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致密砂岩气藏孔隙结构复杂,气井产量低,开发易受地层水的影响。以鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气田为例,应用地质、测井、测试及生产动态等资料,通过生烃强度、成岩作用、构造及非均质特征的研究,分析了气田地层水的主要控制因素,并将地层水按成因特征划分为低部位滞留水(Ⅰ型)、致密透镜状滞留水(Ⅱ型)、孤立透镜体水(Ⅲ型)3种类型;通过对井网较密的苏X区块东部的精细解剖,分析并总结了不同类型地层水的分布规律及生产特征。低部位滞留水在储层中气水分异明显,测井解释通常为水层或含气水层,水体的厚度大,地层水活跃;致密透镜状滞留水通常分布于气层之中,呈透镜状分布,测井曲线含水特征不明显,识别难度较大,测井解释多为含气层、气水层,部分井测井解释为气层,但试气或投产有水产出;而孤立透镜体水则主要分布于主含气层系以上的层位,在测井曲线上易于识别,测井解释以水层为主。  相似文献   

依据岩石薄片分析,利用成岩作用定量分析及成岩演化等技术,对新场地区上三叠统须家河组须二段砂岩储层进行详细研究.结果表明:虽然须二段储层普遍具有低孔低渗的特征,但亦存在孔隙发育的优质储层段;优质储层主要发育在具有较高的成分成熟度和结构成熟度,粒度较粗,岩屑含量相对较低的砂岩中,在成岩过程中优质砂岩储层抗压实能力强;早期绿泥石与自生石英共同起到了抗压实的作用,保存较多的原生孔隙,提供了有利的渗流通道,有利于后期溶解作用形成大量次生孔隙.  相似文献   

By using the integrated methods includingsandbodies modelling of the outcrops, sedimentary facies ofthe cores and well logs of the drilled wells, and the reservoircorrelation of interwells, it is thought that the sandstone res-ervoirs of Kela-2 gas field are a suit of high-quality naturalgas reservoirs with great thickness, extensive and continuousdistribution, high porosity and permeability, and a few bar-rier beds. Sedimentary facies and microfacies are the mainfactors controlling the reservoir distribution and interiorheterogeneity. Based on a great deal of data of rock's thinsections, porosity, permeability, and the parameters of capil-lary pressure, the reservoir diagenesis, controls, mechanismand evolution of pores have been studied. It is consideredthat compaction in the early stage and diagenetic dolomiteand calcite cements have effect on the decline of reservoirsproperty. Now compaction is chiefly middle to weak. Thebetter reservoirs have no or a few calcite cements. In theearly of deep buried stage, there are still mainly remainderprimary intergranular pores. The authigenic kaolinite ofreservoirs is the production of the dissolution of feldsparsand lithic fragments. The dissolution results in the partlymodified and broadened secondary intergranular pores. Inthe late of deep buried stage, structure fissures and over-pressure were in favor of improving and preservation ofthese pores.  相似文献   

