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This study attempts to apply the general equilibrium model of stock index futures with both stochastic market volatility and stochastic interest rates to the TAIFEX and the SGX Taiwan stock index futures data, and compares the predictive power of the cost of carry and the general equilibrium models. This study also represents the first attempt to investigate which of the five volatility estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model. Additionally, the impact of the up‐tick rule and other various explanatory factors on mispricing is also tested using a regression framework. Overall, the general equilibrium model outperforms the cost of carry model in forecasting prices of the TAIFEX and the SGX futures. This finding indicates that in the higher volatility of the Taiwan stock market incorporating stochastic market volatility into the pricing model helps in predicting the prices of these two futures. Furthermore, the comparison results of different volatility estimators support the conclusion that the power EWMA and the GARCH(1,1) estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model compared to the other estimators. Additionally, the relaxation of the up‐tick rule helps reduce the degree of mispricing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamic properties of the realized volatility of five agricultural commodity futures by employing the high‐frequency data from Chinese markets and find that the realized volatility exhibits both long memory and regime switching. To capture these properties simultaneously, we utilize a Markov switching autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (MS‐ARFIMA) model to forecast the realized volatility by combining the long memory process with regime switching component, and compare its forecast performances with the competing models at various horizons. The full‐sample estimation results show that the dynamics of the realized volatility of agricultural commodity futures are characterized by two levels of long memory: one associated with the low‐volatility regime and the other with the high‐volatility regime, and the probability to stay in the low‐volatility regime is higher than that in the high‐volatility regime. The out‐of‐sample volatility forecast results show that the combination of long memory with switching regimes improves the performance of realized volatility forecast, and the proposed model represents a superior out‐of‐sample realized volatility forecast to the competing models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of the high volatility of prices of agricultural commodities over the past decade, the importance of accurate price forecasting for decision makers has become even more acute. This paper reviews literature on forecasting and evaluation. An application with forecasting U.S. hog prices is presented which includes both economic and statistical evaluation measures. Seven forecasting approaches are described and their performances are examined over 24 quarters from 1976 to 1981. These methods include exponential smoothing, an autoregressive integrated moving average process, an econometric model, expert judgement, and a composite forecasting approach. The application gives results which support previous findings in the forecasting literature and suggests that forecasting methods can provide valuable information to the decision maker.  相似文献   

This paper addresses several questions surrounding volatility forecasting and its use in the estimation of optimal hedging ratios. Specifically: Are there economic gains by nesting time‐series econometric models (GARCH) and dynamic programming models (therefore forecasting volatility several periods out) in the estimation of hedging ratios whilst accounting for volatility in the futures bid–ask spread? Are the forecasted hedging ratios (and wealth generated) from the nested bid–ask model statistically and economically different than standard approaches? Are there times when a trader following a basic model that does not forecast outperforms a trader using the nested bid–ask model? On all counts the results are encouraging—a trader that accounts for the bid–ask spread and forecasts volatility several periods in the nested model will incur lower transactions costs and gain significantly when the market suddenly and abruptly turns. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While much research related to forecasting return volatility does so in a univariate setting, this paper includes proxies for information flows to forecast intra‐day volatility for the IBEX 35 futures market. The belief is that volume or the number of transactions conveys important information about the market that may be useful in forecasting. Our results suggest that augmenting a variety of GARCH‐type models with these proxies lead to improved forecasts across a range of intra‐day frequencies. Furthermore, our results present an interesting picture whereby the PARCH model generally performs well at the highest frequencies and shorter forecasting horizons, whereas the component model performs well at lower frequencies and longer forecast horizons. Both models attempt to capture long memory; the PARCH model allows for exponential decay in the autocorrelation function, while the component model captures trend volatility, which dominates over a longer horizon. These characteristics are likely to explain the success of each model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the effect of cojumps within the agricultural futures market, and cojumps between the agricultural futures market and the stock market, on stock volatility forecasting. Also, we take into account large and small components of cojumps. We have several noteworthy findings. First, large jumps may lead to more substantial fluctuations and are more powerful than small jumps. The effect of cojumps and their decompositions on future volatility are mixed. Second, a model including large and small cojumps between the agricultural futures market and the stock market can achieve a higher forecasting accuracy, implying that large and small cojumps contain more useful predictive information than cojumps themselves. Third, our conclusions are robust based on various robustness tests such as the realized kernel, expanding forecasts, different forecasting windows, different jump tests, and different threshold values.  相似文献   

