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Incubation of red cells with higher concentrations of prolactin in vitro enhanced the cellular sodium level and produced a significant reduction in erythrocyte membrane adenosine triphosphatase activity. This effect was dose and time-dependent. It is the result of an inhibition of the active sodium pump similar to that produced by ouabain, suggesting altered red cell function and electrolyte balance in hyperprolactinemic states.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der Nachuntersuchung der Nitritwirkung auf das GSH der unversehrten Erythrocyten konnte nur ein geringfügiger Effekt festgestellt werden. Die früher mitgeteilte totale Zerstörung der GSH wurde auf einen Artefakt zurückgeführt, der während der Eiweissfällung mit Metaphosphorsäure auftrat.

Supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grants H-5313 and H-5292.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Natrium- und Kalium-Plasmakonzentrationen und Hamatokritwerte wurden in menschlichem Blut nach Beifügung von kleinen Mengen Aldosteron nach 2-, 4-, 6-oder 24stündiger Kühlung oder nach ?-, 1-, 2- oder 3stündiger Erw?rmung gemessen. Aldosteron vermindert die Plasma-Natriumzuwachsrate bei Erw?rmung und anscheinend auch die Plasma-Natriumverminderungsrate bei Kühlung. Hydrokortison ergab das gleiche Resultat bei Erw?rmung, w?hrend seine Wirkung bei Kühlung noch nicht abschliessend untersucht wurde.   相似文献   

Summary Diethylpyrocarbonate largely diminishes both discontinuities in red cell glucose transport and also in red cell membrane ANS fluorescence at about 17–20°C.We are very much indebted to Dr K.-H. Röhm for valuable discussions of this paper. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

G Zimmer  L Lacko  B Wittke 《Experientia》1979,35(5):610-612
Diethylpyrocarbonate largely diminished both discontinuities in red cell glucose transport and also in red cell membrane ANS fluorescence at about 17--20 degrees C.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'aldosterone non esercita alcun effetto sugli scambi attivi di Na e di K che si manifestanoin vitro attraverso la membrana di eritrociti umani incubati a 37°C dopo 6 giorni di conservazione a 4°C.  相似文献   

Summary In inside-out red cell membrane vesicles, the free calcium concentration half-maximally stimulating active calcium uptake is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller in a calcium-EGTA buffer than in media containing unbuffered calcium. In calcium-EGTA buffer, the maximum rate of calcium uptake is determined by the total calcium concentration present. A possible model for explaining these findings is presented.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Scientific Research Council, Ministry of Health, Hungary (6-03-0306-01-1/Gá). We thank for the valuable comments of Dr Ilma Szász and for the skilful technical assistance of Mrs M. Sarkadi.  相似文献   

Riassunto È stato studiato il meccanismo di scambio cationico di membrana di emazie umane normali trattate con composti sulfidrilici (AET e cisteina). Si è osservato che, durante l'incubazione di 3 h a 37°C, effettuata dopo 5 giorni di soggiorno a 4°C, le emazie normali trattate con i suddetti composti rimuovono attivamente dal plasma normali quantitativi di K+. I risultati vengono brevemente discussi.  相似文献   

B Sarkadi  A Schubert  G Gárdos 《Experientia》1979,35(8):1045-1047
In inside-out red cell membrane vesicles, the free calcium concentration half-maximally stimulating active calcium uptake is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller in a calcium-EGTA buffer than in media containing unbuffered calcium. In calcium-EGTA buffer, the maximum rate of calcium uptake is determined by the total calcium concentration present. A possible model for explaining these findings is presented.  相似文献   

It is shown using inside-out membrane vesicles that cattle red cells extrude calcium by means of a calmodulin sensitive Ca-pump whose activity is high in calves and extremely low in adult cows. The decline is not due to loss of calmodulin susceptibility nor to a drop in Ca-affinity.  相似文献   

Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitors extracted from plasma of healthy human subjects displaced 3H-ouabain binding to human erythrocytes and inhibited the Na+ efflux catalyzed by the Na+,K+-pump and unexpectedly the Na+,K+-cotransport system without alteration of the Na+,Na+-exchange or the Na+ passive permeability. This suggests the presence in healthy human plasma of endogenous factors with ouabain-like and furosemide-like activities.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown using inside-out membrane vesicles that cattle red cells extrude calcium by means of a calmodulin sensitive Ca-pump whose activity is high in calves and extremely low in adult cows. The deline is not due to loss of calmodulin susceptibility nor to a drop in Ca-affinity.  相似文献   

Résumé Une heure après injection i.p. d'une solution de 1% de chlorure de sodium, nous avons observé un grand changement dans le pourcentage des diverses cellules du liquide péritonéal de souris femelles adultes. Nous envisageons ainsi la possibilité d'irriguer la cavité abdominale avec une solution saline tant en vue d'études cliniques qu'expérimentales pour obtenir le liquide en question.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Fähigkeit der DNS verschiedener Rattengewebe, Erythropoietin zu binden, wurde durch Differentialzentrifugation im Sucrosegradient untersucht. Es ergab sich, dass DNS von Knochenmark, Leber, Milz und Thymus Erythropoietin binden, DNS von Hirn und Nieren Erythropoitein hingegen nicht zu binden vermögen.  相似文献   

Riassunto Vengono riportati i dati ottenuti sul trasporto di sodio e di glucosio attraverso l'intestino isolato di ratto, perfuso con soluzioni isotoniche a diverso contenuto di sodio. Da questi dati appare che non solo il trasporto di sodio dipende dalla concentrazione di sodio nel liquido mucosale, ma anche il transporto di glucosio. Si prospetta l'ipotesi, inoltre, che il passaggio di sodio dalla mucosa alla sierosa sia necessario sopratutto per il trasferimento del glucosio dalle cellule al liquido serosale.  相似文献   

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