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正起床了!听到爸爸的狮吼,刚刚还在做美梦的我顿时睡意全无。我揉揉眼睛,翻身跳下床,穿衣,洗漱,匆忙吃完早餐,便和爸爸向菜市场出发了。这是我第一次和爸爸一起去买菜,以前爸爸都是一个人去买菜,家中的柴米油盐酱醋茶全由爸爸负责采购。这不,暑假没事,我也来体验这种当家的感觉。我们不一会儿就到达了目的地。走进菜市场,一眼望不到头,我不禁感叹道:好大  相似文献   

沈亚 《科技知识动漫》2013,(Z2):85-87,55
正一家人在外面钻壁打洞忙活了整整一宿,也没找到一星半点儿食物。"砰——"门被一脚踹开,鼠妈妈、鼠哥哥欢欢、鼠弟弟乐乐大摇大摆地走出来,几乎同时翻转桌面上的茶杯倒水喝,一饮而尽,真是解渴呀!  相似文献   

正换座位之前,我可是英语课的超级疯狂粉丝,无论什么课,都比不上英语课带给我的欢乐多。可自从老师把我们班那位像吃了英语兴奋剂一样的英语课大喇叭——刘哲恺调到了我的后面,我可就遭殃啦!上英语课时,他特别兴奋,无论是背单词,还是读课文,他都会用那仿佛装了扩音器的超大音量,把我震得站也不是,坐也不是,更别说安心读课文了。从他  相似文献   

正因为学习的需要,一台崭新的电脑走进我的家。从此,电脑便与我结下了不解之缘。起初,这位朋友让我有些不知所措。我惊奇地坐在它的面前,伸出颤抖的手按下了电源开关,大约过了一分钟左右,屏幕上显示出许多小图标,电脑可以正常使用了。面对桌面上一个个可爱的小窗口,我不知道该做些什么才好。我无聊地在窗口中浏览着,虽然我置身于一个多姿多彩的世界,但却  相似文献   

正李小飞是乔乔木他们班有名的拳击迷。人送外号“小拳王”。据说他家阳台上永远挂着沙袋。不论是旭日东升,还是日落西山,邻居们都能听到李小飞呼呼的拳声和嘿嘿的发力声。他长得虎头虎脑,膀阔腰圆,看上去还真像那么回事儿。他要是再把两只圆眼一瞪,腮帮子上的两疙瘩肉一颤,还真吓人!这天,李小飞不知犯了什么邪,一放学非要和乔乔木单挑不可,而且约好了在大院的小树林里不见不散,还说谁要是不去,谁  相似文献   

