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Wang HW  Nogales E 《Nature》2005,435(7044):911-915
The atomic structure of tubulin in a polymerized, straight protofilament is clearly distinct from that in a curved conformation bound to a cellular depolymerizer. The nucleotide contents are identical, and in both cases the conformation of the GTP-containing, intra-dimer interface is indistinguishable from the GDP-containing, inter-dimer contact. Here we present two structures corresponding to the start and end points in the microtubule polymerization and hydrolysis cycles that illustrate the consequences of nucleotide state on longitudinal and lateral assembly. In the absence of depolymerizers, GDP-bound tubulin shows distinctive intra-dimer and inter-dimer interactions and thus distinguishes the GTP and GDP interfaces. A cold-stable tubulin polymer with the non-hydrolysable GTP analogue GMPCPP, containing semi-conserved lateral interactions, supports a model in which the straightening of longitudinal interfaces happens sequentially, starting with a conformational change after GTP binding that straightens the dimer enough for the formation of lateral contacts into a non-tubular intermediate. Closure into a microtubule does not require GTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Smith DJ  Whitehouse I 《Nature》2012,483(7390):434-438
Fifty per cent of the genome is discontinuously replicated on the lagging strand as Okazaki fragments. Eukaryotic Okazaki fragments remain poorly characterized and, because nucleosomes are rapidly deposited on nascent DNA, Okazaki fragment processing and nucleosome assembly potentially affect one another. Here we show that ligation-competent Okazaki fragments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are sized according to the nucleosome repeat. Using deep sequencing, we demonstrate that ligation junctions preferentially occur near nucleosome midpoints rather than in internucleosomal linker regions. Disrupting chromatin assembly or lagging-strand polymerase processivity affects both the size and the distribution of Okazaki fragments, suggesting a role for nascent chromatin, assembled immediately after the passage of the replication fork, in the termination of Okazaki fragment synthesis. Our studies represent the first high-resolution analysis--to our knowledge--of eukaryotic Okazaki fragments in vivo, and reveal the interconnection between lagging-strand synthesis and chromatin assembly.  相似文献   

Matheny SA  Chen C  Kortum RL  Razidlo GL  Lewis RE  White MA 《Nature》2004,427(6971):256-260
The signal transduction cascade comprising Raf, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase (MEK) and MAP kinase is a Ras effector pathway that mediates diverse cellular responses to environmental cues and contributes to Ras-dependent oncogenic transformation. Here we report that the Ras effector protein Impedes Mitogenic signal Propagation (IMP) modulates sensitivity of the MAP kinase cascade to stimulus-dependent activation by limiting functional assembly of the core enzymatic components through the inactivation of KSR, a scaffold/adaptor protein that couples activated Raf to its substrate MEK. IMP is a Ras-responsive E3 ubiquitin ligase that, on activation of Ras, is modified by auto-polyubiquitination, which releases the inhibition of Raf-MEK complex formation. Thus, Ras activates the MAP kinase cascade through simultaneous dual effector interactions: induction of Raf kinase activity and derepression of Raf-MEK complex formation. IMP depletion results in increased stimulus-dependent MEK activation without alterations in the timing or duration of the response. These observations suggest that IMP functions as a threshold modulator, controlling sensitivity of the cascade to stimulus and providing a mechanism to allow adaptive behaviour of the cascade in chronic or complex signalling environments.  相似文献   

为了准确有效地实现零件几何要素误差建模,提出了一种基于多公差耦合作用下的几何要素误差建模方法.该方法采用小位移旋量(SDT,small displacement torsor)描述公差,针对平动公差与固定公差耦合建立几何要素误差模型,通过利用约束方程的不合格率p,推导各个误差分量参数的实际的分布规律,建立几何要素误差模型.采用雅可比旋量模型将该方法扩展应用于复杂装配体的装配误差建模中,实现了装配精度的预测.以顶尖尾座装配精度预测为例,验证了该方法的合理性及可行性.  相似文献   

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