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碳酸盐岩流体包裹体(NaCl-H2O)的合成及捕获机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对碳酸盐岩原生、次生流体包裹体的形成机理进行了分析,并分别在压力为100MPa、温度为400—300℃和350℃条件下,利用高温高压釜合成了碳酸盐岩原生、次生流体包裹体(NaCl-H2O),模拟了包裹体的形成过程,并利用激光拉曼光谱及显微测温技术对合成包裹体的成分、均一温度、盐度等参数进行了定量分析。结果表明,合成的原生、次生包裹体气相与空气成分相符,其均一温度分别为372.8℃和321.02℃,盐度分别为23.22%和19.54%.与实验前设定的条件相符,从而验证了合成包裹体的准确性,并为进一步分析包裹体相态奠定了基础。  相似文献   

对碳酸盐岩原生、次生流体包裹体的形成机理进行了分析,并分别在压力为100 Mpa、温度为400~300℃和350℃条件下,利用高温高压釜合成了碳酸盐岩原生、次生流体包裹体(NaCl-H2O),模拟了包裹体的形成过程,并利用激光拉曼光谱及显微测温技术对合成包裹体的成分、均一温度、盐度等参数进行了定量分析.结果表明,合成的原生、次生包裹体气相与空气成分相符,其均一温度分别为372.8℃和321.02℃,盐度分别为23.22%和19.54%.与实验前设定的条件相符,从而验证了合成包裹体的准确性,并为进一步分析包裹体相态奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为提高VTflinc软件计算最小捕获压力的准确度,通过岩相学、荧光光谱、模拟试验等方法和手段对该软件所需的参数进行研究。结果表明:荧光干扰导致油包裹体边界失真是气相充填度计算误差产生的主要原因。透射光图片无荧光干扰,可作为标准校正CLSM光切片中的油包裹体的边界;根据空间相近原则选择亲缘性油藏作为初始组分,其条件不够充分,还应考虑荧光的一致性;油/水伴生包裹体判识时应首先考虑包裹体的产状和期次,判识后也要注意发生次生变化的油/水伴生包裹体,并将其剔除。  相似文献   

纳米小孔光学近场分布的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
扫描近场光学显微镜突破了传统远场光学的衍射极限 ,能够获得超高光学分辨率。亚波长尺寸的小孔作为扫描近场光学显微镜中常用的金属膜光纤探针的简化模型。研究光透过小孔后的近场分布特性 ,对理解和分析探针在近场成像中的作用十分重要。采用时域有限差分 (FDTD)方法研究了无限大理想导体屏上纳米小孔的近场分布 ,计算结果表明 ,入射偏振光从小孔出射后发生了退极化 ,即出射光含有与入射光偏振方向垂直的电场分量。文中详细分析了小孔的近场分布特征与退极化之间的关系 ,研究了小孔的形状以及入射光偏振态对近场分布的影响  相似文献   

实验室天体物理是一门利用实验室环境来模拟、研究天体物理现象的新兴学科.天体物理中的喷流现象, 尤其是Herbig-Haro天体, 一直是实验室天体物理的研究热点. 通过不同的实验方法, 如激波挤压、Z箍缩装置和激光驱动等方式制造喷流, 研究者对于实验室天体物理中的喷流现象的认识在不断深入.本文对这些研究进行简要介绍, 并对未来的研究进行一些展望.   相似文献   

为解决使用静电传感器进行信号自(互)相关转速测量中,因信号干扰大导致相关法时延计算易出错的问题,采用自适应滤波算法对相邻传感器的时延信息进行提取,从而达到测速的目的。实验结果表明,该方法能有效得出测速结果,并对叠加了强噪声的静电信号也有良好的表现。对异步电机转轴进行测试,转速测量的线性度达到1.29%,具备一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of the lifetime of the neutron (which is unstable to beta decay) is important for understanding the weak nuclear force and the creation of matter during the Big Bang. Previous measurements of the neutron lifetime have mainly been limited by certain systematic errors; however, these could in principle be avoided by performing measurements on neutrons stored in a magnetic trap. Neutral-particle and charged-particle traps are widely used for studying both composite and elementary particles, because they allow long interaction times and isolation of particles from perturbing environments. Here we report the magnetic trapping of neutrons. The trapping region is filled with superfluid 4He, which is used to load neutrons into the trap and as a scintillator to detect their decay. Neutrons in the trap have a lifetime of 750(+330)(-200) seconds, mainly limited by their beta decay rather than trap losses. Our experiment verifies theoretical predictions regarding the loading process and magnetic trapping of neutrons. Further refinement of this method should lead to improved precision in the neutron lifetime measurement.  相似文献   