This paper uses recent advances in time-series modeling to derive long-horizon forecasts of commodity price volatility which incorporate investors' expectations of volatility. Our results are promising. We compare several different forecasts of commodity price volatility, which we divide into three categories: (1) forecasts using only expectations derived from options prices; (2) forecasts using only time-series modeling; and (3) forecasts which combine market expectations and time-series methods. The forecasts in (1) and (2) are used extensively in the literature, while those in (3) are new in this paper. On comparing these different forecasts, we find that our proposed forecasts from category (3) outperform both market expectations forecasts and time-series forecasts. This result holds both in and out of sample for virtually all commodities considered.  相似文献   

In this study we propose several new variables, such as continuous realized semi‐variance and signed jump variations including jump tests, and construct a new heterogeneous autoregressive model for realized volatility models to investigate the impacts that those new variables have on forecasting oil price volatility. In‐sample results indicate that past negative returns have greater effects on future volatility than that of positive returns, and our new signed jump variations have a significantly negative influence on the future volatility. Out‐of‐sample empirical results with several robust checks demonstrate that our proposed models can not only obtain better performance in forecasting volatility but also garner larger economic values than can the existing models discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The availability of numerous modeling approaches for volatility forecasting leads to model uncertainty for both researchers and practitioners. A large number of studies provide evidence in favor of combination methods for forecasting a variety of financial variables, but most of them are implemented on returns forecasting and evaluate their performance based solely on statistical evaluation criteria. In this paper, we combine various volatility forecasts based on different combination schemes and evaluate their performance in forecasting the volatility of the S&P 500 index. We use an exhaustive variety of combination methods to forecast volatility, ranging from simple techniques to time-varying techniques based on the past performance of the single models and regression techniques. We then evaluate the forecasting performance of single and combination volatility forecasts based on both statistical and economic loss functions. The empirical analysis in this paper yields an important conclusion. Although combination forecasts based on more complex methods perform better than the simple combinations and single models, there is no dominant combination technique that outperforms the rest in both statistical and economic terms.  相似文献   

A large number of models have been developed in the literature to analyze and forecast changes in output dynamics. The objective of this paper was to compare the predictive ability of univariate and bivariate models, in terms of forecasting US gross national product (GNP) growth at different forecasting horizons, with the bivariate models containing information on a measure of economic uncertainty. Based on point and density forecast accuracy measures, as well as on equal predictive ability (EPA) and superior predictive ability (SPA) tests, we evaluate the relative forecasting performance of different model specifications over the quarterly period of 1919:Q2 until 2014:Q4. We find that the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index should improve the accuracy of US GNP growth forecasts in bivariate models. We also find that the EPU exhibits similar forecasting ability to the term spread and outperforms other uncertainty measures such as the volatility index and geopolitical risk in predicting US recessions. While the Markov switching time‐varying parameter vector autoregressive model yields the lowest values for the root mean squared error in most cases, we observe relatively low values for the log predictive density score, when using the Bayesian vector regression model with stochastic volatility. More importantly, our results highlight the importance of uncertainty in forecasting US GNP growth rates.  相似文献   

