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运用差异显示PCR(DD-PCR)方法分析棉铃虫滞育解除蛹差异表达的基因,结果得到了56个差异片段.通过RT-PCR和Real-time PCR的方法,鉴定了滞育解除过程中有3个基因表达量在下调,有4个基因表达量在上调.这7个差异表达基因中有3个和已知的基因有较高的同源性:FKBP12,esr16和NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 6.这些差异基因为今后研究滞育解除的分子机制提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

There are 3 kinds of transgenicBt strains, Shanxi 94-24, Zhongxin 94, and R19, in upland cotton in China. Their transgenicBt insect-resistance cultivars or hybrids have been developed and grown by farmers. Genetic studies indicate that the resistance of the 3 transgenicBt cotton strains toHelicoverpa armigera is controlled by one pair of non-allelic dominant genes. Linkage relationship between the resistant genes of R19 and Shanxi 94-24 transgenicBt strains shows that they may be inserted in the same chromosome. F1 hybrids crossed among the 3 strains show that high levels of protection from feeding damage are the same as that of their parents. Therefore, there is no co-suppression phenomenon in many transgenic plants. The results presented here afford a fundamental reliance in developing transgenicBt insect-resistant cultivars and exploiting the heterosis of hybrids in upland cotton.  相似文献   

滞育和非滞育棉铃虫脑的组织解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滞育和非滞育棉铃虫在不同的发育阶段,脑的形态组织学结构存在着一定的差异,主要表现在:非滞育脑的神经纤维体发达,神经分泌细胞中的核较大,且细胞质中除了有线粒体外,还有大量的粗面内质网及游离的核糖体;而滞育脑的神经纤维体相对固缩、不发达,神经分泌细胞中核较小,细胞质中含有线粒体、光滑内质网和特有的脂滴,不具粗面内质网.这些证据表明滞育棉铃虫的脑活性相对较低.  相似文献   

K+ channel blockers of scorpion venoms are of important value in studying pharmacology and physiology of specific K+ channel of cells. Based on the amino acid sequences of BmP01 previously characterized as a small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel blocker, two “back to back” degenarate primers have been designed and synthesized for inverse PCR strategy, its full-length cDNA has been cloned from the venom gland of the Chinese scorpionButhus martensii. The cDNA is composed of 3 parts: 5′ UTR, ORF and 3′ UTR. The flanking sequence of translation initiation codon ATG is AAAATGA, which is highly conserved in scorpion Na+ channel toxin and protozoan genes, suggesting that these genes may have followed a common mechanism for translation initiation. The 3′ UTR contains poly(A) signal AATAAA. The open reading frame encodes a precursor of 57 residues with a signal peptide of 28 residues and a mature peptide of 29 residues. The signal peptide is rich in hydrophobic amino acid residues and its length is significantly different from that of the determined scorpion Na+ channel toxin. The deduced amino acid sequence of mature peptide is completely consistent with BmP01 previously determined by primary structure analysis.  相似文献   

The resistance ratio ofHelicoverpa armigera to Cry1 Ac insecticidal protein fromBacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is 13.1- and 3.02-fold after 18 generations of selection by transgenic tobacco expressing Bt or two (Bt and CpTI) insecticidal protein genes, in which the average corrected mortality for each selection treatments is about 60%. The mortality of selected population by transgenic Bt gene tobacco is significantly lower than the control strain when fed on transgenic tobacco plants. The mortaltty of the selected population by transgenic two genes tobacco was not significantly different from the control strain. This is the first experiment under laboratory condition which has proved that transgenic two genes tobacco could significantly delay resistance development ofH. armigera compared with one gene.  相似文献   

