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This paper investigates the forecasting ability of four different GARCH models and the Kalman filter method. The four GARCH models applied are the bivariate GARCH, BEKK GARCH, GARCH-GJR and the GARCH-X model. The paper also compares the forecasting ability of the non-GARCH model: the Kalman method. Forecast errors based on 20 UK company daily stock return (based on estimated time-varying beta) forecasts are employed to evaluate out-of-sample forecasting ability of both GARCH models and Kalman method. Measures of forecast errors overwhelmingly support the Kalman filter approach. Among the GARCH models the GJR model appears to provide somewhat more accurate forecasts than the other bivariate GARCH models. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large Bayesian vector autoregressions with the natural conjugate prior are now routinely used for forecasting and structural analysis. It has been shown that selecting the prior hyperparameters in a data-driven manner can often substantially improve forecast performance. We propose a computationally efficient method to obtain the optimal hyperparameters based on automatic differentiation, which is an efficient way to compute derivatives. Using a large US data set, we show that using the optimal hyperparameter values leads to substantially better forecast performance. Moreover, the proposed method is much faster than the conventional grid-search approach, and is applicable in high-dimensional optimization problems. The new method thus provides a practical and systematic way to develop better shrinkage priors for forecasting in a data-rich environment.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic factor model that uses euro area country-specific information on output and inflation to estimate an area-wide measure of the output gap. Our model assumes that output and inflation can be decomposed into country-specific stochastic trends and a common cyclical component. Comovement in the trends is introduced by imposing a factor structure on the shocks to the latent states. We moreover introduce flexible stochastic volatility specifications to control for heteroscedasticity in the measurement errors and innovations to the latent states. Carefully specified shrinkage priors allow for pushing the model towards a homoscedastic specification, if supported by the data. Our measure of the output gap closely tracks other commonly adopted measures, with small differences in magnitudes and timing. To assess whether the model-based output gap helps in forecasting inflation, we perform an out-of-sample forecasting exercise. The findings indicate that our approach yields superior inflation forecasts, both in terms of point and density predictions.  相似文献   

The track record of a 20‐year history of density forecasts of state tax revenue in Iowa is studied, and potential improvements sought through a search for better‐performing ‘priors’ similar to that conducted three decades ago for point forecasts by Doan, Litterman and Sims (Econometric Reviews, 1984). Comparisons of the point and density forecasts produced under the flat prior are made to those produced by the traditional (mixed estimation) ‘Bayesian VAR’ methods of Doan, Litterman and Sims, as well as to fully Bayesian ‘Minnesota Prior’ forecasts. The actual record and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the record of the alternative procedures studied in pseudo‐real‐time forecasting experiments, share a characteristic: subsequently realized revenues are in the lower tails of the predicted distributions ‘too often’. An alternative empirically based prior is found by working directly on the probability distribution for the vector autoregression parameters—the goal being to discover a better‐performing entropically tilted prior that minimizes out‐of‐sample mean squared error subject to a Kullback–Leibler divergence constraint that the new prior not differ ‘too much’ from the original. We also study the closely related topic of robust prediction appropriate for situations of ambiguity. Robust ‘priors’ are competitive in out‐of‐sample forecasting; despite the freedom afforded the entropically tilted prior, it does not perform better than the simple alternatives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how BVARs can be used for forecasting cointegrated variables. We propose an approach based on a Bayesian ECM model in which, contrary to the previous literature, the factor loadings are given informative priors. This procedure, applied to Italian macroeconomic series, produces more satisfactory forecasts than different prior specifications or parameterizations. Providing an informative prior on the factor loadings is a crucial point: a flat prior on the ECM terms combined with an informative prior on the lagged endogenous variables coefficients gives too much importance to the long‐run properties with respect to the short‐run dynamics. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we forecast daily returns of crypto‐currencies using a wide variety of different econometric models. To capture salient features commonly observed in financial time series like rapid changes in the conditional variance, non‐normality of the measurement errors and sharply increasing trends, we develop a time‐varying parameter VAR with t‐distributed measurement errors and stochastic volatility. To control for overparametrization, we rely on the Bayesian literature on shrinkage priors, which enables us to shrink coefficients associated with irrelevant predictors and/or perform model specification in a flexible manner. Using around one year of daily data, we perform a real‐time forecasting exercise and investigate whether any of the proposed models is able to outperform the naive random walk benchmark. To assess the economic relevance of the forecasting gains produced by the proposed models we, moreover, run a simple trading exercise.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) model with multivariate stochastic volatility that is capable of handling vast dimensional information sets. Three features are introduced to permit reliable estimation of the model. First, we assume that the reduced-form errors in the VAR feature a factor stochastic volatility structure, allowing for conditional equation-by-equation estimation. Second, we apply recently developed global–local shrinkage priors to the VAR coefficients to cure the curse of dimensionality. Third, we utilize recent innovations to sample efficiently from high-dimensional multivariate Gaussian distributions. This makes simulation-based fully Bayesian inference feasible when the dimensionality is large but the time series length is moderate. We demonstrate the merits of our approach in an extensive simulation study and apply the model to US macroeconomic data to evaluate its forecasting capabilities.  相似文献   

