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In early 1997, one El Niño event occurred. The change of the sea surface height during the event was monitored with TOPEX altimetric data, and this is helpful to the study on the formation and development mechanism of an El Niño event and its impact on the global climatic change.  相似文献   

Yan  Qing  Zhang  ZhongShi  Wang  HuiJun  Jiang  DaBang  Zheng  WeiPeng 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(9):890-899
The Middle Pliocene (ca 3.12–2.97 Ma) is a recent warm period in the Earth’s history. In many respects, the warmth of the Middle Pliocene is similar to the probable warm situation of the late 21st century predicted by climate models. Understanding the Middle Pliocene climate is important in predicting the future climate with global warming. Here, we used the latest reconstructions for the Middle Pliocene—Pliocene Research Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) version 3—to simulate the Middle Pliocene ...  相似文献   

全球对流层顶温度场演变的气候学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
 利用经验正交函数分解(EOF)方法对57 a(1948~2004年)NCEP/NCAR全球对流层顶月平均温度场进行分析,并讨论了57 a的主要特征向量空间分布及其对应的时间系数的演变,结果分析表明:第1模态的时空分布特征能够较好地反映对流层顶温度场结构的分布状况,且具有明显的季节变化;南北半球的温度场的空间分布结构不太一致,南半球纬向分布较为平稳,而北半球经向和纬向活动都比较强,且有明显的温度槽脊结构;南北半球的极地对流层顶温度结构在不同的季节有不同的变化趋势;南北半球热带对流层的第1模态温度场全年具有整体一致型分布;温度场各个季节的时间系数变化具有明显的多时间尺度特征.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sea surface height and the heat content of the upper ocean are analyzed to retrieve the relationship of interannual variabilities between the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans during the 1997 - 1998 El Nino event. In the prophase of this El Nino, the negative sea level anomalies (SLA) occurred in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) firstly, and then appeared in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEI). The negative heat content anomalies (HCA) emerged in the TWP before this El Nino burst while the SLA signals developed over there. During the mature stage of this El Nino, two kinds of signals in the TWP and TEI turned to be the maximum negative sequently. Due to the connected interannual adjustment between the TEI and TWP, we adopted a method to estimate the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport by calculating the HCA budget in the TEI. The indirect estimation of the ITF was comparable to the observation values. Therefore, the anomalies in the TEI had been proved as adv  相似文献   

Data sets of the changes of the length of day, the sea surface temperature in the eastern Pacific and of the sea level in Hong Long from tide gauge observations are used to analyze and reveal the reflections in the observations of the length of day and the sea level changes concerned with the premonitory phenomenon of next El Ni(n)o event. The results from this study indicate that a new El Ni(n)o event has been brewing with the ending of the strong La Nina event that started in early summer of 1998. The estimated formation period of the new El Ni(n)o event will begin before the end of 2000, and the peak period may be reached at around the end of 2001.  相似文献   

Using the spherical harmonic (SH) function model and the dual frequency GPS data of 139 International GPS Service (IGS) stations for July 15 of 2000, the global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) is calculated and the basic method is investigated. Here, preliminary results are reported and the problems and difficulties to be solved for using GPS data to determine the global ionospheric TEC are discussed.  相似文献   

根据广西涠洲岛附近海域发生的赤潮实况,分析2003年7月和2004年6月广西涠洲岛海域赤潮发生与海洋水文气象的关系。结果表明,涠洲岛雨季来临之前,气温、海水温度增加,海平面气压、相对湿度下降,风速减弱容易诱发赤潮,赤潮爆发后对该海域盐度影响较大。降水量的多少是影响赤潮发生的一个关键因素。海洋水文气象要素条件是赤潮发生的重要启动因子。  相似文献   

准确求解望远镜成像系统中视场的几何扭曲是高精度天体测量中的关键环节.借鉴哈勃空间望远镜几何扭曲求解的思想,提出并实施了一种简便、有效的方法.应用到云南天文台1米望远镜2011年4月2~3日观测疏散星团M67所得的72幅CCD图像表明:望远镜存在明显的几何扭曲效应,在视场角落最大扭曲~0.6pixel(~120mas).经扭曲改正后,视场中星象的定位精度有了明显提高.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a regional air-sea coupled model over East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li  Tao  Zhou  GuangQing 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(21):2295-2305
We have established a regional air-sea coupled model over East Asia and conducted a 20-year integration to evaluate its performance in reproducing the present climate. The coupled model consists of RegCM3 and HYCOM controlled by the OASIS3 coupler with resuolution of 60 km for the atmosphere and 33 km for the ocean, respectively. Unlike some other regional air-sea coupled models, a one-way nesting method is employed in the oceanic component and a heat flux adjustment for solar radiation is used to remove an about 2°C cold bias in SST. The primary analysis for this 20-year integration shows that the coupled model successfully reproduces the main features of the circulations over East Asia, both in the atmosphere and the ocean, including climatology, seasonal and interannual variations. Improvements are seen in the coupled model compared to the uncoupled one, especially in the simulation of precipitation, the most important element of the East Asian monsoon, although there are still obvious discrepancies that come mainly from the model components themselves. Further analyses show that the rainfall simulation benefits from the enhancements of the Northwest Pacific Subtropical High in summer, which leads to the improvement of the moisture flux simulation at the middle-lower atmospheric circulation. The results indicate that the regional air-sea coupled model is more suitable for the East Asia monsoon simulation.  相似文献   

