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马风光 《河南科学》2002,20(1):103-106
在市场经济中 ,导致公共决策失效的主要原因是 :公共决策失误 :公共决策偏离公共利益、公共决策的高成本低效率、公共决策效果的不确定性和寻租活动。为了纠正和辟免公共决策的失效 ,首先必须把握好公共决策与市场的关系 ,其次要实现公共决策的科学化、民主化和法制化 ,最后还要进行政治体制和行政体制的创新。  相似文献   

提出了不完全信息多人多目标资源分配问题的模糊协商对策方法,把Pareto最优,多目标资源分配协商对策和最大均衡满意度协高对策解等概念及协商公理推广到模糊环境下,证明了模糊最大均衡满意协商对策解满足模糊协商公理,并给出了求解它的模糊数学规划模型。  相似文献   

The regular small-world network, which contains the properties of small-world network and regular network, has recently received substantial attention and has been applied in researches on 2-person games. However, it is a common phenomenon that cooperation always appears as a group behavior. In order to investigate the mechanism of group cooperation, we propose an evolutionary multi-person game model on a regular small-world network based on public goods game theory. Then, to make a comparison of frequency of cooperation among different networks, we carry out simulations on three kinds of networks with the same configuration of average degree: the square lattice, regular small-world network and random regular network. The results of simulation show that the group cooperation will emerge among these three networks when the enhancement factor r exceeds a threshold. Furthermore, time required for full cooperation on regular small-world network is slightly longer than the other networks, which indicates that the compact interactions and random interactions will promote cooperation, while the longer-range links are the obstacles in the emergence of cooperation. In addition, the cooperation would be promoted further by enhancing the random interactions on regular small-world network.  相似文献   

通过对决策个体提供的信息进行一致性检测,确定群体属性权重区间,从而克服了各决策者给出的属性权重信息不一致给决策带来的困难,使属性权重信息的集结过程充分体现群体的意志和意愿.构造各方案下的各个属性的群效用区间,借助弱优概念,探讨了建立在两两比较基础上的几种弱优关系的内在联系,从而为弱优关系建立的合理性奠定理论基础,最终构造了一种新的交互式的群体多属性决策偏爱强度方法.  相似文献   

不完全信息群体多属性决策的综合评价均值法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对于属性权重信息和属性效用信息都不完全的群体多属性决策问题,通过构造属性值区间和规范化决策矩阵,将问题归结为求解相应的线性规划问题,从而求出方案在比较理想和比较恶劣的条件下对应的相对优值和相对劣值.兼顾乐观主义和悲观主义的决策原则,利用综合评价均值建立了方案集上的全序关系,从而给出对所有方案进行群体排序的方法.最后给出一个算例.  相似文献   

公共产品供给不足严重制约了农业经济的可持续发展。目前我国农村公共产品供给的制约因素主要是:公共财政投入不足;尚未建立多元的供给机制;公共政策的困境等。在“绿箱”政策框架内扩大公共产品供给,应加大公共财政对农村基础设施建设的支持力度;按WTO规则界定政府职能;制定有效的公共政策,刺激公共产品的私人供给。  相似文献   

This paper studies the mechanism design that induces firms to provide public goods under two regulatory means: price cap regulation and optimal regulation, respectively. We first outline two models of monopoly regulation with unobservable marginal costs and effort, which can be regard as an optimal problem with dual restrictions. By solving this problem, we get the two optimal regulatory mechanisms to induce the provision of public goods. Further, by comparative statics, the conclusion is drawn that the welfare loss as sociated with price cap regulation, with respective to optimal regulation, increases more with increase of the expense of public goods.  相似文献   

基于不完全信息的一种群决策方法   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
针对不完全信息下的多属性群决策问题,提出了一个新的交互式决策方法,在个人效用信息的集成过程中,该方法有机地结合了决策者的重要性指标和一致性指标,使集成结果体现了群决策的思想和原则;在评价过程中,给出了一个新的偏好指标,当决策者不能提供更多信息的时候,利用它能够建立方案集上的全序关系。  相似文献   

我国农村公共产品供给存在许多问题。长期以来,对农村公共产品供给问题的研究缺乏创新。“交易成本”和“集体行动的逻辑”这两个分析工具可以很好地解释农村公共产品供给中出现的问题。降低交易成本,提高自愿性集体行动的可组织程度,是完善农村公共产品供给体制的根本途径。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法根据体育游戏的特点及分类,对游戏在体育新课程实施中的作用与运用进行研究分析,提出了在教学中合理开发和利用体育游戏的的建议与措施。  相似文献   