A large number of statistical forecasting procedures for univariate time series have been proposed in the literature. These range from simple methods, such as the exponentially weighted moving average, to more complex procedures such as Box–Jenkins ARIMA modelling and Harrison–Stevens Bayesian forecasting. This paper sets out to show the relationship between these various procedures by adopting a framework in which a time series model is viewed in terms of trend, seasonal and irregular components. The framework is then extended to cover models with explanatory variables. From the technical point of view the Kalman filter plays an important role in allowing an integrated treatment of these topics.  相似文献   

This intention of this paper is to empirically forecast the daily betas of a few European banks by means of four generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models and the Kalman filter method during the pre‐global financial crisis period and the crisis period. The four GARCH models employed are BEKK GARCH, DCC GARCH, DCC‐MIDAS GARCH and Gaussian‐copula GARCH. The data consist of daily stock prices from 2001 to 2013 from two large banks each from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. We apply the rolling forecasting method and the model confidence sets (MCS) to compare the daily forecasting ability of the five models during one month of the pre‐crisis (January 2007) and the crisis (January 2013) periods. Based on the MCS results, the BEKK proves the best model in the January 2007 period, and the Kalman filter overly outperforms the other models during the January 2013 period. Results have implications regarding the choice of model during different periods by practitioners and academics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of forecasting a stationary time series when there is an unknown mean break close to the forecast origin. Based on the intercept‐correction methods suggested by Clements and Hendry (1998) and Bewley (2003), a hybrid approach is introduced, where the break and break point are treated in a Bayesian fashion. The hyperparameters of the priors are determined by maximizing the marginal density of the data. The distributions of the proposed forecasts are derived. Different intercept‐correction methods are compared using simulation experiments. Our hybrid approach compares favorably with both the uncorrected and the intercept‐corrected forecasts. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The issue of modeling and forecasting IBNR (incurred but not reported) actuarial reserve under Kalman filter techniques and extensions, using data arranged in a runoff triangle, is a frequent theme in the literature. One quite recent approach is to order the runoff triangle under a row-wise fashion and use linear state-space models for the resulting data set. To allow new possibilities for short-term IBNR reserves as well as to mitigate insolvency risk, in this paper we extend such a state-space method by: (i) a calendar year IBNR reserve prediction; and (ii) a tail effect for the row-wise ordered triangle. The extension is implemented with a real runoff triangle and compared with some traditional IBNR predictors. Empirical results indicate that the approach of this paper outperforms the competing methods in terms of out-of-sample comparisons and gives more conservative IBNR reserves than the original state-space method.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are: first, to show empirically the relevance of using adaptive estimation techniques over more traditional estimation approaches when economic systems are believed to be structurally unstable over time; and secondly, to compare in an empirical framework two adaptive estimation techniques: Kalman filtering and the Carbone–Longini filter. For that purpose, an econometric model for the U.S. pulp and paper market is examined under the assumption of structural instability and, hence, constitutes the basis for comparing forecasting performances and estimation accuracy achieved by each technique. A version of Kalman filtering, modified in line with the basic idea of ‘tracking’ characterizing the Carbone–Longini filter, is also presented and applied. The analysis of the results shows that it may be worth using adapative estimation methods to estimate structurally unstable models, even if there is no prior knowledge about the patterns of variation of the parameters. Also, it shows the Carbone–Longini filter and Kalman filtering as being complementary estimation techniques. An estimation/forecasting methodology involving a sequential application mode of these two techniques is suggested.  相似文献   

