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An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sobolev AV  Hofmann AW  Sobolev SV  Nikogosian IK 《Nature》2005,434(7033):590-597
More than 50 per cent of the Earth's upper mantle consists of olivine and it is generally thought that mantle-derived melts are generated in equilibrium with this mineral. Here, however, we show that the unusually high nickel and silicon contents of most parental Hawaiian magmas are inconsistent with a deep olivine-bearing source, because this mineral together with pyroxene buffers both nickel and silicon at lower levels. This can be resolved if the olivine of the mantle peridotite is consumed by reaction with melts derived from recycled oceanic crust, to form a secondary pyroxenitic source. Our modelling shows that more than half of Hawaiian magmas formed during the past 1 Myr came from this source. In addition, we estimate that the proportion of recycled (oceanic) crust varies from 30 per cent near the plume centre to insignificant levels at the plume edge. These results are also consistent with volcano volumes, magma volume flux and seismological observations.  相似文献   

Elliott T  Thomas A  Jeffcoate A  Niu Y 《Nature》2006,443(7111):565-568
'Recycled' crustal materials, returned from the Earth's surface to the mantle by subduction, have long been invoked to explain compositional heterogeneity in the upper mantle. Yet increasingly, problems have been noted with this model. The debate can be definitively addressed using stable isotope ratios, which should only significantly vary in primitive, mantle-derived materials as a consequence of recycling. Here we present data showing a notable range in lithium isotope ratios in basalts from the East Pacific Rise, which correlate with traditional indices of mantle heterogeneity (for example, 143Nd/144Nd ratios). Such co-variations of stable and radiogenic isotopes in melts from a normal ridge segment provide critical evidence for the importance of recycled material in generating chemical heterogeneity in the upper mantle. Contrary to many models, however, the elevated lithium isotope ratios of the 'enriched' East Pacific Rise lavas imply that subducted ocean crust is not the agent of enrichment. Instead, we suggest that fluid-modified mantle, which is enriched during residency in a subduction zone, is mixed back into the upper mantle to cause compositional variability.  相似文献   

Early-crystallizing chromian spinel(Cr-spinel) in the Nagqu ophiolite has high Os and low Re contents,and it is resistant to alteration during serpentinization,weathering and metamorphism.The chemical composition of primitive magma is preserved in Cr-spinel,which makes it suitable for determining the initial Os-isotope composition of the mantle source.This study presents Cr-spinel Os isotopes and zircon U-Pb ages for cumulate dunite and gabbro,respectively,in the same cumulate section of the ophiolite at Nagqu in Tibet.The results shed light on the formation and evolution of lithospheric mantle.The Nagqu ophiolite is located in the central part of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone.It is a remnant of the Neotethyan oceanic crust,and contains cumulate dunite and gabbro.Zircon from the gabbro yielded a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 183.7±1 Ma.Cr-spinel exhibits Os values of 0.2 to 0.3,suggesting that the mantle source for the dunite is similar to that of carbonaceous chondrites.Thus,the Tibetan lithosphere is primarily a relic of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere,which has formed by the transformation of the normal asthenospheric mantle in the Mesozoic.This is the first study to combine the spinel Os isotopes with accurate zircon U-Pb ages to constrain the geochemical characteristics of the mantle source for the ophiolite.  相似文献   

Parman SW 《Nature》2007,446(7138):900-903
The timing of formation of the Earth's continental crust is the subject of a long-standing debate, with models ranging from early formation with little subsequent growth, to pulsed growth, to steadily increasing growth. But most models do agree that the continental crust was extracted from the mantle by partial melting. If so, such crustal extraction should have left a chemical fingerprint in the isotopic composition of the mantle. The subduction of oceanic crust and subsequent convective mixing, however, seems to have largely erased this record in most mantle isotopic systems (for example, strontium, neodymium and lead). In contrast, helium is not recycled into the mantle because it is volatile and degasses from erupted oceanic basalts. Therefore helium isotopes may potentially preserve a clearer record of mantle depletion than recycled isotopes. Here I show that the spectrum of 4He/3He ratios in ocean island basalts appears to preserve the mantle's depletion history, correlating closely with the ages of proposed continental growth pulses. The correlation independently predicts both the dominant 4He/3He peak found in modern mid-ocean-ridge basalts, as well as estimates of the initial 4He/3He ratio of the Earth. The correspondence between the ages of mantle depletion events and pulses of crustal production implies that the formation of the continental crust was indeed episodic and punctuated by large, potentially global, melting events. The proposed helium isotopic evolution model does not require a primitive, undegassed mantle reservoir, and therefore is consistent with whole mantle convection.  相似文献   

