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压力对铍/铜/HR-1不锈钢热静压组织结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在800℃下,分别在20、30、40、50MPa压力下对铍/铜/HR-1不锈钢进行真空热静压扩散连接。利用光学金相、显微硬度计、扫描电镜(SEM)、俄歇电子能谱(AES)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了接头扩散区的微区成分和组织结构;探讨了扩散区成分,组织结构与压力的关系。研究表明:压力的作用将使试样产生动态形变再结晶和扩散性蠕变,也能影响扩散焊区的扩散宽度、晶粒大小和金属间化合物数量;单轴向压力作用下,基材或扩散焊区出现织构;降低铍/铜/HR-l不锈钢接头性能的主要因素是金属间化合物优先沿晶界生成,适当降低压力或缩短热压时间可减少金属间化合物的形成,改善连接性能。  相似文献   

采用热压技术在45#钢基片表面制备WC-Cu-Sn耐磨涂层,对影响WC-Cu-Sn涂层组织性能的主要工艺因素WC含量、烧结温度和烧结时间进行了正交试验设计及极差分析。结果表明,WC质量分数47%、烧结温度850℃、烧结时间1min为涂层的最佳工艺参数,该工艺条件下的47WC-Cu-8Sn涂层组织相对耐磨系数高达12,其致密度随烧结温度升高先增大后减小,随烧结时间延长逐渐减小;WC-Cu-Sn涂层磨损机制主要以磨粒磨损为主、黏着磨损为辅。  相似文献   

利用Gleeble3800热模拟实验机,对低铝钛GH600合金进行热压缩实验;利用金相显微镜研究工艺参数对显微组织演变规律的影响;利用透射电镜及能谱观察分析析出相、位错等微观结构。结果表明:提高变形量可以得到细晶组织,改善合金的使用性能,并且在大变形量下,动态再结晶容易进行,软化效果得到提高,在一定程度上改善合金的加工性能。当变形温度升高时,再结晶比例得到很大的提高,合金动态再结晶体积分数增大,位错密度降低,使加工容易进行。但当变形温度过高时,再结晶组织会出现粗化现象。低铝钛GH600合金的优选热加工工艺参数为:温度1 100~1 150℃,变形量60%。在这种工艺条件下,合金中的再结晶程度最高,再结晶晶粒没有出现粗化现象,并且析出相的成分、尺寸也为理想状态。  相似文献   

通过热等静压近净成形技术制备的TC4合金具有独特的优势,近年来受到大量关注.研究了热等静压保温温度对TC4合金显微组织及拉伸性能的影响.结果表明:120 MPa、2 h保压条件下,保温温度达到800℃时,合金完全致密化;随着保温温度从800℃升高到920℃,合金的抗拉强度从942 MPa降为920 MPa,拉伸应变从1...  相似文献   

The effect of hot isostatic pressing(HIP) treatment on microstructure of gas-turbine vanes made of K452 alloy was investigated by OM,SEM and TEM. The results showed that HIP treatment played a great role in the porosity healing processing, where 80% of porosities were eliminated and the diameter of remnant porosities decreased to 10 μm. The healing mechanism of the porosities was consistent with existing theories of porosity closure based on vacancy diffusion. According to the result of the tensile test, the plasticity of the alloy was improved as the result of the elimination of the porosities and the improvement of dendritic segregation, while there was not an obvious improvement in the tensile strength after the programmed HIP process. In addition, HIP had a positive effect on narrowing down the dispersion of tensile properties.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the surface quality of the niobium microalloy profiled billet directly affects the comprehensive mechanical properties of the H-beam. The effects of chromium on the γ/α phase transformation and high-temperature mechanical properties of Nb-microalloyed steel were studied by Gleeble tensile and high-temperature in-situ observation experiments. Results indicated that the starting temperature of the γ→α phase transformation decreases with increasing Cr content. The hot ductility of Nb-microalloyed steel is improved by adding 0.12 wt% Cr. Chromium atoms inhibit the diffusion of carbon atoms, which reduces the thickness of grain boundary ferrite. The number fractions of high-angle grain boundaries increase with increasing chromium content. In particular, the proportion is up to 48.7% when the Cr content is 0.12 wt%. The high-angle grain boundaries hinder the crack propagation and improve the ductility of Nb-microalloyed steel.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the surface quality of the niobium microalloy profiled billet directly affects the comprehensive mechanical properties of the H-beam. The effects of chromium on the γ/α phase transformation and high-temperature mechanical properties of Nb-microalloyed steel were studied by Gleeble tensile and high-temperature in-situ observation experiments. Results indicated that the starting temperature of the γ→α phase transformation decreases with increasing Cr content. The hot ductility of Nb-microalloyed steel is improved by adding 0.12wt% Cr. Chromium atoms inhibit the diffusion of carbon atoms, which reduces the thickness of grain boundary ferrite. The number fractions of high-angle grain boundaries increase with increasing chromium content. In particular, the proportion is up to 48.7% when the Cr content is 0.12wt%. The high-angle grain boundaries hinder the crack propagation and improve the ductility of Nb-microalloyed steel.  相似文献   

