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In the Planetary Hypotheses, Ptolemy summarizes the planetary models that he discusses in great detail in the Almagest, but he changes the mean motions to account for more prolonged comparison of observations. He gives the mean motions in two different forms: first, in terms of ‘simple, unmixed’ periods and next, in terms of ‘particular, complex’ periods, which are approximations to linear combinations of the simple periods. As a consequence, all of the epoch values for the Moon and the planets are different at era Philip. This is in part a consequence of the changes in the mean motions and in part due to changes in Ptolemy’s time in the anomaly, but not the longitude or latitude, of the Moon, the mean longitude of Saturn and Jupiter, but not Mars, and the anomaly of Venus and Mercury, the former a large change, the latter a small one. The pattern of parameter changes we see suggests that the analyses that yielded the Planetary Hypotheses parameters were not the elegant trio analyses of the Almagest but some sort of serial determinations of the parameters based on sequences of independent observations.  相似文献   

Summary When rabbit muscles are fatigued, the electrophoretic pictures of the extracts of these muscles are free from -myosin and show a large decrease in the amount of 1 and 2-myosin.When the muscles are contracted by monobromacetate or stimulated and fixed in a contracted state by liquid air, -myosin is very much decreased, 1 and 2-myosin disappears entirely, and a new component appears which is called contractin.The disappearance of the classical myosins and the appearance of this new protein in the extracts ofshortened muscles, may be of great interest in the study of the protein changes responsible for muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Summary Velocity of combustion of elements is expressed as an inverse function of initial mass (of hydrogene) wherein the chain of formation of elements begins. The solar system is considered as a homogenous unity and evaluation of the rate of elements heavier thanH andHe is attempted for planets such as Jupiter by means of linear relation established on the basis of data concerning sun and earth.  相似文献   

The metaphysical commitment to the circle as the essential element in the analysis of celestial motion has long been recognized as the hallmark of classical astronomy. Part I of this paper contains a discussion of how, for Kepler, the circle also functions in geometry to select the basic polygons, in music to select the basic harmonies, and in astrology to select the basic aspects. In Part II, the discussion centres on the question of how the replacement of circular planetary orbits by elliptical orbits in the Astronomia Nova of 1609 affected Kepler's metaphysical commitment to celestial circularity that was made manifest in the derivation of planetary radii in the Mysterium Cosmographicum of 1596. The answer is found in the new and much more accurate derivation of both the planetary radii and their eccentricities in the Harmonice Mundi of 1619. It is the relationship of the diurnal movements of single planets at aphelion and perihelion to specific musical consonances that provides the first step. Then, in the second step, these ratios are ‘tempered’ so that all six planets can provide a heavenly choir. The third and final step employs the ‘mean period’, which is obtained directly from the tempered ratios given by musical theory and diurnal (not annual) motion, in the 3/2 power law to calculate the planetary radii and eccentricities with amazing accuracy. Thus the ellipse is necessary to supply the variation in angular velocities that contain the Creator's archetypal celestial circularity.  相似文献   

Summary Oxidation of, , , -Tetraketones (I) with lead-tetraacetate yields dehydracetic acid and analogous compounds (IV). The reaction can be understood if one assumes that acylketenes (III) are formed as intermediates through the glycol-fission of the dienolic form II of the tetraketones.  相似文献   

Summary The minimum period of tonal quality of a pure tone of 200–10000Hz was determined on 16 normal hearing persons by a new device for producing shortest tones. The individual variations are comparatively small. The minimum period is more or less independent of the tone intensity. The conductive apparatus of the ear responds to shortest tones aperiodically and behaves only under the influence of a longer tone as periodically vibrating system. Different forms of conductive deafness as otosclerosis or after radical mastoid operation had no influence on the minimum period. In perceptive deafness the minimum period is either partially shorter (presbyacusis) or throughout longer than normal.