Japan started the national project “COURSE 50” for CO2 reduction in the 2000s. This project aimed to establish novel technologies to reduce CO2 emissions with partially utilization of hydrogen in blast furnace-based ironmaking by 30% by around 2030 and use it for practical applications by 2050. The idea is that instead of coke, hydrogen is used as the reducing agent, leading to lower fossil fuel consumption in the process. It has been reported that the reduction behavior of hematite, magnetite, calcium ferrite, and slag in the sinter is different, and it is also considerably influenced by the sinter morphology. This study aimed to investigate the reduction behavior of sinters in hydrogen enriched blast furnace with different mineral morphologies in CO–CO2–H2 mixed gas. As an experimental sample, two sinter samples with significantly different hematite and magnetite ratios were prepared to compare their reduction behaviors. The reduction of wustite to iron was carried out at 1000, 900, and 800°C in a CO–CO2–H2 atmosphere for the mineral morphology-controlled sinter, and the following findings were obtained. The reduction rate of smaller amount of FeO led to faster increase of the reduction rate curve at the initial stage of reduction. Macro-observations of reduced samples showed that the reaction proceeded from the outer periphery of the sample toward the inside, and a reaction interface was observed where reduced iron and wustite coexisted. Micro-observations revealed three layers, namely, wustite single phase in the center zone of the sample, iron single phase in the outer periphery zone of the sample, and iron oxide-derived wustite FeO and iron, or calcium ferrite-derived wustite 'FeO' and iron in the reaction interface zone. A two-interface unreacted core model was successfully applied for the kinetic analysis of the reduction reaction, and obtained temperature dependent expressions of the chemical reaction coefficients from each mineral phases.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) wrapped Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by coating the Fe3O4 NPs with a SiO2 layer, and then modifying by amino groups, which interact with the GO nanosheets to form covalent bonding. The SiO2 coating layer plays a key role in integrating the magnetic nanoparticles with the GO nanosheets. The effect of the amount of SiO2 on the morphology, structure, adsorption, and regenerability of the composites was studied in detail. An appropriate SiO2 layer can effectively induce the GO nanosheets to completely wrap the Fe3O4 NPs, forming a core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2@GO composite where Fe3O4@SiO2 NPs are firmly encapsulated by GO nanosheets. The optimized Fe3O4@SiO2@GO sample exhibits a high saturated adsorption capacity of 253 mg·g?1 Pb(II) cations from wastewater, and the adsorption process is well fitted by Langmuir adsorption model. Notably, the composite displays excellent regeneration, maintaining a ~90% adsorption capacity for five cycles, while other samples decrease their adsorption capacity rapidly. This work provides a theoretical guidance to improve the regeneration of the GO-based adsorbents.  相似文献   

The evolution of inclusions and the formation of acicular ferrite (AF) in Ca–Ti treated steel was systematically investigated after Mg and La addition. The inclusions in the molten steel were Ca–Al–O, Ca–Al–Mg–O, and La–Mg–Ca–Al–O after Ca, Mg, and La addition, respectively. The type of oxide inclusion in the final quenched samples was the same as that in the molten steel. However, unlike those in molten steel, the inclusions were Ca–Al–Ti–O + MnS, Ca–Mg–Al–Ti–O + MnS, and La–Ca–Mg–Al–Ti–O + MnS in Mg-free, Mg-containing, and La-containing samples, respectively. The inclusions distributed dispersedly in the La-containing sample. In addition, the average size of the inclusions in the La-containing sample was the smallest, while the number density of inclusions was the highest. The size of effective inclusions (nucleus of AF formation) was mainly in the range of 1–3 μm. In addition, the content of ferrite side plates (FSP) decreased, while the percentage of AF increased by 16.2% due to the increase in the number of effective inclusions in the La-containing sample in this study.  相似文献   

We report the picosecond laser ablation of aluminum targets immersed in a polar organic liquid (chloroform, CHCl3) with ~2 ps laser pulses at an input energy of ~350 μJ. The synthesized aluminum nanoparticles exhibited a surface plasmon resonance peak at ~340 nm. Scanning electron microscopy images of Al nanoparticles demonstrated the spherical morphology with an average size of (27 ± 3.6) nm. The formation of smaller spherical Al nanoparticles and the diminished growth could be from the formation of electric double layers on the Al nanoparticles. In addition to spherical aluminum nanoparticles, triangular/pentagonal/hexagonal nanoparticles were also observed in the colloidal solution. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images of ablated Al targets demonstrated laser induced periodic surface structures (LIPSSs), which were the high spatial frequency LIPSSs (HSF-LIPSSs) since their grating period was ~280 nm. Additionally, coarse structures with a period of ~700 nm were observed.  相似文献   

Carbonated decomposition of hydrogarnet is one of the vital reactions of the calcification–carbonation method, which is designed to dispose of low-grade bauxite and Bayer red mud and is a novel eco-friendly method. In this study, the effect of the silica saturation coefficient (x) on the carbonation of hydrogarnet was investigated from the kinetic perspective. The results indicated that the carbonation of hydrogarnets with different x values (x = 0.27, 0.36, 0.70, and 0.73) underwent two stages with significantly different rates, and the kinetic mechanisms of the two stages can be described by the kinetic functions R3 and D3. The apparent activation energies at Stages 1 and 2 were 41.96–81.64 and 14.80–34.84 kJ/mol, respectively. Moreover, the corresponding limiting steps of the two stages were interfacial chemical reaction and diffusion.  相似文献   