新型VCOCXO控温原理及实现方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了VCOCXO的一种新型控温方法 ,论述了其控温原理及实现 .从而研制成频率温度稳定度达到± 1× 10 -8( - 40~ 70℃ ) ,体积为 2 5mm× 2 5mm× 15mm的小型高稳恒温晶体振荡器  相似文献   

一类全局优化问题的新的凸化、凹化法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于目标函数非凸非凹,而约束函数具有凹、凸性的非线性规划问题,本文提出了一种新的凸化凹化法。把目标函数直接凸化、凹化,再把原问题转化为反凸规划问题或极小化问题或标准D.C.规划问题,从而求得原问题的全局最优解。  相似文献   

新型阴离子-非离子表面活性剂界面张力的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实验考察了5种自制的阴离子-非离子表面活性剂与桩西106-15-X18脱水原油在55℃下的动态界面张力与水相矿化度之间的关系.阴离子-非离子表面活性剂在水相中的质量浓度为1g.L-1.实验发现:所研究的表面活性剂与原油之间的动态界面张力受矿化度的影响明显,一定范围内,矿化度的增加有利于界面张力的降低,当矿化度增加到一定程度时界面张力又呈现增大的趋势.对于9AS-0-4、12AS-0-4、13AS-0-4三种表面活性剂,在相同的矿化度条件下,9AS-0-4的界面活性最好,12AS-0-4则略差;表面活性剂亲油基相同的情况下,随分子中氧丙烯链节长度的增加,表面活性剂的最佳盐含量依次降低,可以通过在表面活性剂中引入氧丙烯链节的方式来达到调节表面活性剂亲水亲油平衡之目的.  相似文献   

在实质ε-最优解的条件下,保证实质ε-最优解的稳定,文中将一个约束推广到多个约束,给出了等价命题及求解实质ε-最优解的一个新的算法。  相似文献   

讨论了一类单相Stefan问题解的存在唯一性.先将原问题转化为等价的积分方程问题,然后针对这个积分方程组定义一个由连续函数组成的Banach空间Ls及其上的一个映照F.通过证明F是Ls,M上的一个压缩映照,从而得到了积分方程局部解的存在唯一性.  相似文献   

上海港发展目前面临一系列严峻的问题:包括码头吞吐能力已趋饱和,深水岸线基本用尽,没有20 m以上水深的航道和码头,江海联运功能亟待提高,受泥沙回淤困扰和受土地资源制约等.为了落实国务院关于上海国际航运中心建设2020年的总体目标,满足上海市和长江流域经济发展的需要,适应国际航运船舶大型化的趋势,优化目前江海联运运输方式,进一步发挥上海的龙头作用,规划新港区,已是迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

利用均化矾土和电熔莫来石为主要原料,添加少量碳化硅,以铝酸钙水泥为结合剂,制备了一种新型窑口浇注料。通过其与现场刚玉-莫来石质浇注料进行对比,得出以下结论:4.8%的加水量以及粒度分布系数为0.34的新型浇注料具有较高的体积密度和常温强度;新型浇注料1 400℃在基质中原位形成了大量的莫来石相使其高温抗折强度提高了10倍,高温下在基质部分生成的原位莫来石与原料中引入的柱状莫来石呈网络交叉结构,使其4%荷重软化温度提高了200℃以上;在新型浇注料配方中的电熔莫来石及碳化硅细粉,均起到了提高材料的热震稳定性及高温耐磨性的作用。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型大容积低温箱的研制情况.该低温箱采用了由两个单级压缩系统组成的复叠式制冷系统,其中高温循环系统采用R22作为制冷剂,低温循环系统采用R13作为制冷剂.R笠系统既可以单独运行,又可以与R13系统复叠运行,因此系统可以达到-70℃和-20℃两个蒸发温度.同时,低温箱内工作室净容积达到0.216m^3,在-70℃的低温下,低温箱制冷系统仍能稳定运行.  相似文献   

以对苯二甲酸、氯化亚砜、对羟基苯甲酸、1,4-丁二醇为原料合成了一种具有反应活性的液晶基元—对苯二甲酰二氧苯甲酸丁二醇酯,再与2,4-甲苯二异氰酸酯与1,3-双(氨丙烷基)四甲基二硅醚合成的有机硅改性聚氨酯反应制成一种新型液晶聚合物。通过红外光谱法表征了产物的结构,通过热分析,考察了其分解温度和液晶态温度范围,并确定了此液晶聚合物作为气相色谱固定液的最高使用温度。以液晶聚合物作为气相色谱固定液制备了气相色谱柱填充柱,测定了该固定液的相对极性。  相似文献   

为进一步增强酸化缓蚀剂在高温深井中的缓蚀效果,以氯甲基萘为季铵化中间体,与双曼尼希碱反应,合成得到一种双曼尼希碱季铵盐,通过单因素分析法优选复配分散剂和增效剂得到高温酸化缓蚀剂SJ-1,使用失重法和电化学法评价其缓蚀性能。研究结果表明,高温酸化缓蚀剂SJ-1在180℃下,加量仅为3%时,就能使N80钢片在20%盐酸和土酸中的腐蚀速率分别达到70.15 g/(m2·h)和65.32 g/(m2·h),均小于SY/T 5405—2019中的一级指标;高温酸化缓蚀剂SJ-1是以抑制阳极过程为主的混合控制型缓蚀剂;量子化学计算结果表明,以氯甲基萘为中间体合成的双曼尼希碱季铵盐缓蚀性能优于以氯化苄为中间体合成的。  相似文献   

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