 Kuqa depression is a foreland basin developedwith Mesozoic-Triassic-Jurassic coal-bearing formation. Theresearch results of the coal-derived hydrocarbon forelandbasins in Kuqa depression indicated that the coal-bearingformation can be the rich sources for generating gas becauseof their thickness and rich source rocks with gas-generatingpredominant kerogen. Although the foreland thrust beltmainly acting in compression is very complicated, integrallarge structural traps can be formed. Moreover, the thrustbelt can act as the passage for communication with deepsource rocks. The high quality gypsolish and gypseous mud-stone cap rock developed in the upper formation is the keyfor the formation of the large gas field. The late formation ofreservoirs in the large gas fields depended on the hydrocar-bon-generating history controlled by the foreland basin andthe developing process of foreland thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Cratonic Area of the Tarim Basin is lo-cated in the central part of the basin, developing primarilywith Cambrian marine source rocks and secondly Middle toUpper Ordovician marine and Carboniferous-Permiantransitional facies source rocks. The source rocks werematured in the changeable period and space, formingmultiple hydrocarbon generating centers during the periods.The Cratonic Area experienced multiple tectonic orogenies,forming several palaeouplifts. The matching conditionbetween effective hydrocarbon generating centers and thepalaeouplifts in various periods is the main control factor forthe formation and distribution of hydrocarbon reservoirs.The palaeouplifts have experienced multiple hydrocar-bon-filling phases, several periods of modifications and evenbreakdown. The palaeouplifts and the adjacent slopesaround the effective hydrocarbon generating center composethe most favorable places for hydrocarbon accumulation.The hydrocarbon phase is related with the evolution of thehydrocarbon generating center. In the Tarim Basin'sCratonic Area, reservoirs were mostly formed during lateHercynian. The originally formed hydrocarbon reservoirswhich are adjacent to source kitchens and in the goodpreservation condition are the most favorable prospectingtargets. Hydrocarbon is richly accumulated under theregional caprock, surrounding the faulted trends, and overand below the unconformity surfaces. Reservoirs in theCarboniferous sandstone, Ordovician karstic weatheredcrust and carbonate rock inside the buried hill compose themain intervals for hydrocarbon accumulation. Carboni-ferous and Silurian sandstone pinchout reservoirs andcarbonate lithologic reservoirs with rich fractures and poresare the main targets for further prospecting.  相似文献   

鄂西-渝东区石炭系油气成藏影响因素及富集规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对鄂西-渝东区近年钻探效果不理想的问题,分析了该区油气成藏的影响因素和富集规律。结果表明,该区大型古隆起的继承性发育、区域性油气运移和圈闭形成时间早晚的匹配、石炭系储层的发育程度和上覆地层异常高压的存在、有效供气面积的大小,以及断裂的封堵性和渗入水的强度等,是影响油气聚集和保存的主要因素。认为该区石炭系的油气勘探,应以开江-梁平古隆起南缘和石柱古隆起为重点。  相似文献   

准确的地层压缩系数在开发异常高压气藏的过程中有着重要意义.为了正确获得随气藏开发而不断变化的地层压缩系数,在研究现有方法的基础上,通过分析异常高压气藏地层压缩系数随地层压力动态变化的特点,从天然气体积系数与地层压缩系数定义出发,运用产量递减律和采气指数概念,推导了地层压缩系数动态变化的表达式.将本方法与经验公式法计算的地层压缩系数进行了对比,结果表明,本方法计算的地层压缩系数更合理、准确,并且是一个能够正确反映气藏开发特征的动态值.  相似文献   

苏里格气田盒8气藏气水层测井识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气田盒8气藏为弹性驱动的河流相低效气藏,储层非均质性强,在开发中普遍见水.根据试采情况将气藏储层分为气层、水层、气水层三类,开展气、水层的测井识别研究.以区内26口井50个射孔层段各层的试油结果作为依据,选出了700个样本点作为判识建模的标本,以声波时差和中子孔隙度等8个原始测井值作为判识变量组合,采用模糊判别分析,建立了各层的判识模型.回判结果表明,模型对气层精度达到97%,水层为89%,气水层为94%.利用未参加建模的出水井射孔段对模型进行验证,判识结果基本符合实际情况,模型具有较高精度.  相似文献   

 On the basis of a large amount of natural gascomponents and the carbon isotope as well as some otheranalysis data in Kela 2 gas field, the geochemical character-istics, source, origin, and formation process of natural gashave been discussed. The components of gas in the field tendto be "dry", and the drying coefficient is close to 1.0. Thecarbon isotope tends to be heavier, for instance, the averageof δ13C1 is -27.36‰ and that ofδ13C2 is -18.5‰. Compre-hensive analysis shows that humic natural gas in the Kuqapetroleum system comes mainly from Triassic and Jurassicsource rocks, and the contribution of Jurassic source rocks tothe pool maybe is more than that of Triassic rocks. The maincause that the gas tends to be dry and bears heavier isotopecomposition lies in the fact that Kela 2 natural gas is the ac-cumulation of late production of humic source rocks, and itis affected by the abnormal high pressure as well. Consider-ing the hydrocarbon generating and structural history, wecan regard the gas pool formation processes as twice fillingand twice adjusting (destroying), that is, the filling anddestroying process in the early Himalayan movement and thefilling and adjusting in the late Himalayan movement.  相似文献   