The geochemical composition of the Earth's upper mantle is thought to reflect 4.5 billion years of melt extraction, as well as the recycling of crustal materials. The fractionation of rhenium and osmium during partial melting in the upper mantle makes the Re-Os isotopic system well suited for tracing the extraction of melt and recycling of the resulting mid-ocean-ridge basalt. Here we report osmium isotope compositions of more than 700 osmium-rich platinum-group element alloys derived from the upper mantle. The osmium isotopic data form a wide, essentially gaussian distribution, demonstrating that, with respect to Re-Os isotope systematics, the upper mantle is extremely heterogeneous. As depleted and enriched domains can apparently remain unequilibrated on a timescale of billions of years, effective equilibration seems to require high degrees of partial melting, such as occur under mid-ocean ridges or in back-arc settings, where percolating melts enhance the mobility of both osmium and rhenium. We infer that the gaussian shape of the osmium isotope distribution is the signature of a random mixing process between depleted and enriched domains, resulting from a 'plum pudding' distribution in the upper mantle, rather than from individual melt depletion events.  相似文献   

Sobolev AV  Hofmann AW  Jochum KP  Kuzmin DV  Stoll B 《Nature》2011,476(7361):434-437
Recycling of oceanic crust through subduction, mantle upwelling, and remelting in mantle plumes is a widely accepted mechanism to explain ocean island volcanism. The timescale of this recycling is important to our understanding of mantle circulation rates. Correlations of uranogenic lead isotopes in lavas from ocean islands such as Hawaii or Iceland, when interpreted as model isochrons, have yielded source differentiation ages between 1 and 2.5?billion years (Gyr). However, if such correlations are produced by mixing of unrelated mantle components they will have no direct age significance. Re-Os decay model ages take into account the mixing of sources with different histories, but they depend on the assumed initial Re/Os ratio of the subducted crust, which is poorly constrained because of the high mobility of rhenium during subduction. Here we report the first data on (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios for 138 melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts from lavas of Mauna Loa shield volcano, Hawaii, indicating enormous mantle source heterogeneity. We show that highly radiogenic strontium in severely rubidium-depleted melt inclusions matches the isotopic composition of 200-650-Myr-old sea water. We infer that such sea water must have contaminated the Mauna Loa source rock, before subduction, imparting a unique 'time stamp' on this source. Small amounts of seawater-derived strontium in plume sources may be common but can be identified clearly only in ultra-depleted melts originating from generally highly (incompatible-element) depleted source components. The presence of 200-650-Myr-old oceanic crust in the source of Hawaiian lavas implies a timescale of general mantle circulation with an average rate of about 2 (±1)?cm?yr(-1), much faster than previously thought.  相似文献   

The chemical structure of the Hawaiian mantle plume   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ren ZY  Ingle S  Takahashi E  Hirano N  Hirata T 《Nature》2005,436(7052):837-840
The Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic island and seamount chain is usually attributed to a hot mantle plume, located beneath the Pacific lithosphere, that delivers material sourced from deep in the mantle to the surface. The shield volcanoes of the Hawaiian islands are distributed in two curvilinear, parallel trends (termed 'Kea' and 'Loa'), whose rocks are characterized by general geochemical differences. This has led to the proposition that Hawaiian volcanoes sample compositionally distinct, concentrically zoned, regions of the underlying mantle plume. Melt inclusions, or samples of local magma 'frozen' in olivine phenocrysts during crystallization, may record complexities of mantle sources, thereby providing better insight into the chemical structure of plumes. Here we report the discovery of both Kea- and Loa-like major and trace element compositions in olivine-hosted melt inclusions in individual, shield-stage Hawaiian volcanoes--even within single rock samples. We infer from these data that one mantle source component may dominate a single lava flow, but that the two mantle source components are consistently represented to some extent in all lavas, regardless of the specific geographic location of the volcano. We therefore suggest that the Hawaiian mantle plume is unlikely to be compositionally concentrically zoned. Instead, the observed chemical variation is probably controlled by the thermal structure of the plume.  相似文献   

