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介绍了差分密码分析,讨论了数据加密标准(DES)的S-盒的结构与差分特性,然后通过F-函数将S-盒的局部特性扩展到整个密码结构。为考察S-盒顺序对DES强度的影响,进行了大量的测试工作,指出了改变S-盒的顺序不会影响密文对明文和密钥的敏感性,并揭示了S-盒顺序的改变对密文影响的正态分布特性。以最佳概率讨论了S-盒顺序有利于抗差分密码分析,证明了S-盒顺序对抗差分密码分析是一个良好的方法。最后给出了重排S-盒的随机化算法。 相似文献
Ultimate physical limits to computation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Computers are physical systems: the laws of physics dictate what they can and cannot do. In particular, the speed with which a physical device can process information is limited by its energy and the amount of information that it can process is limited by the number of degrees of freedom it possesses. Here I explore the physical limits of computation as determined by the speed of light c, the quantum scale h and the gravitational constant G. As an example, I put quantitative bounds to the computational power of an 'ultimate laptop' with a mass of one kilogram confined to a volume of one litre. 相似文献
Given the difficulty of testing evolutionary and ecological theory in situ, in vitro model systems are attractive alternatives; however, can we appraise whether an experimental result is particular to the in vitro model, and, if so, characterize the systems likely to behave differently and understand why? Here we examine these issues using the relationship between phenotypic diversity and resource input in the T7-Escherichia coli co-evolving system as a case history. We establish a mathematical model of this interaction, framed as one instance of a super-class of host-parasite co-evolutionary models, and show that it captures experimental results. By tuning this model, we then ask how diversity as a function of resource input could behave for alternative co-evolving partners (for example, E. coli with lambda bacteriophages). In contrast to populations lacking bacteriophages, variation in diversity with differences in resources is always found for co-evolving populations, supporting the geographic mosaic theory of co-evolution. The form of this variation is not, however, universal. Details of infectivity are pivotal: in T7-E. coli with a modified gene-for-gene interaction, diversity is low at high resource input, whereas, for matching-allele interactions, maximal diversity is found at high resource input. A combination of in vitro systems and appropriately configured mathematical models is an effective means to isolate results particular to the in vitro system, to characterize systems likely to behave differently and to understand the biology underpinning those alternatives. 相似文献
范畴CoFrm的逆极限和定向极限 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
设CoFrm是coframe(即满足第二无限分配律的完备格)及coframe间保任意并,且其右伴随保有限并的映射组成的范畴.在CoFrm范畴的逆向系{Aα,αρβ,Σ}中各Aα不交并上建立了等价关系,给出了定向系{Aα,αρ*β,Σ}在格范畴下的余极限构造,并在此基础上给出了范畴CoFrm逆极限的具体构造.此外,还给出了范畴CoFrm的定向极限的具体构造. 相似文献
The exponential growth in the rate at which information can be communicated through an optical fibre is a key element in the 'information revolution'. However, as for all exponential growth laws, physical limits must be considered. The nonlinear nature of the propagation of light in optical fibre has made these limits difficult to elucidate. Here we use a key simplification to investigate the theoretical limits to the information capacity of an optical fibre arising from these nonlinearities. The success of our approach lies in relating the nonlinear channel to a linear channel with multiplicative noise, for which we are able to obtain analytical results. In fundamental distinction to linear channels with additive noise, the capacity of a nonlinear channel does not grow indefinitely with increasing signal power, but has a maximal value. The ideas presented here may have broader implications for other nonlinear information channels, such as those involved in sensory transduction in neurobiology. These have been often examined using additive noise linear channel models but, as we show here, nonlinearities can change the picture qualitatively. 相似文献
瓦楞纸箱连续化生产工艺包括联动工序、制箱工序和捆扎工序3道工序.基于工艺IPO过程模型和Leopold相互作用矩阵,以544×528×1 562 mm、45 kg、201 L电冰箱瓦楞包装箱为例,对连续化生产工艺中的3道工序分别进行了资源环境性能的清单分析,最后对整个连续化生产工艺流程的环境影响进行了综合评价.结果表明:联动工序对环境造成的影响最大,是减少该工艺对环境影响的主要工序. 相似文献
The impact-factors debate: the ISI's uses and limits 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2