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C W Cunningham  N W Blackstone  L W Buss 《Nature》1992,355(6360):539-542
King crabs (Family Lithodidae) are among the world's largest arthropods, having a crab-like morphology and a strongly calcified exoskeleton. The hermit crabs, by contrast, have depended on gastropod shells for protection for over 150 million years. Shell-living has constrained the morphological evolution of hermit crabs by requiring a decalcified asymmetrical abdomen capable of coiling into gastropod shells and by preventing crabs from growing past the size of the largest available shells. Whereas reduction in shell-living and acquisition of a crab-like morphology (carcinization) has taken place independently in several hermit crab lineages, and most dramatically in king crabs, the rate at which this process has occurred was entirely unknown. We present molecular evidence that king crabs are not only descended from hermit crabs, but are nested within the hermit crab genus Pagurus. We estimate that loss of the shell-living habit and the complete carcinization of king crabs has taken between 13 and 25 million years.  相似文献   

Peptides bound to class I molecules are 8-10 amino acids long, and possess a binding motif representative of peptides that bind to a given class I allele. In the only published study of naturally processed peptides bound to class II molecules (mouse I-Ab and I-Eb), these peptides were longer (13-17 amino acids) and had heterogenous carboxy terminals but precise amino-terminal truncations. Here we report the characterization of acid-eluted peptides bound to HLA-DR1 by high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and microsequencing analyses. The relative molecular masses of the peptides varied between 1,602 and 2,996 (13-25 residues), the most abundant individual M(r) values being between 1,700 and 1,800, corresponding to an average peptide length of 15 residues. Complete sequence data were obtained for twenty peptides derived from five epitopes, of which all but one were from self proteins. These peptides represented sets nested at both the N- and C-terminal ends. Binding experiments confirmed that all of the isolated peptides had high affinity for the groove of DR1. Alignment of the peptides bound to HLA-DR1 and the sequences of 35 known HLA-DR1-binding peptides revealed a putative motif. Although peptides bound to class II molecules may have some related features (due to the nonpolymorphic HLA-DR alpha-chain), accounting for degenerate binding to different alleles, particular amino acids in the HLA-DR beta-chains presumably define allelic specificity of peptide binding.  相似文献   

Epidermal Langerhans cells are derived from cells originating in bone marrow   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
S I Katz  K Tamaki  D H Sachs 《Nature》1979,282(5736):324-326
Langerhans cells constitute a morphologically well characterised subpopulation (3--8%) of mammalian epidermal cells which, in contrast to the bulk of epidermal cells, bear Fc-IgG and C3 receptors, express immune response-associated (Ia) antigens and function as antigen-presenting cells and allogeneic stimulatory cells to primed T lymphocytes. The ontogeny of Langerhans cells has been a subject of considerable debate since their discovery. Although some studies suggest that Langerhans cells are of mesenchymal as opposed to neural or melanocytic origin, direct evidence for this has not been presented. In this study we demonstrate that, after 3 weeks, most of the Langerhans cells (LC) in parenteral skin which had been transplanted on to F1 hybrids were of recipient origin whereas keratinocytes remained of donor origin; this indicates that the LC are derived from a mobile pool of cells. Furthermore, in studies of skin from radiation-induced bone marrow chimaeric animals we found that, depending on the strain combination, up to 80% of the epidermal LC were derived from the bone marrow of the donor animals.  相似文献   

Reits EA  Vos JC  Grommé M  Neefjes J 《Nature》2000,404(6779):774-778
The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is a member of the family of ABC transporters that translocate a large variety of substrates across membranes. TAP transports peptides from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum for binding to MHC class I molecules and for subsequent presentation to the immune system. Here we follow the lateral mobility of TAP in living cells. TAP's mobility increases when it is inactive and decreases when it translocates peptides. Because TAP activity is dependent on substrate, the mobility of TAP is used to monitor the intracellular peptide content in vivo. Comparison of the diffusion rates in peptide-free and peptide-saturated cells indicates that normally about one-third of all TAP molecules actively translocate peptides. However, during an acute influenza infection TAP becomes fully employed owing to the production and degradation of viral proteins. Furthermore, TAP activity depends on continuing protein translation. This implies that MHC class I molecules mainly sample peptides that originate from newly synthesized proteins, to ensure rapid presentation to the immune system.  相似文献   