ECBP21 is an extracellular calmodulin-binding protein which was first detected and purified from extracellular extracts of suspension-cultured cells of Angelica dahurica. The purified protein was electroblotted onto PVDF membrane and the amino acid sequences from 1 to 20 were determined. Using degenerate oligonucleotides of the sequence, a full-length cDNA coding for ECBP21 was isolated by a combination of RT-PCR and 5′-RACE cloning. The cDNA contains 947 nucleotides and codes for a precursor protein of 216 amino acids. The N-terminal 1–25 amino acid sequence is a predicted signal peptide and the other 26–216 amino acid sequence is a mature peptide. The 26–45 amino acid sequence shows identity with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of purified ECBP21 from Angelica dahurica. The fragment of encoding the mature protein was cloned into pET-28b(+) and transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3). A protein with relative molecular mass 21 ku was expressed in E. coli. Using a biotinylated-CaM gel overlay technique, the expression protein was tested for its ability to bind CaM. The results indicated that the expression protein is a Ca2+-dependent CaM-binding protein. Thus, these results further defined the cDNA clone for ECBP21. This work laid a foundation for elucidating biological functions of ECBP21 by using molecular biological means.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in the cotton bollworm and the expression level induced by 2-tridecanone and quercetin were examined using the methods of biochemistry and the quantitative PCR. The relative expression level of GST mRNA was unanimous with the GSTs activity conjugaging with 1-chloro-2, 4-dimitro-benzene (CDNB) in fat bodies, midguts, heads and integuments of cotton bollworms. The GSTs activity in fat bodies was the highest, then midguts, heads and integuments in turn, which was in consistent with the relative expression level of GST mRNA. The specific activity of GSTs and the relative expression level of GST mRNA could be significantly induced by 2-tridecanone and quercetin, and after the induction the order of the GSTs activity and the relative expression level of GST mRNA in the above four tissues in cotton bollworms was not different from the control. The induction of GSTs by 2-tridecanone was stronger than by quercetin in all four tissues, which was in accordance with the relative expression level of GST mRNA. It suggested that the increase of GSTs activity induced by plant allelochemicals was associated with the elevated expression of GST mRNA in cotton bollworms.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and secretion of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) of diapause-and nondiapause-destined individuals in Helicoverpa armigera were studied using whole-mount immunocytochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The immunocytochemistry revealed that PTTH is expressed in two pairs of lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain. The presence of immunoreactivity has not significant difference between the brains of the diapause-and nondiapause-destined 6th instar larvae. However,the obvious differences of expressional pattern from day 4 pupae were observed be-tween the two types. PTTH titers in hemolymph from the 6th instar larvae to pharate adults were measured by the ELISA. Although there were similar titer changes between the two types of individuals at the larval stage,a significant difference from developmental expression was detected at the pupal stage,suggesting that the expression and secretion of PTTH does play a crucial role in regulation of pupal diapause of H. armigera.  相似文献   

Calreticulin is a unique calcium-binding protein with multiple functions mostly located in the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum. A large amount of calcium is absorbed from the medium and transported to mineralization sites during biomineralization in pearl oyster. This paper describes the cloning of the full-length cDNA of calreticulin from Pinctada fucata, namely PCRT. PCRT encodes a deduced 414-amino acid protein, which includes a predicted 17- amino acid signal peptide and an endoplasmic reticulum retrieval sequence HDEL. The protein shows 63%-76% sequence identity and shares some common characteristics with calreticulins from other species. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicates that PCRT is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues tested with the highest expression in the hemolymph and the mantle. In situ hybridization analysis of PCRT in the mantle showed strong signals in the inner fold, the inner side of middle fold, and the inner side of outer fold of the mantle epithelium, All these results suggest PCRT might be involved in Ca^2+ transport and storage during oyster biomineralization.  相似文献   

猪生长激素cDNA基因的改建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了将猪生称激素cDNA基因在表达后能一步纯化获得表达产物,对于来自质粒的猪生长激素cDNS基因通过PCR技术进步了改建,进一步的序列分析表明,与GenBank登录的序列不同,改建后的基因不带有突变。  相似文献   

基于分子动力学方法模拟了丁二酸气溶胶的吸湿生长现象,研究了温度和水含量对颗粒平衡后结构和界面特性的综合影响机制。结果表明,温度和水含量会影响丁二酸的溶剂化分子数,从而导致颗粒吸湿生长后呈现水包酸的分层结构、混合结构和酸包水的分层结构。颗粒表面丁二酸含量随温度的升高先增加后减少,且随水含量的增加而增加。此外,温度高于260 K时,颗粒表面丁二酸分子的亲水基和疏水基分别朝向颗粒内部和气相。  相似文献   

Thembl (muscleblind) gene ofDrosophila encodes a nuclear protein which contains two Cys3His motifs. The mutation ofmbl gene will disturb the differentiation of all theDrosophila’s photoreceptors. Primers have been designed according to human EST086139, which is highly homologous tombl gene. Human fetal brain cDNA library has been screened and a novel cDNA clone has been obtained. The 2595 bp cDNA, designatedMBLL (muscleblind-like), contains an open reading frame which encodes 255 amino acids and has 4 Cys3His motifs (GenBank Acc. AF061261). The amino acids sequence shares high homology toDrosophila’s mbl. The Northern blot and RNA dot blot hybridization of 43 human adult tissues and 7 fetal tissues show thatMBLL is a widely expressed gene, but the expression amounts differ in these tissues.  相似文献   