A new method of high-gravity combustion synthesis (HGCS) followed by post-treatment (PT) is reported for preparing high-performance high-entropy alloys (HEAs), Cr0.9FeNi2.5V0.2Al0.5 alloy, whereby cheap thermite powder is used as the raw material. In this process, the HEA melt and the ceramic melt are rapidly formed by a strong exothermic combustion synthesis reaction and completely separated under a high-gravity field. Then, the master alloy is obtained after cooling. Subsequently, the master alloy is sequentially subjected to conventional vacuum arc melting (VAM), homogenization treatment, cold rolling, and annealing treatment to realize a tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation of 1250 MPa, 1075 MPa, and 2.9%, respectively. The present method is increasingly attractive due to its low cost of raw materials and the intermediate product obtained without high-temperature heating. Based on the calculation of phase separation kinetics in the high-temperature melt, it is expected that the final alloys with high performance can be prepared directly across master alloys with higher high-gravity coefficients.  相似文献   

Computational simulations and high-temperature measurements of velocities near the surface of a mold were carried out by using the rod deflection method to study the effects of various operating parameters on the flow field in slab continuous casting (CC) molds with narrow widths for the production of automobile exposed panels. Reasonable agreement between the calculated results and measured subsurface velocities of liquid steel was obtained under different operating parameters of the CC process. The simulation results reveal that the flow field in the horizontal plane located 50 mm from the meniscus can be used as the characteristic flow field to optimize the flow field of molten steel in the mold. Increases in casting speed can increase the subsurface velocity of molten steel and shift the position of the vortex core downward in the downward circulation zone. The flow field of liquid steel in a 1040 mm-wide slab CC mold can be improved by an Ar gas flow rate of 7 L·min?1 and casting speed of 1.7 m·min?1. Under the present experimental conditions, the double-roll flow pattern is generally stable at a submerged entry nozzle immersion depth of 170 mm.  相似文献   

Electroslag remelting (ESR) gives a combination of liquid metal refining and solidification structure control. One of the typical aspects of liquid metal refining during ESR for the advanced steel and alloy production is desulfurization. It involves two patterns, i.e., slag–metal reaction and gas–slag reaction (gasifying desulfurization). In this paper, the advances in desulfurization practices of ESR are reviewed. The effects of processing parameters, including the initial sulfur level of consumable electrode, remelting atmosphere, deoxidation schemes of ESR, slag composition, melting rate, and electrical parameters on the desulfurization in ESR are assessed. The interrelation between desulfurization and sulfide inclusion evolution during ESR is discussed, and advancements in the production of sulfur-bearing steel at a high-sulfur level during ESR are described. The remaining challenges for future work are also proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of CaCO3, Na2CO3, and CaF2 on the reduction roasting and magnetic separation of high-phosphorus iron ore containing phosphorus in the form of Fe3PO7 and apatite was investigated. The results revealed that Na2CO3 had the most significant effect on iron recovery and dephosphorization, followed by CaCO3, the effect of CaF2 was negligible. The mechanisms of CaCO3, Na2CO3, and CaF2 were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM–EDS). Without additives, Fe3PO7 was reduced to elemental phosphorus and formed an iron–phosphorus alloy with metallic iron. The addition of CaCO3 reacted with Fe3PO7 to generate an enormous amount of Ca3(PO4)2 and promoted the reduction of iron oxides. However, the growth of iron particles was inhibited. With the addition of Na2CO3, the phosphorus in Fe3PO7 migrated to nepheline and Na2CO3 improved the reduction of iron oxides and growth of iron particles. Therefore, the recovery of iron and the separation of iron and phosphorus were the best. In contrast, CaF2 reacted with Fe3PO7 to form fine Ca3(PO4)2 particles scattered around the iron particles, making the separation of iron and phosphorus difficult.  相似文献   