The paper develops an oil price forecasting technique which is based on the present value model of rational commodity pricing. The approach suggests shifting the forecasting problem to the marginal convenience yield, which can be derived from the cost‐of‐carry relationship. In a recursive out‐of‐sample analysis, forecast accuracy at horizons within one year is checked by the root mean squared error as well as the mean error and the frequency of a correct direction‐of‐change prediction. For all criteria employed, the proposed forecasting tool outperforms the approach of using futures prices as direct predictors of future spot prices. Vis‐à‐vis the random‐walk model, it does not significantly improve forecast accuracy but provides valuable statements on the direction of change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity–mixed data sampling–extreme shocks (GARCH-MIDAS-ES) model for stock volatility to examine whether the importance of extreme shocks changes in different time ranges. Based on different combinations of the short- and long-term effects caused by extreme events, we extend the standard GARCH-MIDAS model to characterize the different responses of the stock market for short- and long-term horizons, separately or in combination. The unique timespan of nearly 100 years of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) daily returns allows us to understand the stock market volatility under extreme shocks from a historical perspective. The in-sample empirical results clearly show that the DJIA stock volatility is best fitted to the GARCH-MIDAS-SLES model by including the short- and long-term impacts of extreme shocks for all forecasting horizons. The out-of-sample results and robustness tests emphasize the significance of decomposing the effect of extreme shocks into short- and long-term effects to improve the accuracy of the DJIA volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the informational content of unconventional monetary policies and its effect on commodity markets, adopting a nonlinear approach for modeling volatility. The main question addressed is how the Bank of England, Bank of Japan, and European Central Bank's (ECB's) announcements concerning monetary easing affect two major commodities: gold and silver. Our empirical evidence based on daily and high‐frequency data suggests that relevant information causes ambiguous valuation adjustments as well as stabilization or destabilization effects. Specifically, there is strong evidence that the Japanese Central Bank strengthens the precious metal markets by increasing their returns and by causing stabilization effects, in contrast to the ECB, which has opposite results, mainly due to the heterogeneous expectations of investors within these markets. These asymmetries across central banks' effects on gold and silver risk–return profile imply that the ECB unconventional monetary easing informational content opposes its stated mission, adding uncertainty in precious metals markets.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine the impacts of overnight and intraday oil futures cross-market information on predicting the US stock market volatility the high-frequency data. In-sample estimations present that high overnight oil futures RV can lead to high RV of the S&P 500. Moreover, negative overnight returns are more powerful than positive components, implying the existence of the leverage effect. From statistical and economic perspectives, out-of-sample results indicate that the decompositions of overnight oil futures and intraday RVs, based on signed intraday returns, can significantly increase the models' predictive ability. Finally, when considering the US stock market overnight effect, the decompositions are still useful to predict volatility, especially during high US stock market fluctuations and high and low EPU states.  相似文献   

The increase in oil price volatility in recent years has raised the importance of forecasting it accurately for valuing and hedging investments. The paper models and forecasts the crude oil exchange‐traded funds (ETF) volatility index, which has been used in the last years as an important alternative measure to track and analyze the volatility of future oil prices. Analysis of the oil volatility index suggests that it presents features similar to those of the daily market volatility index, such as long memory, which is modeled using well‐known heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) specifications and new extensions that are based on net and scaled measures of oil price changes. The aim is to improve the forecasting performance of the traditional HAR models by including predictors that capture the impact of oil price changes on the economy. The performance of the new proposals and benchmarks is evaluated with the model confidence set (MCS) and the Generalized‐AutoContouR (G‐ACR) tests in terms of point forecasts and density forecasting, respectively. We find that including the leverage in the conditional mean or variance of the basic HAR model increases its predictive ability. Furthermore, when considering density forecasting, the best models are a conditional heteroskedastic HAR model that includes a scaled measure of oil price changes, and a HAR model with errors following an exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity specification. In both cases, we consider a flexible distribution for the errors of the conditional heteroskedastic process.  相似文献   