中国小型猪FasL的cDNA克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西巴马小型猪活化的外周血淋巴细胞为材料,抽提总RNA,反转录成cDNA,参照人FasL基因保守序列设计引物,扩增得到包括全长阅读框序列的特异性DNA片段,将其克隆于T-vector,以双脱氧法完成测序,在国际上首次完成中国小型猪FasL基因序列(GenBank登录号:AY033634),该序列全长846bp,编码282个氨基酸的CD95L分子,为Ⅱ型膜蛋白,其膜内部分含脯氨酸残基,通过比较分析发现,小型猪与人FasL基在的核苷酸序列同源性为87%,氨基酸序列同源性为88%,比人的FasL基因多一个氨基酸,这些数据将为进一步用小型猪作为实验动物进行生物学和免疫应答研究提供必要的资料。  相似文献   

Two fragments SCS3620 and SCS3580 of the co-dominant marker OPS03620 & 580 that were linked to the resistance gene of soybean frog-eye leaf spot have been completely sequenced. A significant insertion of 30 bp is the main reason of the polymorphism between the two fragments. The results of Southern hybridization indicate that SCS3620 derives from a single-or low-copy sequence and can be used as an RFLP probe. A co-dominant SCAR marker SCS3620 & 580 has been developed based on the sequences. The segregation of SCS3620 & 580 is similar to that of RAPD marker OPS03620 & 580-Significant polymorphism has been shown between resistant and susceptible genotypes when 62 soybean genotypes were surveyed for the SCAR marker. Therefore, the marker can be used in the resistance breeding of soybean frog-eye leaf spot by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

To study the effect of ntrC gene product on the expression and regulation of other important nitrogen-fixing genes in Alcaligenes faecalis, partially ntrC-deleted mutants of A. faecalis have been generated. To start with, the ntrC gene of A. faecalis was cloned into a suicide plasmid pSUP202 to create a recombinant plasmid pSUM1. The ntrC gene in pSUM1 was then replaced by a lacZ-Kmr fragment resulted in the generation of a plasmid pSUM2. The lacZ fragment in pSUM2 was further removed and a plasmid pSUM3 produced. As a second step, the plasmid pSUM2 or pSUM3 was introduced into the wild type of A. faecalis A1501 by conjugation and two partially ntrC-deleted mutants A15CM1 (ntrC∷lacZ) and A15CM2 (ntrC - ) were obtained. To understand the regulatory effect of the NtrC on the expression of nifH and nifA, a nifH-lacZ gene or a nifH-lacZ gene was introduced into the ntrC- mutant by conjugation. The results indicated that: (ⅰ) although the ntrC-mutant was nif + , its nitrogen fixation activity was only 20% that of the wild type; (ⅱ) the ntrC- mutant failed to grow on the medium containing nitrate as a sole nitrogen source; (ⅲ) the regulation of ntrC gene expression did not require its own product; (ⅳ) the expression of nifH in A . faecalis was positively regulated by the ntrC. Deletion of the ntrC resulted in the reduction of nifH expression or even totally inactivated nitrogen fixation; (ⅴ) there was no obvious influence on the expression of nifA in A. faecalis if the ntrC gene was deleted.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression analysis of human reticulon 4c cDNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. is a host plant ofHelicoverpa armigera (Huibner), Helicoverpa assulta Guenee and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). The difference in leaf nicotine response to the feeding by these three larvae and the mechanical simulation of their feeding was examined by HPLC. Results indicated that nicotine induction was suppressed by H. armigera and H. assulta larvae feeding or by simulated damage treated with their labial glands extracts. The production of nicotine was also suppressed by the glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger when it was treated on mechanically wounded leaf area. On the contrary, the nicotine production was stimulated by S. litura larva feeding or by simulated damage treated with its labial gland extract. Heat denature can not counteract the stimulation effect of the S. litura labial gland extracts to tobacco nicotine production. The glucose oxidase activity was detected in labial gland extracts of both H. armigera and H. assulta, but the activity in H. armigera was significantly higher than that in H. assulta. No glucose oxidase activity was detected in labial gland extracts of S. litura. It is shown that the glucose oxidase activity in labial glands of caterpillars plays an important role in the nicotine response to herbivory. The glucose oxidase was mainly contained in the labial gland of H. armigera larva, and had the highest activity at pH 7.0. D-Glucose was the optimal substrate of the glucose oxidase. Labial gland glucose oxidase activities varied daily during larval development with high activities found when larvae were actively feeding.  相似文献   

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