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In this paper,a new resin called Resin M for imparting antifelting properties to wool fabricshas been studied.Resin M may be used by aqueous oxidative/polymer technique.It is provedthat Oxidant A/Resin M treatment can satisfy the machine washable requirement formulated byI.W.S..Resin M is a good agent for antifelting treatment of wool fabrics with proper pretreatment.Oxidant A/Resin M treatment has little influence on dyeing and moisture adsorption properties ofwool fibers.The pilling resistance of the treated fabrics is higher than that of the untreated ones.The strength and the handle of the treated fabrics have little been changed.According to thescanning electron microscope observations,it is recommended that the polymer encapsulation ofindividual fiber also plays an important role in the felting resistance of the treated fabrics though itis well known that the shrink resistance of the treated fabrics is believed to be due to the binding offibers.  相似文献   

A new Ω type cotton ring and traveller is introduced.The idea of its design is based on thefacts that running travellers deviate from normal profile in three coordinate directions and such adeviation can be utilized when the balloon expands.The contact between ring and traveller at outerrace can be increased to prevent the balloon from expanding and the traveller from continuous in-clination.Consequently,the wear of inner corner of ring can be reduced.This proves the maincourse of deterioration of ring.With small sized balloon,the outer contact diminishes.The yarntension is thus adjusted and average tension is cut down.Experiments on 13 and 29 texcotton-polyester yarn spinning prove the above idea correct.With the wear of ring greatly reduced,running life is more than doubled,end breakage rate falls 30% and power consumption falls 2%.The economic profit,estimated by pilot test,is an increase of production 6.1% and 130,000 YuanRenminbi per ten thousand apindles each year.  相似文献   

Lazurite,hauyneandnoseanarethesulfaterichmembersofsodalitegroupmineralswithisotypicstructureandsimilarchemicalcomposition.They...  相似文献   

This paper presents the study of the competi tire and cooperarive adsorption characteristics of pyridine and benzoic acid molecules (ions) on the electrochemically roughened surface of the silver electrode by SERS.  相似文献   

A new material seaing and dispersion device,substituting for flap-valves,is introduced.Thepaper discusses methods of saving total energy consumption by improving system heat transfer effi-cieney and reducing system pressre loss after adopting the new device.  相似文献   

记载贵州蚋科名录,截至2002年12月止,计有1属6亚属30种.其中含以贵州为模式产地的18种.并记述雷公山蚋属绳蚋亚属1新种,以产地命名为贵州绳蚋S.(G.)guizhouenseChen,Zhang and Yang.新种蛹具8条呼吸丝成对排列,近似印度的S.(G.)darjeelingense Datta,1973.但后者的足色及雄虫的生殖肢端节、生殖腹板和中骨与本种迥异.此外,蛹后腹节无端钩也可资鉴别.  相似文献   

A new method of searching for extreme points is proposed.The procedure requiresonly one observation at each step.In this paper we prove the almost sure convergenceand asymptotic efficiency of the new procedure.  相似文献   

Instead of finishing the fabrics with inorganic particles by a binder, in this study the fine aluminium oxide powder were added during the polymerization system of a monomer with functional hydroxyl groups HPMA. The hot alkaline testing showed that the Al_2O_3 particles had reacted with the polymer latex. The absorbability and wash durability of the fabric treated with such a latex with Al_2O_3 were measured.  相似文献   

This paper is the first report on Chinese Trigonurella Boucek(Hymenoptera:Chalcididac).Two new species and a species newly recorded from China are described andfigured.A key to the known specics of the world is given.1.Trigonurella elegans Bounck,1988,new record for China.Specimens examined:1(?),CHINA(Yunnan),1959.v.4,Zhang Yiran leg.Host:Unknown.Distribution:China(Yunnan);Australia.2.Trigonurella leptepipygium Liu,sp.n.  相似文献   

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