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A combined study of zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and trace elements has been carried out for granodioritic neosomes of migmatites from the Tianjingping area in northwestern Fujian Province. Zircons are characterized by zoning, higher Th/U ratios (mostly≥0.1), HREE enrichment, and positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies, and show features similar to magmatic or anatectic zircons. Apparent ^206Pb/^238U ages for the zircons are 447±2 Ma (95 % conf., MSWD=0.88), corresponding to a Caledonian event. εHf(t) values are -13.3 to -9.7, indicating a crustal source. Two-stage Hf model ages are 1.7 to 1.9 Ga, suggesting that protolith of the migmates was probably formed in the Paleoproterozoic. The granodioritic neosomes have the characteristics of peraluminous calc-alkaline granite, and their REE patterns and trace elements spidergrams show features of middle to upper crustal rocks. Together with previous studies, we conclude that the protolith of the Cathaysia basement in the Tianjingping area was likely formed in the middle-late Paleoproterozoic and experienced partial melting during the Caledonian period. The recognition of Caledonian reworking of the Paleoproterozoic basement in the Cathaysia Block provides a new insight into the tectonic evolution of the Cathaysia Block in the Caledonian period and the interaction between the Cathaysia Block and the Yangtze Block.  相似文献   

Metamorphic basement rocks in the Cathaysia Block are composed mainly of meta-sediments with different ages. New zircon U-Pb geochronological results from the meta-sedimentary rocks exposed in the Zengcheng and Hezi areas, southern Cathaysia Block, show that they consist dominantly of early Neoproterozoic (1.0-0.9 Ga) materials with minor Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic and late Neoproterozoic (0.8-0.6 Ga) components, suggesting that the detritus mostly come from a Grenvillian orogen. The youngest detrital zircon ages place a constraint on the deposition time of these sediments in Late Neoproterozoic. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that the Grenvillian zircons were derived from the reworking of Mesoproterozoic arc magmatic rocks and Paleoproterozoic continental crust, implying an arc-continent collisional setting. Single-peak age spectra and the presence of abundant euhedral Grenvillian zircons suggest that the sedimentary provenance is not far away from the sample location. Thus, the Grenvillian orogen probably preexisted along the southern margin of the Cathaysia Block, or very close to the south. Similarity in the ages of Grenvillian orogeny and the influence of the assembly of Gondwana in South China with India and East Antarctic are discussed, with suggestion that South China was more likely linked with the India-East Antarctica continents in Early Neoproterozoic rather than between western Laurentia and eastern Australia.  相似文献   

This paper presents geochemical analyses of a lamprophyre intruding the Caledonian Doushui granite body in Shangyou County, southern Jiangxi Province. U-Pb dating and Hf-isotope analyses are espe-cially carried out for zircons from it. Petrological and geochemical features show that the lamprophyre belongs to a high-K, weakly alkaline pyroxene-biotite lamprophyre. It is characterized by high Mg# (0.74), Ni (253 μg/g) and Cr (893 μg/g) contents, and also enriched in incompatible elements, such as REE, Rb, Sr...  相似文献   

