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当前,中国社会正处于社会转型和体制转轨的重要阶段,新的道德信仰价值观尚不完善,以至于出现了普遍的道德信仰危机现象.其原因主要是表现在经济、社会、政治、教育等方面.解决当前道德信仰危机的对策主要有大力发展社会主义经济,加强社会主义民主和法制建设,建立健全合理的社会道德奖罚机制,发展先进文化.建设社会主义核心价值体系等.  相似文献   

为了研究公平偏好主体的异质性对供应链决策的影响,将公平敏感性引入公平偏好决策者的决策模型,构建由1个制造商、2个竞争零售商,并且其中1个零售商兼具公平偏好和公平敏感性的二级供应链。基于社会比较理论,分别建立该零售商具横向公平偏好和纵向公平偏好的供应链决策模型,得到不同公平状态下公平敏感性系数对决策者决策变量及效用的影响。最后通过数值算例对结论进行验证。研究结果表明:公平偏好及公平敏感性的存在并不能增加零售商本身的效用值,且在横向公平偏好下,加剧了2个零售商之间的竞争。在不利不公平情形下,该零售商的效用随着公平敏感性系数的增加而增加,而在有利不公平情形下随着公平敏感系数的增加而减少。因此,在不利不公平情形下,该零售商应当保持谦逊自卑,不要高估自己的能力、地位;而在有利不公平情形下要保持自信,只有这样才能保证自身效用的最大化。  相似文献   

每个市场经济行为主体都必须遵守基本的道德要求。我们有什么权利对“名利场”中人提出道德要求?培育市场经济条件下经济道德建设所需的道德环境,加强经济法制建设,建立道德赏罚机制和健全社会道德监督机制,加紧完善市场经济,才是道德重建的正道。  相似文献   

Detrimental effects of sanctions on human altruism   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Fehr E  Rockenbach B 《Nature》2003,422(6928):137-140
The existence of cooperation and social order among genetically unrelated individuals is a fundamental problem in the behavioural sciences. The prevailing approaches in biology and economics view cooperation exclusively as self-interested behaviour--unrelated individuals cooperate only if they face economic rewards or sanctions rendering cooperation a self-interested choice. Whether economic incentives are perceived as just or legitimate does not matter in these theories. Fairness-based altruism is, however, a powerful source of human cooperation. Here we show experimentally that the prevailing self-interest approach has serious shortcomings because it overlooks negative effects of sanctions on human altruism. Sanctions revealing selfish or greedy intentions destroy altruistic cooperation almost completely, whereas sanctions perceived as fair leave altruism intact. These findings challenge proximate and ultimate theories of human cooperation that neglect the distinction between fair and unfair sanctions, and they are probably relevant in all domains in which voluntary compliance matters--in relations between spouses, in the education of children, in business relations and organizations as well as in markets.  相似文献   

针对市场竞争中存在的执法不公等问题,提出了改善行政执法环境,要着重从意识环境、经济环境、立法环境和司法环境入手,建立独立化、公平化、人格化的行政执法环境。  相似文献   

从社会保障公平正义的基本价值理念出发,从实现城乡居民社会保障的经济公平入手,通过重庆市城乡居民的调查,运用社会经济学分析范式,从城乡社会保障水平、城乡社会保障支出弹性、城乡社会保障财政弹性、城乡社会保障财政负担水平、城乡社会保障财政贡献率等5个维度,对重庆城乡社会保障的经济公平进行评估,得出了重庆现阶段城乡之间社会保障存在较大的不公平的结论。为此,必须从城乡统筹的制度安排、城乡人力资本的提高、社会保障投入的城乡公平配置等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

自闭症存在明显的面部知觉缺陷.通过对文献进行分析,文章对自闭症的面部知觉缺陷的脑机制进行了概括.结果显示:1)对个人面孔的识别是进行人际交往和成功在一个社会群体中发挥作用的一个重要成分,这与自闭症存在的社会发展缺陷有着密切联系.2)神经心理学研究表明,面部知觉控制是由梭状回(枕颞叶内侧回)中部内侧出现的一小块皮质区所控...  相似文献   

改革开放后市场经济的发展,出现了社会财富分配不公和财富差距过大的问题,严重影响我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。本文提出社会财富配置的原动力是社会成员的生存和发展需要,阐述了应遵循和谐、公平与效率的原则配置社会财富,及怎样保障社会财富的公平配置。  相似文献   