Through a case study of the high-efficiency gas reservoir in Feixianguan Formation in the northeast Sichuan Basin, quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses of key elements such as hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, and reservoir evolution as well as their interplay in the critical moment of reservoir formation controlled by the energy field were carried out, by means of numerical modeling of the energy field. It was found that the climax time for Permian hydrocarbon generation was Late Triassic-Early Jurassic and accumulation of oil and gas has resulted in large-scale paleoreservoirs in paleostructural traps in Feixianguan Formation, a process facilitated by fractures connecting the sources. The paleoreservoirs have been turned into high-efficiency gas kitchens due to pyrolysis, which resulted from deep burial at a temperature of 170-210℃ as induced by tremendously thick sedimentation in the foreland basin of Daba Mountain in Late Jurassic-Cretaceous period. Meanwhile, abundant acid gas like H2S produced from thermo-chemical sulfate reduction (TSR) at high temperatures leads to extensive dissolution of dolostone in the paleoreservoirs, which may in turn result in modification of the reservoirs and preservation of the reservoir rock porosity. The present distribution of gas reservoirs was ultimately determined in the processes of adjustment, cooling and decompression of the paleoreservoirs resulting from intense deformation in the front of Daba Mountain during the Himalayan orogeny.  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气区盒8段为研究对象,通过对流体包裹体的观察、测温、测盐及组分分析等方法,厘定了流体包裹体的产状及气液比,结合埋藏史恢复了流体包裹体均-温度,并通过状态方程恢复储层古压力.研究表明,甲烷、饱和烃、CO2包裹体在愈合裂隙与石英加大边中均有发育,气液比随着油气运移距离的增大逐渐降低.石英加大边中油气的捕...  相似文献   

高纯度的CO_2气藏不仅具有重要的资源意义,同时也有很重要的地质意义,CO_2气藏成因及主控因素研究已成为世界范围内地球科学领域广为关注的重要课题。对CO_2气藏的成因、鉴别方法、成藏主控等进行了系统的论述。结果表明:CO_2气藏的成因可以分为无机成因和有机成因,且以前者为主;CO_2气藏成因的判别主要是综合多种地球化学指标,结合天然气成藏地质条件来分析;高地温场、深大断裂和岩浆活动是CO_2气运聚成藏最重要、最直接的三大主控因素;幔源CO_2进入沉积盆地中具有4种脱气模式,即沿岩石圈断裂直接脱气模式、热流底辟体脱气模式、壳内岩浆房-基底断裂组合脱气模式和火山岩吸附气后期脱气模式。但在CO_2对油气运移聚集的影响、CO_2释放机理、脱气模式等方面的研究尚存一定的争议,将是未来主要的研究方向。  相似文献   

通过鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长6油层组的构造条件、油源条件、储层条件以及油气藏类型和分布特征等成藏要素的深入研究,分析了“准连续型”油气藏成藏的主控因素.研究结果表明:长6油层组是一个倾角小于0.5°的西倾单斜,油源条件优越,储层类型主要为低孔特低渗细砂岩,孔隙度一般小于12%,渗透率小于2×l0-3 μm2;油气藏类型为“连续型”非常规油气藏,油气大面积准连续分布.最终确定“准连续型”油气藏成藏主要受三方面的因素影响:低孔特低渗透率的储层系统是关键;广覆式优质烃源岩与紧密接触式生储盖组合是基础;稳定的动力学背景和平缓的构造格局是重要控制因素.  相似文献   

