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Hou  Shugui  Qin  Dahe  Yao  Tandong  Zhang  Dongqi  Chen  Tuo 《科学通报(英文版)》2002,47(20):1746-1749
Three ice cores recovered from the Himalayas (i.e. the East Rongbuk Glacier and the Far East Rongbuk Glacier at Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), and the Dasuopu Glacier at Xixiabangma) show a sharp decline in the accumulation rates since the 1950s, which is consistent with the precipitation fluctuation over India and the low northern latitude zone (5°-35°N). Correspondingly, an increasing trend is observed for the ice core accumulations from the central and northern Qingh ai-Tibetan Plateau (i.e. the Xiao Dongkemadi Glacier in the central Tanggula Mountains, the Guliya Ice Cap in the western Kunlun Mountains, and the Dunde Ice Cap in the Qilian Mountains) since the 1950s, which is consistent with the precipi tation fluctuation over the middle-high northern latitude zone (35°-70°N). However, the variation magnitude of the high-elevation ice core accumulations is more significant than that of precipitation at the low-eleva- tion places, suggesti ng its extra sensitivity of high-elevation areas to climatic change. The inter-d ecadal abrupt change of the African-Asian summer monsoon in the1960s may attribute to the recent ice core accumulation change during the recent decades.  相似文献   

Evidence for the “8.2 ka cold event” has been provided mostly from the circum-North Atlantic area. However, whether this cold event occurred in other places is a key to understanding its cause. Here, we provide the evidence for the “8.2 ka cold event” from the Guliya ice core in the northwest Tibetan Plateau, and it was found that the peak cooling (~8.3—8.2 ka) in this ice core was about 7.8—10℃, which was larger than the cooling in the North Atlantic region. The primary causes for this episode were diminished solar activity and weakened thermohaline circulation. Moreover, another weak cold event, centered about 9.4 ka, was also recorded in the Guliya ice core record. These two cold events were concurrent with the ice-rafting episodes in the North Atlantic during the early Holocene, which implies that the millennial-scale climatic cyclicity might exist in the Tibetan Plateau as well as in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

By analyses of the dust layers in the Malan ice core from the northern Tibetan Plateau, it was found that dirty ratio in this core might be a good proxy for dust event frequency. The variations in the dirty ratio displayed a decrease trend over the past 200 years, which implies that dust events became less frequent during the study period. The decrease trend in the variations in dust event frequency might be caused mostly by the natural processes, including increasing precipitation and weakening westerly which might be related with global warming. Furthermore, significant negative correlation was found between the dirty ratio and δ^18O in the Malan ice core. This is highly important for studying the effect of atmospheric dust on climate change.  相似文献   

The time series of accumulation in recent 300 years correlated well with solar activity in Dasuopu ice core. Results of spectrum analysis on the accumulation time series of the Dasuopu ice core shows that there are some periods that coincide with the periods of solar activity. By comparing the long-time change trend of the accumulation in the Dasuopu ice core with various kinds of indexes of solar activity intensity, a negative correlation is found between the trend and solar activity.  相似文献   

On the basis of NCEP/NCAR version I daily reanalysis data from 1971 to 2000 and by the methods of inverse calculation, correlation analysis and comparative analysis, the influences of atmospheric heat source (AHS) over the Tibetan Plateau on the large-scale AHS and the general circulation in summer are studied in this paper. The results show that AHS over the plateau in summer may trigger a heat source wavetrain propagating northeastward along the coast from the East Asian continent and West Pacific to Bering Strait-Arctic or even North America. In addition, if AHS over the eastern plateau is intense, South Asian High moves to southeast and West Pacific subtropical high moves to southwest; on the contrary, if AHS over the eastern plateau is weak, South Asian High moves to northwest and West Pacific subtropical high moves to northeast. Therefore, South Asian High and West Pacific subtropical high move in the horizontally-opposite directions in terms of interannual variation, for which AHS over the eastern plateau seems to be thermodynamically responsible.  相似文献   

Formic and acetic acids (HCOOH, CH3COOH), originating mainly from biosphere (release by plants, combustion of biomass, motor exhaust and oxidation of organism, etc.), are two simple organic chemical com- pounds in troposphere. Though the concentration of these two organic acids is low in atmosphere, they are the main [1] sources of free acidity in precipitation of remote regions , and contribute minor chemical constituents to the balance between anions and cations, especially to some atm…  相似文献   