Padoa-Schioppa C  Assad JA 《Nature》2006,441(7090):223-226
Economic choice is the behaviour observed when individuals select one among many available options. There is no intrinsically 'correct' answer: economic choice depends on subjective preferences. This behaviour is traditionally the object of economic analysis and is also of primary interest in psychology. However, the underlying mental processes and neuronal mechanisms are not well understood. Theories of human and animal choice have a cornerstone in the concept of 'value'. Consider, for example, a monkey offered one raisin versus one piece of apple: behavioural evidence suggests that the animal chooses by assigning values to the two options. But where and how values are represented in the brain is unclear. Here we show that, during economic choice, neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) encode the value of offered and chosen goods. Notably, OFC neurons encode value independently of visuospatial factors and motor responses. If a monkey chooses between A and B, neurons in the OFC encode the value of the two goods independently of whether A is presented on the right and B on the left, or vice versa. This trait distinguishes the OFC from other brain areas in which value modulates activity related to sensory or motor processes. Our results have broad implications for possible psychological models, suggesting that economic choice is essentially choice between goods rather than choice between actions. In this framework, neurons in the OFC seem to be a good candidate network for value assignment underlying economic choice.  相似文献   

Santos FC  Santos MD  Pacheco JM 《Nature》2008,454(7201):213-216
Humans often cooperate in public goods games and situations ranging from family issues to global warming. However, evolutionary game theory predicts that the temptation to forgo the public good mostly wins over collective cooperative action, and this is often also seen in economic experiments. Here we show how social diversity provides an escape from this apparent paradox. Up to now, individuals have been treated as equivalent in all respects, in sharp contrast with real-life situations, where diversity is ubiquitous. We introduce social diversity by means of heterogeneous graphs and show that cooperation is promoted by the diversity associated with the number and size of the public goods game in which each individual participates and with the individual contribution to each such game. When social ties follow a scale-free distribution, cooperation is enhanced whenever all individuals are expected to contribute a fixed amount irrespective of the plethora of public goods games in which they engage. Our results may help to explain the emergence of cooperation in the absence of mechanisms based on individual reputation and punishment. Combining social diversity with reputation and punishment will provide instrumental clues on the self-organization of social communities and their economical implications.  相似文献   

为探讨心理绑架现象中不公平的社会资源分配与人情关系文化中的人情愧疚感之间的关系,采用资源分配者的视角,通过实验模拟的方法,考察拥有分配权力的被试面对人情关系时如何做出社会资源分配行为.研究一发现人情愧疚感越高将会引起越不公平的社会资源分配;研究二发现越不公平的社会资源分配出现之后可以预测越低的人情愧疚感.综上所述,人情愧疚感会导致不公平的社会资源分配的出现,而不公平的社会资源分配出现之后可以预测更低的人情愧疚感,所以人情关系中的人情愧疚感像是一种内驱力"心理绑架"了公平的社会资源分配,引导着不公平的分配行为的发生.  相似文献   

Hosie AM  Wilkins ME  da Silva HM  Smart TG 《Nature》2006,444(7118):486-489
Inhibitory neurotransmission mediated by GABA(A) receptors can be modulated by the endogenous neurosteroids, allopregnanolone and tetrahydro-deoxycorticosterone. Neurosteroids are synthesized de novo in the brain during stress, pregnancyand after ethanol consumption, and disrupted steroid regulation of GABAergic transmission is strongly implicated in several debilitating conditions such as panic disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, alcohol dependence and catamenial epilepsy. Determining how neurosteroids interact with the GABA(A) receptor is a prerequisite for understanding their physiological and pathophysiological roles in the brain. Here we identify two discrete binding sites in the receptor's transmembrane domains that mediate the potentiating and direct activation effects of neurosteroids. They potentiate GABA responses from a cavity formed by the alpha-subunit transmembrane domains, whereas direct receptor activation is initiated by interfacial residues between alpha and beta subunits and is enhanced by steroid binding to the potentiation site. Thus, significant receptor activation by neurosteroids relies on occupancy of both the activation and potentiation sites. These sites are highly conserved throughout the GABA(A )receptor family, and their identification provides a unique opportunity for the development of new therapeutic, neurosteroid-based ligands and transgenic disease models of neurosteroid dysfunction.  相似文献   

中国农村土地制度,面临着所有权模糊、收益权丧失、处分权冻结等困境。解决的方法是建立多元化土地制度,这既不违背我国的基本经济制度,也符合市场经济发展的要求,同时是我国克服城乡差距、实现农村第二期现代化的现实选择。实施土地多元化制度,需要在思想认识上将农村土地产权制度作为一种可供选择的经济安排;在保障制度上为农民提供公平可靠的制度体系;在管理上践行可持续发展观;在人际关系上构建与现代生产和流动相适应的社会组织。  相似文献   

Inflammatory diseases and neuropathic insults are frequently accompanied by severe and debilitating pain, which can become chronic and often unresponsive to conventional analgesic treatment. A loss of synaptic inhibition in the spinal dorsal horn is considered to contribute significantly to this pain pathology. Facilitation of spinal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurotransmission through modulation of GABA(A) receptors should be able to compensate for this loss. With the use of GABA(A)-receptor point-mutated knock-in mice in which specific GABA(A) receptor subtypes have been selectively rendered insensitive to benzodiazepine-site ligands, we show here that pronounced analgesia can be achieved by specifically targeting spinal GABA(A) receptors containing the alpha2 and/or alpha3 subunits. We show that their selective activation by the non-sedative ('alpha1-sparing') benzodiazepine-site ligand L-838,417 (ref. 13) is highly effective against inflammatory and neuropathic pain yet devoid of unwanted sedation, motor impairment and tolerance development. L-838,417 not only diminished the nociceptive input to the brain but also reduced the activity of brain areas related to the associative-emotional components of pain, as shown by functional magnetic resonance imaging in rats. These results provide a rational basis for the development of subtype-selective GABAergic drugs for the treatment of chronic pain, which is often refractory to classical analgesics.  相似文献   

