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μ synthesis method for robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems is propored, which is based on feedback linearization. First, nonlinear systems are linearized as controllable linear systems by I/O linearization,such that uncertain nonlinear systems are expressed as the linear fractional transformations (LFTs) on the generalized linearized plants and uncertainty.Then,linear robust controllers are obtained for the LFTs usingμsynthesis method based on H∞ optimization.Finally,the nonlinear robust controllers are constructed by combining the linear robust controllers and the nonlinear feedback.An example is given to illustrate the design. 相似文献
μ synthesis method for robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems is propored, which is based on feedback linearization. First, nonlinear systems are linearized as controllable linear systems by I/O linearization,such that uncertain nonlinear systems are expressed as the linear fractional transformations (LFTs) on the generalized linearized plants and uncertainty.Then,linear robust controllers are obtained for the LFTs usingμsynthesis method based on H∞ optimization.Finally,the nonlinear robust controllers are constructed by combining the linear robust controllers and the nonlinear feedback.An example is given to illustrate the design. 相似文献
No.1(February 2 0 0 3)Network Education System Based on Multicast L iao Yikui Wang Zhiwen Wei Weixing (1)……………Design and Realization of Medicine Information Query System on Touch Screen Yang L iu (5 )……………Development of IP Videophone Terminal Based on DSP Guo Xiaoqiang L uo H ui(8)……………………Design and Realization of Network Examination System Based on ASP Ge L ina Zhong Cheng (12 )………Design and Realization of Personnel Abetment Insurance Managemen… 相似文献
(The figures in the brackets are the V01.,No.,and Page respectively)Stability Test and Stability Conditions for Retarded Delay Differentinl Systems(I)…………………………………………………………………Liu XiyuanN011-1inear Force Vibration of Circular Tbin Plates Acted by a Concen- trated Foroe at the Centre…………Wang Xinzhi,Huang Yu,Wang LinxiangA New Method of Compensating for the Effects of Operational Amplifier Gsin Bandwidth in the Sallen and Key Filter(13,1,1)(13,1,27) …… 相似文献
The papers published in this journal are not Including there.Optimum Design of Truss with Buckling Constraints of Members... ... ... ... ... ... ... .'. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ge ZengjieApproximations in Optimum Design of Structures. ... ... .. . Wang XichengOptimum Design of Rein forced Concrete Fundamental Members byUsing Geometrical Programming Techniques .. . ... ... ... ... ... .. ...Jiang JingkaiElasto-Plastic Response of Sp… 相似文献
A new optical microscope duplex focus method is proposed to determine membrane thickness through direct measuring the interior and outer diameters of microcapsules by optical microscope duplex focusing. 相似文献
在介绍CAN网络适配器应用模型的基础上,阐述了CAN网络适配器硬件结构及元器件的选择.文中叙述了CAN网络适配器的固件程序、单片机和上位机USB驱动程序的设计思想和实现方法,对CAN网络适配器的单片机内置入的μC/OS-Ⅱ作了较深入地分析和研究.设计制作的CAN网络适配器成本低,性能稳定,具有较好的应用前景. 相似文献
No.1(Sum.17)AppliedTechnologyTheDesignofHigh-speedandWide-frequencyDataCollectionSystemBasedonMcu...................................XiaoHuijuanYuCheng()ApplicationoftheAutoCAD2000BasedGraphicSolution....................ZuoYuanzhiLiXiya()TheApplicationofSplitting-injectionAntiseepTechnilogytoBase-hollowFendingProject.......................XieShangyongZhangWeijiangLiuJi()Computerize… 相似文献
80001 The Maximum Wave Force on Piers Qiu DahongIn this paper, the probability distribution of the maximum values ofirregular wave force on piers is discussed. Methods to estimate the ultimate maximum wave force under the action of a certain sea condition for a certaintime duration t and the maximum wave force of a certain cumulative probabi-lity are given here.In this discussion, we suppose that: 1) the Morison's equation is validhere; 2 ) the distribution of the water surface elevation un… 相似文献
NO·1(sum.19)APplied TechnologyDynamie Configuration Teehnique of CPLD Deviee in ^rbitrary Signal Generator..................……LiaogHanjuo HuaogCanhua YuChe二gHa刀Q初gtao(l)An Introduetion to Intelligent Multifunetional Digital Device fer Frequency Testing on CPLD.........................……LIW‘ifan Yao Yuche刀9 Yu cbe刀g(6)Existing Problems and Suggested Solutions for the Banking System Network..................……Lju BID(12)Researeh on the Method of Produet nesign of… 相似文献
丁辛 《东华大学学报(英文版)》1993,(1)
Periodic variations of warp tension during a weaving cycle results in corresponding variationsof back rest position.However,the oscillation of back rest,in turn,shows effect on the variation ofdynamic warp tension.As a force transfer medium,warp yarn,with specific dynamic performances,is certainly one of the factors influencing the movement of back rest.In this paper,warp yarn istreated as a viscoelastic medium in studying the dynamic behaviours of back rest.A mathematicalmodel of a back rest system is developed based on the automatic control theory.Several factors arelisted,which show influences on the performances of the back rest system.Analytical work is car-ried out to identify the effects on the frequency response of the back rest systen resulting from vari-ations of such parameters as the modulus of elasticity,of both fast-elastic and slow-elasticdeformations,and viscosity coefficient. 相似文献
杜午初 《苏州大学学报(医学版)》1990,6(2):243-244
The definitions of φ-mixing etc. have been given by William F. Stout in his book 《Almost Sure Convergence》. Theorem 1 Tailevents of a sequence {X_n,n≥1}of weak φ-mixing have probability zero and one. Corollary Tail functions of a weak φ-mixing are degenerate, that is a. s.constant C. 相似文献
This paper makes use of the theory of characteristic values and characteristic functions and the theoryof topological degree in studying the solutions of systems of Hammerstein-type equations;where G is a bounded closed set in R~ , and mes G ≠0.Equations (1) can be rewritten as the following operator equationSuppose that P is a cone in C~no: 相似文献
The movement of lubricated fibres in a fibre assembly is investigated theoretically and aviscous sliding model of friction is proposed.Previous work and experimental results are discussedin relation to the model.Results of drawing experiments carried out on wool slivers are also pres-ented and discussed. 相似文献
By means of producing and using TV teaching materials on chemical teaching,the authors have been exploring thecomprehensive reform in the curriculum system,the teaching content and the teaching methods of the subject ofchemical education at higher normal universities.This paper takes the production of TV-teaching programme 相似文献