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The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on December 26, 2004 is the first well recorded gigantic earthquake (moment magnitude MW 9.3) by modern broadband seismic and Global Positioning System networks. The rich seismic and geodetic recordings have documented unprecedented details about the earthquake rupture, coseismic and postseismic deformations. This is a report of detailed images of the rupture process using the first-arriving compressional waves recorded by the China National Digital Seismic Network (CNDSN). An improved imaging condition was employed to account for the sparse distribution of the CNDSN stations. The resulting images are consistent with the major rupture features reported by previous seismic and geodetic studies. It is found that the earthquake rupture initiated at offshore of northwestern Sumatra and propagated in the north northwest direction at a speed of 2.7 ± 0.2 km/s. The rupture continued for at least 420 s and extended about 1200-1300 km along the Andaman trough with two bursts of seismic energy.  相似文献   

Data collected at approximately 60 Global Positioning System (GPS) sites in southeast Asia show the crustal deformation caused by the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake at an unprecedented large scale. Small but significant co-seismic jumps are clearly detected more than 3,000 km from the earthquake epicentre. The nearest sites, still more than 400 km away, show displacements of 10 cm or more. Here we show that the rupture plane for this earthquake must have been at least 1,000 km long and that non-homogeneous slip is required to fit the large displacement gradients revealed by the GPS measurements. Our kinematic analysis of the GPS recordings indicates that the centroid of released deformation is located at least 200 km north of the seismological epicentre. It also provides evidence that the rupture propagated northward sufficiently fast for stations in northern Thailand to have reached their final positions less than 10 min after the earthquake, hence ruling out the hypothesis of a silent slow aseismic rupture.  相似文献   

The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 is the first giant earthquake (moment magnitude M(w) > 9.0) to have occurred since the advent of modern space-based geodesy and broadband seismology. It therefore provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the characteristics of one of these enormous and rare events. Here we report estimates of the ground displacement associated with this event, using near-field Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys in northwestern Sumatra combined with in situ and remote observations of the vertical motion of coral reefs. These data show that the earthquake was generated by rupture of the Sunda subduction megathrust over a distance of >1,500 kilometres and a width of <150 kilometres. Megathrust slip exceeded 20 metres offshore northern Sumatra, mostly at depths shallower than 30 kilometres. Comparison of the geodetically and seismically inferred slip distribution indicates that approximately 30 per cent additional fault slip accrued in the 1.5 months following the 500-second-long seismic rupture. Both seismic and aseismic slip before our re-occupation of GPS sites occurred on the shallow portion of the megathrust, where the large Aceh tsunami originated. Slip tapers off abruptly along strike beneath Simeulue Island at the southeastern edge of the rupture, where the earthquake nucleated and where an M(w) = 7.2 earthquake occurred in late 2002. This edge also abuts the northern limit of slip in the 28 March 2005 M(w) = 8.7 Nias-Simeulue earthquake.  相似文献   

Seismology: speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stein S  Okal EA 《Nature》2005,434(7033):581-582
Our seismological results reveal that Indonesia's devastating Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004 was 2.5 times larger than initial reports suggested--second only to the 1960 Chilean earthquake in recorded magnitude. They indicate that it slowly released its energy by slip along a 1,200-km fault, generating a long rupture that contributed to the subsequent tsunami. Now that the entire rupture zone has slipped, the strain accumulated from the subduction of the Indian plate beneath the Burma microplate has been released, and there is no immediate danger of a similar tsunami being generated on this part of the plate boundary, although large earthquakes on segments to the south still present a threat.  相似文献   

利用雷达管制模拟机设定了不同工作负荷水平下的管制任务,采用tobii X2-60眼动仪,对16名被试在不同工作负荷下的实时眼动数据进行采集。在分别分析了注视时长、扫视速度与工作负荷变化关系的基础上,建立了注视时长及扫视速度与工作负荷的回归模型,并对模型的准确性进行了验证。结果表明:随着工作负荷的增大,注视时长和扫视速度都会随之减小。回归模型的准确性在85%以上。  相似文献   