Hundreds of highly conserved distal cis-regulatory elements have been characterized so far in vertebrate genomes. Many thousands more are predicted on the basis of comparative genomics. However, in stark contrast to the genes that they regulate, in invertebrates virtually none of these regions can be traced by using sequence similarity, leaving their evolutionary origins obscure. Here we show that a class of conserved, primarily non-coding regions in tetrapods originated from a previously unknown short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) retroposon family that was active in the Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes and terrestrial vertebrates) in the Silurian period at least 410 million years ago (ref. 4), and seems to be recently active in the 'living fossil' Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis. Using a mouse enhancer assay we show that one copy, 0.5 million bases from the neuro-developmental gene ISL1, is an enhancer that recapitulates multiple aspects of Isl1 expression patterns. Several other copies represent new, possibly regulatory, alternatively spliced exons in the middle of pre-existing Sarcopterygian genes. One of these, a more than 200-base-pair ultraconserved region, 100% identical in mammals, and 80% identical to the coelacanth SINE, contains a 31-amino-acid-residue alternatively spliced exon of the messenger RNA processing gene PCBP2 (ref. 6). These add to a growing list of examples in which relics of transposable elements have acquired a function that serves their host, a process termed 'exaptation', and provide an origin for at least some of the many highly conserved vertebrate-specific genomic sequences.  相似文献   

T Unestam  K S?derh?ll 《Nature》1977,267(5606):45-46

H R Rodewald  S Paul  C Haller  H Bluethmann  C Blum 《Nature》2001,414(6865):763-768
The thymus is organized into medullary and cortical zones that support distinct stages of T-cell development. The formation of medulla and cortex compartments is thought to occur through invagination of an endodermal epithelial sheet into an ectodermal one at the third pharyngeal pouch and cleft, respectively. Epithelial stem/progenitor cells have been proposed to be involved in thymus development, but evidence for their existence has been elusive. We have constructed chimaeric mice by injecting embryonic stem (ES) cells into blastocysts using ES cells and blastocysts differing in their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) type. Here we show that the MHC class-II-positive medullary epithelium in these chimaeras is composed of cell clusters, most of which derive from either embryonic stem cell or blastocyst, but not mixed, origin. Thus, the medulla comprises individual epithelial 'islets' each arising from a single progenitor. One thymic lobe has about 300 medullary areas that originate from as few as 900 progenitors. Islet formation can be recapitulated after implantation of 'reaggregated fetal thymic organs' into mice, which shows that medullary 'stem' cells retain their potential until at least day 16.5 in fetal development. Thus, medulla-cortex compartmentalization is established by formation of medullary islets from single progenitors.  相似文献   

D S Kemp  J G Boyd  C C Muendel 《Nature》1991,352(6334):451-454
Formation of alpha helices from disordered polypeptides depends on the degree to which amino acids favour the helical state. The folding of helical oligopeptides can be modelled by two parameters: sigma which reflects helix initiation and s which reflects propagation of a pre-existing helix and measures helical bias. Scheraga has reported s values for oligopeptides of about 1.1, implying a weak helical bias for amino-acid residues. By contrast, certain helical peptides studied by Baldwin seem to require much larger s values for alanine. Resolution of this inconsistency requires experiments that disentangle the ease of propagation from that of initiation. In this study varying lengths of polyalanine are linked to a 'template' that initiates helical structure and permits study solely of propagation. We report here that the s value for alanine in water is close to 1, supporting the earlier results of Scheraga but not the more recent results of Baldwin.  相似文献   

J P Bruzik  T Maniatis 《Nature》1992,360(6405):692-695
Exon sequences present on separate RNA molecules can be joined by trans-splicing in trypanosomatids, Euglena, and in the nematode and trematode worms. Trans-splicing involves an interaction between a 5' splice site present in a spliced leader RNA and a 3' splice site located near the 5' end of pre-messenger RNAs. In vitro trans-splicing of artificial mammalian pre-mRNAs has been reported, but the efficiency of splicing appears to depend on sequence complementarity between the two substrates. There has been speculation that some natural pre-mRNAs can be trans-spliced in mammalian cells in vivo, but alternative interpretations have not been ruled out. Here we show that spliced leader RNAs can be accurately trans-spliced in mammalian cells in vivo and in vitro. Both nematode and mammalian 3' splice sites can function as acceptors for trans-splicing in vivo. These results reveal functional conservation in the splicing machinery between lower eukaryotes and mammals, and they directly demonstrate the potential for trans-splicing in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

