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兰州城市社会空间结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据第6次人口普查数据,利用因子生态分析方法对兰州城市社会空间结构进行全面剖析.结果表明,外来人口、国家干部与专业技术人员、少数民族人口、高学历人口、农业人口和产业工人等为兰州城市社会空间结构形成的主要因子.运用聚类分析方法将其社会空间划分为6大类型,即:机关干部与技术人员集中区、流动人口集中区、工人及低收入人口聚居区、少数民族人口聚居区、高学历人口集中区、郊区农业人口聚居区.据此将兰州城市社会空间结构概括为带状多中心主导下的混合模式.在此基础上,指出其形成缘于自然环境的制约、历史沿革的积淀、城市规划的引导和社会经济的发展.  相似文献   

老城区城市生活空间的更新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市华庭是合肥市老城区中的一幢新建筑,文章通过老城区更新改造中新建筑的设计实践,对建筑的空间形态和界面进行研究与探索,旨在关注建筑空间与城市肌理的关系,寻求老城区中城市生活空间更新和营造街区生活新空间的恰当语境。  相似文献   

The pain experience includes a sensory-discriminative and an emotional-affective components. The affective dimension refers to the unpleasantness or aversion of sensation. The great progress at the genetic, molecular, cellular, and systemic levels on the study of the sensory dimension of pain has been made over past four decades. However, “to consider only the sensory features of pain, and ignore its motivational and affective properties, is to look at only part of the problem and not even the most important part of that”. A line of clinic observations indicate that the patients with chronic pain suffer from much more affective disturbance than pain itself. Obviously, physiological arousal and hypervigilance to pain cause negative affect, such as anxiety, anger, worry, aversion, even tendency of suicide, these negative affective states in turn enhance pain sensation. Today, more and more attention has been paid to the study on mechanisms underlying affective dimension of pain. In order to deepen and expand our understanding of the nature of pain, this review summarizes the main progress and recent findings from our laboratory regarding affective component of pain in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and cell biochemistry.  相似文献   

以兰州市的人口数量及某个兰州人的生活空间和原子中的电子做类比,深入浅出的讨论了社会生活中的简单事件与量子力学中量子化和几率的相似性,对非专业人士和刚接触量子力学的人具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

人工神经网络对城市经济发展的预期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用人工神经网络的学习系统对丽水市水电产业发展趋势进行数据自适应跟踪预测.通过该系统将相关年份的发电量和国内生产总值进行组合跟踪测算,测算结果表明:自适应神经网络能很好地跟踪原始数据变化趋势。从而得到比较科学和准确的经济趋势预测值.  相似文献   

Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most mathematical models for the spread of disease use differential equations based on uniform mixing assumptions or ad hoc models for the contact process. Here we explore the use of dynamic bipartite graphs to model the physical contact patterns that result from movements of individuals between specific locations. The graphs are generated by large-scale individual-based urban traffic simulations built on actual census, land-use and population-mobility data. We find that the contact network among people is a strongly connected small-world-like graph with a well-defined scale for the degree distribution. However, the locations graph is scale-free, which allows highly efficient outbreak detection by placing sensors in the hubs of the locations network. Within this large-scale simulation framework, we then analyse the relative merits of several proposed mitigation strategies for smallpox spread. Our results suggest that outbreaks can be contained by a strategy of targeted vaccination combined with early detection without resorting to mass vaccination of a population.  相似文献   

通过对黄石市区草坪杂草的的调查,结果发现黄石市区的草坪杂草共有64种,隶属24科,其中菊科、禾本科杂草居多。对黄石市区不同地点草坪杂草种类及其重要值进行分析,提出了针对黄石市区草坪杂草的一些防除措施。  相似文献   

系统地阐述了应激及其脑机制,并结合决策领域研究,梳理了应激对社会决策的影响.针对以往研究结论的不一致性,从多角度进行解释和分析,并指出未来研究应注重从应激源的类型和强度、个体差异以及时间效应等角度深入考察应激对脑功能和社会决策的影响.  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS,采用SLEUTH模型对沈阳市辖区1988.2004年间的城市扩展过程进行动态模拟,对未来(2005.2030年)两种预案条件下的城市发展格局进行预测,即目前趋势预案和区域开发政策与城市规划预案.结果表明:到2030年,两种预案条件下,城市面积分别增加306.0 km2和172.7 km2,占土地总面积的百分比达到22.1%和18.3%.目前趋势预案条件下的未来城市发展格局比较分散:而区域开发政策与规划预案条件下,城市扩展格局将更加紧凑,充分体现了区域开发与保护政策、城市规划对城市扩展的约束和引导作用.  相似文献   

西安城市郊区化的判断及其应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析西安市人口的空间分布及人口密度的时空变化特征,揭示目前城市郊区化过程中存在的主要问题,为今后的良性发展提出相应措施。方法运用人口集中指数及城市人口密度发展模型,分析西安市近12年来人口的空间分布及人口密度的时空变化特征,并根据城市郊区化相关理论对目前郊区化的发展阶段做出判断。结果西安目前还处于城市郊区化的前兆阶段,初步表现为中心区人口向近郊区扩散、远郊区人口向近郊区集聚的基本态势。结论西安城市郊区化的后续阶段将会很快到来,为做好充分准备来迎接它,从宏观战略的角度,拟采取确定合理的用地发展方向;规划绿化隔离带,防止城市“摊大饼”式蔓延;中心区实施保护性旧城改造与理性适度开发相结合等措施。  相似文献   

