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基于天宫一号目标飞行器载人环境控制任务的新特点,以航天员的"舒适性"为设计目标,天宫一号进行了大气环境控制设计、噪声控制设计、辐射控制设计以及组合体热支持设计等载人环境设计,将组合体密封舱内的大气总压、温湿度、风速、气体成分、噪声以及辐射水平控制在人体舒适性范围内,天宫一号飞行任务表明,其载人环境系统设计正确,为飞行任务期间航天员的身体健康和工作效率提供有力保障.  相似文献   

天宫一号和载人飞船构成组合体期间,载人飞船处于停靠状态,由天宫一号负责组合体能源管理.基于供电安全性和传输功率的要求,组合体进行了近端采样反馈电压控制的并网供电架构设计.经过仿真、地面测试和在轨飞行试验验证,表明天宫一号与载人飞船组合体供电并网设计正确,为载人空间站工程各组合体间供电并网设计提供了有力保证.  相似文献   

天宫一号是目前我国在轨运行的体积最大、重量最重的载人航天器.它具有变构型、变参数的特性,采用控制力矩陀螺系统和喷气推进系统实现高精度、高稳定度姿态控制.本文通过对天宫一号控制对象参数缓变和跳变相结合特点的分析,规划了高可靠灵活的控制策略,设计了智能多模自适应姿态控制系统.利用智能控制中规则集设定多模自适应控制的指标切换函数分配,利用多模自适应控制算法建立多模型控制器实现不同控制对象,不同控制任务的姿态控制.天宫一号通过地面测试和物理仿真试验,最后发射在轨运行,与神舟八号、神舟九号、神舟十号载人飞船圆满完成交会对接任务,充分验证了姿态控制系统设计的正确性和有效性.该设计方法在解决大型航天器变构型、变参数组合体姿态控制方面有突出优点,在未来的载人航天领域空间站建设具有应用前景.  相似文献   

火星探测器伞系减速的主要特点包括火星特殊的环境、特殊的任务需求以及特殊的开伞条件.天问一号伞系减速分系统采用了直接弹伞的一级减速方案、超音速锯齿形盘缝带伞、低冲击高速弹伞筒,以及被动分离的轻型多功能筒盖等技术方案,以流固耦合仿真为代表的的多项仿真、以重载直升机空投试验、火箭平台的高空开伞试验为代表的大量的研制试验,对减...  相似文献   

天问一号火星着陆巡视器推进系统的结构质量和尺寸严格受限,针对常规推进系统方案无法满足要求的难题,采用中压双组元推进系统和7055高强度材料壳体推进剂贮箱,实现了轻质、小型化的目标.发动机的室压约2MPa.相对于传统推进系统方案,重量减少约53kg,高度减少约919mm.这是中压双组元推进系统首次在宇航领域应用.本文结合...  相似文献   

首先针对天问一号火星进入、下降与着陆过程任务形式和工作环境,分析了在系统设计和地面验证方面的技术特点与难点;然后介绍了天问一号探测器完成进入、下降与着陆过程涉及的系统组成和主要构型,对大气进入前飞行、气动减速、降落伞减速、动力减速与着陆缓冲五个阶段以及着陆区选择过程的设计方案、地面仿真与试验验证情况进行了探讨;最后给出了在轨实际飞行结果,验证了系统设计的正确性.  相似文献   

嫦娥一号卫星激光高度计获取了820多万个有效记录点,为了探索利用嫦娥一号卫星激光测高数据生成高精度的月球数字高程模型,本文提出了层次多结点样条算法,该算法利用一系列从粗糙到精细的多结点样条控制网格来逐步逼近或插值给定的激光测高数据.基于该算法,利用嫦娥一号卫星激光测高数据,生成了空间分辨率为0.0625°×0.0625°的全月球数字高程模型,并将该模型分别与ULCN2005和CLTM-s01及日本"月女神"模型进行了对比.同时,探讨了月面高程分布规律,并建立了嫦娥一号卫星高程的分布特征模型.全月球、月球正面高程呈正偏态、高峰态的正态分布;月球背面高程呈正偏态、低峰态的正态分布.  相似文献   

分析了起伏地形在星载三线阵像机不同传感器上成像的形变模式. 针对嫦娥一号探月卫星2C级月面成像, 提出了在运动方向上用二次函数表示图像形变的线阵立体像机图像匹配方法. 用该匹配方法与标准相关方法相结合完成了嫦娥一号卫星成像的下视图与前视图、后视图的精确配准, 基于非均匀样本小波插值的超分辨率重建算法实现了嫦娥一号卫星月面图像的超分辨率重建, 增加了图像的可识别目标, 充分挖掘了嫦娥一号卫星的图像信息.  相似文献   

