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Bina CR  Navrotsky A 《Nature》2000,408(6814):844-847
During the subduction of oceanic lithosphere, water is liberated from minerals by progressive dehydration reactions and is thought to be critical to several geologically important processes such as island-arc volcanism, intermediate-depth seismicity and chemical exchange between the subducting lithosphere and mantle. Although dehydration reactions would yield supercritical fluid water in most slabs, we report here that the stable phase of H2O should be solid ice VII in portions of the coldest slabs. The formation of ice VII as a dehydration product would affect the generation, storage, transport and release of water in cold subduction zones and equilibrium conditions of dehydration would shift, potentially affecting the depths of seismogenesis and magmagenesis. Large amounts of pure ice VII might accumulate during subduction and, as a sinking slab warms, eventual melting of the ice would release large amounts of water in a small region over a short period of time, with a significant positive volume change. Moreover, the decreasing availability of fluid water, owing to the accumulation of ice VII and its subsequent reaction products in a cooling planetary interior (for example, in Mars or the future Earth), might eventually lead to a decline in tectonic activity or its complete cessation.  相似文献   

Positioned near the top of the food web, the dietary composition of Antarctic penguins and seals can be an excellent indicator of the regional food web and thus the status of the marine ecosystem. The dietary composition of modern penguins and seals has been well investigated; a long-term time series of data on penguin and seal diets, however, are rare. Such data, especially any predating the initiation of human harvesting of fish, whales and seals in Antarctica, are crucial for understanding and predicting responses of regional marine food webs to natural climate changes. Here we review recent progress on research of paleodietary change in Antarctic penguins and seals, specifically the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). These studies indicate that the dietary changes of penguins correspond quite well with fluctuations in climate and sea ice extent during the Holocene. The depleted δ15N ratios found in modern Adelie penguins support the "krill surplus hypothesis" in relation to historic human depletion of krilleating fish, seals and whales.  相似文献   

新批评派在批评实践中通过文本细读,实际上是把作品放在封闭的圈子里,隔断它和文本生成的社会关系,过于纯粹,显得贫血。社会批判派,马克思主义的文学批评是其中的重要流派,强调文本所蕴含的社会价值,力图通过文本去认识社会,积极地社会批判;此派源远流长,具有强大的生命力,尤其是西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞的传唤理论,在传统的诗歌研究中具有借鉴意义,值得移植。  相似文献   

在冰的力学性能测试中引用了传感技术,考虑冰力试验试验环境,条件、测试该当的特殊要求,专用设计、研制了试验所需要的各种类型传感器,为进一步完善冰力学试验奠定了基础,论述了传感器的工作原理及构造;分析了传感器在实际应用中的非线性误差。通过误差分析 :弓形位移传感器灵敏度与被测位移大小成反比,被测位移小、灵敏度近似为常数,被测位移过大时,随着被测位移的增加灵敏度下降;悬臂梁式位移传感器,被测位移愈大,失  相似文献   

介绍氯离子对混凝土耐久性的影响及氯离子扩散模型,分析混凝土中氯离子来源、氯离子扩散机理,指出了确定氯离子扩散系数时所遇到的问题.结合地方气候环境,建立水灰比、温度、湿度、时间对扩散系数影响的四维扩散系数模型,并将四维模型改进为有利于工程应用的二维模型,通过实例说明模型的有效性.  相似文献   

Variations of winter Arctic sea ice bordering on the North Atlantic are closely related to climate variations in the same region. When winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index is positive (negative) anomaly phase, Icelandic Low is obviously deepened and shifts northwards (southwards). Simultaneously, the Subtropical High over the North Atlantic is also intensified, and moves northwards (southwards). Those anomalies strengthen (weaken) westerly between Icelandic Low and the Subtropical High, and further result in positive (negative) sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the mid-latitude of the North Atlantic, and increase (decrease) the warm water transportation from the mid-latitude to the Barents Sea, which causes positive (negative) mixed-layer water temperature anomalies in the south part of the Barents Sea. Moreover, the distribution of anomaly air temperature clearly demonstrates warming (cooling) in northern Europe and the subarctic regions (including the Barents Sea) and cooling (warming) in Baffin Bay/Davis Strait. Both of distributions of SST and air temperature anomalies directly result in sea ice decrease (increase) in the Barents/Kara Seas, and sea ice increase (decrease) in Baffin Bay/Davis Strait. :  相似文献   