Caro G  Bourdon B  Birck JL  Moorbath S 《Nature》2003,423(6938):428-432
Application of the 147Sm-143Nd chronometer (half-life of 106 Gyr) suggests that large-scale differentiation of the Earth's mantle may have occurred during the first few hundred million years of its history. However, the signature of mantle depletion found in early Archaean rocks is often obscured by uncertainties resulting from open-system behaviour of the rocks during later high-grade metamorphic events. Hence, although strong hints exist regarding the presence of differentiated silicate reservoirs before 4.0 Gyr ago, both the nature and age of early mantle differentiation processes remain largely speculative. Here we apply short-lived 146Sm-142Nd chronometry (half-life of 103 Myr) to early Archaean rocks using ultraprecise measurement of Nd isotope ratios. The analysed samples are well-preserved metamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the 3.7-3.8-Gyr Isua greenstone belt of West Greenland. Our coupled isotopic calculations, combined with an initial epsilon 143Nd value from ref. 6, constrain the mean age of mantle differentiation to 4,460 +/- 115 Myr. This early Sm/Nd fractionation probably reflects differentiation of the Earth's mantle during the final stage of terrestrial accretion.  相似文献   

Abyssal peridotites are assumed to represent the mantle residue of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). However, the osmium isotopic compositions of abyssal peridotites and MORB do not appear to be in equilibrium, raising questions about the cogenetic relationship between those two reservoirs. However, the cause of this isotopic mismatch is mainly due to a drastic filtering of the data based on the possibility of osmium contamination by sea water. Here we present a detailed study of magmatic sulphides (the main carrier of osmium) in abyssal peridotites and show that the 187Os/188Os ratio of these sulphides is of primary mantle origin and can reach radiogenic values suggesting equilibrium with MORB. Thus, the effect of sea water on the osmium systematics of abyssal peridotites has been overestimated and consequently there is no true osmium isotopic gap between MORBs and abyssal peridotites.  相似文献   

Eiler JM  Schiano P  Kitchen N  Stolper EM 《Nature》2000,403(6769):530-534
Mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) are the most abundant terrestrial magmas and are believed to form by partial melting of a globally extensive reservoir of ultramafic rocks in the upper mantle. MORBs vary in their abundances of incompatible elements (that is, those that partition into silicate liquids during partial melting) and in the isotopic ratios of several radiogenic isotope systems. These variations define a spectrum between 'depleted' and 'enriched' compositions, characterized by respectively low and high abundances of incompatible elements. Compositional variations in the sources of MORBs could reflect recycling of subducted crustal materials into the source reservoir, or any of a number of processes of intramantle differentiations. Variations in (18)O/(16)O (principally sensitive to the interaction of rocks with the Earth's hydrosphere) offer a test of these alternatives. Here we show that (18)O/(16)O ratios of MORBs are correlated with aspects of their incompatible-element chemistry. These correlations are consistent with control of the oxygen-isotope and incompatible-element geochemistry of MORBs by a component of recycled crust that is variably distributed throughout their upper mantle sources.  相似文献   

Asaadi N  Ribe NM  Sobouti F 《Nature》2011,473(7348):501-504
The convective circulation generated within the Earth's mantle by buoyancy forces of thermal and compositional origin is intimately controlled by the rheology of the rocks that compose it. These can deform either by the diffusion of point defects (diffusion creep, with a linear relationship between strain rate and stress) or by the movement of intracrystalline dislocations (nonlinear dislocation creep). However, there is still no reliable map showing where in the mantle each of these mechanisms is dominant, and so it is important to identify regions where the operative mechanism can be inferred directly from surface geophysical observations. Here we identify a new observable quantity--the rate of downstream decay of the anomalous seafloor topography (swell) produced by a mantle plume--which depends only on the value of the exponent in the strain rate versus stress relationship that defines the difference between diffusion and dislocation creep. Comparison of the Hawaiian swell topography with the predictions of a simple fluid mechanical model shows that the swell shape is poorly explained by diffusion creep, and requires a dislocation creep rheology. The rheology predicted by the model is reasonably consistent with laboratory deformation data for both olivine and clinopyroxene, suggesting that the source of Hawaiian lavas could contain either or both of these components.  相似文献   

Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts occur throughout the global ocean on seamounts, ridges, and plateaus where currents have kept the rocks swept clean of sediments for millions of years. Crusts are important as a potential re-source for primarily cobalt, but also for titanium, nickel, REE, PGE, and other elements. Most Co-rich crusts pre-cipitate at water depths of about 1000-3000 m, and are easy to be exploited. Besides the high cobalt contents compared to abyssal Fe-Mn nodules, exploitati…  相似文献   

Abouchami W  Hofmann AW  Galer SJ  Frey FA  Eisele J  Feigenson M 《Nature》2005,434(7035):851-856
The two parallel chains of Hawaiian volcanoes ('Loa' and 'Kea') are known to have statistically different but overlapping radiogenic isotope characteristics. This has been explained by a model of a concentrically zoned mantle plume, where the Kea chain preferentially samples a more peripheral portion of the plume. Using high-precision lead isotope data for both centrally and peripherally located volcanoes, we show here that the two trends have very little compositional overlap and instead reveal bilateral, non-concentric plume zones, probably derived from the plume source in the mantle. On a smaller scale, along the Kea chain, there are isotopic differences between the youngest lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kilauea volcanoes, but the 550-thousand-year-old Mauna Kea lavas are isotopically identical to Kilauea lavas, consistent with Mauna Kea's position relative to the plume, which was then similar to that of present-day Kilauea. We therefore conclude that narrow (less than 50 kilometres wide) compositional streaks, as well as the larger-scale bilateral zonation, are vertically continuous over tens to hundreds of kilometres within the plume.  相似文献   

Lin SC  van Keken PE 《Nature》2005,436(7048):250-252
The hypothesis that a single mushroom-like mantle plume head can generate a large igneous province within a few million years has been widely accepted. The Siberian Traps at the Permian-Triassic boundary and the Deccan Traps at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary were probably erupted within one million years. These large eruptions have been linked to mass extinctions. But recent geochronological data reveal more than one pulse of major eruptions with diverse magma flux within several flood basalts extending over tens of million years. This observation indicates that the processes leading to large igneous provinces are more complicated than the purely thermal, single-stage plume model suggests. Here we present numerical experiments to demonstrate that the entrainment of a dense eclogite-derived material at the base of the mantle by thermal plumes can develop secondary instabilities due to the interaction between thermal and compositional buoyancy forces. The characteristic timescales of the development of the secondary instabilities and the variation of the plume strength are compatible with the observations. Such a process may contribute to multiple episodes of large igneous provinces.  相似文献   

Keller RA  Fisk MR  White WM 《Nature》2000,405(6787):673-676
When a mantle plume interacts with a mid-ocean ridge, both are noticeably affected. The mid-ocean ridge can display anomalously shallow bathymetry, excess volcanism, thickened crust, asymmetric sea-floor spreading and a plume component in the composition of the ridge basalts. The hotspot-related volcanism can be drawn closer to the ridge, and its geochemical composition can also be affected. Here we present Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic analyses of samples from the next-to-oldest seamount in the Hawaiian hotspot track, the Detroit seamount at 51 degrees N, which show that, 81 Myr ago, the Hawaiian hotspot produced volcanism with an isotopic signature indistinguishable from mid-ocean ridge basalt. This composition is unprecedented in the known volcanism from the Hawaiian hotspot, but is consistent with the interpretation from plate reconstructions that the hotspot was located close to a mid-ocean ridge about 80 Myr ago. As the rising mantle plume encountered the hot, low-viscosity asthenosphere and hot, thin lithosphere near the spreading centre, it appears to have entrained enough of the isotopically depleted upper mantle to overwhelm the chemical characteristics of the plume itself. The Hawaiian hotspot thus joins the growing list of hotspots that have interacted with a rift early in their history.  相似文献   