This paper describes a combined method of simultaneously measuring U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes as well as trace elements in Phalaborwa baddeleyite and 91500, GJ-1, TEMORA-1 and SK10-2 zircons by means of Neptune MC-ICPMS and Agilent Q-ICPMS connected to a 193 nm excimer laser ablation system. Material ablated by laser was carried in different proportions into Q-ICPMS for U-Pb isotopic and trace elemental and MC-ICPMS for Lu-Hf isotopic compositions. Experiments indicate that different proportions of ablated material for the Q-ICPMS and MC-ICPMS (6:4, 5:5 and 4:6 respectively) do not show any bias for the zircon/baddeleyite U-Pb age, Lu-Hf isotope and trace elemental compositions within analytical errors. Using 40-60 μm spot size, the obtained U-Pb ages of Phalaborwa baddeleyite, 91500, GJ-1, TEMORA and SK10-2 zircons are 2065±15 (2σ, n=20), 1063±6 (2σ, n=-19), 613±6 (2σ, n=20), 416±5 (2σ, n=20) and 32.6±0.5 (2σ, n=20) Ma, respectively. The ^176Hf/^177Hf ratios are 0.281231±24 (2SD, n=20), 0.282310±35 (2SD, n=19), 0.282028±34 (2SD, n=20), 0.282687±34 (2SD, n=20) and 0.282752±53 (2SD, n=20), respectively. The obtained trace elemental compositions are identical to the reference values. Therefore, this kind of technique makes it possible to simultaneously obtain the U-Pb age, Lu-Hf isotopes and trace elemental compositions of zircon and baddeleyite, which could be an important tool in solving problems in earth sciences.  相似文献   

This paper describes a combined method of simultaneously measuring U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes as well as trace elements in Phalaborwa baddeleyite and 91500, GJ-1, TEMORA-1 and SK10-2 zircons by means of Neptune MC-ICPMS and Agilent Q-ICPMS connected to a 193 nm excimer laser ablation system. Material ablated by laser was carried in different proportions into Q-ICPMS for U-Pb isotopic and trace elemental and MC-ICPMS for Lu-Hf isotopic compositions. Experiments indicate that different proportions of ablated material for the Q-ICPMS and MC-ICPMS (6:4, 5:5 and 4:6 respectively) do not show any bias for the zircon/baddeleyite U-Pb age, Lu-Hf isotope and trace elemental compositions within ana-lytical errors. Using 40―60 μm spot size, the obtained U-Pb ages of Phalaborwa baddeleyite, 91500, GJ-1, TEMORA and SK10-2 zircons are 2065±15 (2σ, n=20), 1063±6 (2σ, n=19), 613±6 (2σ, n=20), 416±5 (2σ, n=20) and 32.6±0.5 (2σ, n=20) Ma, respectively. The 176Hf/177Hf ratios are 0.281231±24 (2SD, n=20), 0.282310±35 (2SD, n=19), 0.282028±34 (2SD, n=20), 0.282687±34 (2SD, n=20) and 0.282752±53 (2SD, n=20), respectively. The obtained trace elemental compositions are identical to the reference values. Therefore, this kind of technique makes it possible to simultaneously obtain the U-Pb age, Lu-Hf iso-topes and trace elemental compositions of zircon and baddeleyite, which could be an important tool in solving problems in earth sciences.  相似文献   

为研究赣江河流沉积物的物质来源及源区地壳生长和演化规律,对已报道年龄的123个赣江河流沉积物碎屑锆石中的80个代表性锆石开展Lu-Hf同位素组成分析。研究表明:赣江碎屑锆石年龄分布特征与华夏地块的年龄分布非常一致,表明赣江沉积物主要来源于华夏地块;结合Hf同位素分析结果,能够反映源区华夏地块的形成与演化历史。新太古代锆石的εHf(t)值近似为0,表明该时期发生了强烈的壳幔混合作用;中-新元古代锆石εHf(t)值既有正值也有负值,说明源区物质既有古老地壳物质的再循环,也有新生地壳物质的加入;显生宙以来,εHf(t)值绝大多数为负值,且对应的两阶段模式年龄以古元古代-中元古代的年龄为主,说明显生宙以来的岩浆活动主要来源于古元古代-中元古代新生地壳的再造,直接来源于亏损地幔的物质很少。2.1~1.1 Ga是华夏地块地壳生长的主要阶段,此阶段形成的物质构成现今华夏地块全部地壳物质的80%以上。  相似文献   

Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating was carried out for an intermediate granulite xenolith in Cenozoic alkali basalt from Nushan. The results suggest that the lower crust beneath Nushan may have formed at about 2400—2200 Ma, and have been subjected to granulite-facies metamorphism at 1915 27 Ma. The old age of the Nushan lower crust is consistent with the geochemical similarities between Nushan granulite xenoliths and Archean-Paleoproterozoic granulite terrains in the North China craton, but it is not distinguishable from high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Yangtze craton where such old ages were also reported. Significant Pb-loss occurs in the Nushan zircons, implying important influence of widespread Mesozoic to Cenozoic underplating in East China on the lower crust beneath Nushan.  相似文献   

U-Pb dating for fifty-six detrltsl zircons from a paragneiss in Nanxiong area, northern Guangdong Province, Indicates that the latest Neoproterozoic sediments in Cathaysia hinterland are composed of numerous Grenvillian and Necerchaean clasUc materials, as well as some Mesoproterozolc detritus. Minor Paleoarchaean (3.76 Ga) and Mesoarchaean (3.0-3.2 Ga) zircons, which are the oldest zircons In South China, also are firstly found in the sediments, suggesting that the Cathaysia Block may contsln very old materials. The Hf isotope compositions of thirty-seven zircons reveal that these clastlc materials have different origins. Minor zircons crystslllzed from magma generated from relatively juvenile crust, while the parental magma of most zircons was derived from ancient crust. Integration of U-Pb dating and Hf Isotope analysis of these zircons suggests that the generation of juvenile crust in the Cathaysia block mainly occurred at 2.5-2.6 Ga. Mesoarchaean (3.0-3.3 Ga), late Paleoproterozolc (-1.8 Ga) and Paleoarchaean (-3.7 Ga) may also be important episodes of crustal growth. Grenvllllan magmatism is extremely Intense, but it mainly involved recycling of ancient crustal components with little formation of Juvenile crust. The marked presence of -2.1 Ga Hf model ages and the absence of the zircons with crystsllizatlon ages at -2.1 Ga suggest that the parental magma of many zircons was probably derived from the mixed source consisting of Neoarchaean and late Paleoproterozoic materlals.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope, and major and trace element compositions were reported for granite at Quanyishang, which intruded into the Kongling complex in Yichang, Hubei Province. The results show that the Quanyishang granite is rich in silicon and alkalis but poor in calcium and magnesium, and displays enrichment in Ga, Y, Zr, Nb but depletion in Sr and Ba, exhibiting the post-orogenic A-type affinity. 90% zircons from the granite are concordant, and give a middle Paleoproterozoic magmatic crystallization age (mean 1854 Ma). Initial Hf isotope ratios (176Hf/177Hf)i of the middle Paleoproterozoic zircons range from 0.280863 to 0.281134 and they have negative eHf(t) values with a minimum of -26.3. These zircons give the depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of 2.9―3.3 Ga (mean 3.0 Ga), and the average crustal model ages (Tcrust) of 3.6―4.2 Ga (mean 3.8 Ga). A Mesoarchean grain with 207Pb/206Pb age of 2859 Ma has a slightly high TDM (3.4 Ga) but similar Tcrust (3.8 Ga) to the Paleoproterozoic zircons. All these data suggest that the source materials of the Quanyishang A-type granite are unusually old, at least ≥2.9 Ga (even Eoarchean). The event of crustal remelting, which resulted in the formation of the Quanyishang granite in the middle Paleoproterozoic, recorded the cratonization of the Yangtze conti-nent. The process may have relation to the extension and collapse of the deep crust with Archean ages, in response to the transition stage of the assembly and breakup of the Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic as well as whole-rock geochemical data are reported for keratophyes in the Pingshui Group, Zhejiang. The results are used to discuss their petrogenesis and geological significance. The keratophyes were dated at 904±8 to 906±10 Ma. These intermediate-felsic rocks are characterized by high LREE contents and depletion of HREE and HFSE (e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti, P), resembling arc-derived rocks. The keratophyes exhibit positive εHf(t) values of 8.6 to 15.4, consistent with the...  相似文献   

