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A theoretical analysis for the boundary layer flow over a continuous moving surface in an otherwise quiescent pseudo-plastic non-Newtonian fluid medium was presented. The types of potential flows necessary for similar solutions to the boundary layer equations were determined and the solutions were numerically presented for different values of power law exponent.  相似文献   

An efficient Adomian analytical decomposition technique for studying the momentum and heat boundary layer equations with exponentially stretching surface conditions was presented and an approximate analytical solution was obtained, which can be represented in terms of a rapid convergent power series with elegantly computable terms. The reliability and efficiency of the approxi- mate solution were verified using numerical solutions in the literature. The approximate solution can be successfully applied to provide the values of skin friction and the temperature gradient coefficient.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diabetes as a consequence of locally produced interleukin-2.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
During cell differentiation in the thymus, self-reactive T cells can be generated. The majority of these seem to be deleted after intrathymic encounter with the relevant autoantigen. As all self antigens are unlikely to be present in the thymus, some autoreactive T cells may escape censorship. Here we study the fate of these cells using transgenic mice expressing the class I molecule H-2Kb (Kb) in the insulin-producing beta-cells of the pancreas. These mice were crossed with mice transgenic for genes encoding a Kb-specific T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) which could be detected using a clonotype-specific monoclonal antibody. Although T cells expressing the highest level of transgenic TCR were deleted intrathymically in double-transgenic mice, Kb-specific T cells were detected in the periphery. These cells caused the rejection of Kb-expressing skin grafts, but ignored islet Kb antigens even after priming. But when double-transgenic mice were crossed with transgenic mice expressing the lymphokine interleukin-2 in the pancreatic beta-cells, there was a rapid onset of diabetes. These results indicate that autoreactive T cells that ignore self antigens may cause autoimmune diabetes when provided with exogenous 'help' in the form of interleukin-2.  相似文献   

空调蓄冷是实现电网"移峰填谷"的重要手段.为缩短蓄放冷时间,以R134a为工质,在气体水合物蓄冷循环中加入引射器,研究结果表明:引射器增强了水和R134a气体的混合,在引射器内生成了部分水合物晶核.与无引射循环相比,水合物的成核过冷度降低约2~4 ℃,水合物的生成时间缩短13%~25%,获得了较好的蓄冷效果.并提出"热势"理论对实验现象进行解释,采用引射器后,水合物形成需要的"热势"降低,从而使水合物的成核过冷度和形成时间有明显降低.  相似文献   

根据"曲率效应",预言伽马暴随动谱中高能端的一根发射线可以形成观测谱中的一个翘起的高能尾.这解释了为什么从来没有在伽马暴中观测到窄发射线.翘尾的峰是洛仑兹因子的线性函数.这表明,当该发射线被证认时,翘尾峰可成为火球膨胀速度的指示器.  相似文献   

Iron formations are chemical sedimentary rocks comprising layers of iron-rich and silica-rich minerals whose deposition requires anoxic and iron-rich (ferruginous) sea water. Their demise after the rise in atmospheric oxygen by 2.32?billion years (Gyr) ago has been attributed to the removal of dissolved iron through progressive oxidation or sulphidation of the deep ocean. Therefore, a sudden return of voluminous iron formations nearly 500?million years later poses an apparent conundrum. Most late Palaeoproterozoic iron formations are about 1.88?Gyr old and occur in the Superior region of North America. Major iron formations are also preserved in Australia, but these were apparently deposited after the transition to a sulphidic ocean at 1.84?Gyr ago that should have terminated iron formation deposition, implying that they reflect local marine conditions. Here we date zircons in tuff layers to show that iron formations in the Frere Formation of Western Australia are about 1.88?Gyr old, indicating that the deposition of iron formations from two disparate cratons was coeval and probably reflects global ocean chemistry. The sudden reappearance of major iron formations at 1.88?Gyr ago--contemporaneous with peaks in global mafic-ultramafic magmatism, juvenile continental and oceanic crust formation, mantle depletion and volcanogenic massive sulphide formation--suggests deposition of iron formations as a consequence of major mantle activity and rapid crustal growth. Our findings support the idea that enhanced submarine volcanism and hydrothermal activity linked to a peak in mantle melting released large volumes of ferrous iron and other reductants that overwhelmed the sulphate and oxygen reservoirs of the ocean, decoupling atmospheric and seawater redox states, and causing the return of widespread ferruginous conditions. Iron formations formed on clastic-starved coastal shelves where dissolved iron upwelled and mixed with oxygenated surface water. The disappearance of iron formations after this event may reflect waning mafic-ultramafic magmatism and a diminished flux of hydrothermal iron relative to seawater oxidants.  相似文献   