Isothermal and cyclic oxidation behavior of chromium and its superficially applied nanometric CeO2 samples were studied at 900℃in air. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) and high resolution electronic microscopy (HREM) were used to examine the morphology and micro-structure of oxide films. It was found that ceria addition greatly improved the anti-oxidation ability of Cr both in isothermal and cyclic oxidizing experiments. Acoustic emission (AE) technique was used in situ to monitor the cracking and spalling of oxide films, and AE signals were analyzed in time-domain and number-domain according to the related oxide fracture model. Laser Raman spectrometer was also used to study the stress status of oxide films formed on Cr with and without ceria. The main reason for the improvement in anti-oxidation of chromium was that ceria greatly reduced the growing speed and grain size of Cr2O3. This fine-grained Cr2O3 oxide film might have better high temperature plasticity and could relieve parts of compressive stress by means of creeping, and maintained the ridge character and relatively low internal stress level. Meanwhile, ceria application reduced the size and the number of interfacial defects, while remarkably enhanced the adhesive property of Cr2O3 oxide scale formed on Cr substrate.  相似文献   

The ability to cool and slow atoms with light for subsequent trapping allows investigations of the properties and interactions of the trapped atoms in unprecedented detail. By contrast, the complex structure of molecules prohibits this type of manipulation, but magnetic trapping of calcium hydride molecules thermalized in ultra-cold buffer gas and optical trapping of caesium dimers generated from ultra-cold caesium atoms have been reported. However, these methods depend on the target molecules being paramagnetic or able to form through the association of atoms amenable to laser cooling, respectively, thus restricting the range of species that can be studied. Here we describe the slowing of an adiabatically cooled beam of deuterated ammonia molecules by time-varying inhomogeneous electric fields and subsequent loading into an electrostatic trap. We are able to trap state-selected ammonia molecules with a density of 10(6) cm(-3) in a volume of 0.25 cm3 at temperatures below 0.35 K. We observe pronounced density oscillations caused by the rapid switching of the electric fields during loading of the trap. Our findings illustrate that polar molecules can be efficiently cooled and trapped, thus providing an opportunity to study collisions and collective quantum effects in a wide range of ultra-cold molecular systems.  相似文献   

研究了完备偏序对象间的投射算子,给出了闭包算子和核算子的等价刻画,将一些格论中的经典结论推广到了topos中。  相似文献   

本文引入了范畴中的拟-morphic对象,给出了其在p-exact范畴Abelian范畴中的一些性质。主要证明设A是p-exact范畴中的拟-morphic对象,则A的任一子对象均同构于A的一个像当且仅当A的任一像均同构于A的任一子对象;设C和D是Abelian范畴,F:C→D是完全忠实正合函子,且A∈Ob C,则A是拟-morphic的当且仅当F(A)是拟-morphic的。  相似文献   

Optical trapping: Motor molecules in motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J A Spudich 《Nature》1990,348(6299):284-285

从分离变量法和S-L型方程的本征值问题出发,推导了矩形线性恒定场通解的级数表达式,证明其随着边界条件类型的不同而有所不同,补充了现有资料的不足,进一步提高了有关电磁场的计算效率和精度,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

壁流式过滤体捕集微细颗粒过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
压降是评价过滤体性能的重要指标。针对壁流式过滤体捕集微细颗粒物的过程,建立了描述通道内流场和颗粒层分布的一维非稳态模型。通过数值计算,研究了颗粒层滑移对颗粒层分布和过滤压降的影响,同时研究了过滤体结构参数与来流参数对过滤压降的影响。研究结果表明:颗粒层分布直接影响过滤压降,随着颗粒层滑移效应的加强,颗粒层由平坦转向直线递增型分布,过滤压降则先增后降;增加过滤体长度有助于降低过滤压降;增加过滤体孔目数,增加了过滤体工作初始阶段的压降,但可降低高颗粒沉积量时的过滤压降;此外,随来流流量和颗粒浓度的增加,过滤压降增加。  相似文献   

静电场中植物细胞畸变与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用压电陶瓷变压器高压电源产生的静电场对碗豆根尖分生组织的影响进行了细胞学研究,并在电子水平上阐明了电场下植物细胞畸变的机理,经过电场处理的种子,根尖分生组织出现多核细胞和不同类型、不同程度的染色体畸变,这些现象在物理微观领域表现为状态与能量的不连续性,即量子性,可用量子势场分析方法导出局域态波函数及本征能级来描述。  相似文献   

研究了应用遗传算法进行关联规则挖掘的方法,提出了对遗传算法中适应度函数的构造、数据的编码等的改进方案,将改进的自适应Pc,Pm算法应用到遗传算法中来,从而提高了算法的效率;将其应用到静电放电防护的实验中去,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

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