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The problem of state feedback stabilization of control systems is tackled in this paper.The stabilizability of the plane control systems with critical spectrum is considered,By using therecently developed center manifold method combined with Liapunov second method,it is shownthat in all critical cases the above mentioned systems are state feedback stabilizable.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionUp to now, there are many results about abso1ute stability for Lurie discrete controlsystems{'--'l. Some sufficient conditions and necessary and sufficient conditions of absolutestability are obtained. But there are a few resuIts about gener…  相似文献   

The problems of robust stability and robust stability with a guaranteeing cost for discrete time-delay systems with nonlinear perturbation are discussed. A sufficient criterion for robust stability is established in an LMI framework and a linear convex optimization problem with LMI constraints for computing maximal perturbation bound is proposed. Meanwhile, a sufficient criterion for robust stability with a guaranteeing cost for such systems is obtained, and an optimal procedure for decreasing the value of guaranteeing cost is put forward. Two examples are used to illustrate the efficiency of the results.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionT.Dated]obtainedanalgebraicclassificationofplanehomogeneousquadraticvectorfields,A.Cima[2]gaveanalgebraicandtopologicalclassificationofhomogeneouscubicvectorfieldsintheplane.Theirmethodswerebasedontheclassificationofforth-orderbinaryformsdev…  相似文献   

Based on the notion of maximal absolute observability and its normalforms,a new method for studying the local stabilization for a kind of nonlinearcontrol systems is established.Different from the previous results given by Byrnes-Isitori and others,this new method can deal with more general systems,and hasmuch simpler way to prove the stabilization conditions and to design the feedbacklaws.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stability of (switched) polynomial systems. Using semi-tensor product of matrices, the paper develops two tools for testing the stability of a (switched) polynomial system. One is to convert a product of multi-variable polynomials into a canonical form, and the other is an easily verifiable sufficient condition to justify whether a multi-variable polynomial is positive definite. Using these two tools, the authors construct a polynomial function as a candidate Lyapunov function and via testing its derivative the authors provide some sufficient conditions for the global stability of polynomial systems.  相似文献   

WU-RITT'SMETHODFORNONLINEARCONTROLSYSTEMS¥LIShurong(InstituteofSystemsScience,AcademiaSinica,Beijing100080,China)Abstract:Thi...  相似文献   

In present paper, the disturbance attenuation problem of uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems is studied. Based on the adding one power integrator technique and recursive design, a feedback controller that solves the disturbance attenuation problem is constructed for uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems with internal stability.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionInfinite-dimensionallinearsystemstheory,itiseasytoverifythatthespectrumandtheexponentialgroWthboundarepreservedunderasimilaritytransformation.ThispropertyisaIsosatisfiedfortheinfinite-dimensionalcaseifthesimilarityoperatorisboundedandbound-edlyinvertible.Inthisnote,weilltroduceageneralizationoftheconceptofsimilaritycalledasymptoticsimila-rityforindnite-dimensionallinearsystems.Inthefinite-dimensionalcase1similarityandasymptoticsimilarityareequivalellt.Weshowthatthisasymptoticsi…  相似文献   

The left-inverse system with minimal order and its algorithms of discrete-time nonlinear systems are studied in a linear algebraic framework. The general structure of left-inverse system is described and computed in symbolic algorithm. Two algorithms are given for constructing left-inverse systems with minimal order.  相似文献   