混合层流动的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对混合层流动进行了数值模拟。采用了离散涡方法。计算中采用扩散速度法处理粘性作用项。计算结果表明:与通常采用随机涡方法或核膨胀法处理粘性作用项相比,采用扩散速度法的计算结果与实验更吻合,同时更准确地反映了混合层流动的自相似性。在混合层流动中,邻近大尺度涡结构之间存在着连续不断的合并;采用二维离散涡方法预报的横向脉动速度均方根大于实验值是由二维离散涡方法忽略了真实流动的三维特性引起的。  相似文献   

The steady laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid near the stagnation point on a stretched vertical surface with prescribed skin friction were considered. The governing partial differential equations were transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations, which were then solved numerically using the shooting method. Results for the stretching velocity, the local Nusselt number, the temperature, and the velocity profiles are presented for various values of the mixed convection parameter λ and material parameter K when the Prandtl number is equal to 1. Both assisting (heated plate) and opposing (cooled plate) flow regions are considered. It is found that dual solutions exist for both assisting and opposing flows.  相似文献   

研究了具有抽吸喷注的多孔介质延伸表面上二维稳态层流的流动问题.用一种解析的方法--同伦分析方法--求得了该流动问题的相似解.给出了量纲为一的速度分布以及在不同渗透参数情况下壁摩擦系数的变化.  相似文献   

首先利用量级分析理论对幂律流体延伸表面边界层流动进行分析,得到边界层厚度的量级和影响因素;引入量纲为1变量,将动量边界层的控制方程转化为量纲为1的控制方程组. 数值求解了具有不同幂律指数n的流体在平板逆来流且平板运动参数ζ不同的情况下的层流边界层流场,分析了幂律指数n和平板运动参数ζ对动量边界层厚度、量纲为1速度分布和量纲为1剪切力分布的影响规律. 结果表明,速度边界层的分布不仅和平板运动参数有关,而且和幂律指数有关.  相似文献   

复杂下垫面近地面层湍流特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用小波变换方法研究了下垫面对近地面层湍流特征的影响.研究表明,各向同性系数(ISO)可以很好的描述近地面层湍流各向同性特征的日变化,其中,ISO0.7等值线可以作为一条代表性曲线来直观刻画湍流各向同性的尺度范围.在对不同风向及风向转变过程中ISO0.7等值线的变化特征进行研究后发现,ISO0.7尺度范围主要受源区下垫面特征的影响:当风从陆面吹来时,ISO0.7尺度较小;从水面吹来时ISO0.7尺度较大;而从水陆混合下垫面吹来时ISO0.7尺度介于陆地和水面之间;当风向在水面风和陆面风不断转变并达到均衡时的情况与水陆混合下垫面的情况较为接近;当风向持续从一种新下垫面吹向原下垫面时,ISO0.7将逐渐从原下垫面对应的尺度范围过渡新下垫面的尺度范围.  相似文献   