Three ice cores distributed across Dasuopu glacier in Himalayas were recovered. A 400-year net annual accumulation record reconstructed from one of the cores reflects the major precipitation trend in the central Himalayas. This record is related closely to the Indian monsoon precipitation. Wavelet and moving T-test were applied to the 400-year-long Dasuopu accumulation record, and significant staggered variability and abrupt change of the record on interannual to centennial time scales are identified. Finally the possible reason for abrupt change of the accumulation record is discussed.  相似文献   

The linkage between Hadley circulation (HC) and sea ice extent in the Bering Sea during March-April is investigated through an analysis of observed data in this research. It is found that HC is negatively correlated to the sea ice extent in the Bering Sea, namely, strong (weak) HC is corresponding to less (more) sea ice in the Bering Sea. The present study also addresses the large-scale atmospheric general circulation changes underlying the relationship between HC and sea ice in the Bering Sea. It follows that a positive phase of HC corresponds to westward located Aleutian low, anomalous southerlies over the eastern North Pacific and higher temperature in the Bering Sea, providing unfavorable atmospheric and thermal conditions for the sea ice forming, and thus sea ice extent in the Bering Sea is decreased, and vice versa. In addition, it is further identified that East Asian-North Pacific-North America teleconnection may play an important role in linking HC and changes of atmospheric circulations as well as sea ice in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

By the analyses of Guliya ice core on the Tibetan Plateau, it was found that the calcium (Ca^2 ) originated from the terrestrial source is the main cation of soluble aerosol and a good proxy of the atmospheric component and environment in the mountain ice core located in the mid-low latitude arid regions. Evident variation of Ca^2 concentration has been found in the Guliya ice core since the Last lnterglaciation with two relatively strong increase periods and two weak increase periods. These variations are generally related to climatic changes: high Ca^2 concentration periods coincide with cold periods and low Ca^2 concentration periods coincide with warm periods. However, Ca^2 concentration does not always decrease (increase) with climate warming (cooling). The magnitude and phase of Ca^2 concentration does not always match temperature either. The changes of atmospheric circulation, land surface condition and atmospheric humidity might be important factors which influence Ca^2 concentration besides temperature.  相似文献   

The variations of NO\+-\-3 concentration in the Guliya ice core are reconstructed for recent about 1 000 a. Spectrum analysis of NO\+-\-3 indicates significant periodicities in the variations of NO\+-\-3 concentration, which coincide with the periodicities of the solar activity. Therefore, a positive correlation between the variations of NO\+-\-3 concentration and the solar activity is found.  相似文献   

重庆夏季旱涝急转与大气环流异常的联系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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Oxygen stable isotopic and ionic records, covering a period of 1745--1996, are recovered in DT001 ice core drilled in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica.Using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the annually resolved glaciochemical time series, we find the first EOF (EOFI) represents sea-salt aerosols and is the proxy of sea level pressure (SLP) over a quasi-stationary low in the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO). δ^18O represents the sea surface temperature (SST) of the same ocean area. In the past two decades, four climatic waves as represented by SLP and SST proxies are found in the DT001 ice core, which in coincident with four Antarctic Circum-polar Waves (ACW) as revealed by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The phase difference between SST and SLP in the ice core is also coincident with that in ACW. Both ice-core record and reanalysis suggestthat there were no signals of ACW during 1958--1980, none during the overall recording period between 1745--1996, as there is no regular phase difference between SST and SLP.The ACW signal after early 1980s is probably attributable to the climate shift occurring over Antarctic Peninsula-Drake Passage region.  相似文献   

By comprehensive analyses,it was found that the variations in δ^18O recorded in Malan ice core from the Kekexili Region on the Tibetan Plateau could represent the changes in air temperature during the summer half year (from May to October) over the Kekexili Region and the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.The general increase trend in δ^18O in the ice core during the past century indicated climate warming,and it was estimated that air temperature during the summer half-year rose about 1.2℃ over there then.However,this ice core record documented that the study area has been cooling while most of the world has been dramatically warming since the late 1970s. A tele-connection was found between the variations in δ^18O in the Malan ice core and the North Atlantic Oscillation.Moreover,the variations in δ^18O in this ice core were similar to that in the summer half-year air temperature over the southern Tibetan Plateau on the centurial time scale,but opposite on the multidecadal time scale.  相似文献   

We present a 550-year ice-core pollen record with a 5-year resolution from the Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau.Analysis of the relationship between pollen record and instrumental observations suggests that the sum of the steppe and meadow pollen taxa is a good indicator of summer (June-August) temperature,whereas the ratios of Cyperaceae/(Gramineae+Artemisia) [Cy/(G+A)] as well as M/S (meadow to steppe percentages) are indicative of humidity changes in this region.Together with δ18O and...  相似文献   