This paper presents some recent works on the control of dynamic systems,which have certain complex properties caused by singularity of the nonlinear structures,structure~varyings, or evolution process etc. First, we consider the structure singularity of nonlinear control systems. It was revealed that the focus of researches on nonlinear control theory is shifting from regular systems to singular systems. The singularity of nonlinear systems causes certain complexity. Secondly, the switched systems are considered. For such systems the complexity is caused by the structure varying. We show that the switched systems have significant characteristics of complex systems. Finally, we investigate the evolution systems. The evolution structure makes complexity, and itself is a proper model for complex systems.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionTherobuststabilityanalysisoflinearuncertainsystemshasbeenanactiveresearchtopicincolltroltheoryforsometime.Forexmple,seeDoratoandYedavallil1]andSiljak[']forasummaryofreceatdevelopmelltsinthisarea.Inparticular,thereisconsiderableliteratureavailableonthestabilityrobustnessmeasuresoflinearstate-spacesystemswithparameterperturbationswheretheuncertailltycanbeeithernormbounded(unstructured)orintermsofboundsontheintervals0ftheindividualelemelltsoftheperturbationmatris(structured).Sever…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn the last few decades, symplectic geometry becomes a lbcus fOr multi-disciplines. Aspointed out in [1l: '"' cIassical mechanics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics aretreated from the same perspective, that ofsylllplectic geornetry thus showing the unifying powerof the symp1ectic geometric approach." Particularly it becomes a new frame fOr Hamiltoniansystems[2--5]. Symp1ectic a1gorithm, [6] etc., provides a numerical method fOr solving the relatedproblems.In contr…  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a basic class of first order sampled-data control systems with unknown nonlinear structure and with sampling rate not necessarily fast enough, aiming at understanding the capability and limitations of the sampled-data feedback. We show that if the unknown nonlinear function has a linear growth rate with its "slope" (denoted by L) being a measure of the "size" of uncertainty, then the sampling rate should not exceed 1/L multiplied by a constant (≈ 7.53) for the system to be globally stabilizable by the sampled-data feedback. If, however, the unknown nonlinear function has a growth rate faster than linear, and if the system is disturbed by noises modeled as the standard Brownian motion, then an example is given, showing that the corresponding sampled-data system is not stabilizable by the sampled-data feedback in general, no matter how fast the sampling rate is.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to derive new simple criteria for the stability of alinear non-autonomous delay system by using a difference-differential inequality.  相似文献   

1 Formulation of Dirichlet Problem and Neumann Problem fOrParabolic SystemsLet O be a bounded domain in Rn and the boundary On E C2. Denote Q = g x I,I =0 < t 5 T, 0 < T < ool 0Q = Sl U S2 is the parabolic boundary where S1 = a x {t = 0} is thebottom and S2 = an x I is the lateral boundary. We consider the nonlinear parabolic systemof second order equationsFh(t, xl ut D.u, D:u) -- Hukt = 0 in Q, k = 1, 2,'',m. (l.l)Under certain conditions, system (1.1) can be reduced to the fOrmw…  相似文献   

The stabilization problem of a nonuniform Timoshenko beam system With coupled locally distributed feedback controls is studied. First, by proving the uniqueness of the solution to the related ordinary differential equations, we establish the asymptotic decay of the energy corresponding to the closed loop system. Then, by virtue of piecewise multiplier method, we prove the exponential decay of the closed loop system.  相似文献   

The stabilization problem of a nommiform Tirnoshenko beam system with controllers at the beam's right tip with rotor inertia is studied. First, with a special kind of linear boundary force feedback and moment control existing simultaneously, the energy corresponding to the closed loop system is proven to be exponentially convergent to zero as time t→∞. Then in other cases, some conditions for the corresponding closed loop system to be asymptotically stable are also derived.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionConsider the following dynamic model of a Timoshenko beam with boundary feedbackcontrol: where a uniform beam of length F moves in w-x plane, p is the mass per unit length, w(x, t) thedeflection of the beam from its equilibrium and, W(x, t) the total rotatory angle of the beam atxs for whose precise physical meaning, see [1, 2]. In and EI are the mass moment of inertia andrigidity coefficient of the cross section, respectively, and K is the shear modulus of elajsticitv.The bou…  相似文献   

1.TheirregularObliqueDerivativeProblemanditsWell-PosednessforNonlinearEllipticSystemsLabDbean(N 1)-connectedboundeddomaininthez=x ic-planeCwithboundaryFECI(0相似文献   

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