Continuous-drive rotary friction welding was performed to join cylindrical specimens of carbon steel (EN24) and nickel-based superalloy (IN718), and the microstructures of three distinct weld zones—the weld interface (WI)/thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), the heat-affected zone (HAZ), and the base metal—were examined. The joint was observed to be free of defects but featured uneven flash formation. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis showed substantial changes in high-angle grain boundaries, low-angle grain boundaries, and twin boundaries in the TMAZ and HAZ. Moreover, significant refinement in grain size (2–5 μm) was observed at the WI/TMAZ with reference to the base metal. The possible causes of these are discussed. The microhardness profile across the welded joint shows variation in hardness. The changes in hardness are ascribed to grain refinement, phase transformation, and the dissolution of strengthening precipitates. The tensile test results reveal that a joint efficiency of 100% can be achieved using this method.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vibration assisted tungsten inert gas welding was applied to joining stainless steel 316L and low alloy high strength steel L415. The effect of ultrasonic vibration on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar metal welded joint of 316L and L415 was systematically investigated. The microstructures of both heat affected zones of L415 and weld metal were substantially refined, and the clusters of δ ferrite in traditional tungsten inert gas (TIG) weld were changed to a dispersive distribution via the ultrasonic vibration. The ultrasonic vibration promoted the uniform distribution of elements and decreased the micro-segregation tendency in the weld. With the application of ultrasonic vibration, the average tensile strength and elongation of the joint was improved from 613 to 650 MPa and from 16.15% to 31.54%, respectively. The content of Σ3 grain boundaries around the fusion line zone is higher and the distribution is more uniform in the ultrasonic vibration assisted welded joint compared with the traditional one, indicating an excellent weld metal crack resistance.  相似文献   

The co-oxidation of As(III) and Fe(II) in acidic solutions by pressured oxygen was studied under an oxygen pressure between 0.5 and 2.0 MPa at a temperature of 150°C. It was confirmed that without Fe(II) ions, As(III) ions in the solutions are virtually non-oxidizable by pressured oxygen even at a temperature as high as 200°C and an oxygen pressure up to 2.0 MPa. Fe(II) ions in the solutions did have a catalysis effect on the oxidation of As(III), possibly attributable to the production of such strong oxidants as hydroxyl free radicals (OH·) and Fe(IV) in the oxidation process of Fe(II). The effects of such factors as the initial molar ratio of Fe(II)/As(III), initial pH value of the solution, oxygen pressure, and the addition of radical scavengers on the oxidation efficiencies of As(III) and Fe(II) were studied. It was found that the oxidation of As(III) was limited in the co-oxidation process due to the accumulation of the As(III) oxidation product, As(V), in the solutions.  相似文献   

The specific distribution characteristics of inclusions along with the sliver defect were analyzed in detail to explain the formation mechanism of the sliver defect on the automobile exposed panel surface. A quantitative electrolysis method was used to compare and evaluate the three-dimensional morphology, size, composition, quantity, and distribution of inclusions in the defect and non-defect zone of automobile exposed panel. The Al2O3 inclusions were observed to be aggregated or chain-like shape along with the sliver defect of about 3–10 μm. The aggregation sections of the Al2O3 inclusions are distributed discretely along the rolling direction, with a spacing of 3–7 mm, a length of 6–7 mm, and a width of about 3 mm. The inclusion area part is 0.04%–0.16% with an average value of 0.08%, the inclusion number density is 40 mm?2 and the inclusion average spacing is 25.13 μm. The inclusion spacing is approximately 40–160 μm, with an average value of 68.76 μm in chain-like inclusion parts. The average area fraction and number density of inclusions in the non-defect region were reduced to about 0.002% and 1–2 mm?2, respectively, with the inclusion spacing of 400 μm and the size of Al2O3 being 1–3 μm.  相似文献   

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