附过程符合拟二级动力学,等温吸附实验数据符合Langmuir模型,复合材料对Zn~(2+)的最大吸附量可达99.01mg·g-1;吸附速率的主要控制步骤为颗粒内扩散,此外,吸附过程中同时存在离子交换和化学沉淀。  相似文献   

以4A和13X分子筛为吸附材料,考察废水pH值和Cd2+初始浓度等对Cd2+去除率的影响,并研究了分子筛对Cd2+的吸附性能。结果表明,4A和13X分子筛投加量为0.16g/L、废水pH值为5、Cd2+浓度为20mg/L时,Cd2+去除率达到95%以上;分子筛对Cd2+的去除机理以离子交换吸附为主,交换出来的Na+与分子筛吸附的Cd2+摩尔浓度比为2;在吸附热力学和动力学方面,4A和13X分子筛均符合Langmuir吸附等温模型和Lagergren二级速率方程,计算的饱和吸附容量Q0分别为150.15、163.67mg/g,二级反应速率常数K2分别为2.45×10-3、3.96×10-4 g/(mg·s)。该吸附反应是一种单分子层反应速度较快的化学吸附过程。  相似文献   

A narrow leaf mutant was obtained after T-DNA transformation conducted on a rice variety Zhonghua 11. Several abnormal morphological characteristics, including semi-dwarf, delayed flowering time, narrow and inward rolling leaves, and lower seed-setting, were observed. The rate of net photosynthesis (under saturate light) of flag leaves in the mutant was significantly lower than that of the wild type. Moreover, the leaf transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in the mutant flag leaf were lower than those of the wild type at the grain filling stage. It was found that the mutant phenotype was not caused by the T-DNA insertion. Genetic analysis showed that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene, designated as nal3(t). A genetic linkage map was constructed using a large F2 mapping population derived from a cross between nal3(t) and an indica variety Longtefu B with 6 polymorphic markers on chromosome 12 identified from 366 SSR markers by the BAS method. Gene nal3(t) was mapped between the markers RM7018 and RM3331. Fine mapping of nal3(t) locus was conducted with 22 newly developed STS markers based on the sequence diversity around the region harboring nal3(t) between Nipponbare and 93–11, and nal3(t) was finally mapped to a 136-kb region between the STS markers NS10 and RH12-8. Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2006AA10A102), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30600349) and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Grant No. Y306149)  相似文献   

经60Coγ诱变处理粳稻"嘉花1号"得到一个稳定遗传苗期白化致死突变体asl6(albino seedling lethality 6).与野生型(WT)相比,该突变体从发芽出苗起一直表现白化,四叶期逐渐死亡,叶合色素含量几乎没有且没有完整的叶绿体结构.通过qRT-PCR分析发现,与叶绿体发育、叶绿素合成及光合作用相关的基因表达量明显下调.对利用asl6突变体与"培矮64S"杂交获得的F2代分离群体进行遗传分析,发现该突变表型受单个隐性核基因控制.利用图位克隆技术将该asl6基因定位于第2号染色体的InDel分子标记ID31982与SSR分子标记MM5712之间约293 kb的区域内.目前,该范围内没有叶色相关基因的报道,可能为一新的调控水稻叶绿体发育的基因.  相似文献   

A magnetosome-deleted mutant NM21 of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 was generated by mini-Tn5 lacZ2 transposon mutagenesis, and a 3073-bp fragment flanking mini-Tn5 lacZ2 in NM21 was cloned by Anchored PCR. Sequencing analysis showed that this fragment involved three putative ORFs; the mini-Tn5 lacZ2 was inserted into ORF1. Functional complementary test indicated that the 3073-bp fragment was required for biosynthesis of magnetosomes in M. gryphiswaldense MSR-1. The majority of proteins, which had homology with the protein encoded by ORF1, were the cation transporter. Transmembrane domain analysis showed that the protein encoded by ORF1 contained four transmembrane domains. It may be a transmembrane protein. The protein encoded by ORF1 contained two putative conserved domains: COG0053 and PRK09509. The MMT1 and FieF, containing conserved domains COG0053 and PRK09509 too, were Fe2+ transporter (cation diffusion facilitator superfamily). It was suggested that the protein encoded by ORF1 might take part in the magnetosomes biosynthesis as Fe2+ transporter. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30570023) and Scientific Research Project of Huaibei City, Anhui Province (Grant No. 070114)  相似文献   

对粳稻"嘉花1号"经~(60)Coγ诱变处理获得的稳定遗传低温敏感叶色突变体tcm11(thermo-sensitive chloroplast mutant 11)进行了表型鉴定与遗传分析.在20℃条件下,该突变体三叶期之前幼苗均表现为黄色,光合色素含量明显下降,叶绿体发育不完整,从第4叶开始逐渐转为浅黄绿色直至最后死亡.而在32℃条件下,其表型与野生型相比没有明显差异,具有低温敏感属性.通过对培矮64S与tcm11杂交的F_2代分离群体进行遗传分析,发现该低温敏感突变体性状是受单个隐性核基因(tcm11)控制,利用图位克隆技术对tcm11进行定位,将其定位在第11号染色体的InDel分子标记ID13252与SSR分子标记MM1361之间一个约1 566 kb的区域内.这也为后续的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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