建立了分形介质中分数阶瞬时点源反常守恒扩散模型.并利用分数阶微积分理论和F0x函数理论给出了解析解,同时给出了散射函数谱的表达式.结果表明,散射函数谱仍具有尺度函数的特性,经典的瞬时点源扩散问题可作为特例,所得解析解可作为基本解进行叠加.  相似文献   

Spandler C  O'Neill HS  Kamenetsky VS 《Nature》2007,447(7142):303-306
The chemical composition of basaltic magma erupted at the Earth's surface is the end product of a complex series of processes, beginning with partial melting and melt extraction from a mantle source and ending with fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation at lower pressures. It has been proposed that studying inclusions of melt trapped in early crystallizing phenocrysts such as Mg-rich olivine and chromite may help petrologists to see beyond the later-stage processes and back to the origin of the partial melts in the mantle. Melt inclusion suites often span a much greater compositional range than associated erupted lavas, and a significant minority of inclusions carry distinct compositions that have been claimed to sample melts from earlier stages of melt production, preserving separate contributions from mantle heterogeneities. This hypothesis is underpinned by the assumption that melt inclusions, once trapped, remain chemically isolated from the external magma for all elements except those that are compatible in the host minerals. Here we show that the fluxes of rare-earth elements through olivine and chromite by lattice diffusion are sufficiently rapid at magmatic temperatures to re-equilibrate completely the rare-earth-element patterns of trapped melt inclusions in times that are short compared to those estimated for the production and ascent of mantle-derived magma or for magma residence in the crust. Phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions with anomalous trace-element signatures must therefore form shortly before magma eruption and cooling. We conclude that the assumption of chemical isolation of incompatible elements in olivine- and chromite-hosted melt inclusions is not valid, and we call for re-evaluation of the popular interpretation that anomalous melt inclusions represent preserved samples of unmodified mantle melts.  相似文献   

In order to understand the relationship between the community structure of bacteria in ice core and the past climate and environment, we initiated the study on the microorganisms in the three selected ice samples from the Malan ice core drilled from the Tibetan Plateau. The 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) molecules were directly amplified from the melt water samples, and three 16S rDNA clone libraries were established. Among 94 positive clones, eleven clones with unique restriction pattern were used for partial sequence and compared with eight reported sequences from the same ice core. The phylotypes were divided into 5 groups: alpha, beta, gamma proteobacteria; CFB, and other eubacteria group. Among them, there were many “typical Malan glacial bacteria“ pertaining to psychrophilies and new bacteria found in the ice core. At a longer time scale, the concentration distribution of “typical Malan glacial bacteria“ with depth showed negative correlation with temperature variations and was coincident with dirty layer. It implied the influence of temperature on the microbial record through impact on the concentrations of the “typical Malan glacial bacteria“. In addition, the nutrition contained in ice was another important factor controlling the distribution of microbial population in ice core section. Moreover, the result displayed an apparent layer distribution of bacterial community in the ice core section, which reflected the microbial response to the past climatic and environmental conditions at the time of deposition.  相似文献   

Although Meiyu rainfall has its in-phase spatial variability over the Changjiang-Huaihe River Valley (CHRV) in most years, it is distributed in some years like a seesaw to the north and south of the Changjiang River, when the precipitation tends to be nearly normal throughout the valley, which would inevitably increase difficulties of making short-term prediction of the rainfall. For this reason, EOF analysis is made on 15 related stations’ precipitation from June to July during 1951─2004, revealing that the EOF2 mode shows largely a north-south seesaw-like pattern, and thereby classifying Meiyu patterns into two types: "northern drought and southern flood (NDSF)" and "northern flood and southern drought (NFSD)". Afterwards, the authors investigated ocean-atmospheric characteristics when these two anomalous types occured using the NCEP reanalysis (version 1) and the extended reconstructed SSTs (version 2). The results show that in the NDSF years, the low-level frontal area and moisture convergence center lie more southward, accompanied by weaker subtropical summer mon- soon over East Asia, with the western Pacific subtropical high and 200 hPa South Asia High being more southward. Both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Annular Modes are stronger than normal in preceding February; SST is higher off China during boreal winter and spring and the opposite happens in the NFSD years. Also, this seesaw-form Meiyu rainfall distribution might be affected to some degree by the previous ENSO event.  相似文献   

