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He W  Miao FJ  Lin DC  Schwandner RT  Wang Z  Gao J  Chen JL  Tian H  Ling L 《Nature》2004,429(6988):188-193
The citric acid cycle is central to the regulation of energy homeostasis and cell metabolism. Mutations in enzymes that catalyse steps in the citric acid cycle result in human diseases with various clinical presentations. The intermediates of the citric acid cycle are present at micromolar concentration in blood and are regulated by respiration, metabolism and renal reabsorption/extrusion. Here we show that GPR91 (ref. 3), a previously orphan G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), functions as a receptor for the citric acid cycle intermediate succinate. We also report that GPR99 (ref. 4), a close relative of GPR91, responds to alpha-ketoglutarate, another intermediate in the citric acid cycle. Thus by acting as ligands for GPCRs, succinate and alpha-ketoglutarate are found to have unexpected signalling functions beyond their traditional roles. Furthermore, we show that succinate increases blood pressure in animals. The succinate-induced hypertensive effect involves the renin-angiotensin system and is abolished in GPR91-deficient mice. Our results indicate a possible role for GPR91 in renovascular hypertension, a disease closely linked to atherosclerosis, diabetes and renal failure.  相似文献   

Prenzel N  Zwick E  Daub H  Leserer M  Abraham R  Wallasch C  Ullrich A 《Nature》1999,402(6764):884-888
Cross-communication between different signalling systems allows the integration of the great diversity of stimuli that a cell receives under varying physiological situations. The transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-dependent signalling pathways upon stimulation of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are critical for the mitogenic activity of ligands such as lysophosphatidic acid, endothelin, thrombin, bombesin and carbachol, provides evidence for such an interconnected communication network. Here we show that EGFR transactivation upon GPCR stimulation involves proHB-EGF and a metalloproteinase activity that is rapidly induced upon GPCR-ligand interaction. We show that inhibition of proHB-EGF processing blocks GPCR-induced EGFR transactivation and downstream signals. The pathophysiological significance of this mechanism is demonstrated by inhibition of constitutive EGFR activity upon treatment of PC3 prostate carcinoma cells with the metalloproteinase inhibitor batimastat. Together, our results establish a new mechanistic concept for cross-communication among different signalling systems.  相似文献   