Obtaining high-quality measurements close to a large earthquake is not easy: one has to be in the right place at the right time with the right instruments. Such a convergence happened, for the first time, when the 28 September 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake occurred on the San Andreas fault in the middle of a dense network of instruments designed to record it. The resulting data reveal aspects of the earthquake process never before seen. Here we show what these data, when combined with data from earlier Parkfield earthquakes, tell us about earthquake physics and earthquake prediction. The 2004 Parkfield earthquake, with its lack of obvious precursors, demonstrates that reliable short-term earthquake prediction still is not achievable. To reduce the societal impact of earthquakes now, we should focus on developing the next generation of models that can provide better predictions of the strength and location of damaging ground shaking.  相似文献   

1 Introduction to the SLHF data and the earth- quake The solid earth’s surface not only radiates electro- magnetic energy to the outer space, but also exchangesenergy with the atmosphere through latent heat ex- change and sensible heat exchange. The form…  相似文献   

用麦克斯韦分布律讨论了气体分子分别作三维、二维和一维运动时的速率分布函数,并求出了这三种情况下气体分子的平均速率、方均根速率和最概然速率。  相似文献   

Fialko Y  Sandwell D  Simons M  Rosen P 《Nature》2005,435(7040):295-299
Our understanding of the earthquake process requires detailed insights into how the tectonic stresses are accumulated and released on seismogenic faults. We derive the full vector displacement field due to the Bam, Iran, earthquake of moment magnitude 6.5 using radar data from the Envisat satellite of the European Space Agency. Analysis of surface deformation indicates that most of the seismic moment release along the 20-km-long strike-slip rupture occurred at a shallow depth of 4-5 km, yet the rupture did not break the surface. The Bam event may therefore represent an end-member case of the 'shallow slip deficit' model, which postulates that coseismic slip in the uppermost crust is systematically less than that at seismogenic depths (4-10 km). The InSAR-derived surface displacement data from the Bam and other large shallow earthquakes suggest that the uppermost section of the seismogenic crust around young and developing faults may undergo a distributed failure in the interseismic period, thereby accumulating little elastic strain.  相似文献   

Gomberg J  Bodin P  Larson K  Dragert H 《Nature》2004,427(6975):621-624
The permanent and dynamic (transient) stress changes inferred to trigger earthquakes are usually orders of magnitude smaller than the stresses relaxed by the earthquakes themselves, implying that triggering occurs on critically stressed faults. Triggered seismicity rate increases may therefore be most likely to occur in areas where loading rates are highest and elevated pore pressures, perhaps facilitated by high-temperature fluids, reduce frictional stresses and promote failure. Here we show that the 2002 magnitude M = 7.9 Denali, Alaska, earthquake triggered widespread seismicity rate increases throughout British Columbia and into the western United States. Dynamic triggering by seismic waves should be enhanced in directions where rupture directivity focuses radiated energy, and we verify this using seismic and new high-sample GPS recordings of the Denali mainshock. These observations are comparable in scale only to the triggering caused by the 1992 M = 7.4 Landers, California, earthquake, and demonstrate that Landers triggering did not reflect some peculiarity of the region or the earthquake. However, the rate increases triggered by the Denali earthquake occurred in areas not obviously tectonically active, implying that even in areas of low ambient stressing rates, faults may still be critically stressed and that dynamic triggering may be ubiquitous and unpredictable.  相似文献   

本文论述了反应进度的概念并举例说明其实用意义。  相似文献   

利用汶川地震次生地质敏感性评价模型,以距发震断层的距离、地形坡度、地层岩性、距离水系的距离、海拔高度、PGA为评价因子,对"4.20"芦山地震地质灾害的空间分布进行了快速预测,为野外调查工作提供参考。预测结果显示芦山地震次生地质灾害敏感性高的区域主要是芦山、宝兴、天全、雅安、荥经等县市的山区,并主要集中分布于发震断层附近的芦山县大川镇、宝盛乡、太平镇、双石镇、宝兴县灵关镇、天全县小河乡等区域。  相似文献   

基于Java的动画速率精确控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对使用Java语言制作网页动画时,关于动画速率的精确控制技术进行了讨论,  相似文献   