The Earth's mantle is isotopically heterogeneous on length scales ranging from centimetres to more than 10(4) kilometres. This heterogeneity originates from partial melt extraction and plate tectonic recycling, whereas stirring during mantle convection tends to reduce it. Here we show that mid-ocean ridge basalts from 2,000 km along the southeast Indian ridge (SEIR) display a bimodal hafnium isotopic distribution. This bimodality reveals the presence of ancient compositional striations (streaks) in the Indian Ocean upper mantle. The number density of the streaks is described by a Poisson distribution, with an average thickness of approximately 40 km. Such a distribution is anticipated for a well-stirred upper mantle, in which heterogeneity is continually introduced by plate tectonic recycling, and redistributed by viscous stretching and convective refolding.  相似文献   

Escrig S  Capmas F  Dupré B  Allègre CJ 《Nature》2004,431(7004):59-63
The isotopic compositions of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB) from the Indian Ocean have led to the identification of a large-scale isotopic anomaly relative to Pacific and Atlantic ocean MORB. Constraining the origin of this so-called DUPAL anomaly may lead to a better understanding of the genesis of upper-mantle heterogeneity. Previous isotopic studies have proposed recycling of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle or sediments with oceanic crust to be responsible for the DUPAL signature. Here we report Os, Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of Indian MORB from the Central Indian ridge, the Rodriguez triple junction and the South West Indian ridge. All measured samples have higher (187)Os/(188)Os ratios than the depleted upper-mantle value and Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions that imply the involvement of at least two distinct enriched components in the Indian upper-mantle. Using isotopic and geodynamical arguments, we reject both subcontinental lithospheric mantle and recycled sediments with oceanic crust as the cause of the DUPAL anomaly. Instead, we argue that delamination of lower continental crust may explain the DUPAL isotopic signature of Indian MORB.  相似文献   

Asmerom Y  Cheng H  Thomas R  Hirschmann M  Edwards RL 《Nature》2000,406(6793):293-296
The processes responsible for the generation of partial melt in the Earth's lithospheric mantle and the movement of this melt to the Earth's surface remain enigmatic, owing to the perceived difficulties in generating large-degree partial melts at depth and in transporting small-degree melts through a static lithosphere. Here we present a method of placing constraints on melting in the lithospheric mantle using 231Pa-235U data obtained from continental basalts in the southwestern United States and Mexico. Combined with 230Th-238U data, the 231Pa-235U data allow us to constrain the source mineralogy and thus the depth of melting of these basalts. Our analysis indicates that it is possible to transport small melt fractions--of the order of 0.1%--through the lithosphere, as might result from the coalescence of melt by compaction owing to melting-induced deformation. The large observed 231Pa excesses require that the timescale of melt generation and transport within the lithosphere is small compared to the half-life of 231Pa (approximately 32.7 kyr). The 231Pa-230Th data also constrain the thorium and uranium distribution coefficients for clinopyroxene in the source regions of these basalts to be within 2% of one another, indicating that in this setting 230Th excesses are not expected during melting at depths shallower than 85 km.  相似文献   

The oxidation state recorded by rocks from the Earth's upper mantle can be calculated from measurements of the distribution of Fe3+ and Fe2+ between the constituent minerals. The capacity for minerals to incorporate Fe3+ may also be a significant factor controlling the oxidation state of the mantle, and high-pressure experimental measurements of this property might provide important insights into the redox state of the more inaccessible deeper mantle. Here we show experimentally that the Fe3+ content of aluminous silicate perovskite, the dominant lower-mantle mineral, is independent of oxygen fugacity. High levels of Fe3+ are present in perovskite even when it is in chemical equilibrium with metallic iron. Silicate perovskite in the lower mantle will, therefore, have an Fe3+/total Fe ratio of at least 0.6, resulting in a whole-rock ratio of over ten times that of the upper mantle. Consequently, the lower mantle must either be enriched in Fe3+ or Fe3+ must form by the disproportionation of Fe2+ to produce Fe3+ plus iron metal. We argue that the lower mantle contains approximately 1 wt% of a metallic iron-rich alloy. The mantle's oxidation state and siderophile element budget have probably been influenced by the presence of this alloy.  相似文献   

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