Zur Frage der Tonbildung  相似文献   

Summary From the theory of the free-free-transitions of the electrons in the solar corona the absorption coefficient and optical thickness of the corona are calculated. From these the intensity of the coronal radiation at radio-frequencies is deduced for different distances from the centre of the sun's disc (Fig. 1). In fig. 2 the spectral intensity-distribution is given for radiation coming from the sun's centre (=0), from the sun's limb (=1), and from a point one solar radius outside the sun's limb.  相似文献   

Summary The authors describe the results of a quantum mechanical treatment of aromatic hydrocarbons enabling the determination of the electronic charge at each point of the molecule. They give the interpretation of the chemical reactivity of these substances by means of molecular diagramms.  相似文献   

Summary I must refuteH. Winterstein's objections to my theory of a functional polarity of cord-like central nervous systems (CNS). As early as 1894Hermann rejected the hypothesis that a given section of the CNS could be put as a whole in an electrotonic state; a galvanic current always produces onlylocal electrotonic zones on the single nerve cells, this however in the entire length of the tissue through which the current passes, not merely in the vicinity of the electrodes applied to the body. When a current is made to flow through experimental animals under water or through a human subject between arm and leg, then no electrodes whatever lie in the vicinity of the CNS, so that in such a case only the direction of the current, i.e. the position of the electronic zones in the nerve cells, can be decisive. Thereversal of the current effects observed byH. Winterstein with his manner of applying the electrodes is to be referred simply to the presence of arcs of current, which have areversed direction of flow in the caudal part of the spinal cord and therefore naturally must alter the effect of the current apparently into its contrary.  相似文献   

Summary This survey on the chemistry of the hemins gives an account of the work ofM. Nencki, F. Hoppe-Seyler, O. Piloty, R. Willstätter, W. Küster, H. Fischer, and other research workers, including the synthesis of hemin as carried out byH. Fischer. As the interest of the biologists is especially directed towards the genuine, biologically active complexes containing hemin or related compounds, an attempt has been made to describe the various kinds of hæmin-containing complexes, such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, peroxidases and catalases from a point of view elucidating not only their common structural principles but also the variations in their functions resulting from the small but essential differences in structure. The term hemoproteids is suggested for these complexes. Due praise is given to the work ofH. Theorell and others, and, in the light of the most recent theories of this Swedish biologist, the mode of action of the hemoproteids of biological interest is discussed from a general point of view.

Vortrag, gehalten am 31. August in Genf auf Einladung der Schweizerischen Medizinisch-Biologischen Gesellschaft. Herrn Dr.E. Wiedemann sei für seine Mitwirkung bei der Bearbeitung der umfangreichen Literatur bestens gedankt.  相似文献   

Summary Scheminzky found that the effect produced by passing a constant current through a frog depended on the direction of the current. While a descending current (directed from heat to foot) produced paralysis, an ascending current produced convulsions.Scheminzky believed that it was impossible to explain this phenomenon in any other way than by a functional polarity, involving a special microstructure in the cells of the spinal cord.—We found that the observed effect is in no way connected with the direction of the current, and that, on the contrary, it depends exclusively upon the electrical charge applied to the upper centres. The cathode on the spinal cord produces convulsions while the anode does not. The effects remain unchanged if the second electrode is removed from the spinal cord and applied to some spot outside the central nervous system. If, following extirpation of a small segment of the spinal cord, one electrode is placed on the head and the second electrode is applied to the cut surface of the lower part of the spinal cord, a perfect reversal of theScheminzky phenomenon can be obtained.TheScheminzky phenomenon is thus reduced to the well-known stimulating effect of the cathode and the paralysing effect of the anode. The question why a current passing in one direction (descending) should produce the anodic effect, while a current passing in the opposite direction (ascending) should produce the cathodic effect, can easily be explained by another well-known fact, i.e. the dependance of the lower spinal centres upon the higher ones. If the brain and upper centres are nearer to the anode (descending current), their anelectrotonic elimination has a paralysing effect, while their catelectrotonic excitation with an ascending current produces convulsions.  相似文献   