采用gleeble-1500 热模拟试验机,对TA15钛合金4种典型组织试样进行了高温准静态压缩试验,研究了不同原始组织的TA15钛合金高温压缩力学行为,不同组织对其高温准静态力学性能及温度敏感性的影响.结果表明:在同一温度下,4种组织的流变应力随温度的升高而降低,且最初流变应力随应变的增加快速增加,当流变应力达到一个峰值后,逐渐下降,最后处于稳定流变状态;不同的组织对TA15钛合金高温准静态力学性能有很大影响;600 ℃变形时,网篮组织的温度敏感性最低,固溶时效组织其次,双态组织第三,等轴晶粒组织温度敏感性最高;700~900 ℃下变形,各组织温度敏感性的排序不变,但网篮组织的温度敏感性和其它3种组织温度敏感性的差距缩小;当在超过相变温度的1000 ℃下变形时,各试样的组织完全相同,其温度敏感性不再有任何差异,其力学性能也几乎相同.  相似文献   

Effects of cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Mo-Ti-Cr maraging steels were studied.To investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties,optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,tensile test,and hardness test were used.The results show that the solution-annealing treatment in the cold-rolled steel redounds to the formation of sub-microcrystalline Fe2(Mo,Ti) Laves phase particles,which are stable at high temperatures.These secondary Laves phase particles prevent from recrystallization at high temperatures and correspond to semi-brittle fracture in the subsequent aging treatment.  相似文献   

Effects of cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Mo-Ti-Cr maraging steels were studied. To investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile test, and hardness test were used. The results show that the solution-annealing treatment in the cold-rolled steel redounds to the formation of submicrocrystalline Fe2(Mo, Ti) Laves phase particles, which are stable at high temperatures. These secondary Laves phase particles prevent from recrystallization at high temperatures and correspond to semi-brittle fracture in the subsequent aging treatment.  相似文献   

采用室温离子注入和低压电镜原位观察的方法,研究了注氢对国产ODS铁素体钢微观结构的影响.结果表明:原始未注氢ODS铁素体钢中存在有一定数量的(Fe,Cr)2O3,室温注氢后,(Fe,Cr)2O3无明显改变;但将其加热至450℃,(Fe,Cr)2O3即开始分解;到550℃时,部分(Fe,Cr)2O3消失,残余(Fe,Cr)2O3的成分也发生了改变.与此相反,原始未注氢ODS铁素体钢的微观结构在加热过程中却没有明显改变,(Fe,Cr)2O3并不分解.  相似文献   

采用新型热压法制备凝胶化油脂,以降低高熔点、高黏度的乙基纤维素凝胶剂对油脂的氧化作用.实验以过氧化值、茴香胺值、总氧化值为指标,在热压条件下制备凝胶化大豆油和起酥油产品,研究热压制备凝胶化油脂的工艺参数优化及对氧化特性的影响.结果表明,热压工艺能够显著降低凝胶化油脂的各项氧化指标,制备凝胶化油的最佳工艺参数是搅拌速率150 r·min~(-1),热压压力0.20 MPa,物料预热温度100℃,在此条件下,凝胶化大豆油产品过氧化值比传统常压油浴工艺降低52.7%,茴香胺值降低45.1%,总氧化值降低48.5%,凝胶化起酥油产品过氧化值降低43.2%,茴香胺值降低34.8%,总氧化值降低39.3%.  相似文献   

采用超高真空反应射频磁控溅射方法,利用高纯Ti靶在光学玻璃基底上制备具有一定厚度的TiO2薄膜样品.通过扫描探针显微镜对其表面形貌进行观测和分析,利用XRD初步探讨了退火对薄膜结构及其透射率的影响,并研究了不同O2/Ar流量比对薄膜沉积速率的影响.  相似文献   

以来源丰富、价格低廉的玉米芯为原料,通过炭化和活化(水蒸气为活化剂)制备生态炭.为提高生态炭的收率,炭化前采用热压成型的方法对玉米芯原料进行预处理.通过对成型温度、成型压力、成型时间等工艺参数的研究,得出较佳热压成型条件:成型温度为275~300℃,成型压力为5~15MPa,成型时间为10 min.研究结果表明,成型工艺参数对总炭化收率的影响程度由大到小依次为:成型温度>成型压力≈成型时间;热压成型使玉米芯的炭化收率由成型前的18.52%(质量分数)提高到成型后的25.58%;热压成型对生态炭的比表面积影响较小,所制生态炭比表面积为982m2/g,以微孔为主,微孔率高达97.31%.  相似文献   