 结合层序地层学理论、岩心观察、岩心分析实验结果及钻井测试资料等,分析了元坝地区须三段的层序地层特征、储层岩性特征、储层微观特征及天然气富集的控制因素。目的层储层岩性复杂,以西部发育钙屑砂岩,东部发育岩屑石英砂岩为主要特征。岩心分析实验表明:目的层储层物性差,属于特低孔-低渗次生致密砂岩储层;须三段上部3 个砂组天然气相对富集,在富气砂组内有利岩性带、砂体厚度是天然气聚集的基础条件,储层内部发育裂缝和溶蚀孔组合是天然气富集的关键因素。  相似文献   

四川盆地中西部雷口坡组油气地质条件及勘探方向探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四川盆地中三叠统雷口坡组迄今为止只发现了中坝和磨溪两个大中型气田,但近年来,钻井过程中于雷口坡组油气显示活跃,展示了良好的勘探前景.盆地中西部雷口坡组主要为局限台地相沉积,部分地区为开阔台地和蒸发台地相,主要亚相为潟湖和潮坪;其沉积时该区地壳处于拉张状态.雷口坡组有良好的烃源岩条件,多种类型的优质储层(礁滩、热液白云岩、古喀斯特储层等),有膏岩层、泥岩层的良好封隔,具有形成大中型气藏的地质条件.寻找礁滩储层、热液白云岩储层和古喀斯特储层气藏是四川盆地中西部雷口坡组的勘探新方向,其重点勘探地区应是龙门山前缘(川西)地区.然而,雷口坡组源储距离较大,必须要有断穿龙潭组和下三叠统的断层裂缝系统作为运移通道,所以在预测有利勘探区时,应重视天然气输导体系的研究.  相似文献   

针对目前国内油气藏开发阶段储层地质建模存在的问题,提出了基于模型概率储量分析及生产历史拟合的模型建立及优选方法。该方法首先综合应用测井、地质、开发动态等研究成果,以相控建模思路为指导,分步建立构造模型、沉积相模型以及沉积相控制下的储层参数模型。重点分析了影响储层地质建模的不确定因素,并采用蒙特卡罗模拟对随机变量进行取值,得到多个模型实现并对其进行储量计算,优选一系列地质模型。最后对所优选的模型进行生产历史拟合,通过区块累产气量与实际生产数据的均方根误差分析,选取与实际生产数据最为符合的模型作为最终的模型。通过对榆林气田陕215井区北部山西组2段的地质模型的建立及评价可知,该方法适合油气藏开发阶段的地质模型重建,输出模型能更好地反映油气藏实际并能较好的应用于油气藏数值模拟。  相似文献   

鄂西渝东地区海相地层油气保存较为完整.通过对储层沥青(天然气)与可能烃源岩的有机地球化学特征对比分析,确定了丁山构造震旦系储层沥青和建南构造韩家店组、黄龙组、长兴组、飞仙关组、嘉陵江组天然气藏的烃源岩;然后利用Easy Ro模型恢复了丁山1井下寒武统和建38井下志留统、二叠系烃源岩的热演化史;再以泥质岩类及膏盐层为流体封存箱的顶底板,划分了两典型构造(古)油气藏所处的流体封存箱系统;最后结合构造演化史,分析了两构造流体封存箱及其油气藏的形成与演化.通过对比分析可知建南构造震旦系-志留系天然气成藏条件优越,仍是今后重点勘探层位.  相似文献   

根据鄂尔多斯盆地麻黄山西区块大量的岩心、测井、录井和分析化验资料,从储层岩石学特征、物性特征、孔隙类型及孔隙结构三个方面对长6油组储层特征进行研究。针对储层超低-特低孔、超低-特低渗的特点,从沉积相和成岩作用两方面对致密储层物性的主控因素进行分析。研究表明,长6油组储层岩石类型主要为岩屑质长石砂岩和长石质石英砂岩,成分成熟度和结构成熟度中等-好;储集空间主要为原生粒间孔隙和粒间溶孔,孔隙结构以微喉道和片状喉道为主。水下分流河道砂体物性最好,为最有效储层;压实和胶结作用均导致储层物性变差,溶解和交代作用有利次生孔隙形成;但程度较弱,对储层改造作用有限。  相似文献   

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