 分析了101 a北半球低层和高层大气环流(包含四大涛动及W,C,E 3种环流型、副高强度)的演变特征,并讨论了大气环流因子的年际和年代际变化与中国降水的关系.结果表明,无论是高层还是低层大气环流特征随时间尺度的不同而不同,最显著的变化是7 a以下的年际变化.低层因子的年际变化比对流层因子明显;对流层因子的气候基本态的变化比低层因子明显.SO是低层因子中发生年际变化的强信号,NPO是低层因子中时间尺度28 a以上变化的强信号.副高是对流层中发生年际变化的强信号,E型环流是对流层中时间尺度28 a以上变化的强信号;中国近百年的降水量变化有显著的小于3.5 a,3.5~7 a,7~14 a的周期变化;中国降水和高、低层大气环流因子之间存在明显的同时相关和滞后相关关系.同时相关中,影响中国降水的主要因子为:W,NPO,SO;滞后相关中,影响中国降水的主要因子为:W,NAO,AO,E.  相似文献   

In order to understand the relationship between the community structure of bacteria in ice core and the past climate and environment, we initiated the study on the microorganisms in the three selected ice samples from the Malan ice core drilled from the Tibetan Plateau. The 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) molecules were directly amplified from the melt water samples, and three 16S rDNA clone libraries were established. Among 94 positive clones, eleven clones with unique restriction pattern were used for partial sequence and compared with eight reported sequences from the same ice core. The phylotypes were divided into 5 groups: alpha, beta, gamma proteobacteria; CFB, and other eubacteria group. Among them, there were many “typical Malan glacial bacteria“ pertaining to psychrophilies and new bacteria found in the ice core. At a longer time scale, the concentration distribution of “typical Malan glacial bacteria“ with depth showed negative correlation with temperature variations and was coincident with dirty layer. It implied the influence of temperature on the microbial record through impact on the concentrations of the “typical Malan glacial bacteria“. In addition, the nutrition contained in ice was another important factor controlling the distribution of microbial population in ice core section. Moreover, the result displayed an apparent layer distribution of bacterial community in the ice core section, which reflected the microbial response to the past climatic and environmental conditions at the time of deposition.  相似文献   

Formate (HCOO-), acetate (CH3COO-), oxalate (C2O42-) and pyruvate ((CO)C2O42-) are detected in a 14.08-m-long ice core recovered in Glacier 1 at the Urumqi riverhead, Tianshan, China, which is a mid-latitude alpine glacier (43°06′N, 86°49′E). the mean concentrations for the four organic acids in recent four decades are (102.8±147.3), (392.3±390.8), (6.9±14.8) and (4.2±8.3) ng/g, respectively, with the ratio for HCOO-/CH3COO- of 0.34 ± 0.43. They represent the major acid components, and originate mainly from anthropogenic emission in the nearby industrial cities. Compared with Greenland and Antarctica, Glacier 1 is much higher in carboxylic acids, which were not subjected to long distance transportation as well as complicated atmospheric reactions. The alpine glacier can be, therefore, useful to reconstructing human pollution scenario to the regional atmosphere.  相似文献   

Based on the study of oxygen isotope and microparticle in the Guliya ice core,atmospheric dust and environmental changes in the northwest Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial were revealed.The microparticle record indicates that low dust load on the Plateau in the interglacial.Particle concentration increased rapidly when the climate turned into the last glacial and reached the maximum during the MIS 4.In the Last Glacial Maximum, however,the enhancement of microparticle concentration was slight,differing to those in the Antarctic and Greenland.On the orbital timescale,both the temperature on the Tibetan Plateau and summer solar insolation in the Northern Hemisphere had their impact on the microparticle record,but the difference in phase and amplitude also existed. Though having the same dust source, microparticle records in the ice cores on the Tibetan Plateau and the Greenland seem to have different significance.  相似文献   

Features of an extra-strong warm winter event in North Asia in 2002 and its accompanying anomalous atmospheric circulation were studied through diagnosis on the atmospheric reanalysis data set. Results show that the winter of 2002 is of the warmest in the recent 54 years in North Asia, which was caused by both decadal scale and interannual scale variability. The interannual variability is proved to be as the main cause for the event, and it is related to the global scale atmospheric circulation anomalies, with the strongest of them in the Eastern Hemisphere and in the middle and high latitude region of the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

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