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Résumé La glande sternale des jeunes imagos et secrète une phéromone attractive pour les individus du sexe opposé. Les peuvent prendre une position d'appel indentique à celle connue des . Les imagos, mais pas les nymphes, reconnaissent les phéromones sexuelles de la phéromone de piste sécrétée par la glande sternale des nymphes.  相似文献   

Summary InOligarces paradoxus, the chromosomal behaviour was compared during pedogenetic development of and . The -egg undergoes a single non-reductional maturation division, the -egg shows two divisions which result in reduced nuclei. After maturation in the -egg, the number of chromosomes is restored by endomitosis. The nuclei of germ-line cells contain a high number of chromosomes (: 74\2-82; : at least 58) in both sexes. In somatic nuclei, the number is diminished by elimination to 10 in , to 5 in .  相似文献   

Summary The author treats 2 topics connected with his studies on the cytogenetics of the African pigmy-mice. (1)Mus (Leggada) bufo Th. shows the primitive complement already detected in other species or subspecies (minutoides ssp 1,indutus, tenellus, setulosus): 2N=36,N.F.=36, sex chromosomesPR. (2) The deletion of the short arm of oneX-chromosome (X dc ) was previously observed as heterozygous mutation by 4 in a sample of 7 and 5 . A more important sample (18 , 21 ) gives the following results: 11 X-X, 10 X-X dc , 18 X-Y. The occurrence of X dc -X dc and of X dc -Y is also very improbable. It is not easy to understand how the chromosomeX dc may persist in the population if the complementsX dc -X dc andX dc -Y are lethal, which seems to result from these observations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung (1) Es wurde bei den SeeigelartenParacentrotus ,Arbacia undSphaerechinus sowie den drei BastardenPar ×Arb ,Arb ×Par undPar ×Sphaer für eine Reihe von Entwicklungsstadien die Anzahl der Kerne pro Keim bestimmt (Tabelle). Der morphogenetischen Hemmung der Bastarde entsprechen herabgesetzte Kernzahlen und parallel eine Herabsetzung der DNS-Synthese. (2) Es wurde bei den genannten reinen Arten und den Bastarden derUmsatz der RNS bestimmt. Er geht in allen Fällen, bei den reinen Arten wie bei den Bastarden, der DNS- Synthese parallel.

Our work was supported by a grant from the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. We express our sincere thanks to the Nationalfonds and also to the authorities at the Zoological Station at Naples for generous help and supply of materials and facilities. — This paper is thankfully dedicated byF. Baltzer toF. E. Lehmann for his kind hospitality in the Bernese Institute.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'incrocio fra di ceppi diB. brassicae con scarsa tendenza alla partenogenesi, con anfigoniche di ceppi tendenti alla partenogenesi costante, ha dato alla F1 percentuali di sessuali intermedie rispetto a quelle dei ceppi usati per l'incrocio. Le categorie riproduttive degli Afidi sembrano quindi determinate da poligeni.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiating males of the incompatible crossC. pipiens Hamburg ×C. pipiens Paris with X-ray doses between 1 kR and 40 kR, it could be shown that in this cross the sperm has only the function of activating the egg. All the hybrid embryos develop from the haploid female pronucleus.Herrn Professor Dr.H. Laven danke ich für Unterstützung und wertvolle Diskussionen.  相似文献   

Summary No qualitative differences have been found between the electrophoretic protein patterns observed in normal and in aneuploid embryos ( 3n × 2n). The overall amount of extractable protein increases, however, less rapidly in aneuploid than in normal embryos.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von drei vonChilocorus stigma wies ein Tier eine (A), eines zwei (A, B) und das dritte drei (A, B, C) zentrische Fusionen auf; 2n war 26, 25 und 24. Beim mit 2n = 24 sind mindestens zwei Bivalente heterozygot. Abgesehen vom Unterschied der Geschlechtschromosomen (XX: XO) sind daher 243 verschiedene chromosomale Typen möglich. 2n wird von 21 () zu 28 () variieren. Weitere Fusionen bei den Chromosomen der heterozygoten Paare würden zu 2n = 19 führen, während sich nach andern Fusions-Kombinationen Ringkomplexe bilden müssten.  相似文献   

Summary Optomotor reactions were tested in 10Uca tangeri (5, 5) of intermediate body size, by slowly rotating the plane of polarized light entering the apical ommatidia of the animal; 8 out of 10 animals showed definite optomotor reactions immediately at, or a short time after, the beginning of the rotation. There were no such reactions when the apical ommatidia were stimulated by a rotating black and white disc.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung (1) Es wird die DNS-Synthese der letalen SeeigelbastardeParacentrotus ×Arbacia (PA) undParacentrotus ×Sphaerechinus (PS) mit H3-Thymidin untersucht. (2) Dem verschiedenen, der Letalität vorausgehenden Entwicklungstpus (PA ohne, PS mit Chromosomenelimination) entspricht ein verschiedener Verlauf der Hemmung der DNS-Synthese. Parallel dazu wird die Vermehrung in der Anzahl der Kerne verglichen.  相似文献   

Summary The release call which is uttered by Bufo in connection with specific movements can also be evoked in the ofBufo calamita. This is indicative of homology of the male release call and the usually silent release movements of the .

Mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Gehalt an RNS und DNS früher Entwicklungsstadien des BastardmerogonsTriton palmatus ()×Triton cristatus wurde gemessen. Es zeigt sich, dass trotz der Kern-Plasmadisharmonie diese letale Kombination in der Lage ist, beide Nukleinsäuren zu synthetisieren.

The present study was supported by a grant from theKarl-Hescheler-Stiftung.  相似文献   

Riassunto È stata studiata la comparsa di antigeni nel corso dello sviluppo di due specie di rospi:Bufo bufo eB. viridis e dei loro incroci reciproci. Alcuni antigeni al loro primo apparire precipitano solo con l'antisiero specie-specifico e, solo dopo lo stadio di bottone caudale, sono precipitati anche dall'antisiero dell'altra specie; questo viene interpretato quale una ontogenesi molecolare. Negli incroci, le molecole con gruppi reattivi per i due antisieri sono più frequenti nell'incrocio vitale (B. bufo ×B. viridis ), mentre l'incrocio letale (B. viridis ×B. bufo ) mostra alcuni antigeni separati che precipitano ognuno con un antisiero.

This investigation was supported by a grant from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der karyologischen Analyse von Metaphasen in Knochenmark, Cornea und andern Geweben des indischen Meerschweinchens,Cavia porcellus (7 , 3 ) wurde festgestellt, dass drei männliche Individuen in einem autosomalen Chromosom heterozygot waren. Das Chromosom wird als Marker III bezeichnet.  相似文献   

Summary The author describes four new chromosome complements in the African pigmy-mice (Mus, subgenusLeggada). (1) One form from Angola has 18 metacentric chromosomes (N.F.=36) in both sexes. In contrast toMus minutoïdes minutoïdes Smith from South Africa, whose females have the same chromosome complement while the males show an acrocentric and shortY-chromosome, we have here a metacentricY. It is a confirmation of the hypothesis that theY ofM. m. minutoïdes was primarily of translocated type (TR) but lost a big intercalary segment of the autosomic arm. (2) In another species from Angola 2N=34;N.F.=36. It is the first case in the subgenus where a Robertsonian fusion occurs between autosomes before the transformation of the sex-chromosomesPR into sex-chromosomesTR. This observation is a confirmation that the complement 2N=36;N.F.=36 is the primitive one, being found in the three groups of species,minutoïdes, bufo-triton andtenellus. (3) Indeed, from Ghana, I have got specimens ofM. tenellus. We have here to deal with the primitive chromosome complement: 2N=36;N.F.=36. (4) In a sample of 12Leggada from the region of Bukawu (Congo), there are 5 and 7 . 4 show a total deletion of the short arm of theX-chromosome. In spite of the absence of X dc -Y and of X dc -X dc in the sample, it is probable that neither of these complements is lethal.  相似文献   

Summary Ellobius lutescens, a vole, has a diploid number of 17 in both sexes. This was determined in the testes () and in the bone-marrow (). The number is the lowest ever seen in an eutherian mammal and falls wide of the formulae of the otherMicrotinae.Unless the myeloblastic cell line eliminates oneX-chromosome in the female, which seems very unlikely, we have to deal with an entirely new type of sex-determination.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of comparative chemical and spectral data, the structure of the major saponin, luzonicoside, from the starfishEchinaster luzonicus has been elucidated as2. This is a further example of a novel class of steroidal cyclic glycoside from starfish of the genusEchinaster. Its structure includes a 7, 3,6-dioxygenated-23-oxosteroidal moiety, already found in the saponins ofEchinaster sepositus, and a trisaccharide moiety, -D-galactopyranosyl-(12) -L-arabinopyranosyl-(12)--D-glucuronopyranosyl, bridging C-3 and C-6 of the steroid.This contribution is part of the Progetto Finalizzato Oceanografia e Fondi Marini del C.N.R., Roma.Acknowledgments. We wish to thank Mrs M. Pusset, Laboratoire des Plantes Médicinales du C.N.R.S., Nouméa, for the extraction of starfish and the divers of the Centre Q.R.S.T.O.M. de Nouméa for collection.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die diploide Chromosomenzahl beider Geschlechter beträgt 40: 10 Macrochromosomen und 30 Microchromosomen. Die GeschlechtschromosomenZZ () undZW () sind cytologisch erkennbar.  相似文献   

Summary The temperate race (D) ofS. peregrina undergoes pupal diapause in response to certain environmental conditions of photoperiod (13L:11D–11L:13D) and temperature (under 20°C). The tropical race (ND) does not do so under the same circumstances. The tendency toward diapause was suppressed in 30–40% of the hybrids of crossings D×ND and ND×D even under such short day and low temperature conditions as 11L:13D–9L:15D, 20°C. For entering diapause, the hybrids require a shorter day length (13L:11D) than that of (D) parents (15L:9D).We thank Dr R. Kano and Dr S. Shinonaga, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, for supplying the New Guinean material.  相似文献   

Riassunto È stata studiata con metodi istochimici la distribuzione della 5-3-idrossisteroide deidrogenasi ( 5-3-HSDH) e delle 17-idrossisteroide deidrogenasi (17-HSDH), DPN- e TPN-dipendenti, nell'ovario di gallina ovulante. Mentre la 5-3-HSDH è presente in tutti i tessuti a secrezione steroide dell'ovario, la 17-HSDH è localizzata solo nelle cellule della granulosa.  相似文献   

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