处于社会主义初级阶段的我国各级行政组织存在自身利益是一种客观现实。这是社会主义初级阶段社会经济基础的必然反映。行政组织谋取自身利益必然对行政体制的正常运作造成不良影响,给社会公平和秩序造成负面影响和严重危害。我们必须对行政组织追求自身利益的现象予以高度重视,并采取有力措施,遏制我国行政组织追求自身利益的不良现象。  相似文献   

在研究汽车保险费率奖惩系统时,参照国际上发达国家认同的做法,提出并考虑了利用历史索赔记录、车辆的类型和驾驶员的年龄等因素分组进行讨论的方法,因此弥补了当前国内汽车保险实务的这方面研究的一些不够完善的地方.当考虑这些因素时,可以把数据按风险同质进行分类,然后分别用分类数据设计汽车保险费率奖惩系统.实验结果表明,考虑了历史索赔记录,车辆类型和驾驶员年龄等情况的汽车保险费率奖惩系统比只考虑索赔次数、或只考虑索赔额情形的系统更加公平、合理.  相似文献   

当前,构建和谐社会已经成为中国人民为之奋斗的重要任务。但是,由收入分配不公而引起的收入差距和贫富差距的扩大所引发的问题也日益严重。这个问题已不完全属于经济问题,在社会上已引发出一些不和谐之音。如果收入分配问题不能得到及时化解,其累积的后果将有可能对整个社会的和谐与稳定造成严重冲击。所以,促进社会公平和正义是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键所在。有鉴于此,研究收入分配问题对构建和谐社会的影响及对策就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

为探讨都市女性居民的休闲活动偏好、类型及休闲阻碍与其社会背景因素间的关系,揭示女性生命周期中,社会经济背景因素对其休闲活动偏好的影响及不同休闲类型的女性她们所承受的休闲阻碍差异,在大量文献阅读及多轮专家咨询基础上,构建出都市女性居民休闲活动偏好及阻碍因素调查卷,以成都市年满20岁以上的女性为对象,运用探索性因子分析及K-Mean快速样本聚类法对问卷调查所获得资料进行统计处理.研究发现:①休闲活动偏好集中体现在户外性、知识性、生活性、娱乐性、社交性、艺术性、休息性、竞赛性、亲子性、室内性及运动性等10个方面,以此为依据而获得女性休闲5类型,即自我学习型、—般型、家庭型、社交型消费型;②休闲活动类型与其生命周期及社会成就(敎育程度、职业、每日工作时间)高度相关,其中女性年龄、最小孩子年龄及家庭类型对其休闲选择的影响具有很好一致性;③休闲阻碍主要集中在6个方面,即时间、场地设施、同伴、内在、交通及经济,其中缺乏时间、缺乏设施及缺乏同伴是都市女性的主要休闲障碍,而休闲活动偏好类型与女性内在阻碍、场地设施及同伴阻碍高度相关.研究认为,都市女性休闲活动偏好及类型受其生命周期及社会成就的影响与制约,相关部门应加大场地设施建设布局,提供降低家庭阻碍的相应政策与措施,以促进女性有效从事休闲运动.  相似文献   

通常认为,各国经济发展水平与福利水平呈正相关关系,这虽然不错,但不能绝对化。不同国家在社会福利制度上不同的"偏好"还受到经济发展水平之外的其他因素的影响。通过对瑞典与美国的社会福利制度特点进行比较,并选择社会结构、历史、价值观等几个角度进行初步探寻,认为这些因素的差异是造成瑞典美国社会福利制度差别的重要原因。  相似文献   

Current views of the visual system assume that the primate brain analyses form and motion along largely independent pathways; they provide no insight into why form is sometimes interpreted as motion. In a series of psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments in humans and macaques, here we show that some form information is processed in the prototypical motion areas of the superior temporal sulcus (STS). First, we show that STS cells respond to dynamic Glass patterns, which contain no coherent motion but suggest a path of motion. Second, we show that when motion signals conflict with form signals suggesting a different path of motion, both humans and monkeys perceive motion in a compromised direction. This compromise also has a correlate in the responses of STS cells, which alter their direction preferences in the presence of conflicting implied motion information. We conclude that cells in the prototypical motion areas in the dorsal visual cortex process form that implies motion. Estimating motion by combining motion cues with form cues may be a strategy to deal with the complexities of motion perception in our natural environment.  相似文献   

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