Severe behavioural deficits in psychiatric diseases such as autism and schizophrenia have been hypothesized to arise from elevations in the cellular balance of excitation and inhibition (E/I balance) within neural microcircuitry. This hypothesis could unify diverse streams of pathophysiological and genetic evidence, but has not been susceptible to direct testing. Here we design and use several novel optogenetic tools to causally investigate the cellular E/I balance hypothesis in freely moving mammals, and explore the associated circuit physiology. Elevation, but not reduction, of cellular E/I balance within the mouse medial prefrontal cortex was found to elicit a profound impairment in cellular information processing, associated with specific behavioural impairments and increased high-frequency power in the 30-80?Hz range, which have both been observed in clinical conditions in humans. Consistent with the E/I balance hypothesis, compensatory elevation of inhibitory cell excitability partially rescued social deficits caused by E/I balance elevation. These results provide support for the elevated cellular E/I balance hypothesis of severe neuropsychiatric disease-related symptoms.  相似文献   

甘肃省城镇社会体育的发展相对落后,体育人口比例低,且存在着阶层差异性和地域不平衡性.针对存在的问题,从发展的观点提出了甘肃省城镇社会体育的运行机制,旨在推动全民健身运动在落后地区城镇的快速开展.  相似文献   

在对合肥市2004年航片进行判读的基础上,运用GIS软件建立相应的数据库.通过对研究区域内城市森林景观斑块进行分析,文章得出研究区范围内城市森林景观斑块总体比例不大,且分布不均匀;城市森林景观斑块的数量与面积从中心城区向外递增,但单位土地面积拥有的城市森林斑块数从中心向外递减,旨在为合肥城市森林建设提供相关建议和参考.  相似文献   

基于2011—2020年《遵义市统计年鉴》和《遵义市水资源公报》,采用多因子的熵权法确定水资源承载力水平和城市经济社会发展水平综合评价指标体系各指标的权重,在此基础上构建了能够反映社会、经济、人口、水量、水质等多因子的水资源承载力与城市经济社会发展水平耦合协调度模型,分析了遵义市现城区和规划城区水资源承载力与城市经济社会发展水平的时空耦合协调关系。结果表明:遵义市现城区和规划城区水资源承载力与城市经济社会发展水平的时空耦合协调度在2011—2020年均呈现总体上升趋势;时间上,现城区耦合协调度受经济社会发展水平的影响较明显,规划城区北扩区域目前经济布局较少,使得经济社会发展水平有所降低,说明城市北扩有利于促进城市经济社会高质量发展;空间上,遵义市现城区水资源承载力与城市经济社会发展水平耦合协调度在发展进程中有明显的空间差异且差异逐渐缩小,规划城区耦合协调度呈现“南强北弱”的格局,说明经济社会发展对水资源需求程度高的区域在南部,未来经济布局可逐步北移、东扩,并继续实行严格的水资源管理制度,优化水资源配置,缓解水资源短缺等问题,保障经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于测量二次仪表中充满管道的过热蒸气流量和载热计算的人工神经网络。它节省了储存空间和运算时间, 具有本征性滤波功能, 在高准确度, 防止发散、偏离和非唯一性方面较之传统算法具有很大优越性。同时, 还进一步介绍了由此而产生的具有学习能力的仪表。  相似文献   

兰州市城市土地利用效益评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从经济、社会、生态效益三个方面构建城市土地利用效益评价指标体系,应用功效系数法定量评价了兰州市1999-2006年城市土地利用综合效益情况.结果表明,兰州市城市土地利用综合效益整体呈上升趋势;城市土地利用综合效益逐年上升的发展态势得益于城市土地利用经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的提升.完善城市土地管理体制,引导土地利用结构优化,加强旧城区土地改造,是提高兰州市土地利用效益的有效途径.  相似文献   

ERP evidence for neural dissociation of processing Chinese nouns and verbs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate whether there is neural dissociation between processing Chinese nouns and verbs, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 17 healthy undergraduate students while they read sentences silently. The results revealed that the late negative component (LNC) generated by nouns and verbs was significantly different. The strongest effect was in the 200—300 ms and 400—550 ms time window. In the first window, the negativity generated by verbs was more positive than that by nouns over the centro-frontal electrodes. In the second window, the negativity elicited by verbs was more positive than that by nouns over anterior areas and more negative than that by nouns over posterior areas. The results indicated the neural dissociation of processing Chinese nouns and verbs.  相似文献   

To investigate whether there is neural dissociation between processing Chinese nouns and verbs, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 17 healthy undergraduate students while they read sentences silently. The results revealed that the late negative component (LNC) generated by nouns and verbs was significantly different. The strongest effect was in the 200—300 ms and 400—550 ms time window. In the first window, the negativity generated by verbs was more positive than that by nouns over the centro-frontal electrodes. In the second window, the negativity elicited by verbs was more positive than that by nouns over anterior areas and more negative than that by nouns over posterior areas. The results indicated the neural dissociation of processing Chinese nouns and verbs.  相似文献   

对韶关市地貌类型进行了分类,分析了各主要地貌类型的特征、分布及对城市建设的影响,从地貌角度出发,指出韶关市地貌对其城市发展的有利影响及不利影响,未来的韶关市应往南头村—林家坝—车头洲北江沿岸带方向发展,并对一些地貌类型的开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

运用SPSS统计方法,通过综合城市力、首位比、区位商、产业集中度、出口依存度等指标的计算、比较、分析,概括了金华城市群组织结构的主要特征.指出全域城市逐步离心化,县域城镇趋于极化,从单核心城市群向多核心组团式发展是金华城市群现阶段演化的基本路径.通过分析认为,产业集群、全球化、财税省直管县是驱动金华城市群演化的主要动力.  相似文献   

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