Effectively explaining and accurately forecasting industrial stock volatility can provide crucial references to develop investment strategies, prevent market risk and maintain the smooth running of national economy. This paper aims to discuss the roles of industry‐level indicators in industrial stock volatility. Selecting Chinese manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) and its five component PMI as the proxies of industry‐level indicators, we analyze the contributions of PMI on industrial stock volatility and further compare the volatility forecasting performances of PMI, macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty (EPU), by constructing the individual and combination GARCH‐MIDAS models. The empirical results manifest that, first, most of the PMI has significant negative effects on industrial stock volatility. Second, PMI which focuses on the industrial sector itself is more helpful to forecast industrial stock volatility compared with the commonly used macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty. Finally, the combination GARCH‐MIDAS approaches based on DMA technique demonstrate more excellent predictive abilities than the individual GARCH‐MIDAS models. Our major conclusions are robust through various robustness checks.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare several multi‐period volatility forecasting models, specifically from MIDAS and HAR families. We perform our comparisons in terms of out‐of‐sample volatility forecasting accuracy. We also consider combinations of the models' forecasts. Using intra‐daily returns of the BOVESPA index, we calculate volatility measures such as realized variance, realized power variation and realized bipower variation to be used as regressors in both models. Further, we use a nonparametric procedure for separately measuring the continuous sample path variation and the discontinuous jump part of the quadratic variation process. Thus MIDAS and HAR specifications with the continuous sample path and jump variability measures as separate regressors are estimated. Our results in terms of mean squared error suggest that regressors involving volatility measures which are robust to jumps (i.e. realized bipower variation and realized power variation) are better at forecasting future volatility. However, we find that, in general, the forecasts based on these regressors are not statistically different from those based on realized variance (the benchmark regressor). Moreover, we find that, in general, the relative forecasting performances of the three approaches (i.e. MIDAS, HAR and forecast combinations) are statistically equivalent. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecasts of interest rates for different maturities are essential for forecasts of asset prices. The growth of derivatives markets coupled with the development of complex theories of the term structure of interest rates have provided forecasters with a rich array of variables for predicting interest rates and yield spreads. This paper extends previous work on forecasting future interest rates and yield spreads using market data for T-bills, T-Notes, and Treasury Bond spot and futures contracts. The information conveyed in technical models that use market data is also assessed, using a recent innovation in interest rate modelling, the maximum smoothness approach. Forecasts from this model are compared with predicted yields and yield spreads derived from futures prices as well as with those of the random walk model. The results show some evidence of market segmentation, with more arbitrage evident for nearby maturities. Market participants appear to show a greater degree of consensus on short-term interest rates than on longer-term interest rates. There is some indication that forecasts from the futures markets are marginally better than those provided by those of the maximum-smoothness approach, consistent with the informational advantages of futures markets. Finally, futures and maximum-smoothness market forecasts are shown to outperform those of the random walk model.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust multivariate threshold vector autoregressive model with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticities and dynamic conditional correlations to describe conditional mean, volatility and correlation asymmetries in financial markets. In addition, the threshold variable for regime switching is formulated as a weighted average of endogenous variables to eliminate excessively subjective belief in the threshold variable decision and to serve as the proxy in deciding which market should be the price leader. The estimation is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Furthermore, several meaningful criteria are introduced to assess the forecasting performance in the conditional covariance matrix. The proposed methodology is illustrated using daily S&P500 futures and spot prices. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, support vector machine (SVM), a novel artificial neural network (ANN), has been successfully used for financial forecasting. This paper deals with the application of SVM in volatility forecasting under the GARCH framework, the performance of which is compared with simple moving average, standard GARCH, nonlinear EGARCH and traditional ANN‐GARCH models by using two evaluation measures and robust Diebold–Mariano tests. The real data used in this study are daily GBP exchange rates and NYSE composite index. Empirical results from both simulation and real data reveal that, under a recursive forecasting scheme, SVM‐GARCH models significantly outperform the competing models in most situations of one‐period‐ahead volatility forecasting, which confirms the theoretical advantage of SVM. The standard GARCH model also performs well in the case of normality and large sample size, while EGARCH model is good at forecasting volatility under the high skewed distribution. The sensitivity analysis to choose SVM parameters and cross‐validation to determine the stopping point of the recurrent SVM procedure are also examined in this study. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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