A Ohta  M Sitkovsky 《Nature》2001,414(6866):916-920
Inappropriate or prolonged inflammation is the main cause of many diseases; for this reason it is important to understand the physiological mechanisms that terminate inflammation in vivo. Agonists for several Gs-protein-coupled receptors, including cell-surface adenosine purinergic receptors, can increase levels of immunosuppressive cyclic AMP in immune cells; however, it was unknown whether any of these receptors regulates inflammation in vivo. Here we show that A2a adenosine receptors have a non-redundant role in the attenuation of inflammation and tissue damage in vivo. Sub-threshold doses of an inflammatory stimulus that caused minimal tissue damage in wild-type mice were sufficient to induce extensive tissue damage, more prolonged and higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and death of male animals deficient in the A2a adenosine receptor. Similar observations were made in studies of three different models of inflammation and liver damage as well as during bacterial endotoxin-induced septic shock. We suggest that A2a adenosine receptors are a critical part of the physiological negative feedback mechanism for limitation and termination of both tissue-specific and systemic inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptor heterodimerization modulates receptor function.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
B A Jordan  L A Devi 《Nature》1999,399(6737):697-700
The opioid system modulates several physiological processes, including analgesia, the stress response, the immune response and neuroendocrine function. Pharmacological and molecular cloning studies have identified three opioid-receptor types, delta, kappa and mu, that mediate these diverse effects. Little is known about the ability of the receptors to interact to form new functional structures, the simplest of which would be a dimer. Structural and biochemical studies show that other G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) interact to form homodimers. Moreover, two non-functional receptors heterodimerize to form a functional receptor, suggesting that dimerization is crucial for receptor function. However, heterodimerization between two fully functional receptors has not been documented. Here we provide biochemical and pharmacological evidence for the heterodimerization of two fully functional opioid receptors, kappa and delta. This results in a new receptor that exhibits ligand binding and functional properties that are distinct from those of either receptor. Furthermore, the kappa-delta heterodimer synergistically binds highly selective agonists and potentiates signal transduction. Thus, heterodimerization of these GPCRs represents a novel mechanism that modulates their function.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors are the largest class of cell-surface receptors, and these membrane proteins exist in equilibrium between inactive and active states. Conformational changes induced by extracellular ligands binding to G-protein-coupled receptors result in a cellular response through the activation of G proteins. The A(2A) adenosine receptor (A(2A)AR) is responsible for regulating blood flow to the cardiac muscle and is important in the regulation of glutamate and dopamine release in the brain. Here we report the raising of a mouse monoclonal antibody against human A(2A)AR that prevents agonist but not antagonist binding to the extracellular ligand-binding pocket, and describe the structure of A(2A)AR in complex with the antibody Fab fragment (Fab2838). This structure reveals that Fab2838 recognizes the intracellular surface of A(2A)AR and that its complementarity-determining region, CDR-H3, penetrates into the receptor. CDR-H3 is located in a similar position to the G-protein carboxy-terminal fragment in the active opsin structure and to CDR-3 of the nanobody in the active β(2)-adrenergic receptor structure, but locks A(2A)AR in an inactive conformation. These results suggest a new strategy to modulate the activity of G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the ligand-free G-protein-coupled receptor opsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Park JH  Scheerer P  Hofmann KP  Choe HW  Ernst OP 《Nature》2008,454(7201):183-187
In the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) rhodopsin, the inactivating ligand 11-cis-retinal is bound in the seven-transmembrane helix (TM) bundle and is cis/trans isomerized by light to form active metarhodopsin II. With metarhodopsin II decay, all-trans-retinal is released, and opsin is reloaded with new 11-cis-retinal. Here we present the crystal structure of ligand-free native opsin from bovine retinal rod cells at 2.9 ?ngstr?m (A) resolution. Compared to rhodopsin, opsin shows prominent structural changes in the conserved E(D)RY and NPxxY(x)(5,6)F regions and in TM5-TM7. At the cytoplasmic side, TM6 is tilted outwards by 6-7 A, whereas the helix structure of TM5 is more elongated and close to TM6. These structural changes, some of which were attributed to an active GPCR state, reorganize the empty retinal-binding pocket to disclose two openings that may serve the entry and exit of retinal. The opsin structure sheds new light on ligand binding to GPCRs and on GPCR activation.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors have a major role in transmembrane signalling in most eukaryotes and many are important drug targets. Here we report the 2.7 A resolution crystal structure of a beta(1)-adrenergic receptor in complex with the high-affinity antagonist cyanopindolol. The modified turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) receptor was selected to be in its antagonist conformation and its thermostability improved by earlier limited mutagenesis. The ligand-binding pocket comprises 15 side chains from amino acid residues in 4 transmembrane alpha-helices and extracellular loop 2. This loop defines the entrance of the ligand-binding pocket and is stabilized by two disulphide bonds and a sodium ion. Binding of cyanopindolol to the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor and binding of carazolol to the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor involve similar interactions. A short well-defined helix in cytoplasmic loop 2, not observed in either rhodopsin or the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor, directly interacts by means of a tyrosine with the highly conserved DRY motif at the end of helix 3 that is essential for receptor activation.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the human beta2 adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structural analysis of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for hormones and neurotransmitters has been hindered by their low natural abundance, inherent structural flexibility, and instability in detergent solutions. Here we report a structure of the human beta2 adrenoceptor (beta2AR), which was crystallized in a lipid environment when bound to an inverse agonist and in complex with a Fab that binds to the third intracellular loop. Diffraction data were obtained by high-brilliance microcrystallography and the structure determined at 3.4 A/3.7 A resolution. The cytoplasmic ends of the beta2AR transmembrane segments and the connecting loops are well resolved, whereas the extracellular regions of the beta2AR are not seen. The beta2AR structure differs from rhodopsin in having weaker interactions between the cytoplasmic ends of transmembrane (TM)3 and TM6, involving the conserved E/DRY sequences. These differences may be responsible for the relatively high basal activity and structural instability of the beta2AR, and contribute to the challenges in obtaining diffraction-quality crystals of non-rhodopsin GPCRs.  相似文献   

J Inglese  W J Koch  M G Caron  R J Lefkowitz 《Nature》1992,359(6391):147-150
Rhodopsin kinase and beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) are related members of a serine/threonine kinase family that specifically initiate deactivation of G-protein-coupled receptors. After stimulus-mediated receptor activation, these cytoplasmic kinases translocate to the plasma membrane. Here we show that the molecular basis for this event involves a class of unsaturated lipids called isoprenoids. Covalent modification in vivo of rhodopsin kinase by a 15-C (farnesyl) isoprenoid enables the kinase to anchor to photon-activated rhodopsin. Mutations that alter or eliminate the isoprenoid, fully disable light-specific Rhodopsin kinase translocation. Other receptor kinases (such as beta ARK), which lack an intrinsic lipid, are activated on exposure to brain beta gamma subunits of the signal-transducing G proteins, the gamma subunit of which bears a 20-C (geranylgeranyl) isoprenoid. Using chimaeric beta ARKs that undergo isoprenylation in vitro, we demonstrate that membrane association and activation of these kinases can occur in the absence of beta gamma. These results indicate that rhodopsin kinase (by means of an integral isoprenoid) and beta ARK (through its association with beta gamma) both rely on the function of isoprenyl moieties for their translocation and activity, illustrating distinct, though related, modes of biological regulation of receptor function.  相似文献   