G Franchini  J Even  C J Sherr  F Wong-Staal 《Nature》1981,290(5802):154-157
Type C sarcoma viruses are genetic recombinants containing portions of replication-competent helper viruses linked to sarcoma virus-specific sequences (generically designated onc genes) which are thought to be required for acute fibroblast transformation. The onc elements of different avian and mammalian sarcoma viral isolates are each homologous to subsets of cellular DNA sequences which have no well-defined role in normal cells. Because of the lack of significant homology between helper viral genes and cellular onc sequences, the recombinational mechanisms which facilitate the formation of sarcoma viral genomes remain unclear. In Moloney murine sarcoma virus, viral onc (or v-mos) and cellular onc (or c-mos) sequences exhibit complete and uninterrupted homology as determined by heteroduplex and restriction enzyme analyses of molecularly cloned DNA. By contrast, the cellular counterparts of the onc elements of Rous sarcoma virus (G. Cooper and R. Parker, personal communication), avian erythroblastosis virus (B. Vennstrom, personal communication), Abelson leukaemia virus (D. Baltimore, personal communication), Harvey sarcoma virus (E. Scolnick, personal communication) and simian sarcoma virus (R. Gallo, personal communication) are now known to contain intervening sequences which do not appear in the respective viral genomes. Here we report the use of the Southern blot technique to examine cat cellular DNA sequences (c-fes) homologous to the onc gene (v-fes) of Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus (ST-FeSV). We used cloned DNA 'probes' containing defined portions of the ST-FeSV genome to show that v-fes sequences originate from at least four noncontiguous sequences in cat cellular DNA, separated from each other by intervening sequences.  相似文献   

The invariant chain, which associates with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum, serves two functions important in antigen processing. First, it prevents class II molecules from binding peptides in the early stages of intracellular transport. Second, it contains a cytoplasmic signal that targets the class II-invariant chain complex to an acidic endosomal compartment. Proteolytic cleavage and subsequent dissociation of the invariant chain then occurs, allowing peptides derived from endocytosed proteins to bind to released class II molecules before their expression at the cell surface. Certain human cell lines that are mutant in one or more MHC-linked genes are defective in class II-restricted antigen processing. Here we show that in transfectants of one of these cell lines, T2, this deficiency results in the association of a large proportion of class II molecules with a nested set of invariant-chain-derived peptides (class II-associated invariant chain peptides, or CLIP). HLA-DR3 molecules isolated from T2 transfectants can be efficiently loaded with antigenic peptides by exposure to a low pH in vitro, perhaps reflecting the in vivo conditions in which peptides associate with class II molecules. Addition of synthetic CLIP inhibits the loading process, indicating that CLIP may define the region of the invariant chain responsible for obstructing the class II binding site.  相似文献   

Rice blast is one of the most devastating dis- eases in the world and outbreaks occur frequently. The differences in protein expression between blast resistant and susceptible near-isogenic lines (NILs) of japonica rice var. Yunyin infected with Magnaporthe oryzae were ana- lyzed using proteomics, indicated that 67 different proteins were identified from 75 obtained proteins using the matrix- assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique. Seven specific expression proteins, 43 up-regulated proteins and 17 down-regulated proteins were identified among the 67 proteins. The bioinformatical analysis demonstrated that these 67 different proteins were involved in many biological physiological processes including five proteins related to photosynthesis, 25 pro- teins related to metabolism, six proteins related to anti- oxidants, 10 proteins related to protein synthesis and modification, five proteins related to signal transduction,four proteins related to adversity stress and 12 non-func- tional proteins. These identified proteins were directly or indirectly related to stress. Five proteins related to different physiological processes were selected. Their cDNA sequences were predicted and their expression patterns were analyzed using real-time PCR, demonstrated that the genes would response to M. oryzae and the response blindingly different between blast resistant and blast sus- ceptible NILs.  相似文献   

建立了二维高通量色谱分离、纯化海参来源真菌Epicoccum sp中的海松烷二萜化合物的新方法。以甲醇-水为溶剂体系梯度洗脱,在流速为40 mL/min、主分离检测波长为254 nm,二级分离检测波长为220 nm的条件下进行分离,从15 g海参来源真菌Epicoccum sp乙酸乙酯提取物中分离制备得到海松烷二萜化合物,通过核磁共振氢谱和质谱鉴定化合物的结构。该方法简便、快捷且减少样品的不可逆吸附,为海松烷二萜化合物的制备型分离提供了新手段。  相似文献   

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