Widely distributed on the southern margin of the North China Craton, the Taihua complex extends roughly in an east-west direction and the relatively complete successions are found in Lushan County, Henan Province. Like many other Archean terranes, the Taihua Complex can be divided into two major lithological units along the Dangze River, namely gneisses series and supracrustal rocks. The former is located on the north side of the river and chiefly composed of TTG gneisses and amphibolites; the latter on the south side of the river is mainly supracrustal rock. Coupled with the previous studies, the results obtained by this study show that the Taihua complex was formed in a large time span from Neoarchean to Palaeoproterozoic. The TTG gneisses and amphibolites are dated at Neoarchean (2794–2752 Ma). The 2.9 Ga and 3.1 Ga zircons in amphibolites could be xenocrysts. In the North China Craton, the 2.8–2.7 Ga old rocks crop out in several areas e.g. western Shandong Province, Jiaodong Peninsula and Lushan area of Henan Province. In addition, 2.8–2.7 Ga detrital zircons or xenocryst zircons have been recognized in Huai’an, Fuping, Wutai areas of North China Craton and also reported in the Early Paleozoic diamondiferous kimberlites in Mengyin and Fuxian. All these age results indicate that the 2.8–2.7 Ga rocks may have been developed much broader region than today’s outcrops. Zircon Hf and whole rock Nd isotopes show that the 2.8–2.7 Ga tectono-thermal event represents an important period of crustal growth with minor ancient crust reworked in the North China Craton. However the formation of supracrustal rocks is limited to 2.2–2.0 Ga in the Palaeoproterozoic time, not the Archaean, as previously believed. Combined with the chronological data of aluminium-rich metamorphic rocks (Khondalite series) on the southern margin of the North China Craton and adjacent areas, it is suggested that the above areas have widely developed Paleoproterozoic passive continental margin environment.  相似文献   

Zircon is the most useful mineral for studies in U-Pb geochronology and Hf and O isotope geochemistry. Matrix effect is a major problem of the microbeam techniques such as SIMS and LA-(MC)-ICPMS. Therefore, external standardization using well-characterized natural zircon standards is fundamental for accurate microbeam measurements. While the isotopic geochro- nology and geochemistry laboratories equipped with microbeam analytical facilities have been increasingly established in China during the past decade, applications of the isotopic microanalysis are still limited due to shortage of available standards. We report here the Qinghu zircon as a potential new working reference for microbeam analysis of zircon U-Pb age and O-Hf isotopes. This zircon was separated from the Qinghu quartz monzonite from the western Nanling Range, Southeast China. It is fairly homoge- neous in U-Pb age and Hf and O isotopes in terms of large amounts of mircobeam measurements by LA-MC-ICPMS and SIMS at the scales of 20-60 ~tm. SIMS measurements yield consistent 2~6pb/238U age within analytical uncertainties with that obtained by ID-TIMS. Precise determinations of O isotopes by IRMS and Hf isotopes by solution MC-ICPMS are in good agreement with the statistical mean of microbeam measurements. We recommend U-Pb age of = 159.5 ± 0.2 Ma (2SE), δ^18O = 5.4‰ ± 0.2%0 (2SD) and 176Hf/177Hf = 0.283002 ± 0.000004 (2SD) as the best reference values for the Qinghu zircon.  相似文献   