研究了由双值噪声和方波作用下半导体层杂质扩散诱导的随机共振现象.基于绝热近似条件,利用两态理论,得到了系统输出信噪比(SNR)的表达式.发现环境温度对SNR影响是非单调的.分析表明,SNR是杂质位置的标准差和系统偏置的非单调函数:通过选择标准差和偏置可以调节系统输出SNR,当温度较低时,较大的偏置可以提高SNR.同时,在较高的温度时,SNR随方波信号的幅度及热池与冷池温度间的比例增大而增大,而随势能量及双值噪声强度的增大而减小.本文实验结果表明,对于半导体的设计以及半导体层杂质扩散过程的研究有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   

In the atmospheric boundary layer, especially during strong wind period, the coherent structures are obvious and related to the direct interaction of the air masses with the ground. In this paper, we used the observation data during dust weather in Northwest Gansu to study the coherent structure and their "anomalous diffusion". The structures in the atmospheric boundary layer included turbulent fluctuations and gusty wind disturbances, and could be denoted as "critical events". Their fractal dimensions were expressed by the complex index μ of waiting times. Although the complex index can indicate the ability of the system to generate coherent structures, it has a strong dependence on the threshold marking the "critical events". Hence, the continuous time random walk method was used to analyze the coherent structures. The scaling law of anomalous diffusion of coherent structures was obtained, and the diffusion scaling exponent H that indicated the ability of diffusion of different structures was analyzed. The exponents changed with structure scales which were affected by velocities and heights. At small scales, it was almost isotropic, and at large scales, the coherent structures were obvious and the diffusion was anomalous.  相似文献   

Plentiful evidence of historical, archaeological and palaeoclimatic studies proved that an abrupt change from wetter to drier climate occurred over the Nile Valley, the Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and Huanghe River Valley at 2200BC-2000BC. The abrupt change was developed based on the general lowering of temperature in the middle latitudes, and was a strong cold event since the beginning of the Megathermal (8.5-3.0 kaBP). Collapse of Nile civilization appeared at the First Intermediate Period (2181BC-2040BC). Civilization of Mesopotamia began collapse following the disintegration of Akkadian Empire. This process lasted to the foundation of Babylon Kingdom from 2200BC to 1900BC. Indus civilization abruptly fell off at 1800BC. A widespread alternation of archaeological cultures happened in China at ca. 2000BC except only in its central part. Longsheng culture was replaced by the Erlitou culture, which is now acknowledged in China as Xia Culture. Foundation of Xia Dynasty at 2070BC opened a new chapter in the development of Chinese civilization. Studies indicated that abrupt climate change may be caused by the weakening of the Thermohaline Circulation (THC).  相似文献   

Many palaeoclimate records from the North Atlantic region show a pattern of rapid climate oscillations, the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events, with a quasi-periodicity of approximately 1,470 years for the late glacial period. Various hypotheses have been suggested to explain these rapid temperature shifts, including internal oscillations in the climate system and external forcing, possibly from the Sun. But whereas pronounced solar cycles of approximately 87 and approximately 210 years are well known, a approximately 1,470-year solar cycle has not been detected. Here we show that an intermediate-complexity climate model with glacial climate conditions simulates rapid climate shifts similar to the Dansgaard-Oeschger events with a spacing of 1,470 years when forced by periodic freshwater input into the North Atlantic Ocean in cycles of approximately 87 and approximately 210 years. We attribute the robust 1,470-year response time to the superposition of the two shorter cycles, together with strongly nonlinear dynamics and the long characteristic timescale of the thermohaline circulation. For Holocene conditions, similar events do not occur. We conclude that the glacial 1,470-year climate cycles could have been triggered by solar forcing despite the absence of a 1,470-year solar cycle.  相似文献   