研究了权重信息部分确知且以区间数互反判断矩阵形式给出方案偏好信息的不确定多属性决策问题.首先,基于区间数互反判断矩阵的主观偏好信息,利用转换函数将决策信息一致化,建立一个目标规划模型,通过求解该模型得到属性的权重,进而获得方案的综合属性值;其次,利用已有的可能度公式对方案进行排序或择优,提出了一种基于目标规划和可能度的...  相似文献   

针对投标企业采取不平衡报价的投标策略,从政府的角度出发,运用不完全信息静态博弈模型理论来探索政府的最优策略.研究结果表明,政府投资项目避免不平衡报价招标的最优策略应为最大限度地吸引合格投标人参与竞标,并建立一种使不平衡报价受损、平衡报价受益的正外部效应机制.  相似文献   

从公共财政的视角来看,消防是农村公共物品的重要内容之一。“民营消防队见火不救”的事件表明,单纯依靠市场力量无法有效地向广大农民提供消防服务。农村税费改革后,在坚持农村消防服务多元化供给的基础上,政府应该发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

给出了一种新的DEA模型(投入产出综合评价模型),在考虑所有决策单元的输入的同时,顾及所有决策单元的输出,即保证所有决策单元输入总和最小和所有决策单元的输出总和最大.  相似文献   

What motivates some members of a social group to voluntarily incur costs in order to provide for the common good? This question lies at the heart of theoretical and empirical studies of cooperative behavior. This is also the question that underlies the classic volunteer’s dilemma model, which has been previously explored in scenarios where group members are related or interact asym- metrically. Here we present a model that combines asymmetry and relatedness, showing that the probability of volunteerism in such systems depends closely on both the degree of asymmetry and level of relatedness between interacting individuals. As has been shown in previous volunteer’s dilemma models, the payoff ratio and overall group size also influence the probability of volunteerism. The probability of volunteerism decreases with increasing group size or decreasing cost-to-benefit ratio of the coplayers; in the presence of asymmetrical interactions, subordinate players were more likely to offer public goods than the dominant player. More asymmetrical interactions decrease the probability of volunteerism of the dominant player; overall volunteerism increases with increasing relatedness.  相似文献   

A proxy signature scheme with message recovery using self-certified public key is proposed, which withstands public key substitution attacks, active attacks, and forgery attacks. The proposed scheme accomplishes the tasks of public key verification, proxy signature verification, and message recovery in a logically single step. In addition, the proposed scheme satisfies all properties of strong proxy signature and does not use secure channel in the communication between the original signer and the proxy signature signer.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionPublic key cryptosystemsolvedthe secure problemof keydistributionsoundlyinsymmetric cryptosystem[1],real-ized digital signature and message authentication successfullyin secureinformationsystem. However ,secure applications ofthemneed badly high-speedsoftware,hardware,andarithme-tic computation of large number .Furthermore,the secret ex-ponent cannot betoosmall[2]and operands should be 1 024 bitorlarger[3]whenthe securitylevel is set high.So,manylargeinteger modular multiplicatio…  相似文献   

一种信息系统求核的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为简化用差别矩阵求核的计算方法,给出了差别矩阵与核关系的定理,并在此基础上给出了一种新的求核方法.新算法从差别矩阵中直接提取出核属性元素并利用该定理的结论给出信息系统中核的构成.经计算,该算法的复杂度为O(n^2√m)。  相似文献   

社会心理服务体系建设是社会治理的重要内容。从个体、组织/群体与社会3个层面(即微观、中观、宏观层面)出发,以利用网络信息与技术干预和引导各层面的情绪为核心,论述了网络信息与技术在干预个体心理健康、引导群体和社会情绪等社会心理服务体系建设中的应用,建议进一步发挥主流媒体的舆论引导作用、规范自媒体从业者职业伦理和职业素养、规范大数据分析的伦理监管。  相似文献   

在广泛调研以往互联网舆情系统存在的一些问题和不足的基础之上,研发了一套互联网舆情深度分析与引导系统DeepOpinion。该系统从用户、主题、情感三个方面对互联网舆情进行分析,并通过信息检索和内容定制技术对所关注的网络舆情进行适当引导。以天涯杂谈板块为网络舆情来源、以“辱母杀人案”事件为具体案例对系统功能进行了验证,结果表明DeepOpinion系统在互联网舆情深度分析与引导中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

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