Whether or not Grenvillian orogeny occurred in South China still remains highly controversial because high-quality,discriminating data are lacking,and therefore,the key to resolve this matter is to find datable volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks related to Grenvillian orogeny. Such rocks are apparently present in the Fuliangpeng Member from the lower-middle part of Kunyang Group in central Yunnan; here the unit is more than 100 m thick and consists of andesitic ignimbrite,tuffite,terrigeous clastic rocks and carbonates. These volcanic rocks,developed south of the Sibao fold-thrust belts,represent the earliest calc-alkaline volcanic activity in late Precambrian time from central Yunnan and are coeval with both a change in sedimentary facies from detritus to carbonates and the beginning of seismite development elsewhere. Two samples for SHRIMP analysis were collected from this volcanic unit. Sample G3-29-2,from the bottom of Fuliangpeng Member,is an ignimbrite,and about 100 zircon crys-tals recovered from it have euhedral shapes and display relatively simple sector zonation under cathodoluminescent (CL) imaging,suggesting a magmatogenic origin. Twenty-five of the zircons were analyzed and a weighed-mean U-Pb age of 1032±9 Ma was obtained. Sample G3-29-3 from uppermost part of Fuliangpeng Member is a tuffite,and many rounded,evidently detrital zircons were recovered. Nine of these zircons were analyzed,and the oldest single-grain U-Pb zircon age is 1938±26 Ma,im-plying that Paleoproterozoic basement developed in Cathaysia. The dating result,combined with the geotectonic research on the Fuliangpeng Member,leads us to conclude that late Mesoproterozoic orogenic volcanic activity occurred in the western part of South China,and that the related collision of Yangtze and Cathaysian cratons was an integral part of the assembly of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Quanji Block, situated between the northern margin of the Qaidam Block and the South Qilian orogenic belt in the NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, is thought to represent a remnant continental crust. In this study, LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyses of detrital zircon grains from two mesosomes in the migmatitic Dakendaban Group yield ages of 2467+28/-26 Ma and 2474+66/-52 Ma, respectively. Zircon grains from a leucosome give two distinct ages of 2471+18/-16 Ma and 1924+14/-15 Ma. Zircon from a granitic pegmatite that intruded into the Dakendaban Group yields an age of 2427+44/-38 Ma. These data suggest that the Early Paleoproterozoic Dakendaban Group deposited between -2.43 to -2.47 Ga and has been subject to an intrusive event at 2.43Ga, and regional metamorphism-anatexis at 1.92 Ga. The common lower intercept age of -0.9 Ga probably records a significant Early Neoproterozoic event in the Quanji Block.  相似文献   

Analysis using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) shows that the Yongsheng pluton, located to the south of Huadian County, Jilin Province, in the North China Craton, has a zircon U-Pb isotopic emplacement age of (31.6±1.3) Ma. It is therefore the youngest exposed pluton so far recognized in eastern China. Although geochemical data indicate intensive crystal fractionation, the Sr-Nd isotopic features suggest that the magmatic source region of the lithospheric mantle was weakly depleted. This implies that the previous enriched lithospheric mantle had been replaced by juvenile asthenospheric mantle before or during the Palaeogene. This recognition has great significance for future work on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological evolution and deep geological processes in eastern China.  相似文献   

Backscattered electron images, in situ Hf isotopes, U-Pb ages and trace elements of zircons in a banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt have been studied. The results show that the banded granulite is a sample derived from the early lower crust of the North China craton. It is difficult to explain the petrogenesis of the xenolith with a single process. Abundant information on several processes, however, is contained in the granulite. These processes in-clude the addition of mantle material, crustal remelting, metamorphic differentiation and the delamination of early lower crust. About 80% of zircons studied yield ages of 1842 ±40 Ma, except few ages of 3097-2824 Ma and 2489-2447 Ma. The zircons with ages older than 2447 Ma have high εHf (up to +18.3) and high Hf model age (2.5-2.6 Ga), indicating that the primitive materials of the granulite were derived mainly from a depleted mantle source in late Archean. Most εhf of the zircons with early Proterozoic U-Pb age vary around zero, but two have  相似文献   