Mustard JF  Cooper CD  Rifkin MK 《Nature》2001,412(6845):411-414
Ground ice in the crust and soil may be one of the largest reservoirs of water on Mars. Near-surface ground ice is predicted to be stable at latitudes higher than 40 degrees (ref. 4), where a number of geomorphologic features indicative of viscous creep and hence ground ice have been observed. Mid-latitude soils have also been implicated as a water-ice reservoir, the capacity of which is predicted to vary on a 100,000-year timescale owing to orbitally driven variations in climate. It is uncertain, however, whether near-surface ground ice currently exists at these latitudes, and how it is changing with time. Here we report observational evidence for a mid-latitude reservoir of near-surface water ice occupying the pore space of soils. The thickness of the ice-occupied soil reservoir (1-10 m) and its distribution in the 30 degrees to 60 degrees latitude bands indicate a reservoir of (1.5-6.0) x 104 km3, equivalent to a global layer of water 10-40 cm thick. We infer that the reservoir was created during the last phase of high orbital obliquity less than 100,000 years ago, and is now being diminished.  相似文献   

黏弹性驱替液所产生的微观力对驱油效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多孔介质中的驱油效率一般是由宏观驱替压力梯度与油水间界面张力的比值来确定的.但是,当宏观驱替压力梯度恒定时,无法用宏观力去解释黏弹性对驱油效率的影响.为此,分析了弹性和非弹性驱替液作用在残余油上的微观力,以及作用在流动的弹性和非弹性流体中各"点"上应力的异同,用数学方法计算了流体支点受到不同大小应力对微观流线的影响,研究了微观流线的改变对作用在微观残余油上的作用力的影响;通过实验证明了在宏观压力梯度不变的条件下,增大的微观力主要作用在孔隙中各种残余油团的突出部位,使突出部位变形并移动.可视岩心模型实验结果证实了上述计算和分析的结论,给出了不同黏弹性流体对岩心驱油效率的影响,以及考虑黏弹性对驱油效率的影响因素后的数模计算结果,并且与现场大规模聚合物驱的效果以及现场密闭取心结果进行了对比.上述数学模拟计算、分析、实验室和现场试验结果都表明,当驱替液的弹性增加时,作用在残余油的微观力也会改变.结果是,在驱替压力梯度恒定的条件下,黏弹性驱替液比非弹性驱替液的驱油效率高.这种用微观流线和微观作用力的分析方法以及所得到的结论应有助于进一步了解多孔介质中驱油效率的机理,有助于优化驱油方案设计,有助于筛选和研制更好的化学驱油剂和分析注入非牛顿流体和凝胶时出现的现象.  相似文献   

磁致位移传感器冰雪厚度测量仪原理及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于磁致伸缩原理的位移传感器具有高精度、高稳定性、多位置测量的特点,据此研制了一种能同时测量冰/雪表面和冰底面变化的接触式冰雪厚度测量仪.该仪器被应用到低温实验室冰厚和南极固定冰区冰雪厚度的测量中.实验室历时540h,测量精度±0.13cm;现场应用持续6个月,测量精度±0.20cm.高精度的测量数据,特别是现场测量数据,为分析冰厚变化的细微过程提供了基础,为深入研究气-冰-海耦合过程,完善海冰热力学数值模型提供了支持.另外,该仪器还能为冰工程领域的研究提供技术支持.  相似文献   

牛河梁红山文化遗址所在地区古今气候差异程度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
6000年以来,牛河梁红山文化遗址所在的辽西地区气候已经发生变迁,但古今气候的差异程度目前尚未有学者作量化研究.根据适应野生獐生存的气候条件,结合最新考古材料,采用物候历知识尝试对红山文化时期牛河梁地区的气候进行分析还原.结论认为,牛河梁地区在距今6000年前的红山文化时期较现在的气候暖湿,同一时节的平均气温与现在当地气温延迟约20天的数值相当.  相似文献   

结合实际论述了室内冰场的冰温多点检测、温度传感器的工作原理,以及数据融合的方法。  相似文献   

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