One primary goal for metaphysical theories of natural kinds is to account for their epistemic fruitfulness. According to cluster theories of natural kinds, this epistemic fruitfulness is grounded in the regular and stable co-occurrence of a broad set of properties. In this paper, I defend the view that such a cluster theory is insufficient to adequately account for the epistemic fruitfulness of kinds. I argue that cluster theories can indeed account for the projectibility of natural kinds, but not for several other epistemic operations that natural kinds support. Natural kinds also play a role in scientific explanations and categorizations. A theory of natural kinds can only account for these additional kind-based epistemic practices if it also analyzes their causal structure.  相似文献   

The spliceosome is a dynamic macromolecular machine that catalyzes pre-mRNA splicing through a mechanism controlled by several accessory proteins, including the Dim proteins. The Dim protein family is composed of two classes, Dim1 and Dim2, which share a common thioredoxin-like fold. They were originally identified for their role in cell cycle progression and have been found to interact with Prp6, an essential component of the spliceosome, which forms the bridge of U4/U6.U5-tri-snRNP. In spite of their biological and structural similarities, Dim1 and Dim2 proteins differ in many aspects. Dim1 bears distinctive structural motifs responsible for its interaction with other spliceosome components. Dim2 forms homodimers and contains specific domains required for its interactions with partners. This originality suggests that although both proteins are involved in pre-mRNA splicing, they are likely to be involved in different biological pathways. In the present article we review the structure and function of the Dim proteins.  相似文献   

高速铁路用水泥乳化沥青浆体的物理结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于硬化硅酸盐水泥浆体的Powers理论和水泥乳化沥青浆体的配合比,通过理论计算和X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能量色散X射线谱仪(EDAX)等相分析方法,分析了硬化水泥乳化沥青浆体的物相组成与微结构.结果表明,硬化水泥乳化沥青浆体的物相组成与微结构取决于沥灰比和水灰比.提出了表征硬化水泥乳化沥青浆体物理结构的两种结构模型,以沥青为连续相、水泥相为分散相的有机-无机复合胶凝体结构模型—I型模型;以水泥相为基体、沥青嵌入其中的无机-有机复合胶凝体结构模型—II型模型.为深入分析高速铁路板式无砟轨道结构中水泥乳化沥青砂浆的微结构参数和力学性能及其衰变规律奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides derived from the C-terminal end of the human complement serine protease C1s were analysed by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Circular dichroism indicates that peptides 656-673 and 653-673 are essentially unstructured in water and undergo a coil-to-helix transition in the presence of increasing concentrations of trifluoroethanol. Two-dimensional NMR analyses performed in water/trifluoroethanol solutions provide evidence for the occurrence of a regular α-helix extending from Trp659 to Ser668 (peptide 656-673), and from Tyr656 to Ser668 (peptide 653-673), the C-terminal segment of both peptides remaining unstructured under the conditions used. Based on these and other observations, we propose that the serine protease domain of C1s ends in a 13-residue α-helix (656Tyr-Ser668) followed by a five-residue C-terminal extension. The latter appears to be flexible and is probably locked within C1s through a salt bridge involving Glu672. Received 19 November 1997; accepted 24 November 1997  相似文献   

环境一号B星红外多光谱相机(简称HJ-1B星IRS)在轨运行过程中受各种因素的影响,其探测性能不断发生衰减,绝对辐射定标可有效地改善遥感器辐射特性的测量精度,从而提高遥感数据辐射质量.文中针对HJ-1B星IRS星上定标系统特点,利用2010年8月地面同步试验数据对IRS热红外通道进行综合辐射定标,修正了原始定标系数,并进行定标系数的真实性检验.结果表明借助地面试验数据进行的综合辐射定标弥补了星上定标系统的不足,获得的定标系数准确可靠,可满足遥感数据定量化应用的需要.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to investigate the effects of increasing or decreasing IGF-1 levels on aspects of immune function in rats. Female dwarf rats were treated with recombinant human IGF-1 or with a potent sheep anti-IGF-serum. Body weight, thymus weight and spleen weight increased with IGF-1 treatment (p<0.001), while there was no effect of anti-IGF-1 treatment when compared with the appropriate normal sheep serum (NSS) treated controls. IGF-1 treatment significantly decreased WBC and RBC counts, but increased the ratio of CD4+:CD8+ T-cells. Anti-IGF-1 serum had no effect on these parameters compared with NSS. However anti-IGF-1 was associated with increased T-cell numbers, decreased natural killer cells, and enhancement of the animals' ability to produce specific IgG in response to injection of keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). These results indicate that IGF-1 may suppress immune function although increasing the size of immune organs such as spleen.These studies were part of an M.Sc. at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.  相似文献   

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