Summary The recently discovered vitamin T complex can be extracted from different kinds of yeast and ascomycets, but also from insects that feed on such micro-organisms. In case of a sufficient amount of protein in the food, vitamin T causes an acceleration of development; thus it is possible that insects may attain new and varied proportions of their bodies, such as would never occur in nature (Great modification). With vertebrates, the assimilation of protein is increased by vitamin T. The result is an enlargement of the body and an increase in weight of from 10 to 20%, in spite of the same or even a smaller amount of nourishment. Also with human beings an increase in weight of 3 to 7 pounds was observed within 20 days, though the small rations were not increased. Besides, vitamin T has a favourable influence on healing wounds. The importance of vitamin T for agriculture and medicine is obvious.  相似文献   

Summary E. Pittard gives in the first place a definition of race, urgently needed at present. The author shares the opinion ofde Quatrefages that the races have their pathological features as well as their clearly defined anatomical characteristics. The racially conditioned frequency of cancer is made evident by the example of the distribution of cancer in Italy and France. Finally the author argues for a statistic of cancer on ethnical and not exclusively national basis.  相似文献   

Summary The crystallization and recrystallization of pancreas -amylase are described.  相似文献   

Summary The cycle assuring infection of the fungusGlosporium fructigenum Berk. causing bitter-rot of cherries, rarely of apples and plums in Switzerland, is herewith discussed. The buds' raments on cherry-trees are discovered as new part of the cycle; the fungus can pass the winter in them as a parasit, just as it does in twigs. Probably the fungus begins to spread from the buds' raments in the following year.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of serum or Tween 80 to a synthetic culture medium for tubercle bacilli considerably reduces the inhibitory effect of various substances with the exception of streptomycin and promin, whose effect is less weakened, and which retain their tuberculostatic action to a considerable degree. The antagonistic effect of Tween 80 is still recognizable in small dilutions where its diffusion effect can no longer be observed.

Die Arbeit wurde durch einen Arbeitsbeschaffungskredit des Bundes ermöglicht, für dessen Gewährung wir auch an dieser Stelle danken.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical narcosis is produced both by repeated shocks (sinoidal alternating current, make—and—break shocks, rectangular shocks of a continuous current) and by constant galvanic current, when the current is allowed to flow through the central nervous system of mammals or men; in the case of the constant galvanic current the effect depends also on thedirection of the current in the body. The analysis of the current-effects shows that repeated shocksnever produce a paralysing effect similar to chemical narcosis and that the paralysis is caused only by the preceding maximal irritation of the central nervous system (demonstrated by the general muscular spasms). On the contrary areal narcosis is brought out by a constant galvanic current, whichdescends through the spinal cord of a mammal or a man; this effect is obtained without muscular spasms and is equivalent to the effect of chemical narcotics. Anascending galvanic current increases the central excitability and produces general muscular spasms, which are facilitated by analeptics and depressed by narcotics. This contrary variation of the central nervous systems's function, depending on the direction of the galvanic current, is only possible if there is a special micro-structure in the spinal cord of mammalians and men. We have not succeeded as yet in producing a physically easily variable narcosis by electrical methods, but many things of practical importance have been accomplished: the electrical stunning of cattle in the slaughter-houses, the electrical convulsant therapy of psychoses in humans, a new method for testing the effects, in respect to duration and depth, of drugs that stimulate or depress the nervous centers, a proof for the existence of special micro-structure in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The author proposes to include in a new class of drugs: the thioloprive drugs, all those substances which react in one way or another, with the thiol functions of proteins, cysteine or glutathione. This class includes oxidizing agents, heavy metals, maleic acid and halogenated organic substances like mustard gas, lewisite or monoiodoacetic acid. The creation of this new pharmacological family is justified by the fact that these varied substances have many common toxic effects (Lundsgaard contracture, cytotoxic action, dema), that they inhibit the same enzymes, and that a logical interpretation of many of their actions is possible on the basis of their reaction with the thiol groups.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given of what we know of binary stars. Leaving out the historical development, the difficulties are shown, which astronomers encountered in their studies of visual as well as spectroscopic or photometric binaries. Thus the reader gets an idea of the methods used both for observing and for explaining the existence of these double stars.The importance of this problem for modern cosmology and for theoretical physics is pointed out.  相似文献   

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