Krimigis SM  Roelof EC  Decker RB  Hill ME 《Nature》2011,474(7351):359-361
Voyager 1 has been in the reservoir of energetic ions and electrons that constitutes the heliosheath since it crossed the solar wind termination shock on 16 December 2004 at a distance from the Sun of 94 astronomical units (1?AU = 1.5?×?10(8)?km). It is now ~22?AU past the termination shock crossing. The bulk velocity of the plasma in the radial-transverse plane has been determined using measurements of the anisotropy of the convected energetic ion distribution. Here we report that the radial component of the velocity has been decreasing almost linearly over the past three years, from ~70?km?s(-1) to ~0?km?s(-1), where it has remained for the past eight months. It now seems that Voyager 1 has entered a finite transition layer of zero-radial-velocity plasma flow, indicating that the spacecraft may be close to the heliopause, the border between the heliosheath and the interstellar plasma. The existence of a flow transition layer in the heliosheath contradicts current predictions--generally assumed by conceptual models--of a sharp discontinuity at the heliopause.  相似文献   

考虑趋旋微生物的影响,研究纳米流体在拉伸缸表面上的稳态二维边界层流动问题。建立控制方程,采用打靶法和Runge-Kutta法进行数值求解,对不同物理参数下的速度场、温度场、浓度场和运动微生物密度场的变化趋势进行图形化分析。结果表明:在靠近缸体表面处,速度、温度、浓度和微生物密度均随曲率参数的增大而减小,而在远离缸体表面时变化情况却相反;微生物密度随Brown运动参数、Peclet数、Schmidt 数和生物对流常数的增大而减小,而随热泳参数的增大而增大。  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the wakes of circular cylinder in shallow-water flow. Using DP1V (digital particle imaging velocimetry) system, the detailed measurement of turbulent wake around a cylinder with diameter of 1 . 27 m was made under the condition of many different characteristic coefficients 5 . The streamline figures of wake flow have been given. The measured results show that the characteristic coefficient 5 is the unique factor deciding the flow pattern around a cylinder in shallow water layer and the value 0.45 is the critical value of transition from vortex street to steady recirculating flow. At the same time, the mechanism of cylinder turbulent wakes in a shallow water layer is given.  相似文献   

为了分析地面堆载对高后果区埋地管道承载能力的影响,采用ANSYS workbench有限元软件建立了堆载-土壤-管道应力状态分析三维模型,采用堆载体直接加载在地基土壤上,分析管道在堆载下的承载能力响应,采用理论计算验证了模型的可行性,分别探讨了堆载高度、管道埋深、堆载距离、管径、壁厚和土壤泊松比因素对管道承载能力的影响。结果表明,堆载下管道应力最大出现在堆载下方,并且向管道两边递减,堆载范围内的承载能力明显减弱。堆载高度和堆载距离对管道承载能力的影响最大,堆载距离的微小改变可以明显提高管道的承载能力,堆载高度的增加同时又导致管道承载能力减弱,通过堆载高度和堆载距离的变化规律可以用来判断,在管道极限承载能力范围内,不同堆载位置下的极限堆载高度。在一定堆载高度下,管道存在一个临界埋深,此时管道承载能力最大。管径、壁厚和土壤性质对管道承载能力有影响但较小。研究结果可以为判断高后果区埋地管道占压下安全状态提供指导。  相似文献   

Reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels have been selected as candidate structural materials for future advanced nuclear power systems. In the present work, the influence of a gradient nanograined surface layer on the fatigue properties of RAFM steels was studied. A gradient nanostructured (GNS) surface layer with a thickness of ~85 ?μm was prepared on RAFM steel utilizing surface mechanical rolling treatment (SMRT). The mean grain size was approximate 43 ?nm at the topmost surface and increased gradually with depth. The results of the stress-controlled tension-compression fatigue experiments showed that the fatigue life enhanced approximately 6 times in the SMRT samples compared to the corresponding base metal counterparts. The relationship between the applied stress amplitude and the fatigue lifetime, and the fracture morphology showed that the surface strengthening and strain delocalization were caused by GNS, which suppressed surface crack initiation process, and hence the fatigue properties of RAFM steels improved. In addition, the deformation compatibility in GNS and coarse-grained boundaries leading to more dislocation interactions and accumulation during the cyclic process, also plays a crucial role in enhancing the fatigue properties of RAFM steel.  相似文献   

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