Peng  Min  Wu  YuanBao  Wang  Jing  Jiao  WenFang  Liu  XiaoChi  Yang  SaiHong 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(6):1098-1104
Mafic dyke is a sign of regional extension, and thus has important tectonic significance. A great amount of mafic dykes occur in the Kongling terrain of the Yangtze Craton, which have great bearing on the early evolution of the Yangtze Craton. Their ages, however, have not been well constrained. In this paper we report an integrated study of zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope compositions for a mafic dyke in the Kongling terrain. The zircons yielded a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 1852±11Ma, which represents its intrusion age. They have ɛ Hf(t) values of −6.3 to 0.5, with a weighted mean of −3.06±0.88, suggesting that the mafic dyke came from metasomatic mantle. The results indicate that the Yangtze Block had transformed into post-collisional extensional regime at ca. 1850 Ma. In the same period, the Yangtze Craton shows enough rigidity to produce brittle rupture, and thus has the characteristics of a craton. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40772042, 90714010 and 40521001), the Ministry of Education of China (Grant Nos. IRT0441, B07039 and NCET-06-0659), and Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University  相似文献   

Basalt and basaltic andesite metamorphosed at greenschist facies occurs with conglomerate layers at the bottom of the Paleopro-terozoic Hutuo Group in the Wutai Mountains area, North China Craton. Detailed geological surveying confirms that these volcanic rocks are conformable within the neighboring sedimentary rocks. The SHRIMP results on basaltic andesite are divided into two groups. In one group the 207Pb/206Pb ages are from 2433 to 2558 Ma, which is consistent with the basement crustal age in Fuping and Wutai areas. In the other group, 13 grains yielded a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2140±14 Ma. The latter is interpreted as the eruption age of the basaltic andesite, and gives the age of the base of the Hutuo Group. This result further suggests that the Hutuo Group formed in the middle Paleoproterozoic, not the early Palaeoproterozoic or late Archaean, as thought before, and is related to a 2.2–2.1 Ga rifting event in the Central North China Craton.  相似文献   

Palaeoproterozoic global glaciation (~2.3 Ga) may have been the first “snowball” Earth event in Earth history. North China has well-exposed sedimentary deposits of this time period with minimal postdepositional alteration. Sedimentary evidence of a glaciation event has been lacking, however. Here we analyzed carbon isotope composition of the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group (2.5–2.2 Ga) in the Wutai Mountain area, Shanxi Province, North China. Our data show, in an older to younger chronostratigraphic order, (1) positive δ 13Ccarb values in the Dashiling Formation of the Doucun Subgroup (3.2‰ to 1.0‰, VPDB); (2) a decrease in δ 13Ccarb values from the Wenshan Formation to the middle Daguandong Formation (from 2.0‰ to–1.2‰), during which time the occurrence of stromatolites declined; (3) a pronounced negative excursion in the upper Daguandong Formation, at the boundary of the Daguandong and Huaiyincun formations (from 1.4‰ to ?3.3‰), where stromatolites disappeared; and (4) a gradual increase of δ 13Ccarb values in the Beidaxing and Tianpengnao formations (from ?1.2‰ to 1.4‰), during which time stromatolites returned. We argue that the negative carbon isotope excursion recorded from the Jian’ancun Formation to the middle Daguandong Formation of the Hutuo Group may have been North China’s response to the Palaeoproterozoic global glaciation.  相似文献   

西昆仑赞坎铁矿区英安班岩锆石U-Pb年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西昆仑赞坎英安斑岩的锆石LA-ICPMS年龄和LA-MC-ICPMS Hf同位素分析结果表明,两个样品均获得了较为一致的主体年龄,分别为533±10 Ma及527.4±9.0 Ma,都归为古生代,而不是前人所归为的前寒武纪布伦阔勒群.选用其中一个样品进行,锆石Hf同位素组成实验,其赞坎英安斑岩εHf(t)值为-3.31~-9.02,平均为-5.40,具有明显的不均一性,Hf平均地壳模式年龄为TDMC=1.70~2.06 Ga(去除其中两个U-Pb年龄异常高值),峰值在1.7~1.8 Ga左右,与锆石形成年龄533 Ma相差甚远,说明这类锆石的母岩中主体是再造的古老地壳,同时也可能混合幔源,对应着1.7~2.0 Ga地壳再造.  相似文献   

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