研究1786年磨西地震触发的摩岗岭滑坡特征及形成演化过程.采用资料收集、地面调查、三维实体模型、高精度遥感影像、理论分析、数值模拟等技术方法,对摩岗岭滑坡的形成进行全过程演化分析.摩岗岭地震滑坡演化过程分为6个阶段:河谷高边坡形成阶段以及斜坡浅表部岩体卸荷拉裂阶段、卸荷拉裂隙扩展阶段、潜在滑动面形成阶段、震动拉裂和高速启动阶段、抛射撞击溃散阶段、滑体堵江及溃决阶段.其成因机理为卸荷震动拉裂-剪断抛射堆积.  相似文献   

我国70%地域为山区,滑坡发生密度大,频率高,是世界上受滑坡危害最严重国家之一。滑坡灾害往往会对当地的经济发展和居民的人身安全构成巨大的威肋,因此开展滑坡的稳定性分析、治理方面的研究工作对于保证边坡的长期稳定至关重要。本文结合陕西宁强凤凰街滑坡治理工程,通过对其地质条件、水文条件、滑坡特征等的分析研究,得出了滑坡形成的原因,为滑坡的稳定性判断提供了依据。通过FLAC3D程序对凤凰山滑坡进行了数值计算,分析了其稳定性,继而又采用MSARMA法验证了FLAC3D方法分析的合理性。根据滑坡稳定性分析结果,提出了边坡治理措施建议,消除滑坡灾害的隐患。  相似文献   

汶川地震诱发了很多地震泥石流.通过对四川省都江堰市虹口乡小沟泥石流沟实地考察和室内实验数据分析,得出小沟泥石流暴发的主要原因是:(1)2008年5月12日汶川大地震导致大量山体滑坡,在四川省都江堰虹口乡小沟流域内大量滑坡体失去了原有稳定性但还没有滑动,(2)强降雨作用使滑坡体运动至沟道内,阻塞束窄沟道,后在洪水冲刷下溃...  相似文献   

2013年4月20日8时2分在四川省雅安市芦山县发生的7.0级地震,是继"5.12"汶川地震之后相隔约5年发生的又一次强震。作者在收集了遥感、DEM、地面地质及芦山震区人工地震剖面基础上,对网上公布的芦山地震震中数据、地震机制解、余震分布数据和地震的地表破裂情况进行了分析,初步推断引发芦山地震的断裂是盆地内西南侧地腹隐伏断裂或新生断裂。将芦山地震与汶川地震进行了综合对比,认为2次地震均属构造地震,从构造动力学角度分析均与印度板块向北挤压碰撞有关;但2次地震发震断裂和发震构造单元特征是不同的,应属2次独立地震。  相似文献   

淮亚智 《科技信息》2007,20(4):60-63
集中供热、城市输配水管道常出现管道爆管,给工业生产,居民生活带来严重影响,经有关方面的专家分析,其主要原因是管道排气不畅引发水锤造成的,然而,工程实际中,管道排气装置的合理选择及正确安装都未得到足够的重视。基于此,我们模拟工程实际中排气阀工作状态下的环境,根据实验数据,分析了管道排气速度与管道压力及管道中液面上升与管道中压力之间的关系,希望能对合理正确选择排气阀有所帮助。  相似文献   

The success of the prediction of Haicheng earthquake and the failure of the prediction of Tangshan earthquake were both well known in the world. What happened, why such a strong earthquake as occurred in Haicheng had been predicted successfully and with a small loss of lives and property? Why a successively strong earthquake about a year later in a region not so further was failure in the imminent stage of prediction and there were so many fatalities and a great degree of property? The author addresses these points based on these true experiences including the first hand experiences leading up to, during, and following these two earthquarter. In addition, he also introduced some seimic phenomena which he had seen after Chi-chi earthquake in Taiwan.  相似文献   

利用卡方检验的方法对SWIFT仪器观测的438个暴样本(其中143个暴有红移)的T90分布进行统计检验,找寻是否存在第三个子类暴.研究表明,在观测系的T90分布没有发现有第三个子类暴,但暴源的T90却存在第三个子类暴.  相似文献   

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