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Research and development work of space microelectronics of China startedin 1965 as part of the space development program of China. Jointcoordination administered by the Ministry of Aero-Space results in success of China's first generation of space program including the launching ofcommunication satellite. It is to be emphasized that during this phase of Rand D for space microelectronics (1965~1978), we were completely iso-  相似文献   

AProbleminCombinatorics¥HUJiuren(NankaiInstituteofMathematicsTianjin300071)Abstract:Inthispaper,byusinganovelmethodofgraph-co...  相似文献   

Dynamic Logic in ControlHeWeidong,YuXinyao,ChenZhongji&ZhangMinglian(Dept.ofAutomaticControlofBeijingUni.ofAero.&Astro.,Beiji...  相似文献   

A short history of Systems Engineering(SE) is described. The reasons why research work moves from Operations Research (OR), Management Science (MS) and Cybernetices to SE in China are given. This paper indicates some facets of the development of SE in China with emphasis on applications of SE.  相似文献   

DiagnosticsinLinearRegresionModelJIANGJianchengDepartmentofProbability&Statistics,BeijingUniversity,Beijing,100871,ChinaZHANG...  相似文献   

EconometricModelinQingchuanCountyXUJiuping;LIUGuangzhoug;WANGRui(Dept.ofAppliedMathematics,ChengduUniversityofScienceandTechn...  相似文献   

This article is based on the notions of a congruence of a semigroup and the p-lower and p-upper approximations of a nonempty subset of a semigroup, discussing some properties of the product of these two subsets according to the properties of some especial single subsets such as subsemigroups and ideals, then the rigorous proof was given. Thus the rough theory in semigroups are completed and perfected.  相似文献   

Beam Measurement System in NSRL   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. INTRODUCTIOnThe accelerator of the NSRL consists of a 200MeV linac and transport line and an 88MeVelectronic storage ring. To measure the beam parameters and help to understand the machinebehavior during the commissioning phase and operation, the beam measurement system isbuilt [11. The system includes the part for the linac and transport line and the part for thestorage ring.The beam measuxemellt system on the linac and transport line includes 13 beam currentmonitors, 13 fluorescen…  相似文献   

1 1Introduction In the past few years, the computerization of data acquisition and the availability of high computing power have led to the emergence of large databases on complex topology of various real networks, including the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), metabolic network, scientific collaboration network and may other examples. The availability of the huge amount of real data has in turn stimulated great interest in trying to uncover the generic properties of complex networks [1-…  相似文献   

WeightAnalysisinEvaluationSystemSUNLu,DengXuejunTransportationCollege,SoutheastUniversity,Nanjin.210096,ChinaAbstract.T.L.Saa...  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONDecreasing the ti mes of communication andincreasingthe rate of it in the whole domain is very i mportantfor i mproving the rate of parallel computation in de-composed domain.Preconditioned technology hasbeen used widelyin this area[1]because it can changethe mode of communication andi mprove the topologi-cal configuration.Orthogonalization is a perfect pre-conditionedtechnology,but it isi mpossibleto orthog-onalize entirely for the large workload of computationand effect of …  相似文献   

ApplicationofFuzzyMathematicsintheEvaluationofTextbooksininstitutionsofHigherLearning¥LIJianning;YANXianming(shanxiUniversity...  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONInrecentyearsttherehasbeenanincreasinginterestindistributeddetectionsystemwhereseveralsensingtechniquesareemployed,suchassonic,microwave,infraredandx-raysensors.Thebasicgoalofsuchmultiplesensorssystemistoimprovesystemperformance,forexample,reliabilityorspeed.Becauseofalimitedtransmissioncapacity,thesensorsarerequiredtotransmittheirdecision(withorwithoutqualityinformationbits)insteadoftherawdatatothedatafusioncenter(DFC),thentheDFCintegratesthesedecisionsintofinaldecision.M…  相似文献   

Multi-AgentDecisionMakinginLarge-ScaleSystemsZHUShijing;WANGShuning;CHENTingInstituteofSystemsEngineering,DepartmentofAutomat...  相似文献   

Among the contemporary and globally adopted management methods, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is the most influential one. Although it was developed in American social and economic environment, it has been widely practiced also in Europe. Experience has demonstrated though that uncritical application of the original American BPR substance to European entrepreneurial practice is as a rule inefficient, often even incompatible with the basic social values. The globally adopted BPR method of company re-engineering is aimed at an increase in competitiveness and must be specified expertly and in view of its substance or adapted to numerous social and economic factors, i.e., requisitely holistically. This article deals with the application of the BPR method in the case of a medium-sized Slovenian company in difficulties. It illustrates the criteria for the selection of a management method of an innovative business change management that is the most efficacious in the Slovenian economy. The BPR project realization is defined from the viewpoint of the given implementation projects and criteria, enabling continual evaluation of the attained results of company reorganization. It presents a good case of informal systemic, i.e., requisitely holistic thinking and action.  相似文献   

ANewLimitTheoreminEconomicsReceivedOct.7,1996WANGZhihuaDepartmentofFinance,ShandongEconomicsInstitute,Jinan25014LIUGuijiDepar...  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONDirect sequencespread spectrum (DS SS)isamongthemostpromisingtechniquesinmobilecommunicationsystemswhereeachuserusesadistinctivespreadingsequenceasitsaddresscode.Inthetransmitter,basebandsignalsshouldbemodulatedfortransmissioninwirelesschan…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionItiswellknownthatmoralhazardproblemoccursinsingle-agentcasewithuncertaintyinproduction,whereastherewouldbefree-riderinmultiple-agentscaseevenifthereisnouncertaintyinoutput,becauseagentswhocheatcannotbeidentifiedifjointoutputistheonlyobservableindicatorofinputs.Thedifficultyofcalculatingindividualcontributiontojoinedoutputmakesitmorecomplicatedtodesignefficientincentivemechanismsforagroupthanforasingleagent.AgencyTheoryindicatesthatwhenasingleagentisriskneutral,acontractthatgives…  相似文献   

In ship-borne radar, because of the influence of interference factors such as the correlation of background array noise and the coherence of targets and so on, the performance of high-resolution algorithms such as MUSIC is degraded. In this document by pre-whitening of background array color noise, de-correlation of coherent targets, compensation of amplitude-phase mismatch, pre-whitened-constrained-MUSIC algorithm in ship-borne radar effectively resolutes ship target and first-order sea echo. Furthermore, the algorithm performance is compared with other algorithms, result shows that pre-whitened-constrained-MUSIC can be applied effectively in high-resolution processing in ship-borne radar.  相似文献   

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