采用电导率测试、常温力学性能测试、慢应变速率拉伸、透射电镜和正交试验等手段,研究双级时效对1933铝合金锻件力学性能、抗应力腐蚀性能及微观组织的影响.研究结果表明:与T6态相比,通过合适的双级时效制度(110℃/6 h+160℃/8 h或120℃/12 h+160℃/6 h),锻件的抗拉强度和屈服强度分别下降3.8%和1.0%,电导率却提高了19.5%,抗应力腐蚀性能显著提高.双级时效中第2级时效温度是控制锻件性能的关键因素,通过合理的双级时效制度,机体中的沉淀相细小弥散,晶界上的η相粗大且不连续,使得锻件具有良好的综合性能.  相似文献   

将循环热处理与形变相结合,利用电子背散射衍射等手段探究该工艺对TC17钛合金片层组织球化和取向的影响.结果表明:TC17钛合金在两相区进行单纯的循环热处理其片层组织球化程度有限,而经过循环热处理+压缩变形后,其魏氏组织消失,片层α相得到明显球化,但是其取向均匀性仍没发生较大变化.此外,变形中两相的再结晶速度及其强韧性导致了两相取向的差异性.α相的再结晶速度快于β相,在变形过程中,α相的各向异性首先降低;另一方面,由于α相比β相硬度高,热变形过程中,α相的变形程度小于β相,应变主要集中在与α相邻近的较软的β相,从而导致α相的取向均匀性高于β相.  相似文献   

Heating-cooling combined mold (HCCM) horizontal continuous casting technology developed by our research group was used to produce high axial columnar-grained CuNi10FeMn1 alloy tubes with different Fe contents. The effects of Fe content (1.08wt%–2.01wt%) on the microstructure, segregation, and flushing corrosion resistance in simulated flowing seawater as well as the mechanical properties of the alloy tubes were investigated. The results show that when the Fe content is increased from 1.08wt% to 2.01wt%, the segregation degree of Ni and Fe elements increases, and the segregation coefficient of Ni and Fe elements falls from 0.92 to 0.70 and from 0.92 to 0.63, respectively. With increasing Fe content, the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases initially and then increases. When the Fe content is 1.83wt%, the corrosion rate approaches the minimum and dense, less-defect corrosion films, which contain rich Ni and Fe elements, form on the surface of the alloy; these films effectively protect the α-matrix and reduce the corrosion rate. When the Fe content is increased from 1.08wt% to 2.01wt%, the tensile strength of the alloy tube increases from 204 MPa to 236 MPa, while the elongation to failure changes slightly about 46%, indicating the excellent workability of the CuNi10FeMn1 alloy tubes.  相似文献   

等温自由锻温度对7085铝合金组织与性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过金相组织观察、扫描电镜分析和室温拉伸力学性能及剥落腐蚀实验,分析探讨等温自由锻温度对7085铝合金显微组织、力学性能和剥落腐蚀的影响.研究结果表明:在370℃和400℃等温自由锻时,合金发生严重再结晶,强度较低,伸长率稍高,剥蚀抗力较差;在420℃锻造时,合金出现大量细小且分布均匀的亚晶粒,抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率和剥蚀抗力均较好,分别达到533.2 MPa,495 MPa,13.3%和EA.在450℃锻造时,该合金的晶粒开始长大,强度下降,伸长率稍有升高,剥蚀抗力较差.综合考虑显微组织、强度、塑性和剥落腐蚀等因素,确定420℃为合金等温自由锻最佳锻造温度.  相似文献   

采用热等静压方法对气雾化316L奥氏体不锈钢粉末致密化,用箱式电阻炉对致密体进行了固溶处理,研究了固溶前后致密体的显微组织和力学性能,并对其拉伸断口形貌进行了分析.结果表明:热等静压态致密体密度接近理论全致密,内部组织为细小的奥氏体,存在较多的碳化物,抗拉强度、屈服强度分别达到595.3MPa和263.3MPa,延伸率为58.3%,硬度为HBS152.3;固溶处理使致密体强度和硬度降低,塑性增加,且随着固溶温度的提高,强度迅速降低,塑性明显提高,最佳固溶温度为1050℃;在固溶温度为1050℃和水冷的情况下,最佳保温时间为20min;固溶处理前后拉伸试样断口呈现明显的韧性断裂,固溶韧性好于固溶前的,均高于热轧态产品的韧性.  相似文献   

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