Metastasis is a major cause of death in cancer patients and involves a multistep process including detachment of cancer cells from a primary cancer, invasion of surrounding tissue, spread through circulation, re-invasion and proliferation in distant organs. KiSS-1 is a human metastasis suppressor gene, that suppresses metastases of human melanomas and breast carcinomas without affecting tumorigenicity. However, its gene product and functional mechanisms have not been elucidated. Here we show that KiSS-1 (refs 1, 4) encodes a carboxy-terminally amidated peptide with 54 amino-acid residues, which we have isolated from human placenta as the endogenous ligand of an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor (hOT7T175) and have named 'metastin'. Metastin inhibits chemotaxis and invasion of hOT7T175-transfected CHO cells in vitro and attenuates pulmonary metastasis of hOT7T175-transfected B16-BL6 melanomas in vivo. The results suggest possible mechanisms of action for KiSS-1 and a potential new therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Ben-Chaim Y  Chanda B  Dascal N  Bezanilla F  Parnas I  Parnas H 《Nature》2006,444(7115):106-109
Activation by agonist binding of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) controls most signal transduction processes. Although these receptors span the cell membrane, they are not considered to be voltage sensitive. Recently it was shown that both the activity of GPCRs and their affinity towards agonists are regulated by membrane potential. However, it remains unclear whether GPCRs intrinsically respond to changes in membrane potential. Here we show that two prototypical GPCRs, the m2 and m1 muscarinic receptors (m2R and m1R), display charge-movement-associated currents analogous to 'gating currents' of voltage-gated channels. The gating charge-voltage relationship of m2R correlates well with the voltage dependence of the affinity of the receptor for acetylcholine. The loop that couples m2R and m1R to their G protein has a crucial function in coupling voltage sensing to agonist-binding affinity. Our data strongly indicate that GPCRs serve as sensors for both transmembrane potential and external chemical signals.  相似文献   

The underlying causes of obesity are poorly understood but probably involve complex interactions between many neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems involved in the regulation of food intake and energy balance. Three pieces of evidence indicate that the neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is an important component of this system. First, MCH stimulates feeding when injected directly into rat brains; second, the messenger RNA for the MCH precursor is upregulated in the hypothalamus of genetically obese mice and in fasted animals; and third, mice lacking MCH eat less and are lean. MCH antagonists might, therefore, provide a treatment for obesity. However, the development of such molecules has been hampered because the identity of the MCH receptor has been unknown until now. Here we show that the 353-amino-acid human orphan G-protein-coupled receptor SLC-1 expressed in HEK293 cells binds MCH with sub-nanomolar affinity, and is stimulated by MCH to mobilize intracellular Ca2+ and reduce forskolin-elevated cyclic AMP levels. We also show that SLC-1 messenger RNA and protein is expressed in the ventromedial and dorsomedial nuclei of the hypothalamus, consistent with a role for SLC-1 in mediating the effects of MCH on feeding.  相似文献   

Steroid receptors: oncogenes as hormone receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J M Bishop 《Nature》1986,321(6066):112-113

Buchen L 《Nature》2012,483(7390):383

Newmark P 《Nature》1977,267(5607):107-109

S Z Langer 《Nature》1978,275(5680):479-480

C F Stevens 《Nature》1984,307(5952):597-598

T E Salt 《Nature》1986,322(6076):263-265
Excitatory amino acids such as L-glutamate and L-aspartate are well established as neurotransmitter candidates in the mammalian central nervous system, and three types of receptor for these substances have been proposed, characterized by the agonists N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), kainate and quisqualate. All these receptors have been suggested to have synaptic roles in excitatory transmission in the brain. Here I demonstrate that NMDA receptors play a crucial role in the observed response of ventrobasal thalamus (VB) neurones to natural stimulation of somatosensory afferents, but do not appear to be responsible for the short-latency excitation seen on electrical stimulation of the afferents which is apparently mediated by excitatory amino-acid receptors of the non-NMDA type. This result indicates an involvement of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in the responses of VB neurones to stimulation of somatosensory somatosensory afferents, depending on the mode of stimulation of the pathway.  相似文献   

Glycine vs GABA receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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