The difficulty in modelling inflation and the significance in discovering the underlying data‐generating process of inflation is expressed in an extensive literature regarding inflation forecasting. In this paper we evaluate nonlinear machine learning and econometric methodologies in forecasting US inflation based on autoregressive and structural models of the term structure. We employ two nonlinear methodologies: the econometric least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and the machine‐learning support vector regression (SVR) method. The SVR has never been used before in inflation forecasting considering the term spread as a regressor. In doing so, we use a long monthly dataset spanning the period 1871:1–2015:3 that covers the entire history of inflation in the US economy. For comparison purposes we also use ordinary least squares regression models as a benchmark. In order to evaluate the contribution of the term spread in inflation forecasting in different time periods, we measure the out‐of‐sample forecasting performance of all models using rolling window regressions. Considering various forecasting horizons, the empirical evidence suggests that the structural models do not outperform the autoregressive ones, regardless of the model's method. Thus we conclude that the term spread models are not more accurate than autoregressive models in inflation forecasting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a New‐Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (NKDSGE) model for forecasting the growth rate of output, inflation, and the nominal short‐term interest rate (91 days Treasury Bill rate) for the South African economy. The model is estimated via maximum likelihood technique for quarterly data over the period of 1970:1–2000:4. Based on a recursive estimation using the Kalman filter algorithm, out‐of‐sample forecasts from the NKDSGE model are compared with forecasts generated from the classical and Bayesian variants of vector autoregression (VAR) models for the period 2001:1–2006:4. The results indicate that in terms of out‐of‐sample forecasting, the NKDSGE model outperforms both the classical and Bayesian VARs for inflation, but not for output growth and nominal short‐term interest rate. However, differences in RMSEs are not significant across the models. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, generalised estimators are proposed to estimate seasonal indices for certain forms of additive and mixed seasonality. The estimators combine one of two group seasonal indices methods—Dalhart's group method and Withycombe's group method—with a shrinkage method in different ways. Optimal shrinkage parameters are derived to maximise the performance of the estimators. Then, the generalised estimators, with the optimal shrinkage parameters, are evaluated based on forecasting accuracy. Moreover, the effects of three factors are examined, namely, the length of data history, variance of random components and the number of series. Finally, a simulation experiment is conducted to support the evaluation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the predictive content of latent economic policy uncertainty and data surprise factors for forecasting and nowcasting gross domestic product (GDP) using factor-type econometric models. Our analysis focuses on five emerging market economies: Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey; and we carry out a forecasting horse race in which predictions from various different models are compared. These models may (or may not) contain latent uncertainty and surprise factors constructed using both local and global economic datasets. The set of models that we examine in our experiments includes both simple benchmark linear econometric models as well as dynamic factor models that are estimated using a variety of frequentist and Bayesian data shrinkage methods based on the least absolute shrinkage operator (LASSO). We find that the inclusion of our new uncertainty and surprise factors leads to superior predictions of GDP growth, particularly when these latent factors are constructed using Bayesian variants of the LASSO. Overall, our findings point to the importance of spillover effects from global uncertainty and data surprises, when predicting GDP growth in emerging market economies.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the index of industrial production (IIP) as an indicator of the state of the UK's industrial base and, more generally, as a leading economic indicator. However, this index, in common with a number of key macroeconomic time series, is subject to revision as more information becomes available. This raises the problem of forecasting the final vintage of data on IIP. We construct a state space model to solve this problem which incorporates bias adjustments, a model of the measurement error process, and a dynamic model for the final vintage of IIP. Application of the Kalman filter produces an optimal forecast of the final vintage of data.  相似文献   

Monetary aggregates for eleven European countries are analysed using the structural time-series methodology, paying special attention to unit root issues. Estimation of the parameters of the models is carried out by applying the asymptotic least squares (ALS) procedure. A comparison with the maximum likelihood estimates obtained via the Kalman filter shows that ALS is an alternative to Kalman filter estimation. The empirical results show that for only a small number of series the four variance parameters of the basic structural model are strictly positive. For the majority of the series the variance of the irregular component is equal to 0.©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of corrections for dynamic selection bias on forecasting accuracy in a multi‐period stay/leave model. While corrections for selection bias are needed for consistent coefficient estimates, they do not necessarily produce more accurate forecasts than uncorrected techniques. Theorem 1 shows that, apart from estimation errors, a shrinkage principle applies: the heterogeneity restriction imposed by uncorrected and combination techniques improves accuracy for forecasting individuals that leave, and hurts accuracy for forecasting individuals that stay. This has important implications for decision making because of the potential for asymmetric losses. We also present an illustrative empirical application and results from Monte Carlo experiments. We find that differences in relative accuracy vary directly with the degree of selection bias and inversely with the percentage of the initial population that stays. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The parsimonious method of exponentially weighted regression (EWR) is attractive but limited in application because it depends upon just one discount factor. This paper generalizes the EWR approach to a method called discount weighted estimation (DWE) which allowed distinct model components to have different associated discount factors. The method includes EWR as a special case. The general non-limiting recurrence relationships will be useful in practice, especially when practitioners wish to specify prior information, to intervene with subjective judgement and to derive estimates and forecasts sequentially based upon limited data. Two theorems extend the important EWR limiting results of Dobbie and McKenzie to DWE. The latter permits the derivation of a large class of known processs for which DWE is optimal. The method is illustrated by two applications, one of which uses the famous international airline passenger data. This allows a comparision with the ICI MULDO system which uses a particular two discount factor forecasting method. A companion paper extends the discount methods to Bayesian forecasting, Kalman filtering and state space modelling.  相似文献   

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